Typical methods of transport in cities


Traffic congestion

Traffic jams

Commuting time

Time for home to work

Rapid transit

Fast transport for objects


mode of Transport

Major issue

Big problem


Areas around the city


sb breaken sth


Way between places

Carbon neutral

no pollution

a safety concern


lead to


be allowed to


Typical methods of transport in cities

· to take/catch the metro / underground / subway

· to take/catch a tram

· to take/catch a bus

· to take/catch a taxi

· to go by car

· to go by motorbike/scooter/moped

· to go by bike/bicycle / to cycle

· to go on foot / to walk

Other methods of transport

· to go by plane / to take/catch a flight

· to go by / to take/catch a train

· to go by / to take a coach

· to go by / to take/catch a boat/ferry

Transport problems

· long delays = my flight/plane was delayed

· cancellations = my flight was cancelled

· to lose your luggage

· to miss your connection

· to be stuck in traffic-jams / traffic congestion

· to be held up by roadworks / diversions / accidents

· to break down = my car broke down

· bad weather conditions

· thick fog / icy roads / heavy rain / strong winds / heavy storm

Solutions to inner-city congestion

· road access charges in city centres

· car share schemes / incentives

· bypasses / ringroads

· park and ride schemes

· free rental of city bikes

· more cycle lanes

· more frequent buses / extended network of buses

· cheaper public transport

· more pedestrianised streets

· more electric trams

· more accessible metro system


to throw light on something


to show or exibit


a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation


working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way


to provide a person or a place with objects that are necessary for a particular purpose


cargo carried by a train , truck , or ship


to produce energy in a particular form


an object that produces light


a new idea , method or product


extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong


a hard bump in wood


the engine of a train


strong and simple; not delicate


strong ; able to stand rough treatment


difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill


weak ; exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally


If someone or something is dependable, you can trust them or have confidence in them


a strong request


a metal structure that holds coal or wood in a fireplace


a gas with a strong smell that burns with a very hot, bright flame


to stop a fire or a light burning


pleasantly soft or light


the style in which buildings are made


the most important or attractive part or feature of something


to ( cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult


the act of destroying something


causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual


substantial , basic


a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go


to compete with


something or someone used as protection


a container with glass sides in which valuable or important objects are kept so that they can be looked at


to fix an event or experience so firmly in the memory


of or at the beginning


to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.


the group of people living in a particular area or location


to gain speed


to interest or attract someone


someone who regularly travels between work and home


to use something up, destroy something or eat something


to accept something enthusiastically


elegant style , natural ability to do something well


strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke


to prevent someone doing something easily


something that encourages a person to do something


relating to the money


to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy


the spread of real estate development into a more country area on the edge of a city


Начало формы


Конец формы

затор в движении
авт. traffic jam; jam of traffic; traffic ponding
горн. kneading of traffic; pounding of traffic (при откатке)
дор. traffic block; traffic congestion (на дороге); traffic jam (на дороге); traffic kneading (на дороге); traffic ponding (на дороге)
ж.д. congested traffic
тех. traffic congestion; congestion; road block; road traffic congestion; traffic bottleneck; traffic breakdown; traffic obstruction
общественный транспорт
общ. public service vehicle (tarakashka)
бизн. mass transport
дор. haulage business
ЕБРР municipal transport; collective transport; urban transport
канад. transit (We're working to expand transit south of the Fraser. ART Vancouver)
профс. collectivised transport (Кунделев)
стат. common carrier (железная дорога, пароходное общество и т. д.)
стр. mass transit system; public transit
тех. public transport; community transport; mass transit; public transportation
экон. public conveyances; public vehicle; transportation utilities
трансп. public transport (Andrey Truhachev)
Typical methods of transport in cities - student2.ru  
разгрузить улицы
общ. unclog the streets (от транспортной нагрузки Viacheslav Volkov)
насущная необходимость
общ. crying need; imperious want; vital need (bookworm); need of the moment (Ася Кудрявцева); compelling need (Alexander Matytsin); priority (Panellists concluded that participatory approaches could only be realized if Governments recognized it as a priority. Игорь Миг)
бизн. urgent need
Макаров primary need; vital necessity
телеком. absolute must
насущная проблема
общ. persistent problem; vital problem; major problem (Syn: acute problem, pressing problem ssn); acute problem (ssn); pressing issue (The threat of terrorism to international peace, security and development remains a pressing issue for the international community. Угроза международному миру, безопасности и развитию, исходящая от терроризма, остается насущной проблемой для международного сообщества. ---/ -Перевод: Архив ООН Игорь Миг); priority (Improving food security remains a priority. Игорь Миг)
воен. pressing problem; urgent problem
дип. breach issue; burning problem
рекл. topical problem
энерг. actual problem; immediate problem
насущная проблема
общ. persistent problem; vital problem; major problem (Syn: acute problem, pressing problem ssn); acute problem (ssn); pressing issue (The threat of terrorism to international peace, security and development remains a pressing issue for the international community. Угроза международному миру, безопасности и развитию, исходящая от терроризма, остается насущной проблемой для международного сообщества. ---/ -Перевод: Архив ООН Игорь Миг); priority (Improving food security remains a priority. Игорь Миг)
воен. pressing problem; urgent problem
дип. breach issue; burning problem
рекл. topical problem
энерг. actual problem; immediate problem
облегчить проблему
Макаров ease a problem

