Each of us is born with enough talents and resources,which may help us achieve success in the professional sphere and make major achievements

Any parent wants his children to be happy and successful. At that, each of us has a different notion of this happiness, but still all parents want their children to reveal their talents, wonderfully apply themselves and find good employment. It is important to remember that genius requires much effort for development.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences Julia Knyazeva is known worldwide as an expert at family education and children talents. She is the mother of two children prodigy, Angela, 19, and Diana, 18, Knyazev. The girls covered the school curriculum together with their parents with the aid of Julia Knyazeva's education system for five years. After that, both graduated from the Finance Academy of the Russian Federation Government with honors. And in a year, their got diplomas in finance and bank law at the Russian New University. In less than a year, the girls became the youngest master's degree holders in international political economy at US's Stanford University.

Last spring, the sisters became holders of master's degree in financial economy and international business and kept on working on their doctoral theses at the Stern School of Business, NYU.

Julia Knyazeva believes that each of us is born with enough talents and resources that on condition of adequate development, good application and other conditions may help us achieve success in the professional sphere and make major achievements.

This may happen that parents decide their children have no talents at all. There is no reason for despair, the expert says. There are lots of professions that require not one talent but several talents and capabilities at once. Parents should teach their children to work independently and systematically; to plan a workday, to regulate a workday and be as good as their words. It is important to let children apply themselves in different spheres and try various activities. One day, it will be perfectly clear what talents your children have.

At that, children should develop their talents willingly. Parents need to be particularly patient in case children are lazy and obstinate. Remember that children usually follow the example of their adult family members and relatives; that is why adults should not be foolishly obstinate themselves. Children in general become particularly obstinate in the pre-school age and during their awkward age.

To fight laziness, help your children revive the interest in studies and teach them to respect teachers. Do anything possible to help education develop positively.

Often parents insist that children must study this or that particular profession, at the time when children reveal interest quire in different spheres. History reveals that both sides, parents and children, may be mistaken in such situations. For instance, in the second part of the 17th century, the head of the large Bernulli family sent his sons to study theology and try commerce. In many years, the world learnt about mathematicians, historians, doctors and artists of the Bernulli family. Nothing is known about outstanding Bernulli in commerce.

Children's preferences may change several times during their school studies and already at the institute. That is why, it is recommended to try those professions that children want to study: to work at a hospital for some time, to go for a research expedition or try some business.

Julia Knyazeva says that it is important for children and their parents to use the maximum of the educational resources of their families. Family education is little known in Russia at the time when in the US there are over 1.8 million homeschoolers.

Experts state that parents' role in developing children's talents in great. There are several examples revealing a significant parental role in the upbringing of Olympic Games champions, brilliant musicians and outstanding researchers. Parents should be particularly attentive to see the talents of their children and become their first teachers to help develop these talents. Future progress and success of children mostly depends upon their parents.

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