Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте

Р.В. Дражан

Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте

Вводно-интенсивный курс

Практикум по английскому языку

Новороссийск 2011

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ.



кандидат педагогических наук С.Н. Коробова

Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом МГА имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова к изданию в качестве учебно-практического пособия

Дражан, Р.В.

Д72 Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте: вводно-интенсивный курс: практикум по английскому языку.– Новороссийск: МГА им.адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова, 2010.– 52 с.

Практикум содержит тексты, упражнения и задания, которые подготовят курсантов к ведению беседы на профессиональные темы.

Практикум предназначен для курсантов первого курса очной формы обучения по специальности 190701 «Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте».

УДК 811.111

Оригинал-макет В. Преображенская

Подписано в печать 12.10.11. Изд. № 889

Формат 60х84 1/16. Печать оперативная

Усл.печ.л. 3,02. Уч.изд.л. 2,13. Тираж 100. Заказ 1905.

Редакционно-издательский отдел

ФГОУ ВПО «Морская государственная академия им. адм. Ф.Ф.Ушакова»

353918, г. Новороссийск, пр. Ленина, 93

Налоговая льгота – общероссийский классификатор продукции

ОК-005-93, том 2: 953000

© Дражан Р.В., 2011

Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте - © МГА им. адм. Ф.Ф. Ушакова, 2011


Настоящий практикум предназначен для развития навыков профессиональной устной речи на английском языке и, как следствие, формирования профессионально-языковых компетенций у курсантов специальности 190701 “Организация перевозок и управления на транспорте”.

Профессионально-языковые компетенции, имеющие коммуникативную, переводческую и оперативную составляющие включают знание культуры и традиций страны изучаемого языка, знание грамматического строя изучаемого языка, владение техникой перевода, навыки работы в группе, владение различными социальными ролями в коллективе. Курсант должен уметь представить себя, написать письмо, анкету, заявление, задать вопрос, вести дискуссию и др.

Практикум содержит тексты, упражнения и задания, которые подготовят курсантов к ведению беседы на профессиональные темы.

Профессиональные тексты отобраны с учетом межпредметных связей из оригинальных источников.

Тематическая часть практикума включает:

1) тексты общеморской тематики;

2) профессионально-ориентированные тексты.

Лексическую базу практикума составляет обиходно-бытовая, общеморская и коммерческая лексика, а также некоторая основная терминология подъязыка специальности по грузовым перевозкам и транспортному менеджменту. В практикум включены стандартные фразы ИМО для общения на море.

Тематика текстов подобрана с учетом ранней профессиональной ориентации. В каждом из десяти уроков представлена отдельная тема, изложенная в краткой и доступной для понимания форме. Для облегчения работы даны ключевые термины и выражения. Упражнения дают курсантам на разных уровнях владения языком возможность проверить свое понимание материала и активизировать лексику. Дискуссия в группах и ответы на вопросы дают курсантам (intermediate and advanced levels) возможность развивать навыки практического использования языка. Начинающие (beginners) имеют возможность практиковаться в разговорной речи, работая в парах или небольших группах до 4-х человек во время занятия. Глоссарий в конце пособия позволит быстро найти нужный термин, его перевод и объяснение.

Предлагаемая структура практикума позволяет привлекать дополнительный материал в процессе обучения в зависимости от контингента обучаемых, их возможностей и потребностей. Привлечение дополнительного материала, безусловно, будет существенно активизировать речевую деятельность обучаемых.

Раздел “Are you ready for examination?” содержит такие формы работы, как коммуникация в определенных ситуациях, самоанализ записей, ролевая игра. Это, во-первых, позволит курсантам самостоятельно подготовиться к экзамену и, во-вторых, даст возможность преподавателю оценить уровень подготовленности курсантов к любой форме аттестации.

My Academy

There are several educational establishments in Russia which train specialists of Merchant Marine. One of these institutes is situated in Novorossiysk. Its branch is in Rostov-on-Don. It is called the Branch Admiral Ushakov Maritime Academy. It has three departments: Navigation, Engineering and Economics and Management. Every year a lot of entrants take examinations to become the cadets of Maritime Academy.

The cadets wear uniform and have some specific duties. For example, they keep watch, line up every morning, tighten up on discipline and observe Academy Statute.

The course of study lasts 5 years. At the end of study the cadets hold examinations for academy leaving certificates. One of these examinations is English.

Each year has two terms. Cadets attend classes and lectures and at the end of term they have tests and exams where they can demonstrate their progress.

The cadets study various subjects within the period of training. Future transport managers have Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, Culturology, Economics, Physical training, etc. As to English, its course is divided into two steps: General Language and Language for Special Purpose. English is closely connected with other subjects such as Port Management, Marketing, Transport Logistics, Transport Law, Theory of Ship’s Construction and others. It is important for marine shipping and commercial practice.

On graduating from the academy cadets will work in ports and other commercial organizations of marine transport as managers, brokers, agents.

Read this and take into cosideration! A job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money. A profession is a job that requires special training, often a university education and brings a rather high social status. An occupation is a job or profession. A career is the series of jobs that a person does in his or her life, usually in one and the same field.

2. Some questions you will be interested in!

Who works in the port?

Shipping agents, forwarders, transport managers, economists, tallymen, stevedores, superintendants and surveyors carry out organization of port and cargo operations. All of them have their own duties.


