Translate the dialogue into Russian: The car overhaul

Tom: Patric, that garage door you broke…We haven’t had it mended yet.

Patric: No, I don’t think we can have it mended. It’s completely broken. We’ll have to buy a new door. Now let’s check the car. It wasn’t damaged very much, was it?

Tom: No, but … It isn’t in a very good condition. We must have it overhauled.

Patric: I had the oil changed last week.

Tom: Yes, but there are a lot of other things to be done, besides that. For example, the radiator leaks. It’ll get worse, if we don’t have it mended. And the brakes aren’t working well, they’ll have to be adjusted.

Patric: I agree with you. A car has to be overhauled every three months, regularly. You haven’t had it done for nearly a year.

Tom: Well.

2) Translate the following dialogue into English:

Дорожное происшествие

John: Привет, Тревор! Что случилось? С тобой все в порядке?

Trevor: Привет, Джон! Не волнуйся! Я попал в небольшую аварию.

John: Как это случилось? Ты — водитель с большим стажем (an experienced driver). Ты нарушил правила?

Trevor: Нет, конечно, нет. Я вел свой «Форд» на средней скорости, как обычно. Все было в порядке — дорога была сухой. Я увидел красный свет и нажал на тормоз, но он не сработал.

John: И что было дальше?

Trevor: Я сделал все возможное, чтобы избежать столкновения. Там были пешеходы и другие машины. Я повернул руль и въехал в столб с рекламным щитом.

John: Кто-нибудь пострадал?

Trevor: Нет. Кроме меня.

John: Что случилось с тормозами?

Trevor: Не знаю. Всякое бывает (anything is possible). На днях я заезжал на бензоколон­ку, и один из рабочих сказал мне, что мне нужно отрегулировать тормоза, но я не придал этому значения (not/to take into account).

John: Машина сильно пострадала?

Trevor: К счастью, нет. Я смогу ее восстановить.

John: Хорошо.

3) Complete the dialogue:

Driver: Hello! I want 5 gallons of gas. Regular, please…

Attendant: Here you are! Full tank. You need any oil as well? - Driver: (1)

Attendant: O.K. Here you are. Look, one of you tires is flat! - Driver: (2)

Attendant: I can check the tires and put air in them. - Driver: (3)

Attendant: Do you want me to wash the car? - Driver: (4)

Attendant: 25 $

A – Do, please. And change the flat tire…

B – No, I don’t think I do. Maybe…Yes, put some water in the radiator, will you?

C – No, thank you. I just want the windshield cleaned, and that is all. How much does it cost?

D – Oh, no! It must have been pierced!

Exercise 4.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Если колеса не будут сбалансированы, то при движении на определенных скоростях возникнет вибрация на руле. 2. Стук или шумы, возникающие при повороте автомобиля, могут привести к серьезным неисправностям в коробке переключения скоростей. 3. Уровень масла следует проверять раз в месяц, особенно после простоя (shutdown). 4. Из-за паровой пробки в топливном насосе или топливопроводе, которые нагрелись в жаркий день, была нарушена подача топлива в карбюратор. 5. Чаще всего проблемы с двигателем возникают в час пик, перед светофором или где-нибудь на загородном шоссе.

Exercise 5.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. While overheating turn the car off, lift the hood and wait until the engine cools down. 2. Check that there is no sign of brake fluid under the body bottom plate (днище кузова), whether on the pedal, floor or carpets, this indicates a leakage. 3. In winter make sure that there is sufficient anti-freeze in the cooling system. 4. If you have to add fluid more than once or twice a year, have the system checked for leaks. These systems easily damaged if you drive when the fluid is very low. 5. Pump drive belts should be inspected for proper tension and evidence of cuts, cracks or glazing and replace if there is indication of damage which could result in belt failure. 6. Battery chargers are not expensive and it is worth giving it a boost. 7. If you are going to be away for a long time and you aren’t using an alarm, disconnect the earth strap to prevent the battery losing charge. 8. It’s dangerous to drive on tires that are in poor condition and incorrectly inflated. 9. At this point your engine is generating enough heat to cause permanent damage, so pull off the road right away or as soon as it is safe to do so. 10. If the brake system warning light is on, you possibly have a hydraulic system malfunction. 11. Your machine is making strange sounds. Is anything wrong? 12. While checking the fuel level don’t rely on the gauge, as it may be faulty. 13. Dampness on the ignition system will prevent the pugs from sparking, so from time to time you should wipe plugs, plug leads, coil and distributor top with a dry cloth or spray with a damp-repellent aerosol. 14. Switch on the ignition, if the red warning light fails to come on, either the connections are faulty or the battery is flat.

