Physical quantity-физическая величина

Sources of energy-источники энергии

Household contraptions-бытовые приспособления

Vehicles- транспорт

The prescribed mechanisms-установленные механизмы

Radioactive uranium-радиоактивный уран

To rotate turbines-для вращения турбин

The combustion of fuel-сгорание топлива


The engine of a car- двигатель автомобиля

Electricity- электричество


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is energy?

2. What forms of energy do you know?

3. Which animals get energy by eating plants?

4. Which animals get energy by eating other animals?

5. In nature, all biological systems harvest their energy from the sun, don't they?

6. Do they harvest their energy from the sun?

7. Do all biological systems harvest their energy from the sun directly or indirectly?

8. Do we live in the age of technology and machines?

Exercise 3. Match Russian equivalents in the box with the English word combinations.

Физическая величина, источники энергии, кинетическая энергия, потенциальная энергия, фотосинтез, полезная энергия, ядерная энергия, биологическая система, ресурсы, энергия, углеводы, потенциальная энергия, травоядные животные, плотоядные животные.

Physical quantity; kinetic energy; biological systems; photosynthesis; carnivorous animals; potential energy; herbivorous animals; sources of energy; nuclear energy; energy; carbohydrates; resources; useful energy.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences.

1) … get their energy by eating these plants and carnivorous animals get their energy by eating these animals and the food chain continues.

2) For example, the engine of a car….

3) The resources from which the required energy ….

4) Energy is conserved in systems ….

5) … on the other hand need kinetic energy to move it.

6) We utilize the nuclear energy ….

7) Chain reactions of radioactive uranium releases enormous amounts of heat ….

8) … which enables us to do work.

9) We live in the age of technology and machines ….

10) Carnivorous animals get their energy ….

Exercise 5. Say whether the statements are true or false. Prove it with the text.

1. Carnivorous animals get their energy by eating these plants.

2. Vehicles on the other hand need kinetic energy to move it.

3. The resources from which the required energy is harvested are known as “Sources of Heat”.

4. In nature, all biological systems harvest their energy from the sun.

5. Energy is conserved in biological systems, meaning that it can neither be created nor destroyed but is inter-convertible into its different forms.

6. Energy is an indirectly observed physical quantity, which is the ability of body or a system to do work.

7. This steam is used to rotate turbines, which produce kinetic energy.

8. Plants utilize the sun and produce carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis.

9. The general household contraptions require electricity to make them work.

10. So, in order to produce electrical energy, we utilize the heat energy from the uranium making it an indirect source of electrical energy.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Мы живем в век технологий и машин, которые нуждаются в различных формах энергии.

2. Энергия – это общая количественная мера движения и взаимодействия всех видов материи, которая не возникает из ничего и не исчезает, а только может переходить из одной формы в другую в соответствии с законом сохранения энергии.

3. Энергия может проявляться в различных формах: кинетическая, потенциальная, химическая, электрическая, тепловая, ядерная и др.

4. Для работы с бытовыми приспособлениями необходимо электричество.

5. Растения используют солнечную энергию от солнца и производят углеводы через процесс фотосинтеза.

6. Травоядные животные получают энергию, поедая растения.

7. Плотоядные животные получают энергию, поедая других животных.

8. Двигатель автомобиля запускается при сгорании топлива.

9. В целях производства электроэнергии, мы используем ядерную энергию из урана, что делает его косвенным источником электроэнергии.

10. Пар используется для вращения турбин, который производит электроэнергию.

Exercise 7. Find the proper Russian equivalents to the given English terms.

1. carnivorous animals 1.биологические системы
2. biological systems 2.кинетическая энергия
3. physical quantity 3.полезная энергия
4. kinetic energy 4.научное определение
5. the engine of a car 5.травоядные животные
6. useful energy 6.плотоядные животные
7. the scientific definition 7.транспортные средства
8. vehicles 8.электроэнергия
9. electrical energy 9.двигатель автомобиля
10. herbivorous animals 10.физическая величина

Exercise 8. Substitute the Russian words for the English ones.

