Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite)

She’s really_____________________ about her new job. She’s especially pleased because she will be travelling to lots of _____________________ places.

5. John failed his History test again. He’s trying to explain the reasons to his father. (convince)

His father is listening to him carefully but he is not _____________________.John’s tale is a bit silly and not at all _____________________.

Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box:

  Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru

1.Jake’s interest in poetry was ___________________ by of his grandfather’s writings.

2.The holiday at the Hot Springs Resort turned out to be a very ___________________ experience. Nothing went right!

3.This exercise is very _________________________ for me. I simply can’t solve it!

4.Her confession was most _________________________ . I didn’t know how to react.

5.Coffee has always had ___________________ effects on me. It really perks me up!

6.I hate people who complain all the time. It’s ___________________________.

7.It's ____________________ to see how many people really care about the homeless.

8.Mason was ____________________ by the way Mrs. Newton was staring at him.

9.Jane isn’t pretty but her smile is ____________________________.

10.Sheila felt ____________________ when she couldn’t get her suitcase closed.

11.Kathy was ___________________________ by John’s accusations.

12.Her beauty _________________________ me. I was her slave, completely in her power.

13.Jeremy hadn’t lost any weight after a week of hard dieting . He grow ____________________ and didn’t want to continue

14.He seemed a bit _________________________ by the changes in her behaviour. He wondered what it could be.

Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru

I’m ……., I feel ….. It’s ….. I’m ……., I feel ….. It’s …..
aggravated aggravating flattered flattering
alarmed alarming frightened frightening
amazed amazing frustrated frustrating
amused amusing fulfilled fulfilling
annoyed annoying gratified gratifying
astonished astonishing horrified horrifying
astounded astounding humiliated humiliating
Bewildered bewildering inspired inspiring
Bewitched bewitching insulted insulting
bored boring interested interesting
captivated captivating intrigued intriguing
challenge challenging irritated irritating
charmed charming mesmerised mesmerising
comforted comforting mortified mortifying
compelled compelling moved moving
concerned concerning mystified mystifying
confounded confounding overwhelmed overwhelming
confused confusing perplexed perplexing
convinced convincing perturbed perturbing
dazzled dazzling pleased pleasing
depressed depressing puzzled puzzling
devastated devastating relaxed relaxing
disappointed disappointing relieved relieving
discoloured discolouring repulsed repulsing
discouraged discouraging satisfied satisfying
disgusted disgusting shocked shocking
disheartened disheartening sickened sickening
dismayed dismaying soothed soothing
displeased displeasing stunned stunning
distressed distressing surprised surprising
embarrassed embarrassing tempted tempting
enchanted enchanting terrified terrifying
encouraged encouraging threatened threatening
energized energizing thrilled thrilling
enlightened enlightening tired tiring
entertained entertaining titillated titillating
enthralled enthralling touched touching
entranced entrancing troubled troubling
exasperated exasperating unnerved Unnerving
excited exciting unsettled unsettling
exhausted exhausting upset upsetting
fascinated fascinating vexed (vext) vexing
fatigued fatiguing worried worrying

Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru

Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
I found the street singer (entertain)_________________ John thinks jumping into the lake is so (refresh)_________ Peter was (distress) ________________ by the film . “Go out and play! Your whining is (annoy) _________” Tania was secretly (please) _________ when Ted got into a fight over her!
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
Helga was ________ (frighten) at the way the chauffer drove Ben was very _________ (alarm) when his boat started leaking Jill thought her son’s virus was very ___________ (worry) so she kept him at home today. Joseph is sucha great teacher. His classes are never (bore) ______________ Mary was (exhaust) _____________. She stayed up all night to finish the report.
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
Sue though Ted’s box was (perplex). _______ What could be inside it? “This is (mystify) ___________ Where could my suitcase be ?” Ted was (exasperate) _____________ with the man sitting next to him. Bungee jumping can be a _________ (compel) experience Jillian was _________ (astonish) when her boss sent her some flowers.
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
The trip was so ________ (exhaust) Mr. Krentz felt asleep waiting fr the connecting flight Mrs Hicks gave little Timmy a _________ (relax) bath to help him settle down Tony was ________ (dazzle) by Mary. He was so in love in her! Ken was _________ (disgust) when he woke up and saw a frog on his bed. Jerry was so _________ (terrify)when he saw the mummy, he hid in the litter bin.
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
I found the street singer (entertain)_________________ John thinks jumping into the lake is so (refresh)_________ Peter was (distress) ________________ by the film . “Go out and play! Your whining is (annoy) _________” Tania was secretly (please) _________ when Ted got into a fight over her!
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
Helga was ________ (frighten) by the way the chauffer drove Ben was very _________ (alarm) when his boat started leaking Jill thought her son’s virus was very ___________ (worry) so she kept him at home today. Joseph is sucha great teacher. His classes are never (bore) ______________ Mary was (exhaust) _____________. She stayed up all night to finish the report.
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
Sue though Ted’s box was (perplex). _______ What could be inside it? “This is (mystify) ___________ Where could my suitcase be ?” Ted was (exasperate) _____________ with the man sitting next to him. Bungee jumping can be a _________ (compel) experience Jillian was _________ (astonish) when her boss sent her some flowers.
Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru
The trip was so ________ (exhaust) Mr. Krentz felt asleep waiting fr the connecting flight Mrs Hicks gave little Timmy a _________ (relax) bath to help him settle down Tony was ________ (dazzle) by Mary. He was so in love in her! Ken was _________ (disgust) when he woke up and saw a frog on his bed. Jerry was so _________ (terrify)when he saw the mummy, he hid in the litter bin.

Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru

I found the street singer entertaining John thinks jumping into the lake is so refreshing Peter was distressed) by the film . “Go out and play! Your whining is annoying Tania was secretly pleased when Ted got into a fight over her!
Helga was frightened by the way the chauffer drove Ben was very alarmed) when his boat started leaking Jill thought her son’s virus was very worrying) so she kept him at home today. Joseph is sucha great teacher. His classes are never boring) Mary was exhausted). She stayed up all night to finish the report.
Sue though Ted’s box was perplexing. What could be inside it? “This is mystifying) Where could my suitcase be ?” Ted was exasperated with the man sitting next to him. Bungee jumping can be a compelling experience Jillian was astonished when her boss sent her some flowers.
The trip was so exhausting Mr. Krentz felt asleep waiting fr the connecting flight Mrs Hicks gave little Timmy a relaxing bath to help him settle down Tony was (dazzled by Mary. He was so in love in her! Ken was disgusted when he woke up and saw a frog on his bed. Jerry was so terrifiedwhen he saw the mummy, he hid in the litter bin.

Helen just got anew job as a public relations manager for a popular singer. (excite) - student2.ru Underline the correct adjective

Use an adjective ending in –ed or –ing of the word given to complete the sentences in each of the following situations:

1. When Michael saw Meredith he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen..(bewitch)

He was totally bewitchedby her. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. He found her clear blue eyes utterly bewitching

2. I love Soni’a new painting! (touch)

It’s so touching I almost cried when I first laid eyes on it. That’s how

touched I was

3. Eugenia walked into the class with her skirt zipper unzipped. (humiliate)

She felt humiliated when her friend told her about it. Of course it was even more humiliating when the teacher pointed it out!

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