Write your resume (CV) and covering letter according to the
above given examples:
Write a resume which would be successful for obtaining any vacancy from Ex. 1.
1: For each of the following four types of businesses (Airline HubAuto Plant Accounting Firm Copper Smelter), rate the importance of each factor in terms of making international location decisions. Use L for low importance, M for moderate importance, and H for high importance:
Factors: Labor costs, Availability of skilled labor,
Transportation costs, Nearness to customers
Cost of living, Pollution control regulation,
Nearness to raw materials, Construction costs
Presence of similar firms, Exchange rate stability
2: Explain how superior value chain management can increase a firm's competitive advantage. How is telematics impacting the internationalization of service industries?
3: Most international pharmaceutical companies have their plants in advanced industrial countries of North America, Europe, and Japan. In contrast, most sports footwear companies source their products from developing countries such as China and Indonesia. Explain this seeming inconsistency.
4: How important is it for a firm to win one of the major quality awards? What competitive benefits can be gained by a firm that obtains ISO 9000 certification? Explain.
5: Identify a list of criteria that a firm should use to decide which aspects of its value chain it should outsource. What aspects should not be outsourced? Why or why not?
6: How should a firm determine the strategic role of its foreign factories? Are some roles preferable to others?
Case: Siemens Automotive Systems.In early 1995, Stephen Drake, product marketing manager at Siemens' electrical motors division in London, Canada, under heavy pressure from customers to reduce prices, was evaluating various cost-cutting options. With materials accounting for 60 percent of total cost, Stephen knew sourcing components offshore and moving assembly operations to low-cost, soft-currency locations were two alternatives. He wondered what additional information he might require and what options he should recommend.
General Company Background:The Electric Motor/Electrical Motor Systems division (henceforth referred to as EM division) was part of the Automotive Systems group of Siemens, a German multinational firm, the sixth largest electronics and electrical engineering company in the world. The world headquarters of the Automotive Systems group was located in Regensburg, Germany, with research and development, testing, production, assembling, and sales and service facilities situated worldwide. The group was one of the leading suppliers of automotive electrical and electronic components and systems to the automobile industry.
1: What, if any, additional information would help Stephen Drake decide on what recommendations to make to his superior?
2: How can a multinational company such as Siemens address the issues caused by changes in exchange rates?
3: What will be the role of the London facilities if more and more work is outsourced?
4: Given the drawbacks to outsourcing that Siemens Automotive has experienced, why should the company persist with this option?
5: Siemens Automotive is competing with other divisions in the same company and with other companies in the industry. What is the basis of this competition? How can Siemens retain its mandate and competitive edge? III
Is it true that every organisation has to move materials to support its operations? Give examples from different types of organisation to support your views. IV
How important is logistics to the national economy? How has this changed over time? V
Organisations are only really interested in making products that they can sell to customers. Provided they have reliable first-tier supplies and transport for products to first-tier customers, logistics is irrelevant. Do you think this is true?
Very few organisations deal with the final customer for a product. Most work upstream and form one step of the supply chain, often passing materials to internal customers within the same organisation. How does the type of customer affect the organisation of logistics and the measures of customer satisfaction?
The cost of logistics varies widely from organisation to organisation. What factors affect these costs? Are the costs fixed or can they be controlled?
How can you measure customer service or satisfaction, and why is it important?
How can a company find the best balance between service level and costs? X
Is it really true that logistics affects all aspects of an organisation’s performance?
‘Logistics is a part of every product package.’ What does this mean, and is it true? XII
In 1996 a survey by Deloitte & Touche in Canada found that 98% of respondents described logistics as either ‘critical’ or ‘very important’ to their company. The survey also emphasised the rate of change in the area, with over 90% of organisations either currently improving their supply chain or planning improvements within the next two years. Do you think that these findings are still valid?
1 Левиков Г.А. «Логистика, транспорт и экспедирование» Краткий словарь-справочник - М.: ТрансЛит, 2008 г.- 224 с.
2 Николаева Л.Л., Цымбал Н.Н. «Морские перевозки» Учебник/Одесская национальная морская академия. Одесса: «Феникс», 2005 - 425 с.
3 David Lowe Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms, Kogan Page 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN, 2002 – 297 p.
4 Grussendorf, Marion “English for Logistics” - Oxford : ISBN 978-0-19-457945-2, Oxford University Press, 2009 - 94 p.
5 J. Naterop Bertha, Weis Erich, Haberfellner Eva Business Letters for All, Oxford University Press, 2004 – 163 p.
6 McKinney, Anne “Real-resumes for supply & logistics jobs including resumes used to change careers and resumes used to gain federal employment”- Prepublishing, Fayetteville, NC, 2006 - 194 p
7 NATO Public Diplomacy “Logistics support for NATO operations” Division1110 Brussels Belgium BGR1-LOG-ENG-0206 NATO 2006- 9 p.
8 Norman Susan “We are in business/English for commercial practice and international trade” London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1990 - 138 p.
9 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration “Intermodal Transportation and Inventory Cost Model Highway-to-Rail Intermodal” User’s Manual, March 2005 - 35 p.
10 Zografos Konstantino, Recker Amelia “Current Challenges for Intermogal Freight transport and logistics in Europe and the U.S. Transportation Systems and Logistics Laboratory”, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine, 2003- 20 p.
11 Селезнев А.А. Логистический аутсорсинг, 02.06.2010 www.centripro.com
12 Черноусов Е.В. Менеджмент в России и за рубежом. Статьи из номера N6 / 2002 Анализ рынка логистических провайдеров - зарубежный опыт. http://www.mevriz.ru/articles/2002/6/1010.html
13 http://www.financialtimes.com
14 http://www.logisticsmgmt.com
15 http://www.logixsource.com/weblinks/lscsupplychainlogisticsglossary.pdf
16 http://www.wikipedia.org
[1] зд.параметры
[2] зд. неэффектиный
1 зд. важный
2 зд. восхищаться
3 зд. Тихоокеанский регион
1 зд. в изобилии
2 зд. семинары
1 зд. от лица
1 зд. замораживать, приостанавливать
2 зд. товар с истекающим сроком годности
1 зд. актив баланса
1 зд. междугородный
1 зд.обговаривать
1 хищение груза
1 зд. оплошность
1 зд. внимательный