Начало формы


Конец формы

разрешить ситуацию
общ. resolve the situation (bookworm)

Traffic problems

Traffic congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work

Most people live in the suburbs outside city centre

Commuters tend to travel at the same time of day

They tend to travel alone

Cars and road space are not used efficiently

This causes traffic jams during the rush hour

Transport problems:

– long delays (in airports
– lost luggage:
– cancellations (of flights / trains):
– missed connections: mất liên lạc
– traffic-jams / congestion:
– roadworks / diversions:

– breakdowns / accidents
– pollution:

Traffic solutions

In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits

The internet can now be used to connect people

More people could work from home

Meetings can be held as video conferences

Workers could be given flexible timetables

Another solution would be to tax drivers

Workers should share their cars and travel together

In London, for example, there is a congestion charge

This helps to raise money for better public transport

Public transport needs to be reliable and efficient

Solutions to inner-city congestion:

– road access charges in city centres:
– bypasses / ringroads:
– park and ride schemes:
– free rental of city bikes:

– more cycle lanes:
– more frequent buses:
– cheaper public transport:
– more pedestrianised streets:
– more electric trams:

– more accessible metro system:

Road safety

Driving while tired or drunk is extremely dangerous

Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers

They draw the driver’s attention away from the road

The use of phones while driving has been banned in many countries

Punishments are becoming stricter

Television campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely

Speed cameras have become more common

Speed bumps are another form of traffic calming

Many streets are designed with the aim of slowing traffic down


1) Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в апреле 2017 года):

Nowadays the number of cars on roads is increasing incrementally. In order to change this trend strict road tolls should be paid on busy roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.

Introduction– перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе

Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Рассмотрим политику введения road tolls
(1) плата за проезд заставит водителей задуматься о ежемесячных расходах и, возможно, подтолкнет их к использованию общественного транспорта
(2) эта мера может сократить движение, но те, кому нужно ездить по этим дорогам каждый день (скажем, на работу), будут согласны платить.

Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Однако нужно использовать и другие меры, которые помогут решить эту проблему
(1) более действенным выходом из положения является улучшение дорожной инфраструктуры (расширить дороги, сократить число светофоров)
(2) развитие удобного и доступного по цене общественного транспорта, которым будет пользоваться выгоднее, чем автомобилем

Conclusion– Одного введения платы за проезд по дорогам будет недостаточно для решения проблемы дорожного движения. Я соглашусь с утверждением, указанным в теме, но при условии что и другие меры использовать также следует (улучшение транспортной инфраструктуры и развитие общественного транспорта).

Готовое эссе:

The problem of heavy traffic is a common effect of the growing number of cars in many cities. Some experts see the introduction of road tolls as a major solution of this issue. From my perspective, this measure could be effective only if used in tandem with other steps that local authorities should undertake. This essay will outline my opinion on road tolls and provide some additional suggestions toward handling the traffic issue.

To understand the feasibility of imposing strict road tolls, their key pros and cons should be examined. On the one hand, the proponents of this measure assert that tolls would severely affect the expenses of car drivers and encourage them to use public transportation instead, which I would agree with. Although enforcing tolls could have some effect, car owners who have to use busy roads regularly would probably accept the tolls and adjust their budgets accordingly.

