B) прочтите абзацы, в которых сообщается новая для вас информация

5.Прочтите словосочетания и переведите их:

лидеры мировой нефтегазовой отрасли; требования работодателей; центр отраслевой науки; углеводородные запасы; хорошие знания экономики; практический опыт в стенах университета; открытие новых методов разведки; добыча углеводородов.

6.Проанализируйте предложения, содержащие конструкции «for+infinitive» и «objective with the infinitive»:

1. The text was very interesting but difficult for the students to translate it without a dictionary.

2. Engineers expect these new devices to be tested very soon.

3. The mechanism is provided with special device for the whole system to function automatically.

7. Подготовьте сообщение на тему: «Вклад в науку известных вам русских ученых-геологов». Используйте следующие речевые формулы:

I’d like to tell; as a matter of fact; broadly speaking; in my opinion; it is important to say; as is known; I suppose; etc.

8. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

1. Generally speaking 1. Поверхность земли

2. The largest hydrocarbon resources 2. Выдающиеся исследователи

3. The Earth’s surface 3. Выпускники, говорящие на

английском языке

4. Prominent researches 4. Непрерывно расширяется

5. The competition is high 5. Вообще говоря

6. Gas supply 6. Огромные источники


7. English speaking graduates 7. Высокий конкурс

8. Continuously expanding 8. Газоснабжение

Самостоятельная работа

1. Прочитайте, переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Where and when was Gubkin born?

2) Where did he travel in 1917?

3) What was the aim of his travelling?

«Who was I.M. Gubkin»

Known as the Father of Soviet Oil Geology, I.M. Gubkin was born in 1871 in the Village of Pozdnyakovo in what is now Nizhegorodsky region. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, Gubkin traveled in 1917 to the United States to study the country’s oil industry. He was later appointed as the head of the Soviet Oil Industry Council before becoming the Dean of the Moscow Mining Academy in 1922. Then, he became the Dean of the new Moscow Institute of Oil, which grew out of the Petroleum Engineering faculty when the Moscow Mining Academy was reorganized into six different higher education institutions in 1930. The new Moscow Institute of Oil was named in honor of its first director- a unique case in Russia, a country where universities are seldom dedicated to a person still living.


How to Improve Protectors of ESP Electric Motors.

1. Грамматика. Словообразование.

2. Текст “Ways to Improve Protectors of ESP Electric Motors”.

3. Самостоятельная работа. Текст «Schlumberger company».

Предтекстовые упражнения

1. Образуйте новые слова при помощи приставок –un, in, im, il, ir, dis, de, non и назовите их значение:

happy direct tie unite teachers close unity married increase agree honest literate resident legal regular possible approve

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

-Electrical submersible pumping units;

-Shaft axial face seals;

-External environment;

-So-called labyrinth systems;

-External medium of the well;

-Low thermal conductivity;

-Harmful substances;

-Hydrogen sulfide typical demerit of elastic membranes;

-Reliable protection of the motor oil;

-Mud contamination;

-Metal bellows of protectors;

-External pressure pulsation results;

-Anti-corrosion measures.

3. Переведите, проанализируйте слова с разными суффиксами и разделите на три группы: существительные, прилагательные, наречия:

Utilization; electrical, respectively; pressure; heating, equalize, limitation; formation, permeability; aggressively, deterioration; destruction; pulsation; useful; absolutely, cooling; possibility, apparently, technical; special.

“Ways to Improve Protectors of ESP Electric Motors”

Пояснения к тексту

With the utilization of pumping units The bearings Overheating To equalize A seal section External medium of the well Attempts to apply seal section protectors Floating pistons с помощью насосных установок подшипники перегрев для выравнивания давления гидрозащита внешняя среда скважины попытки применения протекторов гидрозащит плавающие поршни

More than 50 percent of crude oil is produced with the utilization of electrical submersible pumping units. Their electric motors are filled with oil of high dielectric behavior, which not only lubricates the bearings, but also cools the motors, preventing their overheating.

The temperature range of this oil can be from minus 40 C to plus 250 C, and its volume changes respectively. Unless appropriate measures on compensation of oil volume change are taken, pressure created by oil heating will be able to destroy the electric motor or its components, for example, output shaft axial face seals.

To equalize pressure in the oil and external environment, the electric motor is equipped with a section having a special protector-module containing a certain amount of oil.

In practice, one or more elastic membranes are used for pressure equalization in most protectors, as so-called labyrinth systems which also find application have a number of serious limitations.

Elastic membranes have two important functions:

1. To equalize pressure in the motor oil and external medium of the well;

2. To prevent contamination of motor oil by liquids, gasses and their components contained in the formation.

At present, there are two concepts of elastic membranes: membranes made of elastomeric materials for moderate operating conditions (up to 215 C) and metal bellows for severe environment (over 215 C, high gas-oil ration).

Demerits of elastomeric membranes and elastomeric bellows of axial face seals include:

a) Low thermal conductivity;

b) Permeability to gasses and other harmful substances, for example hydrogen sulfide which contaminated oil;

c) Inevitable ageing, sensitivity to the environmental aggressively which result in deterioration of elastic properties and destruction of membranes caused by dynamic volume change.

Metal bellows of protectors are also characterized by inefficient heat transfer; their reduced elasticity increases the seal section size; external pressure pulsation results in increased load on the bellow of the axial face seal.

Typical demerit of elastic membranes or bellows of the seal section is that they are not washed by the external cooling medium; they create natural thermal barriers, which aggravates the problem of the motor calorific intensity reduction.

In this connection development of a non-membrane design of seal sections remains urgent. They can be used, for example, with piston-type compensators of volume change. Obvious advantages of this concept include:

- better cooling of the motor oil;

- reliable protection of the motor oil from gasses and other contaminating substances coming from the formation;

- possibility to increase the motor oil temperature to over 300 C;

- reduction of overall dimensions of the seal section protector, which makes it possible to put the submersible electric motor in the same case with the seal section (monoblock).

With the above indicated challenging prospects, attempts to apply seal section protectors with floating pistons (including gas-filled battery volumes) have been made until the present time. However, attractive simplicity of the concept and apparently proved design of the piston seals prevented the designers from paying proper attention to protection of the cavity, in which pistons are moving, from scale formation and mud contamination. At best, anti-corrosion measures were provided for.


1. Найдите в правой колонке эквиваленты английских слов:

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