1. Read and translate the text:

Shipping together with other means of transport services the branches of economics in sphere of production and commodity circulation. Since natural resources and industrial production are allocated unevenly on the Earth, shipping is a necessary condition of stability and economic development.

Shipping doesn’t create material product, like agriculture, which produces wheat. This product can be exchanged for money or other goods. However, shipping creates the cost in consequence of a shifting the goods from the areas of production to the areas of consumption, where they can be exchanged for money. For example, iron ore, which is in deposits in tropical jungles, has no any practical value. But iron ore delivered to the areas of steel-melting plants gets customer cost.

Shipping is a branch of manufacturing, which provides the society with transport services and ensures needs in transportation. Organization of shipping operation must correspond to conditions of transshipment taking its source from peculiarities of international marine trade. Shippers require not only transportation of goods on particular line, but regular service of reliable voyages according to the firm schedule. Shipowner must meet these requirements, especially as to reliable regular service, since only this quality permits the consumers to get maximum profit from shipping.

Exporters and importers usually do business under terms of supplies agreed before being sure in due delivery of goods. Actually, some commercial enterprises couldn’t be in position to keep in stock a large amount of goods subject to deterioration inevitable while irregular supplies. They objectively depend on regular supply of comparatively small consignments of goods, delivered by the ships at particular intervals.


A good transport system is needed if goods are to be traded efficiently. A Shipper can choose to send his consignment (the goods) to the Consignee by:

- water, which covers both national and international shipping;

- land, by road or by rail;

- air.

Like all other means of transport, shipping has certain advantages and disadvantages for Shipper and Consignee:

+ -
It is the cheapest form of transport over longer distance.   Unlimited distances can be covered (e.g. between continents)   Large quantities of cargo can be transported. It is the slowest means of transport.     It may be subject to delays due to weather conditions.   The insurance costs are relatively high.

There are several types of sea-going ships which carry cargo:

- Linerssail on a fixed route and keep to a schedule. They mainly transport general cargo, containers.

- Tramps take any cargo they can get and sail to any port required. They do not follow a schedule or any fixed route. As a rule, they carry bulk cargo and timber.

- Coasterstravel from one port to another along the coast of a country. They are not used for international shipping.

The transport document used specifically for ocean shipping is the Bill of Lading.

When goods are transported, they are called “cargo”. Cargo can be divided into three categories:

- General cargo – goods sent packed in boxes, cases, crates and containers.

- Bulk cargo – large quantities of items such as sand, grain, ore and coal when sent unpacked.

- Bulky cargo – large individual items such as cars sent unpacked.

Liner – линейное судно

Tramp – трамповое судно

Coaster – каботажное судно

Bill of Lading – коносамент (накладная для морских перевозок)

6. Test yourself, choose the correct variant:

1. The Shipper sends the goods to the...

a) Harbour Master; b) Consignee; c) Chief Stevedore.

2. Shipping is the … means of transport.

a) slowest; b) quickest; c) most expensive.

3. Liners carry …

a) bulk cargo; b) timber; c) general cargo.

4. … sail to any port required.

a) Liners; b) coasters; c) tramps.

5. … are not used for international shipping.

a) coasters; b) liners; c) tramps.

6. Sand, ore, grain are...

a) general cargo; b) bulk cargo; c) bulky cargo.

7. Goods in bags, boxes, containers, crates are...

a) general cargo; b) unpacked cargo; c) bulk cargo.

8. The transport document for ocean shipping is the …

a) Surveyor Report; b) Bill of Lading; c) Customs declaration.

9. The head of the port is….

a) Pilot; b) Navigator; c) General Director.

10. … is a person who receives the cargo.

a) Consignee; b) General Director; c) Customs Officer.

UNIT 3. Commercial work

1. These words and phrases can be used in practical speech. Remember them:

Principal – принципал, начальник

on behalf of one’s Principal – от имени своего начальника (принципала)

Seller – продавец

Buyer – покупатель

Shipowner – судовладелец

Cargo Owner – грузовладелец

Charterer – фрахтователь

Carrier – перевозчик

go- between – посредник

chartering agent – фрахтовый агент

reliable broker – надежный брокер

Shipper – грузоотправитель

Receiver (Consignee) – грузополучатель

payment – оплата

Charter Party (C/P) – чартер- партия

terms of Charter-Party – условия чартер – партии

Notice of Readiness (NOR) – извещение о готовности

Sales Contract – договор купли-продажи

Shipment – отгрузка

trading company—торговая компания

shipping company – судоходная компания

freight rate – цена перевозки груза (ставка фрахта)

charter negotiations – обсуждение условий чартера

quality of cargo – качество груза

quantity – количество

marking – маркировка

packing – упаковка

dangerous cargo – опасный груз

noxious cargo – вредный груз

poisonous cargo – ядовитый груз

nature of cargo – происхождение груза

date of loading – дата погрузки

commodity – наименование груза, товара

loading instructions – инструкции по погрузке

discharge rate – норма выгрузки

condition of cargo – состояние груза

average rate – средняя норма

cargo-handling facilities – погрузочно-разгрузочные устройства

cargo winch – грузовая лебедка

cargo crane – грузовой кран

cargo derrick – грузовая стрела

to be operational – быть в рабочем состоянии

to be out of commission – выходить из строя

to be available – быть в наличии

cargo hold – грузовой трюм

cargo space – грузовое помещение

to be clean – быть чистым

to be dry – быть сухим

to be free of smell – не иметь запаха

to be ready for loading (discharging) – быть готовым к погрузке (выгрузке)

