General Regulations Article 137
For all issues relating to FEI Horse Passports/FEI Recognition Cards please contact your National Federation
All Horses competing at FEI Events must be registered with the FEI.
FEI Passports or FEI Recognition Cards (for those Horses with a national passport approved by the FEI) are compulsory for FEI Events, with the exception of CNs and CIMs as outlined below.
Event’s Category | FEI Passport and or Recognition Card |
National Events | Not compulsory |
CI-short/long 1* and 2* | Not compulsory for Horses from the host Nation – Compulsory for Horses from the invited Nations |
CI-long 3* and 4* CI-short 3* CHs / Games of all levels | Compulsory |
Athletes who do not present a Horse’s Passport and/or Recognition Card, or one that is not correctly validated, or failing to meet other passportrequirements including micro-chipping, vaccination and Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication control (Veterinary Regulations Article 1030) will be subject to Sanctions in accordance with Annex II of the Veterinary Regulations and may not be allowed to compete.
Athletes will be required to write their name and counter sign next to any passport irregularity entry noted, as an acknowledgement, prior to receiving the passport and leaving the show ground. Following a warning being issued for such an irregularity the Athlete will have 30 days to correct this, failure to correct such irregularities within 30 days will result in a sanction being imposed.
Note for Horses permanently resident in a Member State of the European Union, all Horses must have a national EU passport in compliance with EU Regulations, to which a FEI Recognition card is applied. The exception to this being Horses in possession of an FEI passport which has been continually revalidated without interruption.
Veterinary Regulations Article 1028
Horses competing at FEI Events must comply with the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccination in accordance with the Veterinary Regulations and as summarised below.
Primary Course | 1st Vaccination: day 0 (e.g. 1 January) 2nd Vaccination: day 21-92 (e.g. 1 February) | May compete 7 days after the 2nd Vaccination |
First Booster | Within 7 months of the 2nd vaccination of the Primary Course (e.g. 1 August) | May compete for 6 months +21 days after the 2nd vaccination of the Primary Course Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination |
Boosters | MINIMUM: within one year of previous booster vaccination IF COMPETING: must be competing in the 6 months +21 days ofthe previous booster vaccination | Must have been vaccinated within the 6 months +21 days before arriving at the Event Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination |
Exceptions to the requirement for FEI equine influenza vaccinations currently exist only for those Horses competing at CNs or CIMs where there are no national requirements for influenza vaccination in both the Event host country and the Horse’s country of origin (General Regulations Article 137).
Veterinary Regulations Article 1032
On arrival at an Event venue all Horses must undergo an examination by a veterinarian to confirm their identification from their passport and micro-chip (where present), their vaccination status and general health. To protect all horses attending events, any Horse with a questionable health status, with regards to vaccination, disease or other concerns, must be stabled within the isolation facilities provided by the Organising Committee pending a decision on entering the venue.