Exercise 6.Match words with their meaning.

1. to write (a car) off 2. to speed 3. to dent a car 4. to tow (something) away   5. to stall   6. to swerve to avoid something   7. to tow 8. to get out (of car)   9. to mount the pavement   10. to get in/into 11. to skid 12. to get off 13. to get on   14. boot start   15. push start a. if it happens with a car, its engine stops suddenly b. means connecting the battery to another car’s battery to recharge it c. to get into a train d. to damage a car so badly that repairing it would cost more than buying a new one e. to move suddenly one’s car sideways so as to avoid something in the road f. to go faster than the speed limit g. to remove a car that has been illegally parked or that has been involved in an accident by towing it h. to move a car with the help of another vehicle, often by means of a rope or a chain i. to slide on the road k. to damage the metal (the door, the bumper, the bonnet) of a car l. to go up on the pavement while driving m. to leave bike n. to sit into a car o. means to get someone to push the car in order to start the engine. p. to leave a car, taxi, van, lorry

Exercise 7. Read the following text and choose the best variant for the blanks.

She had 1) … . Her foot must have slipped. The five seconds it took her to restart the car. The drivers behind her had impatiently sounded their horns and she had been flustered (волноваться). How it happened she didn’t know, but she had put the car into reserve and driven into the car behind her. Nothing had happened to the car behind, but she had 2) … the back of her own. Five minutes later she was still thinking about her busy working day. Perhaps that was why she was not paying attention. She didn’t see the boy kick his football into the road. When she saw the ball she couldn’t realize that it was only a ball. She 3) … to avoid it and then 4) … the brakes as she realized she was heading for a ditch. Smash. It happened in slow motion. She watched the windscreen shatter, she heard the metal crumple. But she was okay. She had 5) … off her car. She watched the recovery van 6) … away the wreckage of what was once her husband’s pride and joy. The van with the car rolling unsteady behind it, disappeared. She watched it go, turned, picked up the football and started walking home.

A arrested B halted C stalled D jolted
A bruised B dented C creased D snapped
A swerved B swung C twisted D spun
A hit B slapped C struck D hammered
A dashed B written C cast D signed
A tow B draw C tug D drive

Exercise 8. Read the following text and fill in the missing words from the list:

injured, crashed, speeding, colliding, swerved, passser-by, direction, skidded, damaged

He was waiting for the 7 o’clock bus to go to work on Tuesday morning when he saw a black Sierra come 1) … down the road. Just as it approached the roundabout, the driver seemed to lose control. The car spun round and 2) … into a red Ford Fiesta which was coming in the opposite 3) … . The car behind the Fiesta 4)… in order to avoid 5) … with the two cars but 6) … on the oily surface and crashed into a sign. He ran to help the drivers get out of their cars while a 7) … called for an ambulance. When we managed to get the driver out of the black Sierra he smelt of alcohol, so he must have been driving while drunk. The ambulance arrived and took the three 8) … drivers to hospital. All three cars were badly 9) … .

Exercise 9.Discuss the following issues: 1. Engine overheats not only in summer time, but also in winter or being in a traffic jam. 2. It’s dangerous to drive on tyres that are in poor condition or incorrectly inflated. 3. Any leaks should be taken into account to avoid an accident.

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1.Read the following text and choose the proper verb form.