to be in good (bad) condition – быть в хорошем (плохом)состоянии

main particulars of the ship – основные характеристики судна

length overall (LOA) – наибольшая длина

width (breadth) – ширина

draft – осадка

type of vessel – тип судна

date of build – дата постройки

cargo-carrying capacity – грузоподъемность

deadweight – дедвейт

to ship – отгружать

to commence loading (discharging) – начинать погрузку (выгрузку)

to complete loading (discharging) – заканчивать погрузку (выгрузку)

to load ( loading) – грузить ( погрузка)

to discharge ( discharging) – выгружать ( выгрузка)

to stow – размещать груз

to carry cargo – перевозить груз

to deliver cargo – доставлять груз

to leak (leakage) – вытекать (утечка)

to secure/to fasten/to lash – крепить груз

to take/ to receive/to accept cargo on board – принимать груз на борт

to tally – считать груз

to retally – пересчитывать груз

to send goods – отправлять груз

to employ (to charter/ to hire) the ship – нанимать судно

to keep the principal well informed – держать начальника в курсе дел

to maintain close contact with... – устанавливать тесный контакт с...

to represent the Charterer (the Owner) – представлять фрахтователя (судовладельца)

to exercise due diligence and skill – проявлять должное старание и умение

to deliver the vessel to the Charterer – доставлять судно фрахтователю

to come to an agreement about... – приходить к соглашению по поводу

to undertake – брать на себя обязательство

to contract – заключать контракт

to discuss the details of employment – обсуждать условия найма

to arrange for...with – договариваться о...с…

to sign – подписывать

to conclude a fixture – заключать фрахтовую сделку

to find a vessel to carry cargo – находить судно для перевозки груза

to deal with... – иметь дело с...

to look through the papers – просматривать бумаги

to have close links with… – иметь тесные связи с…

to look into the matter – рассмотреть вопрос

to proceed to the port of discharging – следовать в порт выгрузки

to arrive at port of destination – прибывать в порт назначения

to sail/to travel – ходить (о судне)

to leave the port – покидать порт

to go to sea – выходить в море

to enter the port – входить в порт

to call at the port – заходить в порт

to leave for – уезжать куда-либо

to moor – швартоваться

to be at berth – находиться у причала

to be on demurrage – быть на простое

2. Read the text, translate it and reproduce it in English:


Broker is a go-between, he can represent either the Owner or the Charterer. The Shipbroker's main task is to bring the two parties in order to conclude a fixture. He must know types and characteristics of cargoes, types of ships, their construction and machinery.The Shipbroker must also know the main shipowners and charterers, situation on the shipping market, in the trading and shipping companies.

The Owner’s Broker finds employment, i.e.[1] cargoes for his principal's ships. He tries to get the highest possible freight rate, the quickest loading and discharging, and terms favouring the Shipowner in the Charter Party.

The Charterer’s Broker (or chartering agent) helps the Company find a ship suitable to carry this particular type of cargo. Then the broker’s task is to get the cheapest freight rate and terms favouring the Charterer.

The broker should exercise due diligence and skill in the execution of charter negotiations on behalf of his principal. He usually keeps his principals fully informed about all aspects of the market.

3. Improve your knowledge by doing these exercises:

1) Say that you are going...

- заключить фрахтовую сделку

- обсудить стоимость перевозки груза

- представить своего брокера

- найти судно для перевозки груза

- договориться об оплате.

2) Ask if...

- знает ли судовладелец надежного брокера

- в рабочем ли состоянии погрузо-разгрузочные устройства

- чистые ли трюмы

- знает ли ваш агент английский язык

- готово ли судно к погрузке.

3) Say that at this moment:

- вы разговариваете с капитаном

- судно швартуется

- вы готовите судно к выгрузке

- капитан подает нотис о готовности

- вытекает опасный груз.

4) Ask a question:

- Кого представляет судовой брокер?

- Каковы инструкции по погрузке?

- За что отвечает судовладелец?

- Какие погрузочно-разгрузочные устройства есть на борту вашего судна?

- В каком состоянии находятся трюмы?

5) Complete the sentences:

- The Shipbroker represents...

- The Shipbroker’s main task is ...

- The Shipbroker should exercise...

- He tries to...

- He helps the Company...

6) Disagree to the statements. Begin with " I'm afraid, you are wrong"', "I don't think so", "You are mistaken".

- Our agent knows two languages .(one language)

- He is discussing the date of loading.(freight rate)

- My Principal is going to represent a newcomer.( our manager)

- Your winch is out of commission.( operational)

4. Express the same in English:

1) Кто ваш начальник? (Кто возглавляет вашу компанию?)

2) Вы знаете надежного брокера?

3) Что вы можете сказать о Грузоотправителе?

4) Вы представляете судовладельца?

5) Кто будет представлять фрахтователя?

6) Вы фрахтовый агент?

7) Какие торговые компании вы знаете?

8) Какую судоходную компанию вы представляете?

9) Чью сторону вы представляете?

10) Что вы можете сказать о качестве груза?

