
I. Answer the questions.

1. Why do some people disagree with Henry Fayol's definition of the role of management?

2. In what ways are the functions of a company director, for example, different from those of a middle manager?

3. What are Henry Fayol's and Peter Drucker's definitions of the manager's role?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

vice-chancellor of a university, to use the resources effectively and economically, to direct and lead other workers, chairman and directors, policy making, to diversify, day-to-day decisions, smoothly, to respond to the pressures of the job, unhappy customer, to set objectives, analytical ability, target, to be geniuses, to bring character to the job.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Класичне визначення ролі менеджера, яке дав Анрі Файоль у 1916 році, приймається багатьма людьми і сьогодні.

2. Менеджери несуть відповідальність за ефективне та економне використання ресурсів організацій, в яких вони працюють.

3. Встановивши цілі та стандарти, менеджери мають оцінювати результативність роботи організацій відносно цих цілей.

4. Менеджери потребують соціальних навичок, аби ефективно спілкуватися з працівниками усіх рівнів: начальниками, колегами, підлеглими.

5. Успішний менеджер – це цілісна особистість, яка викликає повагу робітників, і встановлюючи високі стандарти, сподівається на ці якості в інших.

IV. Match proper definitions.

Terms Definitions
1. subordinate (n) 2. manager 3.middle management 4.senior management 5. supervisor 6. superior (n) 7. line manager 8. staff manager   a) person who is in charge of others; b) person above another in the company hierarchy; c) person below another in the company hierarchy; d) person who manages an organization or part of it; e) department managers; f) top managers; g) manager who assists and advises line managers; h) manager who is in charge of accomplishing the basic goals of the organization.

V. Complete the following sentences, using suitable forms of the verbs (sort out; sell out; buy out; bring out; turn out; spell out; make out; sound out; carry out; pull out):

1. If the firm doesn't make a profit, the owners will probably...

2. I'm willing to consider introduction flexitime, but would you first ... the advantages of the system, please?

3. We hope to ... our production problems soon.

4. Givenchy have ... an exciting new perfume.

5. Would you ... the cheque to David Cotton, please?

6. In order to develop new products, pharmaceutical companies have to ... a lot of research.

7. Several leading banks have ... of South Africa.

8. We're looking for a new chief executive. I understand one or two possible candidates have already been ...

1. The firm ... about hundred sports cars a year.

VI. Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from the box below.

managing director junior executive colleague director supervisor staff senior executive superior employee middle manager subordinate work-force

1. The group of executives working below the top managers is generally called ……………. .

2. Valerie is an important person in our company. She is a member of the Board of …………. .

3. Peter, a recent university graduate, has been with the firm for a year. He is at present a …………. and is being trained for a managerial position.

4. Their …………. is expanding rapidly. They now have over 5,000 employees.

5. At least 50% of our …………… have been with the company over ten years.

6. …………… in an organization generally have more fringe benefits than lower-level managers.

7. We are a small group in the Research and Development Department. Fortunately, I get on well with all my …………. .

8. Our telephone operators work under the direction of a …………. .

9. I work under Mr. Brown. He is my …………… .

10. Sheila and Tom work under my authority. I am their boss and they are my …………. .

11. I am responsible for ………….. training and development.

12. A …………. is a person of high rank in an organization, usually next in importance to the Chairman.


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