Overheating on a snow day

If you … (lives, live, will live) anywhere where it snows a lot, you will have seen hundreds of motorists at the side of the road, hood up with steam … (poured, pouring, pours) out of their radiators on the worst weather days - when it’s … (snows, snowed, snowing) hard. Surely on the coldest day the last thing you think you should worry about is engine cooling. Well, it depends. If you … (goes, are going, will go) on long-distance drive the radiator should be … (covering, covers, covered) so it doesn’t get too much cold air. Otherwise the engine … (would. will, be) never quite get hot. That’s rare though. More common … (are, was, is) the lazy motorist syndrome, where they will … (came, come, be come) out to the car park, clear the snow off the driver’s side of the windscreen, get in and drive. Ten minutes later they … (were stood, standing, are standing) at the side of the road, freezing and … (wondering, wondered, wonder) why their engine blew up. Simple. They didn’t … (cleared, clear, clearing) the snow and ice away from in front of the radiator grille on the front of their car. That large lump of snow and ice blocks the airflow to the radiator so the engine just … (got, will get, gets) hotter and hotter until it … (overheated, overheats, will overheat) and … (blows, blew, blow) the radiator or pressure relief valve. So … (doesn’t, don’t, didn’t) be lazy – spend the extra 2 seconds to brush that stuff away from the front bumper before you get in.

motorists - автолюбитель stuff - материал, вещество

Exercise 2.Translate the sentences using the words of the lesson. Mind your grammar.

1. При появлении любого шума следует проверить машину, так как звук может свидетельствовать (testify) о неисправностях в двигателе или тормозной системе. 2. Если бы в системе охлаждения было слишком много воздуха, двигатель перегрелся бы. 3. Неисправный амортизатор мешает работать АБС, так как нет хорошего контакта с поверхностью дороги и электроника «думает», что колеса катятся по земле. 4. Если в расширительной бачке (в радиаторе) недостаточный уровень охлаждающей жидкости, то следует только долить антифриза. 5. Некоторые двигатели нормально переносят перегрев, а в других может деформироваться головка блока цилиндра (head of cylinder block). 6. Если бы тормозные колодки были заменены вовремя, аварии не произошло бы. 7. Перегрев может случиться с каждым автомобилем, и последствия тоже могут быть разными - от испорченной поездки до капитального ремонта (overhauling). 8. Если вода во время ливня (downpour) не попала бы на приборы и провода системы зажигания, то двигатель бы не заглох. 9. Перегрева двигателя можно легко избежать, следует проверять датчики температуры, реле, предохранители и термостат. 10. В случае перегрева топливного насоса, полейте на него холодной водой или положите мокрую тряпку (wet cloth). 11. Иногда термостат заклинивает (jam or wedge), и тосол идет мимо радиатора. 12. Если колеса не будут сбалансированы, ходовая медленно разрушается (повреждается).


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

preference – предпочтение to alter - изменять

full-blown - полнофункциональный to involve - касаться, затрагивать

customization - обеспечение соответствия требованиям заказчика

to sacrifice – жертвовать stiff – малоподвижный

response – реакция; характеристика to distract - отвлекать

to lighten – облегчать, делать более легким with regard to – относительно

Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

handling – управление, регулирование RPM – revolutions per minute

ride comfort - комфорт поездки turbocharger – турбокомпрессор

spring – рессора mod - модификация; видоизменение

sway bar - стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости

Pre-text exercise 3.Don’t mix such words.

grip - сцепление шин с дорогой cornering - движение на повороте

bodywork - конструкция кузова

spoiler - спойлер - особое устройство на автомобиле, которое создает сопротивление воздуху и улучшает аэродинамические характеристики транспортного средства

Pre-text exercise 4.Check your memory, try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: body roll, average, owner, suspension, tuners, to offer, to provide, to compete, interior, exterior, lightweight, dash.


Car Tuning

Car tuning is both an industry and a hobby, in which a car is modified in order to improve its performance, handling and looks and improve the owner's driving style. As most cars leave the factory set up for average driver expectations and average conditions, tuning has become a way to personalize the characteristics of the vehicle to the owner's preference. For example, cars may be altered to provide better fuel economy, produce more power at high revolutions or the ride comfort may be sacrificed to provide better handling.