11) Исправны ли грузовые устройства?

12) Трюмы готовы к погрузке?

13) Куда следует судно?

14) Это опасный груз?

15) Какова дата погрузки?

16) Какова норма выгрузки?

5. Complete the dialogues using vocabulary of this unit. Model:

- Hello! I’m a shipowner requiring employment for my vessel.

- Hello! Describe your vessel, please.

- This is a general cargo ship of about 20, 000 dwt. My idea of freight rate is 2.10 pounds.

- Ok. Let’s discuss all details in my office. I think, we will accept your offer.

- Ok. Thanks.

6. Testing grammar! Express future in English:

1)Мы выходим в море через 2 часа.

a) We will get out into the sea in 2 hours;

b) b) We are getting out into the sea in 2 hours;

c) c) We get out into the sea in 2 hours.


Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for some people studying languages is just a hobby. Everyone who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in original. It’s fun. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well educated people are polyglots. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” That’s absolutely right. If we want to understand ourselves and environment we should study foreign languages.

As for me, I study English. English is an international language, it is the main language of business, science, politics and cultural relations. Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use it. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Besides, English is one of the official languages of the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa, India and many other countries of the world.

English is the main language of computers and technology. Three quarters of the world’s mail are in English. It is the language of sports. I should say that English is a wonderful language, it is the language of great literature, the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.

There are many ways of learning a language. In order to master English, to brush it up and to keep it up we practise grammar together with vocabulary, we have a lot of drills at our English lessons. Practice helps us to memorise words, up-to-date idioms and phrasal verbs. We also read texts, translate them, write tests and dictations, make up and act out dialogues, speak about different things and we learn social English to know what sort of English to use in different situations. At our English lessons we pay much attention to English intonation and pronunciation because if you get it wrong, people think you are rude. It is important to learn how to ask for information, how to be polite.

I guess it is helpful to read English books, to watch English films, to have private lessons, to use educational computer programmes and it seems to me that the most effective way is going to English speaking country. I want to know English because I like speaking English.

I want to use English in my future job. I want to use computer programmes in English, besides I want to travel to Britain or to the USA and meet a lot of people and to talk to them in English.

Unit 5. Ship’s crew


All people who serve on board a ship are ship’s crew. Master is the head of the ship. He is responsible for ship, her cargo and crew. He has three assistants: the Chief Mate, the Second Mate, the Third Mate. Each of them has his own duties.

There are three departments on board. They are: Deck, Engine and Catering Departments.

Deck Department consists of navigators, boatswain and sailors. The head of the Deck Department is the Chief Mate. Deck Department deals with safety of navigation and safe transportation of cargo.

Boatswain and sailors keep the ship’s hull, tackle and cargo spaces in good condition. They wash and scrub decks, do painting, clean and wash cargo holds and tanks after discharging and prepare them before loading. Proper preparation is essential. The holds and other compartments must be clean, dry and well aired. Boatswain must supervise the sailors’ work.

On board ship the Cargo Officer (or the Second Officer) is responsible for the safe and efficient handling and stowage of cargo. He sees to preparations for loading. Under his supervision the crewmen also get ready the ship’s winches, derricks and cranes.

The Third Mate is responsible for navigational charts. He plots course, takes bearings and defines ship’s position.

Engine Department is the Engine-Room. It is the heart of the ship. Main propulsion power plant, auxiliary mechanisms are in the Engine-Room. The head of the E\R is the Chief Engineer. He has three assistants: the Second Engineer, the Third Engineer, the Fourth Engineer. They maintain E\R machinery and ensure safe operation of main engine.

Catering Department is galley and messroom for officers and ratings. The Head of this department is the Chief Cook.

To ensure safety of the ship the crewmen must keep watch. Engineers keep watch in the Engine-Room. Navigators keep watch on the navigating bridge. They relieve each other every 4 hours. They may not leave the bridge during watchkeeping.

3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

на борту судна, отвечать за безопасность судна, обязанности, груз, состоять из…, иметь дело с…, безопасная перевалка груза, корпус судна, грузовые помещения, такелаж, трюмы, погрузка, выгрузка, надлежащая подготовка, выполнять покраску, члены экипажа, наблюдать, под наблюдением, хорошо проветрены, обработка груза, укладка груза, следить за…, подготавливать, лебедки, грузовые стрелы, навигационная карта, прокладывать курс, брать пеленг, определять местоположение судна, основная силовая установка, вспомогательные механизмы, машинное отделение, обслуживать (эксплуатировать), обеспечивать безопасную работу, нести вахту, служба камбуза, камбуз, кают-компания.

4. Translate the following sentences:

1) Капитан отвечает за судно, груз и экипаж.

2) На борту судна существует три службы.

3) Служба эксплуатации имеет отношение к безопасности судоходства.

4) Матросы чистят и моют грузовые трюмы и танки.

5) Грузовые помещения должны быть чистыми, сухими и хорошо проветрены.

6) Надлежащая подготовка трюмов обязательна.

7) Грузовой помощник отвечает за эффективную обработку и укладку груза.

8) Грузовой помощник следит за тем, чтобы были сделаны все необходимые приготовления к погрузке.

9) Члены экипажа готовят лебедки, стрелы и краны к погрузке.

10) Чтобы обеспечить безопасность судна члены экипажа должны нести вахту.

