Предлоги падежных окончаний.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Прочтите слова со звуками [^] и [α:].

[^] come, some, none, done, mummy, sonny, hurry, other, under, dull, bulk, pulse, won, tongue, luck, shut, just, must, stuff, cut, but
[α:] arm, bard, card, charge, farm, art, part, cart, start, army, party, drama, hardly, tomato, demand

Произнесите правильно скороговорку.

A big black bug bit a big black bear then a big black bear bit a big black bug. And when the big black bear bit the big black bug then the big black bug bit the big black bear.


bug – клоп

bit (bite) – укусил

bear – медведь

Прочтите и переведите.

seminar, product, machinery, exploit(er), class, special, economic, political, system, regulate, instrument, official, institution, organ, machine, army, police, individual, collective, parliament, tradition, constitution, type, function.

Глагол to have (Present Simple Tense)

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Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru I we you have they   I we you have not they (haven't)     Have I (we, you, they) …?
Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru Предлоги падежных окончаний. - student2.ru he she has it   he she has not it (hasn't)       Has he (she, it) … ?

Функции глагола to have

1. Смысловой глагол, значение: иметь   I have a father, a mother and a sister – У меня есть папа, мама и сестра. (Я имею … )
2. Вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования времен группы Perfect; не переводится He hasgraduated from the University – Он окончил университет.
3. Модальный глагол – эквивалент глагола must (to have to); означает долженствование, необходимость совершения действия в силу каких-то обстоятельств. I have to get up early. Мне нужно встать рано.

Глагол to have (иметь)

I (you, we, they) have a family.
Have you a family? – Yes? I have. – No, I haven't.
Do you have a family? – Yes, I do. – No, I don't.
I have no family. I have not a family in St. Petersburg.
He (she, it) has a friend.
Has he a friend? – Yes, he has. – No, he hasn't.
He has no friend. (He has not a friend.)

Переведите предложения.

1. My parents have a flat in the centre of Moscow.

  1. Our friends have a room in the hostel.
  2. We do not have any time today.
  3. He has a lot of English books.
  4. They have not three persons in their family.
  5. His wife has an interesting job.
  6. Has February 28 days?
  7. Have you sisters? – No, I haven't.

Выберите правильную форму глагола to have.

1. In the evening on Saturday we (have, has) much free time.

  1. My father is busy now. He (have, has) no time.
  2. My friend (have, has) a little dog.
  3. (Have, has) your brother a child?
  4. (Have, has) you brothers or sisters?
  5. Our cadets (have, has) six lessons every day.
  6. (Have, has) this man parents?
  7. Does your friend (have, has) a room in this flat?

Предлоги, передающие падежные окончания.

the streets of the city улицы города
one of my friends один из моих друзей
give this book to my friend. дайте эту книгу моему другу
to play with children играть с детьми
to go home by bus ездить домой автобусом
to tell about my work рассказать о своей работе

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