B) the border line between the Roman empire and the Celtic territory
A) Sometime between the 15th and 10th c B.C
B) Sometime between the 5th and 1st c B.C
C) Sometime between the 25th and 20th c B.C
D) Sometime between the 3rd and 5th c A.D
2. When did Ulfilas, a West Germanic bishop, make a translation of the Gospels from Greek into Gothic using a modified form of the Greek alphabet?
A) in the 10th c A.D
B) in the 4th c A.D
C) in the 4th c B.C
D) in the 10th c B.C
3. Choose the date of the establishment of the Written Standard of New High German.
A) 11th c
B) 16lh c
C) 14th c
D) 18th c
4. Point out the vowel change explaining the vowel modification in Proto-Germanic:
L mater OE modor
R мать
A) breaking
B) palatal mutation
C) independent vowel change
D) splitting
5. Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to:
R болото OE pōl
R слабый OE slæpan
A) The examples do not belong to Grimm's law
B) Act l
C) Act 3
D) Act 2
6. Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to:
Sanscrit bhārāmi OE bere
Sanscrit bhrāta OE brōþor
A) Act 3
B) Act l
C) Act 2
D) The examples do not belong to Grimm's law
7. Point out the number of components the word consisted of in Early PG.
A) 2
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
8. Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the difference between the vowels in:
GT auso OE eare NE ear
GT kiusan OE ceosan NE choose
GT diups OE deop NE deep
A) Diphthongisation
B) Breaking
C) Palatal Mutation
D) Development of diphthongs in Early OE
9. Point out the phonetic change which accounts for the vowel interchange in hwæl - hwalas (Nom, sg. and pl. M. - a), NE whale.
A) Splitting of [a]
B) Palatalisation
C) Breaking
D) Lengthening in open syllables
10. Point out the phonetic change which took place in Proto-Germanic:
L.nox G nacht
R. ночь
A) breaking
B) palatal mutation
C) independent vowel change
D) splitting
11. Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to:
L pedis OE fōt
R пена OE fām
A) Act l
B) Act 3
C) Act 2
D) The examples do not belong to Grimm's law
12. Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to:
R два OE twā
R еда OE etan
A) Act l
B) Act 3
C) Act 2
D) The examples do not belong to Grimm's law
13. Point out the form-building means employed in the following examples from Germanic and non-Germanic languages:
L ego R я OE ic
Mei меня min
Mihi мне me
A) Sound interchange
B) Suppletion
C) Inflection
D) Verner's law
14. Point out the act of Grimm's law the following examples belong to:
L Genu OE cnēo
L vidēre OE witan
A) Act 1
B) Act 2
C) Act 3
D) The examples do not belong to Grimm's law
15. Point out the means employed in building the principal forms of the Gothic strong verbs:
Inf Past sg Past pl Participle 2
Bindan band bundum bundans
A) Inflection
B) Suppletion
C) Ablaut (vowel gradation)
D) Verner's law
16. Point out the period of Celtic migrations.
A) the 1st millennium B.C
B) the 1st с A.D
C) the 2nd millennium B.C
D) the 3rd - 4th с A.D
17. When was Britain invaded by the Roman legions under Emperor Claudius?
A) In A.D 43
B) In 4 с B.C
C) In 54 B.C
D) In A.D 55
18. Choose the date when Julius Caesar made two raids on Britain.
A) in 55 and 54 B.C.
B) in 43 A.D.
C) in the 8th c
D) in the 11th c
19. Choose the date when the Roman troops were officially withdrawn to Rome by Constantine.
A)in 410 A.D.
B) in 420 A.D.
C) in 500 A.D.
D) in 499 A.D.
