Post requisites of course

Social-humanitarian chair

Discipline: history of Kazakhstan

(name of chair / discipline)


Working program for students

Discipline: History of Kazakhstan

Code of discipline: IK 1101

Specialty: General medicine 051301

Volume of studying hours: 135 hours 3 credits

Course: First

Semesters of studying: I-II

Semey - 2010

Syllabus (Working program for students) was composed on a social-humanitarian chair (discipline history of Kazakhstan) on which base on typical studying program of history the Kazakhstan.

Author - Elder teacher of discipline History the Kazakhstan – Bazarbekov G.J.

It discussed on the chairs meeting in _______ _______________200 _ y.

Protocol №____

Head of chair _____________________ (Sergazina G.M.).

Information about teachers: list, level and post.

1. Bazarbekov G.J. – elder teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

2. Katekeeva N.D. – Teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

3. Bytimbayeva G.M. – teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

4. Djakipova T.U. - teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

5. Abenova G.A. - teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

6. Asylbekov K. M. - teacher of History of Kazakhstan discipline

Contact information: hostel # 3 buildings of SMU, cabinet № 314

Place of carrying of studying: auditoriums № 307, № 309, № 311 (by table- time)

Name of discipline: «History of Kazakhstan»

Telephone: deanery 56-33-53, Studying part 56-33-53

Politics of discipline:

Adopt the studying material by course of History the Kazakhstan.

Define the place of history the Kazakhstan under of world history.

1. presents obligatory on classes. Do not be late for lesson and do not talk during educational process. Each visiting of lecture and practical employment estimated in one point, and for each passed lesson, the minus 1 point will found from the general rating. For each unfinished lesson, punishment by two more points will stipulated. For the made up lesson the opportunity to receive the maximal point excluded. Current estimations and estimations of month control enter into a rating.

2. Absence on employment for the valid reason does not release from obligatory and full development of course. The admission to the subsequent employment is authorizing only after granting the information. For working off the passed themes, students receive tasks, with the instruction of terms of delivery, for their independent studying. In this case, penal punishments for misses will not apply, and for the passed employment, any point will not add.

3. Students should participate actively in educational process in practical, in due time carry out home works in target dates. They should be punctual and obligatory - all this will allow all students to reach high rating parameters.

4. During of educational lesson in academic time the student should disconnect the cell telephone.

5. Month attestation: results of attestation put down in view of attendance, performance by students of independent works according to the schedule, answers to employment in the oral or written form, results of month control.

6. Examination will accept based on booking system and testing. Each examination card includes three questions on different sections of all passed course. Faculty develops the provisional list of questions for preparation for examinations.

2. The program:


History of Kazakhstan - science that studies complot on historical events, phenomena’s, the facts, the processes, revealing historical laws and laws in territory of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times up to now. With finding Republic of Kazakhstan of independence and the sovereignty actual became: revival of historical memory of people, formation of national consciousness.

Working program on discipline “History of Kazakhstan” intended for students of unhistorical specialties of SSMU. It is the basic guide at studying discipline.

The purpose of discipline-“History of Kazakhstan” consists in acquaintance of students of unhistorical specialties with laws of historical process, with mutual communication of history of our state with neighboring countries and people and with economic, political and cultural processes RK.

Final problems of studying - In system of the maximum medical formation the problem of course of history of Kazakhstan consists: in preparation of the highly skilled doctors possessing historical consciousness, capable problems to the decision, faces to Republic Kazakhstan. The problem of discipline consists also in formation at students of feeling of the Kazakhstan patriotism and adherence to principles of the interethnic consent.

Pre-essential elements:

The World and domestic history in volume of high school which studying gives representation about development of all mankind on principles of observance modern common cognitive norms.

Post requisites of course.

· Political science

· Sociology

· Cultural science

· Philosophy

Studying of history of Kazakhstan creates an opportunity for its complex perception at a world outlook level and to provide to the future doctors formation of psychological thinking and complete vision of the world and the person the based on universal and professional values.

Studying of history of Kazakhstan creates an opportunity for its complex perception at a world outlook level and to provide to the future doctors formation of psychological thinking and complete vision of the world and the person the based on universal and professional values.

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