Translate the following texts into English and retell them.
Романо-германская правовая система
(Roman-Germanic legal system - Civil Law system)
Романо-германская правовая система объединяет правовые системы всех стран континентальной Европы. Эта правовая система возникла на основе римского права. Основной источник права - нормативный акт. Ей присуще четкое деление норм права на отрасли, а все отрасли подразделяются на две подсистемы, частное право и публичное право. К сфере публичного права относятся: административное, уголовное, конституционное, международное публичное право. К частному относятся гражданское, семейное, трудовое, международное частное право. В системе органов государства проводится четкое различие на законодательные и исполнительные органы. Законотворческие функции составляют монополию законодателя. Для большинства стран этой системы характерно наличие писаной конституции.
Англосаксонская правовая система
(Anglo-Saxon legal system — Common Law System)
Общее право доминирует в национальных правовых системах Великобритании (кроме Шотландии), Канады, США, Ямайки, Австралии и т. д. Прародительницей этой правовой семьи была Англия. В основе этой правовой системы лежит принцип to stand by the things decided (от латинского, start decisis — стоять на решенном), означающий, что при выработке решения судом господствующая сила принадлежит прецеденту. Основным источником права в англосаксонской правовой системе является обычай (подтвержденный судебным прецедентом). Законодательство рассматривается как разновидность договора. Таким образом, в отличие от романо-германской системы, судебные решения играют большую роль в формировании права, тогда как романо-германская система оставляет за судами функцию толкования и применения права.
Change the words in brackets by the correct Participle.
• When legislators create laws they use the system of courts (to back) by the power of the police to enforce these laws.
• Common law is applied in approximately 80 countries which were a part of or greatly (to influence) by the former British Empire.
• Until the time of King Henry II reign customary laws were (to administer) locally.
• The order (to establish) in the country improved the situation.
• The English common law reflects Biblical influences as well as systems (to impose) by early conquerors including the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Normans.
• Rules and doctrines (to develop) by the judges of earlier English courts were (to supplement) or (to amend) over time.
• The new law (to establish) on the territory of entire England soon became common.
• The letter (to write) by a junior lawyer should not be sent to the client because of its improper style.
• The review on the UK Civil Procedure (to take) from the website was of great importance for his report.
• Courses on Legal English (to offer) online have become very popular today.
Read the text and answer the questions.
• What do numbers 50, 900, 450 mean in the text?
• What legal systems do Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates belong to?
Muslim Law - is an autonomous legal system which is of a religious nature and predominantly based on the Koran. The number of Muslims countries is growing (now there are more than 50 Muslim states the population of which is about 900 million people), and the main common feature is not merely spiritual, the Islamic religion aims to cover all areas of life. Countries belonging to this system are: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others.
In its strongest formulation, some Islamic scholars state that law cannot exist outside religion and therefore the state has no power to legislate. But in practice the religion is found in the countries with very different histories, where formal legal systems differ much.
Hindu Law. Unrivalled in age, the Hindu law found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia and parts of East Africa is contained in a literature which is vast and complex. In the countries mentioned, however, it governs only personal and family relations and its family law has been codified and much amended, especially in India. Nonetheless it can affect the lives of some 450 million people.