5. Agree or disagree with the following statements. When expressing agreement, doubt or disagreement use the phrases:I don’t think that’s quite right;I’m afraid that’s completely wrong; that’s (not) quite true; I wouldn’t say so; you are quite right; that’s right; as far as I know; as far as I remember.

1) Crewmen are those who serve in the Engine-Room only.

2) Cargo Officer is responsible for loading and discharging.

3) Master is the head of the Deck Department.

4) Motorman keeps watch on the navigating bridge.

5) Tallyman is a person who checks up the number of cargo pieces while loading.

6) Holds are special spaces for stowage cargo.

7) Stevedore is the man who is usually in charge of any cargo work in a port.

8) Loading is the process of taking cargo out of the holds.

9) Sailors usually clean and wash cargo holds and tanks.

10) Under Master’s supervision the crewmen get ready ship’s winches, derricks and cranes.

6. Ask your friend and let him answer the following questions:

1) Who serves on board ship?

2) What are the sailors’ duties?

3) What is Cargo Officer responsible for?

4) What does Engine Department consist of?

5) Who is the head of Engine-Room?

6) Who is the head of Deck Department?

7) What is Catering Department?

8) What are Tallyman’s duties?

9) Who is responsible for loading in a port?

10) Who deals with E\R machinery?

7. Give the definitions to the following:Pilot, Look out, Winchman, Crane operator, Helmsman, Docker, Customs Officer, Medical Officer.

Speak about Ship’s Crew.

Unit 6. In the Port

1. Memorize the following words:

Merchant sea port – торговый морской порт

To ensure (safety) – обеспечивать

To service – обслуживать

To check up (smth.) – проверять

To clear a ship inward (outward) – оформять приход (отход) судна

To head (to manage) – управлять, возглавлять

General Director – генеральный директор

Warehouse – склад (пакгауз)

To perform (duties) - выполнять

To comply with (regulations) – соблюдать (правила, инструкции)

To issue (certificate) – выдавать

To organize (smth.) – организовывать

To effect (to carry out) loading\unloading – осуществлять погрузку\выгрузку

Harbour Master – Капитан порта

Superintendent - суперинтендант

Traffic control service – диспетчерская служба

2. Read the text, translate it and retell:

In the port of Yejsk

We are in the port of Yejsk. It accepts 600 Russian and foreign ships. The cargo turnover is more than 1million 300 thousand tons a year. The cargo berths are the berths of general use. They can change specialization according to the type and amount of cargo intended for trans-shipment. Total amount of berths is six, with the length of 946 meters. The port has seven railway approaches. Each berth has two railway approaches. There are special roads for auto transport, weight-bridge and bridge for discharging trucks with grain. The trans-shipment takes place on berths with fourteen port cranes. Different kinds of mechanical equipment give possibility to trans-ship cargoes in bulk, general cargoes, metal products, timber, sawngoods in packages, containers and so on.

For reception of cargo the port has front and rear warehouses with total amount of 40000 square meters. For cargo which needs covered storage there are two closed warehouses.

The main type of activity of this port is the trans-shipment of export-import cargoes, warehousing operations, forwarding.

Security Service guarantees the safety of cargoes in open areas and in closed warehouses.

4. Memorize these words and sentences from “IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases”:

Hold capacity – вместимость трюмов

Bale capacity – киповая вместимость (судна)

Grain capacity – вместимость для зерновых грузов

Container capacity – контейнеровместимость

Dockside\ floating cranes – причальные\плавучие краны

Bridge – перегружатель

Handling capacity of container crane – производительность контейнерного крана

Grain elevator – зерновой элеватор

Cargo pumps – грузовые насосы

Fork-lift trucks – вилочные погрузчики

Elevation – высота подъема

To complete Stowage plan – составить грузовой план

To agree …with stevedores – согласовать … со стивидорами

Safety arrangements – средства обеспечения безопасности

Dunnage – подстилочный материал

Maximum loading\unloading rate – максимальная скорость погрузки\выгрузки

Safe working load of derrick\crane – допустимая рабочая нагрузка стрелы\крана

Winchman\ craneman – лебедчик\крановщик

5. Translate and remember!

1. Каков дедвейт судна?

2. Какова вместимость трюмов судна?

3. Какова киповая вместимость судна?

4. Какова вместимость для зерновых грузов?

5. Какова контейнеровместимость?

6. Имеются ли причальные (плавучие) краны в порту?

7. Какова производительность контейнерного крана (перегружателя)?

8. Имеются ли вилочные погрузчики для грузовых трюмов?

9. Какова высота подъема вилочного погрузчика?

10. Сколько свободных причалов имеется в порту?

11. Исправны ли краны\стрелы?

12. Краны \ стрелы будут исправны через 10 минут.

13. Какова длина \ ширина \ высота трюма?

14. Подготовить судно к погрузке\ выгрузке.

15. Подать нотис о готовности к погрузке к 1500 по местному времени.

16. Составить грузовой план.

17. Согласуйте грузовой план со стивидорами.

18. Грузовые трюмы очищены \сухие\ не имеют запаха.

19. Грузовые трюмы будут очищены через 1 час.

20. Достаточно ли подстилочного материала?

21. Исправны ли средства обеспечения безопасности в грузовом трюме?

