Денежная система Англии и США

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Commonly – обычно Call – называть(ся) Singular – в ед.ч. uncertainty as to the origin – неопределенность относительно происхождения dates back to – уходить корнями в weigh – весить around – приблизительно literally – дословно the basic Roman unit of weight – основная единица веса в древнем Риме
Pound sterling

The pound sterling (symbol: £; ISO code: GBP), commonlycalled the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom. It is subdivided into 100 pence (singular: penny).

There is some uncertainty as to the origin of the term "pound sterling". One source suggests it dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, when coins called sterling were minted from silver; 240 of these sterlings weighed one pound. The Oxford English Dictionary says sterling was a silver penny used in England by the Normans and date the term to around 1300. A common slang term is quid. The etymology of the term is unknown, although it might come from the Latin phrase quid pro quo, literally "something for something."

The currency sign is the pound sign (£). The pound sign derives from the black-letter "L", an abbreviation of Librae in Roman. £sd units (librae, solidi, denarii) were used for pounds, shillings and pence in the British pre-decimal currency system. Libra was the basic Roman unit of weight, derived from the Latin word for scales or balance.

the Latin word for scales – латинское слово, которое означает «весы» later – спустя Both – оба to issue – выпускать at a value of – по цене merged to form – объединились, чтобы образовать the Treaty - договор Replace – заменять traded currency – валюта, на которой совершаются торговые операции foreign exchange market – международный валютный рынок most held reserve currency –резервная валюта, в которой хранится самое большое количество национальных валют других стран Count – граф shorten to – сокращать до same pronunciation – одинаковое произношение eventually – в конце концов find its way into – превратиться в
The Bank of England was formed in 1694, followed by the Bank of Scotland a year later. Both began to issue paper money.

The pound Scots had begun equal to sterling at a value of 12 pounds Scots = 1 pound sterling. In 1707, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland merged to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. In accordance with the Treaty of Union, the currency of the 'united kingdom' was sterling.

The Irish pound was replaced by sterling in January 1826 at the value of 13 Irish pounds = 12 pound sterling.

The first sterling notes were issued by the Bank of England in 1694.

Sterling is the fourth most traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the US dollar, the euro and the Japanese yen. Sterling is also the third most held reserve currency in global reserves (about 4 %).


The dollar (often represented by the dollar sign $) is the name of the official currency or a banknote of many countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States.

On 15 January 1520, the Bohemian Count Hieronymus Schlick began minting coins known as Joachimsthaler. (In German, thal or tal refers to a valley.) Later it was shortened to taler or thaler (same pronunciation) and this shortened word eventuallyfound its way into English as dollar.

directly borrowed from – напрямую заимствован из the Spanish Peso – испанское песо the Pillars of Hercules Геркулесовы столбы a motto-ribbon – украшенный лентой с девизом/надписью except - кроме
One theory says that the Dollar Sign ($) is directly borrowed from the sign used to represent the Spanish Peso which is in fact a "$" and is said to come from a representation of one of the Pillars of Hercules with a motto-ribbon as depicted in the Spanish Coat-of-Arms. All countries that use the Peso except the Philippines actually use the $ sign to represent their currency.

Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:a pound sterling, the dollar, The pound sign, minted, sterling, 240, pre-decimal currency system, Bank of England, taler, Quid.

1. Anglo-Saxons minted coins called _________________ from silver.

2. ____________________________is often represented by the sign $.

3. The _____________________ formed in 1694 can issue paper money.

4. Librae, solidi, denarii stood for pounds, shillings and pence in the British_________.

5. German ________________eventually found its way into English dollar.

6. The symbol of_________ is £.

7._________________________might mean "something for something."

8. The first coins were _______________ by Schlick on 15 January 1520.

9.____________Anglo-Saxon silver coins made one pound.

10. ______________derives from the black-letter "L", an abbreviation of Librae in Roman.

Учим термины.

290. The pound sterling /the pound – фунт стерлинга/фунт

291. The official currency of the United Kingdom – официальная валюта Великобритании

292. Be subdivided into 100 pence (singular: penny) – делиться на 100 пенсов (в ед.ч. – пенни)

293. (Pre-) decimal currency system – денежная система в додесятичный период

294. The Bank of England – банк Англии

295. To issue money – выпускать деньги

296. To exchange currency – обменивать валюту

297. The US dollar – доллар США

298. Reserve currency – резервная валюта

299. Theory - теория

300. Coat-of-Arms - герб

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