1.Энергия is conserved in systems, meaning that it can neither be created nor destroyed but is inter-convertible into its different forms.

a) electricity b)energy c) solar energy

2. Травоядные животные get their energy by eating these plants and carnivorous animals get their energy by eating these animals and the food chain continues.

a) carnivorous animals b)omnivore animals c) herbivorous animals

3. These sources of energy may not always give energy in the form we require but whatever form is harvested from the source is converted by установленные механизмы and converted into useful energy.

a) spoiled mechanism b) the prescribed mechanisms c)electrical mechanisms

4. The scientific определение of energy is that “Energy is an indirectly observed physical quantity which is the ability of body or a system to do work.”

a) decision b) quantity c) definition

5.This пар is used to rotate turbines, which produce electrical energy.

a) steam b) hot c) pairs

6. For example, двигатель автомобиля runs by the combustion of fuel i.e.

a) the engine of a car b) car c) the scientific definition

7. The general бытовые приспособления require electricity to make them work.

a) household facilities b) domestic equipment c) household contraptions

8.Транспортные средства on the other hand need kinetic energy to move it.

a) transport costs b) vehicles c) car

9. We utilize the nuclear energy from уран making it an indirect source of electrical energy.

a) uranium b) oil c)gold

10. In nature, all биологическая система harvest their energy from the sun, directly or indirectly.

a) biological systems b)chemical systems c) ecological systems

Exercise 9. Make up sentences from the given words.

1. the engine of a car, for example ,runs, by the combustion of fuel i.e.

2. we, can, energy, as something ,understand ,on a logical point of view.

3. get, their, energy, herbivorous animals, by eating these plants .

4.the solar energy, the sun, from, utilize, plants. move it, kinetic energy, vehicles, on the other hand need.

6.we, have, if, energy. then, can be done ,work.

7. household contraptions, the general, require, to make them work, electricity.

8.this steam ,electrical energy, which, produce, is used to rotate turbines.

9. all biological systems ,the sun, in nature, harvest, their energy from, directly or indirectly.

10. herbivorous animals, get, their energy, by eating these plants.

Exercise 10. Retell the text.

Text A. Wind power.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the texts, using the words below.

Airflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern wind turbines range from around 600 kW to 5 MW of rated power, although turbines with rated output of 1.5–3 MW have become the most common for commercial use; the power output of a turbine is a function of the cube of the wind speed, so when wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically. Areas where winds are stronger and more constant such as offshore and high altitude site are preferred for wind farms.

Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five times total current global energy production, or 40 times current electricity demand. This could require large amounts of land to be used for wind turbines, particularly in areas of higher wind resources. Offshore resources experience mean wind speeds of ~90% greater than that of land, so offshore resources could contribute substantially more energy. This number could also increase with higher altitude ground-based or airborne wind turbines.

Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation, such as carbon dioxide and methane.

Text B. Hydropower.

Energy in water (in the form of kinetic energy, temperature differences or salinity gradients) can be used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air, even a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of energy.

There are many forms of water energy:

Hydroelectric energy is a term usually used for large-scale hydroelectric dams. Examples are the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State and the Akosombo Dam in Ghana.

Micro hydro systems are hydroelectric power installations that typically produce up to 100 kW of power. They are often used in areas rich in water such as a Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS). There are many such installations around the world.

Damless hydro systems derive kinetic energy from rivers and oceans without using a dam.

Ocean energy involves all the technologies to harness energy from the ocean and the sea.

Marine current power.

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature difference between the warmer surface of the ocean and the colder lower recesses. It employs a cyclic heat engine. OTEC has not been field-tested on a large scale. Tidal power captures energy from tides.

Wave power uses the energy of waves. Wave power machines usually take the form of floating structures which move relatively to one another or to a fixed point. Osmotic power or salinity gradient power is the energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water.

Vortex power is generated by placing obstacles in rivers in order to cause the formation of vortices which can then be tapped for energy.

Text C. Solar energy.

In this context, "solar energy" refers to energy that is collected from sunlight. Solar energy can be applied in many ways, including to:

Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar cells.

Generate electricity using concentrating solar power.

Generate electricity by heating trapped air which rotates turbines in a Solar updraft tower.

Generate hydrogen using photo-electrochemical cells.

Heat water or air for domestic hot water and space heating needs using solar-thermal panels. Heat buildings, directly, through passive solar building design.

Heat foodstuffs, through solar ovens. Solar air conditioning.