There are several types of car tuning, each of them involves the modification in a special part of a car. Audio tuning can involve anything from the upgrade of the radio to a full-blown customization of a car based around its audio equipment. Interior tuning is a term used for modifying of the interior of a car. Car tuners usually install new turbochargers, modify the car's engine cooling unit, replace the air filters but they could also install a more powerful engine on the cars they modify. As for suspension tuning, shorter springs offer an improved lowered look and a lower center of gravity. Stiffer sway bars reduce body roll during cornering, thus improving the grip that the tires have on the surface; this improves handling response. Body tuning is done to improve the aerodynamic performance of a vehicle or to lighten the vehicle through replacing bodywork components such as hoods and rear view mirrors with components made from lighter composites.

Car tuning is related to auto racing, although most performance cars never compete. Rather they are built for the pleasure of owning and driving such a vehicle. Another major aspect of tuning includes performance modification to the car exterior. This includes changing the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle via side skirts, front and rear bumpers, adding spoilers, splitters, air vents and lightweight wheels.

“Streeted” or “Tuner Cars” are Japanese imports, such as a Toyota Supra, Mazda RX-7, Subaru Impreza and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution series. These cars are most commonly modified with the more expensive mods available. The most popular modifications include suspension upgrades, exhaust systems, and turbos.

Many countries have legal requirements with regard to what car owners can and can't do in relation to vehicle modifications. For example, all vehicles in Victoria, Australia, must conform to construction standards to ensure vehicles provide drivers and passengers with a maximum level of safety. There are also restrictions for drivers which can prevent young people from driving modified vehicles. In the UK it is illegal for any car to have blue lights as they are used by the emergency vehicles. In Scotland and Denmark it is illegal for any car to have neon underlights on a car as it distracts other drivers. In the Netherlands neon is allowed under the car but only when the car is on display, if the car is on a public road the lights have to be switched off.

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What does the term “car tuning” refer to? 2. What are the reasons for car modifying? 3. Choose one of the tuning types and describe it. 4. How can we call a tuned car? 5. Why are there legal requirements for modifying the car? Prove your opinion.

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1.Find in the text

· the synonyms to the following words: to relate; to change; to weaken; to divert one’s attention from something; personalization.

· Russian equivalents: emergency vehicles; sway bar; springs; bodywork; full-blown; side skirts; spoiler; splitter; air vent.

· English equivalents: сцепление шин с дорогой, крен; конструкция кузова; «тюнингованная» машина; эксплутационные качества; (число) оборотов в минуту; турбокомпрессор; управление автомобилем.

Exercise 2. Read the dialogue and then make your own.

Renting a car

Dug:Good afternoon. U-Drive-It rentals. May I help you?

Man:Hi, I'm interested in renting a car for the weekend and I want to know if you have a special weekend rate.

Dug:Yes, we do. What sort of car are you interested in?

Man:Well, we're a family of three and we have camping equipment. I'm used to driving a small car, but this time I need something larger because of the family and the equipment.

Dug: You can take a station wagon. Our cars are good models and have automatic transmissions. When will you be interested in renting the car?

Man:Well, we are leaving on Friday, July 7, and we'll return on Monday, that'll be the 10th. When do we have to pick up and re­turn the car to get that special weekend rent?

Dug:For the weekend rate you'll have to pick up the car after four o'clock on Friday afternoon and then return by ten o'clock on Monday morning.

Man:After 4 on Friday and return by 10 on Monday. Okay. What will be the price for that?

Dug:Well, our regular rate is $79.95, but for those special weekend rates you'll get it for $59.95.

Man:Aha, that is $59.95. Does it include insurance?

Dug:No, the insurance is 10 dollars more. But I really recommend it. Our rent is still the lowest in town.

Man:Well. I'd like to think about it. I'll call you back.