It seems that some other solutions are needed to complement road toll imposition. Thus, in my view, city governments should invest in improving general transport infrastructure by widening roads and reducing the number of traffic lights impeding street traffic. Furthermore, another crucial strategy to tackle the road congestion is seen in developing urban public transport systems that should be convenient, widespread and, above all, affordable or even free of charge in order to motivate citizens to commute throughout a city rather than drive.

In short, my opinion is that charging car drivers for driving on busy roads is only one of the measures required to solve the traffic issue faced by many metropolitan areas. Cities should also improve road networks and provide a good quality public transport, which all I consider parts of a plan for urban road traffic optimization.

11 sentences289 words

Many people prefer to use public transportation while others say that personal cars are the best mode of transportation. Excessive use of private cars is considered to be the main reason for the traffic jam in many cities and that's why the use of public transportation is encouraged.

Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer 1:
At recent years, there is an ongoing debate whether giving dire punishment to driving offences are the best solution to overcome severe accidents in roads or not. While some support this idea, many others believe that governments should provide improvements in road safety. This essay will try to discuss both views with several considerations given underneath.

People are not prompted to engage safety driving because there are no regulations relating to drivers to be more careful on the road. It can be found in developing countries where the traffic is not well arranged and as a result, the numbers of terrible accidents remain dominant. Dissimilar with it, developed countries pay more attentions in this case by restricting the use of vehicles without licence limiting the top speed in certain busy areas such as boulevards and main roads, and imposing fine for all the offence forms in high rate, and as a result, these countries can overcome traffic accidents.

However, governments with all efforts must improve the infrastructure of safety riding. Traffic signs should be renewed, the facilities in the road are supposed to be changed, etc. so the drivers can recognise the driving surroundings vividly. Furthermore, technologies are also urgent to deal with daunting events in driving environment. It is good news that outrageously inventions have been created and applied but still attempts in technology findings are required.

In conclusion, while there are regulations to be defined, governments together with scientists, engineers, and car businessmen have to maximise in providing safety riding facilities to gain maximum result on this issue.

[ Written by - Angga Cool ]

Model Answer 2:
A group of people believe that in order to increase the safety for the driving on roads, governments should make stricter regulations for any indiscipline in driving attitudes. On the contrary, another group thinks that authorities should consider other effective solutions for it. The following essay will discuss both views in details, but in my personal opinion, I do believe that the combination of both ideas would ensure a better road safety.

On the one hand, many people worry about the number of driving accidents. Each year, the number of people who are injured or pass away due to traffic accidents has increased significantly. In most cases, accidents have occurred due to the interdisciplinary acts of the drivers themselves, such as speeding, drunk driving or using their mobile phones during driving. And to solve the problem, the government should make a strict regulation about traffic accidents. People who are found to be guilty of any driving rule violation should be punished with serious penalties and detentions. By having these kinds of policy, it is hoped that traffic accident rates will decrease gradually.

On the other hand, other people believe that strict punishments would not effectively solve the problem. There are other measures which governments and the public should consider. Firstly, governments could cooperate with the media in making campaign about safe driving. Television commercials and magazine advertisements could be used by the government in socialising about the negative effect of aggressive or offensive driving. Secondly, governments could also give rewards to their citizens who are obeying the road regulations. For example, when people renew their driving license, authorities could check their track records. Those who have clean track records could get motor vehicles tax discount or exemption.

In conclusion, people have a varying opinion on how to reduce the number traffic accidents. While some people believe that there should be stricter policies and regulations about driving, others think that there should be another effective way of addressing the issue. In my point of view, I believe that both policies have their own positive sides and when people could combine them, it would be an effective way of reducing traffic accidents.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Model Answer 3:
Nowadays, the accidents that occur on the road are likely to rise in number in some countries. While an army of people think that these issues can be tackled by penalising offenders strictly, others think that there are other steps that can be taken to cope with it.

It is clear that the strict punishments set up for the driving offences can make them fear to break the laws. For instance, if they are proven to disobey the applied rules, it is seemly a good way to punish them by taking their driving licenses forcefully. This measure is likely to alert them to think twice before breaking the laws because if they commit it they cannot drive anymore. This way can indirectly encourage them to obey the rules hence the accidents on the road are likely to be declined. The traffic rules are applicable only for the drivers, but also for the ordinary commuters as well. While an over-bridge or an under pathway is mandatory for crossing the busy roads, many people do not obey this rules. It is not unusual that many careless drivers do not follow the traffic signals and all these violations of traffic rules cause severe accidents and congestion in many cities. Hence, implementing strict punishment and fine can be one effective solution to tackle this issue.

