Публикации рубрики - Торговля. Страница: 183

На этой странице собрано около (~) 6817 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Торговля. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных заданий

СОДЕРЖАНИЕВведение Содержание дисциплины Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ Контрольная работа № 1 Грамматические темы для изучения и вопросы для самоконтроля Вариант № 1 Вариант № 2 Вариант № 3 Вариант № 4

Защита торговой марки в Интернете

Защита торговой марки в Интернете Торговые марки - неотъемлемая часть любого бизнеса, предмет гордости фирмы, эквивалент ее достоинства. Неудивительно, что торговые марки приходят в Интернет вслед за их владельцами, а иногда и

Read the following words and their translation

to prevent smuggling   preferential trade agreements public health and safety legislation   counterfeiting and piracy legislation   external trade statistics procedure manual circumvention of Customs law fraud evasion of duties trade transaction to facilitate international trade   revenue collection предотвращать (пресекать) провоз контрабанды

Unit 12 Customs Tariffs and International Trade

Pre-text Assignments 12.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning: tariff general, barter, duty, record, result, exchange transit, preferentially, licence, procedure, quota, area, domestic 12.1.2 Give the initial forms of the following words and state what parts of speech they belong to: permissible equipment completely valuation account protection arrangement

Read the text about corruption in the U.S. Customs Service. Suggest your considerations about combating with corruption in the Customs Service

Text B From the very beginning of the U.S.Customs Service existence there have been a lot of problems, corruption being the major one. No one likes to pay taxes and a good number of citizens try to take the law into their own hands, bending the system in the pursuit of increased profits. The reality is that with a small number of inspectors, thousands of miles of hard-to-protect borders, and unscrupulous

Safeguard guardians beyond protect fostering vigilance

10.6.2 Use the verbs given in brackets in Past Simple to complete the text: History of Russian Passports and Citizenship In the 16th— 17th centuries it 1) ….. (be) necessary to obtain a special document from the tsar which 2) ….. (give) permission to go abroad, since departure from the country was strictly limited. During the reign of Peter the Great hundreds of young Russians 3) ….. (go) to Western Europe

Unit 10 The History of Customs in Russia and in the USA

Pre-text Assignments 10.1.1 Check up the meaning of the following verbs: predate originate collect purchase allow verify defend create trade approve 10.1.2 Learn the following vocabulary:   1 seal       клеймо, печать 2 enforcement     обеспечение соблюдения        

Comprehension Check. Read the article about an anti-drug raid in Hawaii, the USA. The events of the story are given not in chronological order. Read five jumbled paragraphs and restore the article

9.4.1 Find the following words and collocations in your dictionary. They will help you while reading this text: law inforcement significant (adj) dismantle (v) “dirty money” suspect (v) distribute (v) resident(n) ten-fold increase squeeze(v) raid (n) wrap (v) black tar cocaine investigation (n)   location (n)   9.4.2       Text B  

Customs Role In The International Trade

Planning for any international movement must take into account, at the very earliest moment, the arrangements for dealing with customs activities, whether in this country, or overseas. The Customs' role embodies that of statistician, policeman and tax collector all in the one function, and therefore plans must be made in advance to ensure that the correct information is available on the documents, the correct laws

Australia And Lebanon Strengthen Ability To Fight Money Laundering And Terrorist Financing

Australia and Lebanon have agreed to exchange financial intelligence to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, further expanding the international financial intelligence network, the Minister for Justice and Customs, announced today. “Signing this memorandum of understanding is another important step in the establishment of an international network to uncover the financing of crime and terrorism,

Putting Our Security At Risk

Imagine it’s the summer and about 50 per cent of your local police force is made up of young students who, at best, have completed two weeks of basic training. The students wear the uniform and the badge like a police officer. And to the general public, this is exactly what they appear to be — full-fledged and trained police officers. 1. __(D)__ While customs officers’ duties vary greatly from police

Read the following text and make up the list of the most important tasks for customs bodies in Russia

Text B Competence of Customs Bodies of Russia Direct performance of customs affairs is entrusted to customs bodies of Russia. The State Customs Committee of Russia, regional nets of customs–houses and other institutions of Russia comprise the administration bodies system on customs affairs. When implementing customs policy, customs bodies of Russia fulfill the following main tasks: a) protecting the economic

Sign below after you read notice on reverse

I have read the notice on the reverse and have made a truthful declaration. ……………….. ………………………. Signature Date (day/month/year) 2.3.1 Translate the following sentences, words and phrases into English: Part A 1) В случае утери восстановлению не подлежит. 2) Мой багаж (включая ручную кладь), предоставленный

Translate the following text in the written form using the dictionary

Text A Tips for Travelers Once your travel plans are confirmed, check the expiration date of your passport. It's also a good idea to make photocopies of the data page; leave one copy with someone at home and keep another with you, separated from your passport. If you lose your passport, promptly call the nearest embassy or consulate and the local police; having a copy of the data page can speed replacement. You need

Read the text and try to translate it without the dictionary

Text C Airport Tests Passenger Eye Ids Heathrow Airport is testing a new hi -tech identity system which examines a passenger’s eye, rather than their passport as they go through immigration control. Heathrow is the first UK airport to carry out a large-scale trial of the iris recognition technology, which was unveiled at the airport last Friday. The aim is to speed up the movement of passengers through the

Какое время дается магазину расчетный период выход магазина на потенциал

3 месяцаПлан продаж присылает нопКак определить час пик(отчет продажи по часам)Отчетность- касса-продажа по часам 7. Потенциал мм – это максимально возможная доля рынка на территории, где находится ММ, которую ММ может