With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 16.

Use language such as:

Did he try to take ...

What was he wearing?

What did he look like?

We'll put this guy away with your help.

Student A: You are a tourist. Talk to Student B about:

- a suspect attempting a crime

- how you prevent the crime

- what the suspect did after

Student B: You are a police officer. Talk to Student A about a crime s/he prevented.

31. Write a short newspaper article about a prevented crime. Talk about:

• the crime

• how it was prevented

• the final outcome


Unit 3

anticipate - предвидеть

appraise - оценивать

assault - нападение

be alert - быть внимательным

border crossing points - пограничный контрольно-пропускной пункт

beverage - напиток

carry out - выполнять, проводить

case judgment - постановление

common law - общее право

crime - преступление

criminal - преступник

deal with smth - иметь дело с чем-л.

deter - устрашать

discourage - препятствовать, мешать осуществлению

driving offence - нарушение правил движения

emergency - чрезвычайная ситуация

enforce a law - проводить закон в жизнь

enforcement - проведение закона в жизнь

guard the land borders - охранять сухопутную границу

have (wide) powers - иметь (широкие) полномочия

hostage - заложник

investigate - расследовать

investigation - расследование

impose (a fine) - наложить штраф

initiate - начинать, инициировать

issue a warning - делать предупреждение

kidnapping - похищение людей

law-abiding citizen - законопослушный гражданин

maintain public order - поддерживать общественный порядок

manage passport control - осуществлять паспортный контроль

military - военный

notify - уведомлять

obey the law - подчиняться закону

occur - происходить, случаться

over-intoxicated - находиться в состоянии алкогольной / наркотической интоксикации

peacekeeping operation - миротворческая операция

prevent - предотвращать

prohibit - запрещать

prohibition - запрещение

provide information - предоставлять информацию

question (v) - допрашивать

ransom - выкуп

records - документы

safe - безопасный

secure - безопасный

security - осуществление безопасности, меры безопасности, безопасность

serve the community - служить обществу

statute - законодательный акт

suspect (n) / suspected - подозреваемый

suspect (v) - подозревать

suspicious - подозрительный

supervisor - начальник

superior - старший по званию

subordinate - подчиненный

traffic laws - ПДД

the Ministry of Defense - министерство обороны

the Ministry of Internal Affairs - министерство внутренних дел

theft - кража

undercover operation - тайная / скрытая операция

vulnerable - уязвимый

warn - предупреждать

warning - предупреждение

Unit 4 Modern Legal System

Answer the questions.

• What does the term "legal system" mean?

• What legal systems can you name?

• What legal system does the RF belong to?

• What systems are there in the UK and the USA?

Read and translate the text.

Legal Systems of the World

What is a system of law? According to Russian scholars it is the internal structure of law defined by social relations. It is expressed by unity and coordination of all acting legal norms and their implementation in branches and institutions of law .

The characteristics of a legal system are:

• reflection of a existing system of social relations;

• unity and consistency of all norms of law;

• division into relatively independent parts - branches, sub-branches and institutions of law:

• close connections between different elements of a law system;

• stability and dynamism.

When rules and laws become systematized inside one country they make national legal systems and these systems can be classified into families according to their main features.

There are about 200 legal systems in the world. Throughout the history of mankind there were various attempts to classify them. In the past, legal systems have often been grouped by geography, history, culture, race, language, religion, or official ideology. Nowadays, scholars define the following legal blocks:

• national legal systems;

• legal families;

• groups of legal families.

Although each modern legal system has its own individuality, it is possible to group many of them into legal "families". The existing legal systems of nearly all countries are generally modeled upon elements of several main types:

• civil law (Roman-Germanic legal family);

• common law (Anglo-Saxon legal system);

• religious law;

• customary law;

• mixed or pluralistic law.

The additional type of the legal system - international law - can be referred to as the law which governs the conduct of independent nations in their relationships. Its part, the law system of the European Community, has become the first example of the newly created supranational legal system.

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