On the other hand, many believe that other measures could be more successful to address this problem, including creating awareness among citizens to drive safely, organising seminars & training programmes about the importance of road safety and modernising the traffic control system. The research carried out by Statistics Center, an organisation at the University of Diponegoro, reveals that citizens in Semarang who have wide knowledge about how to drive safely tend to obey the applied rules if compared to the ones who does not have this knowledge. This makes clear that these measures can be utilised to create a consciousness to be safe riders.

Apart from that, the number of cars and buses on the roads in many cities is much higher and restricting the private car ownership can reduce the number of cars on the roads and thus the number of accidents or casualties. Improving the traffic system with modern equipment and enrolling more trained and professional traffic police could be another great way to tackle this issue.

To conclude, the establishment of punishment strictly is a wise idea but by presenting workshops and training programmes to all citizens, especially drivers of different vehicles, improving the traffic control system are the finest ways to encourage them to increase security on the way.

[ Written by - Lulus DarwaThi ]

7)In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?


The candidate’s introduction in this IELTS sample writing is satisfactory as they introduce the topic in the first few sentences and give some background facts about it. They then clearly give their opinion in the final sentence.

However, their first body paragraph does not really answer the question. Although they correctly discuss the benefits of public transport, the benefits discussed do not relate to congestion or pollution.

Instead, the candidate writes about prices and costs. It is important to keep the essay on topic.

"Not having to find a place to park" is relevant, but this is only in the last sentence.

The second body paragraph is better. The candidate discusses how using cars less will improve people’s health, which is directly relevant to the prompt.

The third paragraph is relevant as the candidate suggests that the speed of public transport will improve people’s quality of life.

The conclusion then correctly summarizes the candidates point of view.


It is clear from the candidate's IELTS sample writing that they understand the basics of how to organize an essay, with an introduction that contains background information and a thesis, body paragraphs with different points and a conclusion.

However, these can be improved.

You should always try to have one central theme in each paragraph. The topic sentence in body paragraph one tells us that the paragraph is about how “public transportation saves a lot of money”, but then the candidate talks about “finding a place to park” in the last sentence. This does not fit with the topic of the paragraph.

Similarly, in the second body paragraph, it is not quite clear how the last sentence fits with the topic of the paragraph.

Check all ideas fit with the topic sentence (this is the purpose of planning your answer first), and avoid placing a new idea in one sentence at the end of the paragraph. All ideas should be fully explained and one sentence is not usually enough to do this.

Also, ensure all paragraphs are long enough. The third body paragraph is only one sentence. Three sentences are the minimum length for a paragraph.

Grammar and Vocabulary

The vocabulary in this student's IELTS sample writing is basically adequate to answer the question and the grammar errors do not cause too much difficulty when reading the essay.

The errors, though, are quite frequent and show that the candidate is proficient at writing but not at a high level.

For example:

I agree with the way to solve this problem by encourage people to use public transportation

This should be:

I agree that the way to solve this problem is by encouraging people to use public transportation



Traffic congestion

Traffic jams

Commuting time

Time for home to work

Rapid transit

Fast transport for objects


mode of Transport

Major issue

Big problem


Areas around the city


sb breaken sth


Way between places

Carbon neutral

no pollution

a safety concern


lead to


be allowed to


Typical methods of transport in cities

· to take/catch the metro / underground / subway

· to take/catch a tram

· to take/catch a bus

· to take/catch a taxi

· to go by car

· to go by motorbike/scooter/moped

· to go by bike/bicycle / to cycle

· to go on foot / to walk

Other methods of transport

· to go by plane / to take/catch a flight

· to go by / to take/catch a train

· to go by / to take a coach

· to go by / to take/catch a boat/ferry

Transport problems

· long delays = my flight/plane was delayed

· cancellations = my flight was cancelled

· to lose your luggage

· to miss your connection

· to be stuck in traffic-jams / traffic congestion

· to be held up by roadworks / diversions / accidents

· to break down = my car broke down

· bad weather conditions

· thick fog / icy roads / heavy rain / strong winds / heavy storm

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