Dug:Sure. That's fine. Listen, when you call back, ask for Dug, that's me.

Man:Good bye.

Dug:Take care.

Vocabulary: to rent a car — взять автомобиль напрокат

rental agency / rentals — прокат автомобилей

special weekend rate — специальная цена со скидкой на выходные

regular rate — обычная цена equipment — снаряжение

I'm used to driving...— я привык водить ...

Exercise 3.Translate the sentences into English using the words from the text.

1. Тюнингом называется доработка автомобиля за пределами завода-изготовителя с целью придания ему индивидуальных черт или улучшения характеристик. 2. Тюнинг может быть выполнен как самими автолюбителями, так и специализированными тюнинг-ателье. 3. Любые изменения производятся в соответствии с желаниями владельца или условиями эксплуатации, однако есть еще и ограничения, установленные государством. 4. Тюнингуются обычно автомобили с пробегом, т.к. тюнинг новогого автомобиля с заводской гарантией приводит к аннулированию гарантии. 5. Тюнинг двигателя включает в себя полную или частичную перенастройку с использованием дополнительных деталей. 6. Чип-тюнинг подразумевает настройку электронных блоков управления. 7. Самый распространённый способ увеличения мощности двигателя — установка турбонаддува. 8. Но кроме установки дополнительных деталей, практикуется и замена стандартных таких, как коленвал, поршни, форсунки, топливный насос, фильтры, коллекторы и др. 9. При тюнинге происходит замена стандартных амортизаторов на более жёсткие и пружин на более короткие, что делает автомобиль более устойчивым. 10. Внешний тюнинг – самый распространенный вид тюнинга в США, Германии и Японии, в отличие от других видов тюнинга (тюнинг двигателя, трансмиссии, подвески и электрооборудования) автомобиль не снимается (annul или cancel) с гарантии, так как никакие детали в механизме не затрагиваются. 11. Визитная карточка автомобиля – приборная панель, на ней появляются царапины и сколы, теперь она может быть обновлена самоклеющейся пленкой (pressure sensitive adhesive). 12. Спойлер способствует лучшему сцеплению шин с дорогой.

Exercise 4.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. On some cars certain braces, anti-roll bars, etc, can be retro fitted to lower spec cars from sports models. 2. For offroad vehicles, the emphasis is on lengthening the suspension travel and larger tires to increase ground clearance. 3. An example of detuning could be where the engine tune is "detuned" to allow increasing traction on a day where the track grip is not sufficient. 4. Increasing the wheel track width through spacers and wide body kits enhance the cars cornering ability. 5. Stiffer shock absorbers improve the dynamic weight shifting during cornering, and normally have shorter internals to stop them from bottoming out when shorter springs are used. 6. Other components that are sometimes added are strut bars that improve the body stiffness, and help better maintain the proper suspension geometry during cornering. 7. Very rarely an after market spoiler or body kit improve performance, the majority add weight and increase the drag coefficient of the vehicle and thus reduce its overall performance.

Exercise 5.Translate the text, using the given terms: Aftermarket, skirts, chrome trim, rear wings, billet grilles, Styling, light alloy, forged, mesh grilles, spoilers.

Стайлинг — доработка или переделка чего-либо для соответствия выбранному стилю. В автомобильной промышленности стайлинг делится на заводской и постзаводской. Стайлинг отличается от тюнинга тем, что изменения, вносимые в автомобиль (или мотоцикл), могут никак не влиять на технические характеристики автомобиля или даже ухудшать их. А тюнинг подразумевает улучшение динамики или проходимости автомобиля. Основные изменения, вносимые в автомобиль:

· легкосплавные диски (легкосплавные и кованные);

· аэродинамические обвесы (передний и задний спойлер и боковые секции (юбки);

· решетки, которые бывают двух типов: сетчатые и биллет;

· хромовые накладки;

· антикрылья.

Для выделения в потоке популярна аэрография — художественная окраска автомобиля. Талантливые аэрографы создают целые картины, которые делают автомобиль по-настоящему уникальным и неповторимым. Существует мнение, что аэрография также отпугивает автоугонщиков.

