Wrongful Interference with Business Relations
Every individual has the legal right to enter any business, trade, or profession. If the right to establish and conduct a lawful business is violated, the tort of wrongful interference with businessis committed. Interference with the right to contract is a tort, also.
Vocabulary notes:
assault – словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием | eavesdropping – подслушивание |
battery – побои, оскорбление действием | unauthorized – несанкционированный |
defamation – диффамация, клевета | trespassing – вторжение на чужую территорию |
libel – клевета (в печати) | conversion – незаконное присвоение имущества, или использование чьего-либо имущества в собственных целях |
slander – злословие, клевета | personal property – личное имущество; личные вещи |
invasion of privacy – вмешательство в чью-либо личную жизнь | liable for damages – несущий ответственность за ущерб |
humiliation - унижение | wrongful interference with business relations – противоправное вмешательство в деловые отношения |
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Name some common intentional torts.
2. What is assault?
3. What is battery?
4. What is defamation?
5. What is invasion of privacy?
6. What is trespassing?
7. What is conversion?
8. What is wrongful interference with business?
III. Match the following terms with their definitions:
1. tort | a. invasion of right to conduct a business |
2. assault | b. wrongful interference with the use of another’s property |
3. battery | c. reasonably foreseeable cause of injury |
4. conversion | d. oral defamation |
5. damages | e. responsibility of injury regardless of negligence or attempt |
6. defamation | f. written defamation |
7. invasion of privacy | g. failure to use reasonable care |
8. libel | h. an offense against an individual |
9. negligence | i. injury of a person’s reputation by false statements, oral or written |
10. proximate cause | j. the duty to act with the care, prudence, and good judgment of a reasonable person |
11. reasonable man standard | k. harmful or offensive touching of another |
12. slander | l. unlawful intrusion into another’s private life causing mental or emotional injury |
13. strict liability | m. placing another in fear of harmful or offensive touching |
14. trespass | n. monetary compensation for loss or injury |
15. wrongful interference with business relations | o. wrongfully depriving another of possession of personal property |
IV. Find in the text above English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
1. физический контакт
2. стрельба
3. вызывать злость
4. проявлять враждебность к кому-либо
5. кидать пирог в лицо другому
6. ударять без предупреждения
7. самооборона
8. репутация жертвы подорвана
9. навлечь на жертву дурную славу
10. осмеяние, насмешка
11. вызвать гнев, возмущение
12. свобода от коммерческой эксплуатации чьего-либо имени
13. фотографировать без разрешения
14. подслушивающие и электронные устройства
15. несанкционированное вскрытие писем или телеграмм
16. прослушивать телефонные линии
17. публичные лица
18. ограничиваться в правах на личную жизнь
19. бросать мусор на чужую территорию
20. несовместимый, несообразный с чьими-либо правами
I. Read and translate the text using the words and word combinations after it:
Negligence is a specific tort. In fact, it is the most common tort. Intent is not required for this tort, only carelessness. Like the other torts, negligence involves the elements of a duty, breach of the duty, causation, and injury.
The Duty in Negligence
The duty imposed by negligence law is called the reasonable man standard. This duty requires that we act with the care, prudence, and good judgment of a reasonable person so as not to cause injury to others.
There are, however, some individuals for whom a different degree of care is applied. Generally children under seven years of age are presumed incapable of negligence. Older children are only required to act with that care which a reasonable child of like age, intelligence, and experience would act. If, however, a child undertakes an adult activity, such as driving a boat or car, the child is held to the adult standard.
Professionals and persons skilled in a trade are also held to a different degree of care - in this case a higher one. These persons are required to act in their work with that degree of care and skill which is normally possessed by members of the profession or trade.