Exercise 3. Change the following sentences as in the model
Model: | English is not easy to learn but (есть несколько) students in our group who know it well. English is not easy to learn but there are a few students in our group who know it well. |
1. (Есть несколько) countries where people speak English as their mother
2. Our library is very good, (есть много) books on economics in it.
3. I want to study marketing, (имеется много) information on this subject
4. English words are not easy to remember, if (мало) practice in using
them in speech.
5. Many students know how to handle tape-recorders, but (находится мало) students who know how to operate computers.
Грамматический обзор 2
Обратите внимание на спряжение глаголов to be и to have и их употребление в простом настоящем времени (Present Simple Tense)
Формы глагола to be | ||
Утвердительная | Вопросительная | Отрицательная |
I am … | Am I … ? | I am not … |
He/she/it is … | Is he/she/it … ? | He/she/it is not … |
We/you/they are … | Are we/you/they … ? | We/you/they are not … |
Формы глагола to have | ||
I/you have … | Have I/you … ? | I/you have not … |
He/she/it has … | Has he/she/it … ? | He/she/it has not… |
We/you/they have … | Have we/you/they … ? | We/you/they have not … |
1) be am/ is/ are Present Simple Tense
УтвердительныеI am a first-year student.
предложения English is difficult to learn.
These books are interesting.
Those books are written in English.
Вопросительные Is he a first-year student?
Are these books interesting?
Are they written in English?
What is important?
Why is it important to learn English?
Отрицательные He is not a student/ He isn’t a student.
These books are not interesting/ These books
aren’t interesting.
2) have has/ has got/ have/ have got Present Simple Tense
Утвердительные I have (got) many English books/ I’ve got
many English books.
He has (got) some money/ He’s got some money.
They have (got) some interesting information on the
subject/ They’ve got some interesting information
on the subject.
The room has (got) five windows. (= There are five
windows in this room).
ВопросительныеHave you got any English books?
How many English books have you got?
How many windows has your room got?
Do you have any English books? (American
How many English books do you have? (AmE)
Have you (got) any English books in the house? ( =
= Are there any English books in your house?)
ОтрицательныеI have not got many English books/ I haven’t got many English books.
She has not got a dictionary/She hasn’t got
a dictionary.
Note: Употребление have got более характерно для британского (а не американского) английского.
Exercise 4. Working in pairs completes the questions and answer them. Remember: the verbs is, are, has, have act as OPERATORS. (The operators are the auxiliaries which make the verbal group finite, that is having limits of number, person and tense).
1 ____ English grammar difficult to learn?
2 ____ it important to know the meaning of some words in
3 ____ you interested in studying banking?
4 Does English ____ many financial and economic terms?
5 ____ there many tense forms in English?
6 ____ English got many endings?
7 ____ you got any information about the use of English in
countries other than Great Britain?
8 ____ this town got many banks?
Exercise 5. Make structural changes according to the model :
This book is easy to read To read this book is easy This book is easy for me to read Reading this book is easy for me.
1. It is important to learn a foreign language.
2. This sentence is not difficult to understand.
3. These sounds are easy to pronounce.
4. This article is difficult to translate.
Грамматический обзор 3
Односложные и некоторые двусложные прилагательные (а также наречия) образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени по следующим моделям (при этом символ Adj – исходная форма прилагательного, а -er и -est – словообразовательные суффиксы):
1. Сравнительная степень – Adj + er (than).