20. Choose correctly the number of English dialects the invaders spoke.
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 6
21. Choose correctly the language the following words come from: Thames, Severn, London.
A) Celtic
B) Latin
C) Basque
D) French
22. Choose correctly what words borrowed from the German are associated with.
A) With mining and plunder
B) With war
C) With animals and birds
D) With art
23. Choose correctly the number of words used by Shakespeare in his works.
A) 2.000
B) 10.000
C) 20.000
D) 1.000
24. Choose correctly the country the following words were borrowed from: cockatoo, chintz.
A) China
B) Turkey
C) India
D) Australia
25. Choose correctly the name of the first Indo – European speakers to arrive on the land mass now called England.
A) The Germans
B) The Danes
C) The Celts
D) The Ibirians
26. Choose correctly what Hardrian’s wall represented.
A) the border line between the Angles and the Jutes
B) the border line between the Roman empire and the Celtic territory
C) the border line between the Roman empire and the Anglo-Saxon
D) the border line between the Scots and the Picts
27. Choose correctly the total number of Scandinavian borrowings in English.
A) 9000 words
B) 900 words
C) 10000 words
D) 1000 words
28. Choose correctly the Celtic language which was spoken in Cornwall till the 18-th c.
A) Irish
B) Cornish
C) Brittome
D) Welsh
29. Choose correctly the name of the author of the great work “The Ecclesiastical History of the English people”.
A) The Venerable Bede
B) Julius Caesar
C) W. Shakespeare
D) J. Chaucer
30. Choose correctly the date of the first Viking raid in England.
A) 866
B) 449
C) 1066
D) 787
31. Choose correctly the dates of King Alfred’s life.
A) 839 – 889
B) 801 – 899
C) 809 – 852
D) 849 – 899
32. Choose correctly the number of the main regions the Danelaw comprised.
A) 4
B) 3
C) 6
D) 5
33. Choose correctly the name of the person elected to succeed Edward the Confessor.
A) Duke William
B) Harold Godwin (son)
C) Gregory I
D) Canute the Great
34. Choose correctly the number of Scandinavian borrowings which belong to Standard English.
A) 600
B) 700
C) 1700
D) 1000
35. Find out the Old East Germanic language in the list given below.
A) Old Norse
B) Frisian
C) Anglian
D) Gothic
36. Point out the survival of the Gaelic branch in Ireland.
A) Armorican
B) Kymric
C) Erse
D) Cornish
37.Choose correctly the language the following words were borrowed from: law,
husband, bulk, egg, happy, ugly.
A) Old Scandinavian
B) Anglo - Norman
C) Latin
D) Africaans
38. Choose the dates of the 2nd period in the history of English - Written OE.
A) 1476-1660
B) 1666-1800
C) 1800-1945
D) 700-1066
39. Define the case the OE noun tala (-ena) belongs to.
A) Nominative
B) Genitive
C) Dative
D) Accusative
40. Define the case the OE noun mūsum(root - stem., F) belongs to.
A) Genitive
B) Nominative
C) Dative
D) Accusative
41. Determine the class of the strong verb helpan.
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7
42. Determine the form of the OE weak verb dēmde.
A) Participle II
B) Past Tense
C) Infinitive
D) Past plural
43. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective bettra.
A) Positive
B) Supplative
C) Superlative
D) Comparative
44. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective softest.
A) Supplative
B) Positive
C) Superlative
D) Comparative
45. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective ieldra.
A) Comparative
B) Positive
C) Superlative
D) Indicative
46. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective ealdest.
A) Positive
B) Comparative
C) Superlative
D) Indicative
47. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective māra.
A) Positive
B) Comparative
C) Superlative
D) Indicative
48. Choose correctly the form of the degree of comparison of the OE adjective wēriƷra.
A) Comparative
B) Positive
C) Superlative
D) Indicative
49. Choose correctly the words which belong to the 1st layer of Latin borrowings.
A) pund, ynce, flasce
B) castra, Woolwich, Greenport
C) hand, sand, fox
D) antefn, biscop, munuc
50. Choose correctly the words which belong to the 2nd layer of Latin borrowings.