22. Средства обеспечения безопасности будут исправны через 20 минут.

23. Какова максимальная скорость погрузки\выгрузки?

24. Какова допустимая рабочая нагрузка крана\ стрелы?

25. Проинструктировать лебедчика\крановщика.


(from “General course of Transport”)

Modern Russian Merchant Marine includes 200 organizations and enterprises, more than 10 Shipping Companies, 10 seamanships, 21 sea ports, the majority of which are the ports of the 1st Class, and 11 shiprepair yards.

Today the Russian Merchant Marine is a branch of national economy. There is no coastal country or region in the world with which Russia is unable to carry on trade using its own tonnage.

Russian ships carry a half of the world’s volume of cargo. The turnover of Russia is 290 mln tonnes every year. Vessels carry equipment for engineering industry, mining machinery, machine tools and instruments.

2 mln tonnes of coal, 1,5 mln tonnes of ore, 1 mln tonnes of metals, 8 mln tonnes of oil, 2 mln tonnes of timber, 400, 000 tonnes of grain were transported by the Russian ships last year.

Merchant marine of the USSR had the 4th place in its tonnage in the world after Liberia, Panama and Japan.

The disorder of the USSR resulted in some geographical changes. So nowadays a number of refrigerated ships belongs to the Latvian Shipping Company and some passenger liners to the Black Sea Seamanship.

But there is also another disadvantage of Russian Merchant Marine. Russian ships are old, their age is more than 20 years. 50 % of them are out of use and not suitable for transportation of cargo.

The Russian Federation is developing. Our economic power is growing. This opens the great prospects before our merchant fleet. We hope, Russian Merchant Marine will be well-equipped and technically advanced in the nearest future.

Our Maritime Education is expanding. A lot of well-qualified specialists will work in Shipping Companies and operate our Russian vessels. Their knowledge and skills will change the situation.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does modern Merchant Marine include?

2. What countries does Russia carry on its trade?

3. What export cargoes do our ships carry?

4. What import cargoes do our ships carry?

5. What prospects does our merchant marine have?

4. Testing grammar!

Мы недавно были в порту.

a) We have been to port recently;

b) We were in a port recently;

c) We had been to port recently.

5. Discuss in pairs the following topics:

1) Russian shipping.

2) Condition of Russian ships and shipbuilding prospects.

Unit 8. Russian ports

1. Read about the port of Rostov, use these words while translating a text:

Transport unit – транспортный узел

Transshipment – грузоперевозка (перевалка груза)

Inland waterways – внутренние водные пути

To approach – приближаться

Mouth – устье (реки)

Metal products – металлопродукция

Steel scrap – металлолом

Vehicle – транспортное средство

Border Pass Point – пункт пропуска через государственную границу

Customs – таможня

Quaywall – причальная линия


General information:

Number of vessels handled simultaneously – 14

Number of piers – 16

Total length of quay wall – 2,050 m

Port depth – 3.6 m

Square of open storage area – 80,000 m2

Square of covered warehouses – 5,000 m2

Storage area capacity – 470,000 tn

Capacity of port cranes – 5 - 27 tn

Port is located in the South of Russia. It is a large transport unit of Russia, where the river, sea, auto, railway routes of international meaning are crossed. Geography of port transshipment includes all countries of the Mediterranean basin (Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Italy) and countries of the Caspian basin through the Volga-Don system of inland waterways.

Port can be approached from the Gulf of Taganrog by the Azov-Don Sea Channel and by the part of the river Don from the mouth up to the port.

The port has 3 areas: Central, Alexandrovsky and Rostov Ladle. Winter navigation is provided with the assistance of ice-breaker “Fanagoria”.

The “river-sea” vessels with capacity up to 5,000 tons and draft 3.6 meters call at the port. The port specializes in handling metal products, steel scrap, coal, grain, ore, chemical products, timber and other general cargoes. Cargo rate is nearly 12,000 tons per day.

Port ensures transshipment of export\import goods and carries out warehousing procedures. There are 33 cranes in a port. Their capacity varies from 5 to 27 tons.

Terminal for transshipment grain cargoes from vehicles to vessels was put into operation in 2002. In 2003 the equipment for transshipment grain cargoes from carriages to vessels started its work. A primary direction of port development is the project “Construction of new cargo area on the left bank of the river Don”. Special terminals for all-the-year-round transshipment of various types of cargoes will be built.

The port gives a complete complex of stevedoring services.

There is a Border Pass Point and other establishments of control in the port. Such as Border, Customs, Epidemiological, Veterinary etc.

2. Read about the port of Novorossiysk. Memorize the following words:

Latitude – широта

To enter the port – входить в порт

Northward – в северном направлении

Westward– в западном…

To lay at anchor – стать на якорь

In the road – на рейде

ETA (Established Time of Arrival) – установленное время прибытия

Starboard side – правый борт

Oil jetty – нефтяной терминал

Longitude – долгота


(from “Guide to Port Entry”)

The seaport of Novorossiysk is situated in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea, at the top of the Novorossiyskaya (Tsemesskaya) Bukhta (Bay).

Navigation is year-round. In winter, strong, gusty NE winds (called “Bora”), reaching hurricane force at times, blow from the coastal mountains. Due to these winds, vessels lying at anchor in Novorrossiysk Bay may very quickly become covered with ice when the temperature of the air is cooled below freezing point.

