Meren adj. Festive, gay, joyous ◇ Ety/372 ◈ The word was changed to beren in the Etymologies, but meren would be restored together with mereth
mereth n. feast, festival ◇ Ety/372, S/434 ◈ The word was changed to bereth in the Etymologies, but was never changed in the texts (cf. Mereth Aderthad and the compound Merethrond)
meril n. rose (flower) ◇ SD/129-31
merilin (N. mњrilind) n. nightingale ◇ Ety/394, X/ND4 ◇ mфr+lind,
mesg (N. mesc) adj. wet ◇ Ety/373
meth n. end ◇ Ety/373
methed n. end ◇ UT/452
methen adj. end, final ◇ Ety/373, VT/45:34
¶ ᵲ miaug n. tomcat
¶ ᵲ miaulin n. queen (cat)
ᵲmib- v. to kiss
mоdh n. dew ◇ Ety/373
mоl n. love, affection ◇ Ety/372
milbar n. dear home, place returned to after travelling, place of one's birth (PE/17)
ᵲ mill n. oil (Q. millo)
milui adj. friendly, loving, kind ◇ Ety/372
ᵲ miluias n.abst.of milui friendliness, kindliness
∗mimp adj. num. card. eleven ◇ PE/17:95
min prep. in the, between (referring to a gap, space, barrier or anything intervening between two other things) ← Minhiriath LotR/Map, VT/47:11,14
mоn I pron.poss. 1st pl. our ◇ VT/44:21,22,28
mоn II (N. min) adj. num. card. one (first of a series) ◇ Ety/373, VT/42:24-25, VT/48:6
ᵲ mina prep. into (mi+na)
†minai (N. minei) adj. single, distinct, unique ◇ Ety/373, X/EI
minas n.abst. 1. tower ○ 2. by ext., fort, city with a citadel and central watch-tower ◇ Ety/373, S/434, VT/42:24
mindon n. 1.isolated hill, especially a hill with a watch tower ○ 2. by ext. tower ◇ Ety/373, Ety/395
minib adj. num. card. eleven ◇ VT/48:6-8
miniel n. an Elf, one of the Vanyar ◇ WJ/383 ◇ min+-el "first elf"
ᵲmininor n. first day of the year (mоn+оn+aur)
minlamad n. 'first voiced' or 'first-echoing', alliterative (?) verse mode (minlamad thent/estent) ◇ UT/146, WJ/311, WJ/315 ◈ The word is not translated by Tolkien. For a discussion of its probable meaning, refer to Tolkien's Legendarium p. 121-122
ᵲ minlы n. once (one time)
minna- v. to enter
minui adj. num. ord. first ◇ VT/42:10, VT/42:25
minuial n. "morrowdim", the time near dawn, when the star fade ◇ LotR/D ◇ min+uial "first twilight"
mоr n. jewel, precious thing, treasure ◇ Ety/373, LotR/E, S/434, PM/348, LB/354, RGEO/73◈ mirion N. n. augm..
*mнrdan n. jewel-smith ◇ S/401 ◇ mоr+tвn
ᵲ mнrechor n. bracelet (mнr+echor)
mнria- v. to sparkle like a jewel (PE/17)
mirian n. piece of money, coin used in Gondor
mнriel part. sparkling like a jewel ◇ RGEO/64, LotR/II:I
Mirion n. augm. of mоr great jewel, Silmaril ◇ Ety/373 see also golovir, silevril
miruvor n. 'precious juice', a cordial made by the Elves
mist n. error, wandering ◇ Ety/373
*mista- v. to stray ◇ Ety/373
†mistad n. straying, error ◇ Ety/373, X/Z
mith I n. white fog, wet mist ◇ Ety/373
mith II adj. (pale) grey ◇ Ety/373, S/434, TC/187
*mithren adj. of grey ◇ UT/436
mithril n. true-silver, a silver-like metal ◇ LotR ◇ mith+rill "grey brilliance"
mоw adj. small, tiny, frail ◇ VT/45:35
moe adj. soft ◇ Ety/371
moeas n.abst.of moe, dough ◇ Ety/371
molif n. wrist ◇ VT/47:6 ◇ "hand-link", maw+*lif
mфr n. darkness, dark, night ◇ Ety/373, Letters/382
morben n. one of the Avari or Easterlings in Beleriand ◇ WJ/376-377 ◇ morn+pen, altered from OS *moripende
*morchant n. shadow (of objects, cast by light), dark shape ◇ S/432, VT/42:9 ◇ morn+cant "dark shape"
morgul n. black arts, sorcery, necromancy ◇ Ety/377, S/432, WJ/383, MR/350, RC/482 ◇ morn+gыl "dark magic"
morn adj. black, dark ◇ Ety/373, Letters/382, Letters/427, WJ/368, WR/113, UT/65
mornedhel n. Dark-Elf ◇ WJ/377, WJ/380 ◇ morn+edhel
*muda- v. to labour, toil ◇ Ety/373
ᵲmuia- v. to whine, complain
muil n. drear ← Emyn Muil RC/334
muin adj. dear ◇ Ety/374
muindor n. masc. dear brother ◇ Ety/394 ◇ muin+tфr
muinthel n. fem. dear sister ◇ Ety/392 ◇ muin+thкl
mыl n. slave, thrall ◇ Ety/373
ᵲ mulf n. fine flour (Q. mulma)
ᵲ mыn n. womb (Q. mуna)
mund n. bull ◇ Letters/422-423
ᵲ mыr n. ink (Q. mуro)
Mŷl n. gull ◇ WJ/379-380, WJ/418 see also gwael, maew
na prep. 1. with, by (also used as a genitive sign) ○ 2. to, towards, at ◇ Ety/374, LotR/I:XII
*na- v. to be ← no aer i eneth lнn VT/44:21,24
nad n. thing ◇ Ety/374
ᵲ nadh n. fetter
nadhor n. pasture ◇ Ety/374.
nadhras n.abst.of nadhor, pasture ◇ Ety/374
nae interj. alas ◇ Ety/375
naedhn. a wound, gash PE/19:92
naeg n. pain ◇ Ety/375
†naegra- v. to cause pain ◇ Ety/375, X/Z
†naer (noer N.) adj. sad, lamentable ◇ Ety/375, X/OE
ᵲ naeras n.abst.of naer sadness
naergon n. woeful lament ◇ PM/362
naeth n. 1. biting ○ ext. woe (gets sense of gnashing teeth in grief) ← Elu-naeth WJ/258, Ety/374-375
naew n. jaw ◇ Ety/374
nag- v. to bite ◇ Ety/374
naglath n. coll. of nagol, the teeth ◇ WR/122
*nagol n. tooth ← naglath WR/122 ◈ naglath N. n. coll.
nail (N. neil) adj. num. ord. third ◇ VT/42:25
naith pl. natsai n. any formation or projection tapering to a point: a spearhead, triangle gore, wedge, narrow promontory ◇ Ety/387, UT/282, RC/307
*nalla- v. to cry ← nallon LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72, Letters/278
nan (N. nand, nann) n. 1. wide grassland, land at foot of hills with many streams ○ 2. by ext., valley ◇ Ety/374, S/435, Letters/308, VT/45:36, X/ND1