Vocabulary Notes on the Text. 1 the Baltic Exchange - Балтийская биржа

1 the Baltic Exchange - Балтийская биржа.

2 line companies - линейные судоходные компании.

3 a tramp - "трамп" - грузовое судно, не работающее на фиксированных рейсах.

4 a charter party - договор на чартерное фрахтование; чартер.

5 a voyage charter - рейсовый чартер.

6 a time charter - тайм-чартер.

7 turnround - время, необходимое на оборот судна.


Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

shipowners; brokers; crews; bulk; cargo; exchange; tramp; fleet; slowness; apparatus; chartering; intermediary; raw; sucking; fluctuate; secure

3. Give English equivalents of:

а) гавань; судовладелец; насыпной или наливной груз; биржевой маклер; фондовая биржа; рейсовый чартер; тайм-чартер; сырье; судовой агент; судовая команда; морской агент/экспедитор; дата отхода судна; навалом (о грузе); включительно; через посредничество брокеров

b) колебаться (о цене); наводить справки (делать запрос); отплывать, отбывать

4. Answer the following questions:

1) In what cases do the senders prefer to have a whole ship at their disposal?

2) What is the chartering of ships?

3) How is the chartering business usually done?

4) Where do ship brokers operate?

5) What should a ship broker know?

6) What’s the difference between the operation of line companies and chartering business?

7) What is a charter party?

8) What types of charter parties can you mention?

9) How is the business of chartering done nowadays?

10) What did the charters ask the brokers for in their letter?

11) Why is it necessary to consider the speed of the chartered vessel?

12) What services did the ship agents offer in their letter?

13) What information did they give about their firm?

14) What did the agents promise to do in case their services would be accepted?

5. Sum up the contents of the text according to the following plan:

  • 1) The general characteristics of chartering business.
  • 2) A letter from charters to brokers.
  • 3) An offer of services from ship agents.

6. Translate the following letter into English:

Уважаемые господа!

Мы рады сообщить вам, что мы нашли, на наш взгляд, подходящее судно для вашего груза. Это - грузовое судно, вместимостью ... тонн, выполняющее чартерные рейсы еженедельно.

Оно несколько больше, чем требуется вам, но владельцы согласны предоставить вам льготные расценки для тайм-чартера.

Мы надеемся, что вы найдете их условия приемлемыми, и как только мы получим от вас подтверждение, мы сразу же подготовим договор на чартерное фрахтование.

С уважением...

Write to some ship brokers and ask them to charter a ship for loading of a cargo of oil; give them necessary particulars about port and time.

Write a letter from a ship broker concerning the shipment to the USA and point out the need for speed because of the probable closing of certain ports due to ice.


1. Agree with the following statements. Enlarge upon the matter:

1) Every mode of transport has its own specific document.

2) The bill of lading serves to fulfil three main functions.

3) SAD replaces many of the existing customs forms.

4) If your line of business involves exporting or importing of goods, you will come into the contact with the Customs Authorities.

5) A common reason for violation of customs regulations has always been foreign currency.

6) The chartering of ships is a highly specialised business.

2. Discuss the following points:

  • 1) Customs regulations are too strict in our country.
  • 2) A Customs officer should have a special training to carry his work efficiently.

3. Speak about:

  • 1) the procedure of customs clearance;
  • 2) the role of Customs Intelligence.

4. Make up dialogues and act them in pairs:

1) between an interviewer and a Customs official working at the Customs Investigation Department;

2) between a customs officer and a passenger trying to carry out restricted and prohibited articles.

Unit XI


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