It is impossible to enter the port when “Bora” blows, therefore, all vessels are recommended to leave the Novorossiysk Bay for the open sea beforehand or lay at anchor in the Yuzhnaya Ozereika Roads, at the distance of 8.5 miles westward of the entrance to the port of Novorossiysk.

The port consists of two harbours: Dry Cargo Harbour and Sheskharis Oil Harbour.

The inner roads are situated at the head of Novorossiysk Bay and divided from the outer roads by the Western and Eastern Moles. The outer roads are situated between the moles and the Southern border of the port.

The Dry Cargo Harbour situated inside the inner roads is protected by
2 (western and eastern) moles.

Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels must give the ETA, name of the vessel, gross tonnage, exact draft, description and quantity of cargo, location and weights of heavy lifts (if any), type of engine 96 hours prior arrival.

The quays of the Dry Cargo Harbour with depths alongside of up to 11.5 m are equipped to handle general cargo, 20 - 40ft containers and bulk cargoes (coal, ore), metals, timber, sugar, grain, cement, fruit and vegetables.

Berths of the port are equipped with modern cargo handling facilities. There are portal cranes of up to 40 tons capacity, floating cranes with lifting capacity of up to 100 tons, automatic and electric cargo lifters and other equipment.

Opening and closing of hatches is usually done by ship’s crew with the help of portal cranes of up to 40 tons capacity at dry cargo berths if ordered by Master, grain berth excluded.

All necessary services including stevedoring work are available under Port Authority guidance. Port cargo handling regions where ships berth are managed by Port Authority and used for stevedoring, tallymen service, storage, etc.

The Sheskharis Oil Harbour situated in the Eastern part of the outer roads is protected by a mole from the South and oil jetty from the North. The base of the jetty is used as a berth for fire-fighting boats.

Depths at the berths of the Sheskharis Oil Harbour are from 4.5 up to 19.0 m. To ensure safe loading \ unloading of oil products every tanker should be equipped with cargo manifolds[3] capable of fitting 8 in.-16in. shore-loading connections.

Deepwater berth №1 accepts vessels of 80,000 to 250,000 dwt. Arrival and departure draft does not exceed 19.0 m


The port of Sochi is an ice-free port situated at the mouth of the Sochi River, in the eastern part of the Black Sea.

The port is protected by the Caucasian chain of mountains from cold NE winds but it is open to winds blowing from southerly and westerly directions when heavy waves may roll over the port moles causing heavy swell in the harbour.

The port mostly handles passenger traffic. There are passenger terminals, one of which serves hydrofoil ships only. About 3 million passengers visit the port yearly. A cargo pier is equipped to handle fruit, building material and cars. There are enclosed warehouses on the cargo pier and on one of the passenger terminals.

Pilot boat usually meets vessels at the distance of about 1 mile from the port. In the event of bad weather or restricted visibility, vessels should anchor or drift at a safe distance from the port until the pilot arrives.

Deep draft vessels may obtain anchorage in the outer roads westward of the Northern Mole. The depths in the roads are from 11m to 12m.

Some distance westward, in depths 20-23m, there are mooring buoys, which can be used during vessels stay in the road.


The Port of Archangel is a White Sea Port. It’s situated at the mouth of the Severnaya Dvina River, in the SE corner of Dvina Bay.

The total length of the port area is about 30 miles. Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels awaiting a Pilot may anchor at safe distance to the North from pilot boat location.

Ice breaks up in April. Port area open from end of April to November. During the time of high water vessels can enter the port through the approach channel Berezovy Bar if having length not more than 160 m and draft not exceeding 8.0 m.

37 berths are available with depths alongside up to 9.6.m.

Berths are equipped to handle timber, wood-pulp, paper, machinery and general cargo. Therefore enclosed warehouses and concrete floor sheds are available in the port.

Berths of the commercial port are equipped with mobile electric cranes of up to 32 tons capacity. Loading of timber from berths is effected by shore cranes and vessels’ cargo gear. There are also floating cranes from 5 to 100 tons capacity as well as other cargo handling equipment and interport transport means.

Mobile electric cranes of up to 20 tons capacity are operated on the quays.


The sea port of St.Petersburg is situated at the Baltic Sea.

Year-round navigation is possible with ice-breaker assistance from the end of November till the middle of April. Ice begins to form in the middle of November when usual winter frosts come and in January (time varies with the season) all the area becomes completely covered with fast ice.

The port of St.Petersburg provides for a good anchorage. Port aquatorium is divided by moles and dams into several basins (docks) and harbours.

Pilot usually boards a vessel at the port St.Petersburg, approaching light buoy (lat. 60 02’ N, long. 29 26’ E)

All pilots are highly qualified reliable and experienced Ice-Pilots.

Berths of the port with depths alongside of up to 11.5 m are equipped to handle general and bulk cargoes (coal, ores, grain, building material), sugar, metals, timber products, etc. There is also a passenger and container terminals, warehouses, cold stores and concrete floor sheds.

Both opening and closing of hatches is usually done by the ship’s crew, otherwise according to the Charter Party conditions.

There are shore-cranes 5-tons- 40-tons capacity, floating cranes 10, 25, 40, 60, 100 and 350 tons capacity. Fork-lifts 1-25 tons are available. Stevedores are ordered by the Agent.