Words to be remembered.

wind turbine – ветряная турбина
offshore – прибрежный
altitude - высота
contribute - вносить
substantially - существенно
greenhouse - теплица
carbon dioxide – диоксид углерода
salinity - солёность
gradient - градиент
moderate sea swell – умеренная морская зыбь
to yield - производить
considerable - значительный
hydroelectric dam – гидроэлектрическая дамба
Ghana – Гана
to harness - использовать
marine current – морское течение
recess – яма, углубление
cyclic – циклический
to capture - захватывать
floating – плавучий, плавающий
osmotic - осмотический
to retrieve – взять обратно; находить
vortex – водоворот, вихрь
cell – батарейка
to apply - применять
hydrogen - водород
domestic – домашний

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1) What turbines have become the most common for commercial use?
2) What areas are preferred for wind farms?
3) Does wind power produce greenhouse gases during operation?
4) Is water denser than air?
5) Can water produce energy?
6) What forms of water energy do you know?
7) What is ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)?
8) How is vortex power generated?
9) How can solar energy be applied?

Exercise 3.Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct them if necessary.

1) Air flow can’t be used to run wind turbines.
2) Turbines with rated output of 3.5 – 8 MW have become the most common for commercial use.
3) Offshore resources experience mean wind speeds of 90% greater than that of land.
4) Offshore and high altitude sites are preferred for wind farms.
5) A slow flowing stream of water or moderate sea swell is useless in terms of energy.
6) Damless hydro systems derive kinetic energy from rivers and oceans using a dam.
7) OTEC has been field – tested on a large scale.
8) Vortex power is retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water.
9) Solar energy is collected from sunlight.

Exercise 4.Insert the omitted words.

1) The long-term technical … of wind energy is believed to be five times total current global energy production.
2) Wind power is … and produces no … gases during operation such as carbon dioxide and methane.
3) Energy in water (in the form of … energy, temperature differences or … gradients) can be used.
4) Tidal power captures energy from ….
5) Wave power uses the energy in ….
6) Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar ….

(cells, tides, greenhouse, potential, renewable, waves, kinetic, salinity).

Exercise 5.Find the proper English equivalents to the given Russian terms.

1. воздушные потоки 1. moderate sea swell
2. выходная мощность 2. to yield
3. высотные участки 3. greenhouse gases
4. спрос на электричество 4. marine current power
5. выхлопные газы 5. cyclic heat energy
6. диоксид углерода 6. obstacles
7. умеренная морская зыбь 7. solar ovens
8. производить 8. salinity gradient
9. использовать 9. tidal power
10. энергия морского течения 10. electricity demand
11. в большом масштабе 11. rated output
12. циклический тепловой двигатель 12. altitude sites
13. энергия приливов 13. airflows
14. установки 14. carbon dioxide
15. градиент солёности 15. on a large scale
16. препятствия 16. to harness
17. солнечные печи 17. installations

Exercise 6. Make up your own sentences with the words from ex 5.

Exercise 7. Use the suitable word given in brackets. (Consult the text)

1) This could require large … of land to be used for wind turbines. (areas, quantity, amount)
2) Even a slow flowing stream of water can … considerable amounts of energy.(produce, capture, yield)
3) Tidal power captures energy from…(rivers, oceans, streams, tides).
4) OTEC uses the temperature difference between the warmer surface of the ocean and the colder lower … (pit, recesses, bottom).
5) Vortex power is generated by placing … in rivers. (impediment, obstacle, hindrance).

Exercise 8. Make up sentences from two parts.

1. Wave power machines usually take the form of...   2. The power output of a turbine is a function of the cube of the wind speed, so as…   3. Hydroelectric power installations are often used in ...   4. Ocean thermal energy conversion employs...   5. Vortex power is generated by placing obstacles in rivers... water rich areas as a Remote Area Power Supply. a cyclic heat engine. in order to cause the formation of vortices which can be tapped for energy. floating structures which move relatively to one another or to a fixed point. wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in Passive forms.

1) Areas where winds are stronger and more constant such as offshore and high altitude sites (to prefer) for wind farms.
2) Kinetic energy of water (to use) in different ways.
3) Vortex power (to generate) by placing obstacles in rivers.

Exercise 10. Make up dialogues on the following topics.

1. Application of solar energy
2. Forms of water energy
3. Wind power.

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