Российский государственный торгово-экономический университет


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Российский государственный торгово-экономический университет

Уфимский институт (филиал)

Факультет юриспруденции и заочного обучения

Курс 1 (3,5 г.)

Специальность «Экономика и управление


Янгильдина Юлия Марселевна

Контрольная работа

по дисциплине: «Английский язык»

К защите допускаю:

Руководитель: Мусалямова Г. З.





Оценка при защите




1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы


TapeStore is a new kind of tape storage system which can store up to 6,000 computer tapes. No other tape storage system can hold as many computer tapes as TapeStore. The tapes look exactly like video cassettes. Many hundreds of data files can be stored on each tape, up to a maximum of 500 million bytes of data. If you stored the same amount of information on paper, you would need nearly 4.5 billion printed pages.

The machine is a tall black box with a mechanical arm. The machine is 2.5 metres high and 3.0 metres wide. This is how it works. Each tape has a code printed on it. You feed the code number into TapeStore, which then looks for the code. As soon as TapeStore locates the code, the arm reaches in and pulls out the tape.

The system is very fast. It takes the mechanical arm about 10 seconds to find the tape it is looking for. The machine then searches the tape to extract the required file, and this takes less than a minute. A human technician would have to locate and remove the tape by hand, and could take at least an hour to find the right file on the tape.

Some of the world's biggest companies, including banks, insurance companies, airlines, telephone companies, utilities and computer centres, have bought the system. They like it particularly because the system guarantees the security of their data.

TapeStore was originally developed in Canada and is now being marketed world­wide. In Europe alone, 750 have already been installed at a cost of 480,000 dollars each.

Выберите правильные ответы (A, B, C)

1. TapeStore is better than similar storage systems because

С it holds more information.

2. The mechanical arm finds the tape by

В identifying the printed code on the tape.

3. The TapeStore system is popular with big companies because

С they know that their data is safe.

4. According to the text, the main advantage of TapeStore over a human operator is that TapeStore

В is much faster.

Выберите правильную букву для ответов на вопросы.

5. The number of bytes of information that TapeStore can store.

1. The number of pages you would need to store the same data as TapeStore.

А - 4.5 billion

2. The time it takes TapeStore to extract a file from a tape.

H - less than a minute

3. The number of TapeStore machines installed so far in Europe.

G - 750

A 4.5 billion E an hour
В 480,000 F 6,000
С 10 seconds G
D 500 million H less than a minute

2. Прочитайте статью из журнала об организации конференции. Выберите нужное слово (A, B, C) чтобы заполнить пропуски

Have you ever had to organise a conference? It is not an easy thing to do, because there is so much to think about. Before you can decide where to hold the conference, you have to ask a number of important questions. What is the purpose of the conference? How many people will attend? Where are the people coming from? Do you need presentation facilities such as videocassette players, televisions, computers, etc.? When you have answere these questions, you can decide the kind of conference centre which is best for you. There are two choices. Purpose-built conference centres will provide everything you need, although there may be other conferences going on at the same time. On the other hand, hotels are usually very comfortable, but may not have all the necessary equipment.

1. A because В until С so
2. A must В have С got
3. A How В What С Why
4. A much в many с more
5. A are в do с will
6. A for в that с as
A answer в answering с answered
8. A it в there с they
9. A its в a с the
10. A On в By с At

3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме прошедшего времени:

Например: Leonardo da Vinci lived (live) in Italy in the fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries.

He was a student in Florence, where he studied painting, sculpture and began a lot of paintings but he didn't finish many of them. His picture of the Mona Liza is the most famous portrait in the world. Leonardo was interested in many things. He wanted to know about everything he saw. He examined the human body. He thought that the sun didn't go round the earth. He wrote music. He designed a flying machine 400 years before the first one flew. Many people didn't understand his ideas. It is difficult to think that one man could do so much.

4. Используйте в следующих предложениях соответствующие глаголы в прошедшем времени.

Find / fall / keep / leave / meet / sell / hurt / cost / give / write / teach / put

1.We needed some money, so we sold our car.

2. They met last Saturday as usual.

3. I kept a pet-dog when I was a boy.

4.Who left the window open last night?

5. Mary feel down the stairs this morning and hurt her leg.

6. She found this box on the beach yesterday.

7. My brother gave me this beautiful bag.

8. I met him on the way to the University.

9. She wore a dress which cost a lot of money.

10. A. Christie wrote many novels and stories.

11. Mother taught me to read and write.

12. I put all your books on the shelf over there.

5.Заполните пропуски глаголами must или had to.

1. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

2. It’s late. I must go now.

3. I don't usually work on Saturday but last Saturday I had to work.

4. I must get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

6. Дополните предложения, употребив can't или couldn't и один из следующих глаголов:

eat decide find go(2) sleep

1. I was tired but I couldn't sleep.

2. I wasn't hungry yesterday. I couldn't eat my dinner.

3. Ann doesn't know what to do. She can't decide.

4. I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday but I him couldn't find.

5. Jim can't go to the concert next Saturday. He has to work.

6. Paula couldn't go to the meeting last week. She was ill.

7. Заполните пропуски словами some, any или a/an.

1. In our classroom there are some books on the floor.

2. There aren't any flowers in the room.

3. Are there any German students in your class?

4. There aren't any Chinese students.

5. We have some dictionaries on the shelf.

6. There are some pens on the table.

7. Heathrow is an international airport.

8. Did Charles Dickens have any children?

9. I bought some newspaper and some magazines.

10. Jane lives in an old house in France.

11. There are some trees in my garden but there aren't some flowers.

12. Do you have any books by S.Maugham?

13. There are some letters for you on the table.

14. Would you like a cup of tea?

15. Is there any beer in the fridge?

16. Can I have some grapes, please?

17. I'd like a hamburger and some chips, please.

18. There are some eggs in the cupboard but there isn't any sugar.

19. Do you want a sandwich?

8. Употребите глагол to be able to в нужной форме.

1. Laura hurt her leg and she isn't able walk very well.

2. I can't see you on Friday but I will be able to meet you on Saturday.

3. I've never been able to understand you.

4. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I will be able to contact her at her office.

5. I forgot to bring my camera so Iam not able to take any photographs.

9. Дополните предложения, используя данные глаголы в прошедшем времени:

clean / die / enjoy / finish / happen / open / rain / start / stay / want

1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.

2. It was hot in the room, so I opened the window.

3. The concert started at 7.30 and finished at 10 o'clock.

4. When I was a child I want to be a doctor.

5. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.

6. It's a nice day today but yesterday it was raining all day.

7. We enjoyed our holiday last year. We stayed at a very nice place.

8. Ann's grandfather die when he was 90 years old.

10. Употребите глаголы в будущем времени.

1. I'm tired. I'll go to bed.

2. It's late. I think I'll take a taxi.

3. I'll answer the question.

4. We don't know their address. What shall we do?

5. Our test will not take long.

6. I'm afraid they won't wait for us.

7. Diana will come to the party tomorrow.

8. You will arrive in Paris tomorrow morning.

9. Perhaps they will buy a new house this year.

10. He will be fourteen next year.

11. I'm not sure you will find Jim at the hotel.

12. We won't book the tickets in advance.

13. Do you think it will rain?

14. Everybody thinks they will get married.

15. There won't be any wars in the world.

11. Употребите Present Simple или Present Perfect в предложениях.

1. I can't speak about the book. I haven't read it yet.

2. Every day I wind up my watch at 7 o'clock in the morning.

3. It's Friday. Have you seen him this week?

4. Students usually buy books at the House of Books.

5. It's a pity but I haven't bought the dictionary yet.

6. I have already translated these sentences into English.

7. We have bought a new TV set this year.

8. I haven't had a holiday last year.

9. The weather was not very good yesterday.

12.Спросите по-английски, используя Present Perfect Tense.

1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?

Have you ever been to London?

2. Он когда-нибудь рассказывал вам о своей жене?

Has he ever told you about his wife?

3. Они когда-нибудь ссорились?

Have they ever quarrelled?

4. Вы когда-нибудь болели гриппом?

Have you ever got flu?

5. Он когда-нибудь дарил вам цветы?

Has he ever presented you flowers?

6. Вы когда-нибудь летали на Дальний Восток?

Have you ever flown to the Far East?

7. Вы когда-нибудь видели такую красивую девушку?

Have you ever seen such a beautiful girl?

8. Вы когда-нибудь учили французский?

Have you ever learnt French?

9. Вы когда-нибудь пробовали спаржу (asparagus)?

Have you ever tried the asparagus?

10. Вы были влюблены когда-нибудь?

Have you ever been in love with anybody?

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