The mechanism of action of dipyridamole related to the inhibition of


*dihydrofolate reductase



*guanylate cyclase


*!Antianginal, antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive activity combine

*beta adrenoblockers

*alpha adrenoblockers


*bradycardic of Drugs

*stimulators of calcium channels


*!In patients with bronchial asthma the following antihypertensive Drugs group is contraindicated

*ganglionic blockers

*beta 1,2-adrenoblockers


*inhibitors of the angiotensin



*!The mechanism of lipid-lowering actions of lovastatin

*inhibits the cholesterol absorption

*increases excretion of bile acids from an organism

*activates the catabolism of cholesterol

*inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol

*prevents damage to vascular intima


*!The pharmacological action of captopril







*!Diuretics used for the treatment of hypertensive crisis







*!The mechanism of negative chronotropic action of cardiac glycosides

*blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors of the heart

*blockade of calcium channels of the vessels

*atropine like effect on the the atrioventricular node

*reflective stimulation of nervus vagus center

*blockage of the aortic arch baroreceptors


*!Calcium channel blockers used to treat angina pectoris

*isosorbide dinitrate, metoprolol

*verapamil, diltiazem

*fosinopril, losartan

*trimetazidine, omapatrilat

*nicorandil, atenolol


*!The pharmacological effect of strophanthin







*!Indications for use of digitoxin

*cardiac insufficiency

*hypertonic disease

*bronchial asthma

*respiratory distress syndrome

*rheumatoid arthritis


*!Preparation reducing the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction due to the antiaggregant action

*acetylsalicylic acid


*adrenaline hydrochloride

*ipratropium bromide



*!The mechanism of antianginal action of verapamil

*increases the tone of the coronary vessels

*stimulates alpha-adrenoceptors of vessels

*reduces the force of heart contractions

*increases the heart's need in oxygen

*blocks potassium channels


*!Trimetazidine in ischemic heart disease used as







*!The drugs of choice in vasospastic angina pectoris

*trimetazidine, validol

*alinidine, dipyridamole


*parmidin, nicorandil

*verapamil, nifedipine


*!Bradycardic agent, lowering myocardial oxygen demand







*!The drug with reflective coronarodilatatory effect







*!Nitrong is used

*treatment of angina attack

*pain relief in myocardial infarction

*dissolving thrombus of the vessels

*preventing angina attacks

*treatment of ventricular arrhythmias


*!Diuretic preparations increases the osmotic pressure in the lumen of the renal tubules







*!Cardiac glycoside used in acute heart failure



*strophanthine K




*!Drug from the group of calcium channel blockers used as antianginal agent







*!Remedy for the relief of angina attack







*!Drug increasing arterial blood pressure







*!The effects of β-blockers

*increase the adrenergic effect on the heart

*dilate the coronary vessels

*reduce the delivery of oxygen to the myocardium

*reduces the heart’s need for oxygen

*dissolve clots in the coronary arteries


*!Dry cough is a characteristic side effect of




*angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors


*Cardiovascular system*4*15*2*


*!Antiplatelet Drugs used to prevent myocardial infarction





*adrenaline hydrochloride

*acetylsalicylic acid


*!Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors








*!In syndrome of coronary insufficiency use









*!Sodium channel blockers, affecting all compartments of heart








*!To increase blood pressure use







*!Indications for use of beta- adrenoblockers

*bronchial asthma

*Raynaud's disease

*supraventricular tachycardia


*arterial hypotension

*hypertensive crisis


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