Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки (Present Simple)

go read live eat like study watch work

1.In the morning my father.... newspapers.

2.In the evening all our family.... TV.

3.My mother.... in the bank.

4.On Sundays I.... to the cinema with my friends.

5.My uncle.... in America.

6.My aunt is a vegetarian. She.... only vegetables and fruits.

7.That is a very beautiful picture. I.... it very much.

8.Now we are students and.... at University.

Напишите предложения из упражнения 1.9 в отрицательной форме.

Напишите предложения из упражнения 1.9 в вопросительной форме.

1.10. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.

1. Yesterday I (get) up at 9 o’clock.

2. I (have) breakfast with my family.

3. Then my brother (come) to see me.

4. We (listen) to music together.

5. At 3 o’clock we (go) to the cinema.

6. The film (be) very interesting.

7. We (like) it very much.

8. Then we (play) football.

9. I (sleep) well last night.

Напишите предложения из упражнения 1.10 в отрицательной форме.

Напишите предложения из упражнения 1.10 в вопросительной форме.

Закончите предложения из колонки А, выбрав правильный вариант из колонки В по образцу.


Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки (Present Simple) - student2.ru 1. I was born in a. my parents and grandmother.

2. I finished school b. at university is Physics.

3. At present I c. when I was 16.

4. I did well in d. Novosibirsk in 1988.

5. My favourite subject e. Mathematics at school.

6. I live with f. study at the university.

1.12. Составьте рассказ о себе, заполнив пропуски. Расскажите
о себе.

My name is... . I am... years old. I was born on... in... .

We have... people in our family. I live with... .

My father’s name is... . He is... years old. He is a... and he works... .

My mother’s name is... . She is... years old. She is a... .

I have a (younger/elder sister/brother) He/she is a... .

We live in a... . There are... rooms in our flat:...,...,..., and a... .

I finished school number... . My favourite subjects at school were...,..., and.... I like reading... . I like listening to... . I like to watch... . My favourite programmes are... . I don’t like going to the night clubs. I enjoy travelling. Now I am a student of... .We have many subjects at... . My favourite subjects are... .

Прочитайте диалоги по ролям.

1. A:–Hello! My name is Alex. What is your name?

B: – Hi! My name is Olga. Nice to meet you!

A: – Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?

B: – I’m from Irkutsk. But now I am a student and going to live in Novosibirsk with my grandparents.

B: – As for me, I live with my family all my life in Novosibirsk.

A: – And how old are you?

B: – I’m 17. This year I’m also going to study at university.

A: – What university?

B: – NSTU.

A: – Really?! And what faculty do you study at?

B: – Power Engineering.

A: – That’s great! The same university and the same faculty that I am at.

B: – So, I hope we’ll be group-mates*.

2. A: –Hello! My name is Helen. What is your name?

B: –Hi! My name is Sveta.

A: –Where are you from, Sveta?

B: –I’m from Moscow. I’ve come to visit my relatives.

A: –What do you like to do? What is your hobby?

B: –Most of all I like to read different books.

A: –So do I. What books do you like to read?

B: –I like detective stories. My favourite author is Agatha Christy.

A: –As for me, I like to read novels. Would you like to go to the café just now?

B: –Why not? Let’s go.

*group mates – одногруппники

Вставьте недостающие фразы и прочитайте диалоги по ролям.


– ………………..?

– My name is John.

– ………………..?

– I am 17 years old.

– ………………..?

– I live with my parents.

– ………………..?

– I like to listen to music when I have free time.

– ………………..?

– Most of all I like pop music.

– ………………..?

– Yes, I want to go to the disco now. Let’s go.


– Well, you are our new group mate. What is your name?

– …………….

– My name is Victor. Nice to meet you.

– …………… too.

– And where are you from?

– …………….

– Is it far from here?

– …………….

– Do you study at school?

– …………… in June.

– Did you enter the university in August?

– Yes, …………..

– As for me, I’m a second-year student. Will you go with me? I can show you our university.

– ……………..

1.15. Составьте подобные диалоги на следующие ситуации:

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