Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Model: The tape recorder is inexpensive

Model: The tape recorder is inexpensive. Your store sells the tape recorder.

The tape recorder that your store sells is inexpensive.

1. The dresses are fashionable. The store introduced the new dresses last week.

2. The store has many refrigerators. Dick owns the store.

3. The stereo is high-priced. My daughter wants the stereo.

4. The price determines the number of sales. A retailer sets the price.

5. Very often the people don't want extra services. Many supermarkets offer extra services.

6. Your shop should have loss-leader item. Loss-leader item will attract the customers.

7. Price de-emphasis works with high quality expensive items. Price-de- emphasis means that you don't call attention to the price at all.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: We won't introduce a new line of merchandise unless you suggest it.

We will introduce a new line of merchandise if you don't suggest it.

1. Tape recorders are popular unless the price is too high.

2. The consumers will continue to buy unless they don't like the item.

3. The buyer can get installation services unless he wants to pay for it.

4. The salesman will help you unless he is too busy.

5. People won't try a new product unless there is advertising.

6. Customers won't buy the new brand, unless the price is low.

7. They won't raise the price unless it is necessary.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. In what way were the prices charged in this country?

2. What is your idea of the term market price?

3. What type of pricing policy works with the majority of consumer goods? (price-emphasis, price de-emphasis)

4. What is more preferable for you in pricing: low prices with no extra services or high prices with home delivery, repair and other services?

5. Why is it .so important to have loss leader item in a shop?

6. What is off-even pricing made for?

7. How can your pricing policy help to compete with well known products?

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Этот магазин предоставляет покупателю выгодные кредитные условия.

2. Товар имеет низкую цену. Она покроет затраты.

3. Эта фирма ведет неразумную ценообразоватсльную политику.

4. Прежде чем выпускать товар, необходимо тщательно изучить спрос и предложение.

5. Государство устанавливает цены на ряд продуктов.

6. Магазин имеет превосходное место расположения.

7. Супермаркет предоставляет покупателю много допол­нительных услуг: доставку товаров на дом, кредит, установку и т.д.

8. Новая марка несомненно привлечет покупателей.

9. Начинайте с низкой цены.

10. Продажа за счет низкой цены действует при продаже товаров народного потребления.

Exercise 5. Set your imagination free.

You are a journalist and you are to interview the minister of finance about! the pricing policy in this country. What questions would you ask him?

Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Make sentences interrogative and negative.

Mode 1: They can change your credit terms at once. Can they change your credit terms at once? They can't change your credit terms.

1. They must research supply and demand before they start to produce the new item.

2. The company has to cover the costs by all means.

3. The middlemen may set the new price.

4. They can persue unsound price policies.

5. They must choose another location for their shop.

Exercise 2. Choose the necessary modal verb and put it in the sentence.

1. Off-even pricing ... undoubtedly produce favorable psychological effect on a consumer.

2. I spoke with the chief. Now you... change the credit terms.

3. They are very talented specialists. 1 think they ... design the new line very quickly.

4. The situation has changed, so we ... start with specially Sow prices.

5. We ... choose price emphasis policy for this item.




The computer industry is one of the largest in western countries and especially in the USA. It includes companies that manufacture, sell and lease computers, as well as companies that supply products and services for people working with computers.

A computer cannot think. A human operator puts data into the computer and gives instructions. The operator writes instructions which determine the mathematical operations on information. A computer solves mathematical problems very rapidly. Traditionally, the computer in business is used to process data. This involves different administrative functions such as preparation of payrolls, inventory control in manufacturing, warehousing and distribution operations, customer accounting, billing by banks, insurance companies, public utilities and muss circulation magazines. Now the computer takes on new kinds of jobs. It has become more involved in business operations as an essential tool in making decisions at the highest administrative level.

Active Vocabulary

to give instructions - давать инструкции

to put data - закладывать данные

to solve mathematical решать математические

problems - задачи

to process data - обрабатывать данные

preparation of payrolls - подготовка ведомостей

inventory control - инвентаризационный контроль

warehousing - складирование товаров

distribution operations - распределительные операции

customer accoounting расчёт с клиентом

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