The seaport of Kholmsk is situated on the Western coast of Sakhalin Island, in the Tartarsky Strait of the Japan Sea and at the head of Nevelskoy Bay.

The port is open for navigation all the year round.

The port is divided into three parts: The Kovsh (a basin), The Commercial and Fishing Harbours. The Commercial Harbour is situated in the center of the port area. It is protected by the Southern and Northern Moles. The entrance to the Harbour 150 m wide, is situated between these 2 moles. Cargo berths are situated in a basin (the Kovsh) of the Southern part of the Harbour.

The port of Kholmsk, due to its position, size and weather conditions in the area, cannot be used as a sheltering port.

Pilotage is compulsory. Pilot meets a vessel in the outer roads situated opposite the port entrance. The outer roads are open to Westerly winds.

Anchorage in the outer roads may also be obtained at 4-6 cables lengths off shore. Depths are from 18 m to 20 m. Holding ground is sand and stone.

Two tugs of 300 h.p. and two tugs of 1, 200 h.p. are available. Tugs normally join the vessels in the inner area of the port.

Berths with depths up to 7.3 m alongside, are equipped to handle general and bulk cargoes, metals, timber, food products, etc., as well as passenger traffic.

Cranes of up to 40 tons capacity are operated on the quays. There are also other cargo-handling equipment and inter port transport facilities. There are enclosed warehouses and open concrete floor sheds.


A Barents commercial seaport and fishing port, Murmansk is situated at the eastern coast of the southern elbow-shaped bend of the Gulf of Kolsky. It is the last unfrozen port of the Northern seas routes.

In very severe winters the southern and middle elbow-shaped bends of the Gulf get frozen over for a short period of time in February or March, during calm and frosty weather. In mild winters drift ice is observed. The northern part of the Gulf never gets frozen over.

The Port of Murmansk is open for navigation all the year round. In the event of ice conditions, ice-breaker assistance will be effected.

The port of Murmansk consists of 2 harbours: the Commercial and the Fishing Harbours.

Pilotage is compulsory. During rough sea pilot is not able to board a ship at the pilot station area. In this event vessels should follow the pilot boat in the wake of it up to the Salny Island and embark a pilot southward of the island at a place indicated by pilot boat.

Main berths, depths alongside 32 ft at low water. Vessels berth port or starboard side alongside at Master’s and Pilot’s discretion. The berths of the Commercial Harbour with depths alongside of up to 12.0 m are equipped to handle general and bulk cargo, metals, machinery, chemicals, foodstuff, etc.

There are enclosed mechanised warehouses for apatite including open concrete floor sheds.

Berths of the port are equipped with mobile electric cranes of up to 40 tons capacity. There are floating cranes with lifting capacity of up to 90 tons, and other cargo handling equipment and intra-port transport.

Since loading\unloading is usually done by the port cranes, there are no specific requirements to vessel’s cargo gear.

Stevedores are arranged by Agent on basis of Master’s ETA. Loading and unloading is carried out throughout 24 hours a day including holidays.


A commercial port Nakhodka is situated in Nakhodka Bay, in the NW part of the Japan Sea.

From the beginning of January to March the Nakhodka Bay is usually covered with thin ice which can easily be broken by vessels and driven out into the sea by favourable winds.

The port is open for navigation all the year round.

The most dangerous wind for vessels lying in the Nakhodka Bay is the strong southern wind of long duration caused by typhoons. The wind usually gives rise to the water level and produces waves of up to 3 m height in the Bay.

Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels irrespective of nationality and ownership with the exception of the local coasters.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.1 have depths alongside from 8.6 m up to 10.2 m and are equipped to handle grain, equipment, cables, wire ropes, metals, phosphorus, etc.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.2 have depths alongside from 9.1m up to 10.2m and are equipped to handle grain, coal, cement, foodstuff and general cargoes.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.3 have depths alongside from 8.8 m up to 11.8 m and are equipped to handle timber, sawn timber, equipment, machinery and other cargoes.

Passenger vessels are handled at two berths with depths alongside 8.8 m and 6.1 m.

Electric cranes of up to 41 tons capacity are operated on the quays. There are also floating cranes with lifting capacity of up to 300 tons and other cargo handling equipment, intra-port transport included.

2 grain handles available rate 300 tonnes/ hour each.

Loading and/or unloading is usually done in accordance with conditions and rates stipulated by C/Ps and Sales Contracts.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Порт расположен в северо-восточной части Черного моря.

2. Навигация открыта круглый год.

3. Лоцманская проводка обязательна.

4. Причалы оборудованы современными грузообрабатыващими устройствами.

5. Для обработки генерального груза в порту есть краны грузоподъемностью от 20 до 50 тонн.

6. В порту есть плавучие краны от 20 до 100 тонн грузоподъемностью.

7. Глубины у причалов нефтяного терминала от 4.5 до 19 м.

8. Все необходимые услуги, включая стивидорные работы, предоставляются в порту.

9. В порту перерабатываются такие навалочные грузы, как зерно, уголь, руда.

10.Ежегодно в порту загружается от 500 до 600 морских судов.

5. Ask your freind about:

1) location of the port of Nakhodka;

2) weather conditions to be needed for entering the port of Novorossiysk;

3) navigation in the port of Murmansk;

4) number of b

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