
Vieweg Hans-Günther. Introduction to the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Sectors of new EU Member States.

(Введение в работу секторов инженерной механики и электрики новых государств – членов Евросоюза)

Report to the project No ENTR/04/063

The study report comprises the results of a project carried out for the Directorate- General “Enterprise and Industry”. The object of the investigation was the engineering sectors of the new EU-Member States.

Two topics were to be laboured, the creation of a data base and an assessment of the sectors competitiveness. The latter topic was divided into three steps, an analysis of the engineering sectors during the period under investigation, their integration into the European market, in particular the division of labour between the old and the new Member States, and the potential for an improved global competitiveness of the European engineering industries stimulated by the enlarged EU. As a conclusion of the experiences in the assessment of the competitiveness a proposal is submitted which stresses the design for a more detailed and better founded in-depth investigation.

The study report is composed of an analytical part. There are two supplements, a Methodological Annex that provides information on the most important indicators applied in the report and a Statistical Annex that provides the database for the engineering sectors of the new Member States.

A review is different from ordinary writing. A review is a technical form of writing that calls for different characteristics than most of the writing we normally do. In technical writing, facts must be documented. Technical writing requires clarity of definitions and consistency in the use of terms. The review should be logically organized and aimed at a particular audience. Usually the review is aimed at a relatively native reader, one who has some basic understanding of the topic but requires additional education to understand the topic being studied.

Start each major section of the review with an introduction that provides a brief overview of the section. “In this section, three main issues are examined. The first is…” Don’t force references into your review that do not really “fit”. The following suggestions should be helpful to you:

1) Make an outline. Identify the main topics and the order in which they should be presented. This does not need to be written in complete sentences. The points you want to discuss can be in a different order, as long as you have an introduction, body, and conclusion. You need to decide what order of ideas is the best for your theses.

2) Differentiate each major heading into logical subheadings.

3) Take all the references for a given subheading.

4) Technical writing is usually done using an accepted style. Limit big words, avoid jargon.

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