Exercise 6.Match words with their meaning.

1. A stock car audio system refers to   2. Interior tuning is a term used for   3. Engine tuning means   4. Suspension tuning involves   5. Body tuning concerns   6. Detuning involves a. returning a modified car to its original factory status. b. the replacement of basic engine components with after-market versions that perform the exact same functions as those replaced while promising an increase in power output. c. one that was specified by the manufacturer when the car was built. d. adding or modifying spoilers and a body kit. e. involves modifying the springs, shock absorbers, sway bars, and other related components of a vehicle. f. removing the back seats to make room for a sound system, or taking out the front seats and replacing them with bucket seats (racing seats).

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1. Translate paying attention to Passive Voice construction.

To be (в нужном времени) + правильный глагол +ed / 3 форма неправильного For example: was painted/ were repaired, will be bought, is checked, are worn

1. Tuning has become a very popular thing recently. One wants “to individualize” one’s car, for example, windows … (раньше тонировались, to tone), spoilers … (устанавливаются, to put), turbocharger … (добален, to add), powerful audio system … (будет установлена, to mount). 2. To make the car style the grills on the radiator … (закреплены, to fix), they are the most attractive detail of body tuning. 3. The car’s aerodynamic characteristics … (улучшаются, to improve) and lower fuel consumption …(достигается, to reach) by proper fixed antiwing and front spoiler.

Exercise 2. Read the following short articles about “Car Tuning TV shows”. Find Participle I and Participle II in the texts. Translate into Russian. Answer the questions.

1. Pimp My Ride is a TV show produced by MTV. Each episode consists of taking one car in poor condition and restoring it, as well as customizing it at no cost to their owners. The show begins with the participant showing his car off and convincing MTV why it needs to be "pimped". Taking a look at the car itself, making comments about the particular things that are wrong with it and promising the owner a complete makeover of the vehicle, the host of the show takes the car to a custom body shop where the shop team generally replaces most of the components and rebuilds the interior and exterior from scratch, and in special cases the engine too. Each car is custom modified, tailored to the personalities and interests of the owners. Work usually includes new paint and accessories (such as racing car seats, a spoiler, short shifter, weighted shift knob, LED (светодиод) head lights and tail lights, etc.) , chrome, tires and wheels, as well as internal electronics (DVD players, video games, and large TFT (ЖК) screens. While most changes are only cosmetic and mechanical work is generally only done to enable the car to run, the show has sometimes replaced engines.

2. Monster Garage was a popular television show for the Discovery Channel. A team of five people with mechanical, fabricating, or modifying expertise is assembled to modify a vehicle into a "monster machine." On the show this generally meant making one vehicle that could transform into another such as a PT Cruiser changed into a Wood Chipper, or a school bus turned into a pontoon boat. Occasionally vehicles were modified so as to hide no vehicular functions, such as a police car which doubled as a donut shop, or a Toyota Tundra which was modified so as to allow it to discharge a motorcycle at high speeds.

wood chipper - дробилка для древесных отходов

ANSWER THE QUESTION: Have you ever seen any of these TV shows? Did you like it? Why? Are there any similar TV shows in Ukraine? Are they popular? Would you like to participate as car’s owner? Why? Would you like to participate as mechanic? Give your reasons.


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

option – вариант to rise – повышаться

to opt - выбирать, предпочитать ( for; between )

incentive - мотив; стимул interest payment - выплата процентов

rebate - скидка продавца (в форме возврата) ongoing - действующий

to afford – (быть в состоянии) позволить себе to haggle – торговаться

Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

warranty – гарантия soft sprung car - автомобиль с мягкой подвеской fleet - парк автомобилей mileage – пробег автомобиля

Pre-text exercise 3.Don’t mix such words.

fall – амер. осень ads – advertisements - объявления

Pre-text exercise 4.Check your memory, try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: manufacturer; maintaining; rust; dent; dealer, jack/thruster, wheel brace, spare wheel.


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