Экзаменационный тест по английскому языку 2 курс 3 семестр

1 Т SWOT analysis

A Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

B Strengths, price, product, threats

C Strong, weak, opportunities, trends

D Strenghts, weakens, opportunities, threats

E Strengthen, weaken, opportunities, threats

2 Т The brand is very ______

A strengthened

B strong

C strengthen

D strengthening

E strengh

3 Т Today ______ fears about health are one of the biggest threats to the processed food sector

A competitor

B consumer

C brand

D market

E company

4 Т An undifferentiated offer will _____ the company in the short term.

A weakness

B weak

C weaken

D week

E weaking

5 Т A clear opportunity is a ____ in the market.

A gape

B gapped

C gap

D gapp

E gope

6 Т Currently the company is under _____ from its main competitors.

A threats

B weak

C strength

D opportunity

E bad

7 Т _____ is a process of gathering information about a market analyzing it and interpreting.

A Marketing research

B Motivation research

C The marketing team

D Group research

E Behavior patterns

8 Т Consumer research can be either qualitative or _______ .

A quantitative

B quality

C quantity

D statistical

E marketing

9 Т ______ investigates the psychological reasons why individuals buy specific types of merchandise.

A qualitative research

B quantitative research

C secondary research

D primary research

E motivation research

10 Т The _____ shows consumer rating of the product over a ten-year period.

A objective

B graph

C brand

D research

E aim

11 Т In ____ small group discussion or in-depth interviews with consumers are used to understand a problem better.

A qualitative research

B quantitative research

C desk research

D secondary research

E motivation research

12 Т Copyright protects ______ and artistic works.

A literary

B subject

C work

D test

E shopping

13 Т ____ small groups from the target group plus one moderator to mediate or run the session

A focus group

B package test

C omnibus survey

D target group

E mystery shopping

14 Т ____ used to test what consumers think about new flavour.

A Taste test

B Mystery shopping

C Home test

D Package test

E omnibus survey

15 Т ___ an analysis of the information you can find easily without leaving your desk.

A Desk research

B Field research

C Motivation research

D Primary research

E Customer needs

16 Т ___ involves talking to people and finding out what they think about a market, a product, a business sector, etc.

A Desk research

B Field research

C Motivation research

D Secondary research

E Customer needs

17 Т _____ a person poses as a consumer and checks th level of service and hygiene in a restaurant hotel or shop.

A Focus group

B Mystery shopping

C omnibus survey

D Package test

E Consumer needs

18 Т The four Ps:

A Product,price,place, promotion

B People ,physical evidence, place, position

C Product,process, people

D Product,people,place, position

E Product,price,physical evidence, position

19 Т Ok,well we need to focus___ the model G,don’t we?

A In

B At

C On

D For

E Of’

20 Т I’m thinking we should ___a major PR campaign this year .

A Launch

B Do

C Target

D Drine

E Spend

21 Т We could start ___ increasing our advertising spend in luxury car magazines.

A By

B At

C Of

D In

E On

22 Т A company might _______ a premium pricing strategy if they have a competitive advantage in the market.

A Introduce

B Do

C Spend

D Come

E Employ

23 Т You don’t know where Karen is,……… ? -Sorry,I’ve no idea.

A don’t you

B do you

C Is she

D does you

E does she

24 Т You can’t stop me……….what I want.

A doing

B do

C to do

D that I do

E does

25 Т I must go now. I promised…….late.

A not being

B not to be

C to not be

D I wouldn’t be

E I will not

26 Т What two topics ___________________ small talk about?

A Maria make

B Does Maria make

C Do Maria make

D Maria made

E Is Maria make

27 Т Obtain information about customers

A Gather customer data

B Get a firm commitment to buy

C Quality potential sales leads

D Make small talk

E Overcome objections

28 Т She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help ………

A Laughing

B To laugh

C That she laughed

D Laughed

E laugh

29 Т I like ……..the kitchen as often as possible .

A Cleaning

B Clean

C cleaned

D That I clean

E That I cleaned

30 Т Convince a person who has doubts about buying your product

A Gather customer data

B Get a firm commitment to buy

C Qualify potential sales leads

D Make small talk

E Overcome objections

31 Т Make people want to find out about your product/service

A Make small talk

B Generate interest in your product or service

C Gather customer data

D Get a firm commitment to buy

E Overcome objections

32 Т Are you looking forward ………. Ann again?

A Seeing

B To see

C To seeing

D Saw

E seen

33 Т When Jane came to Britain, she had to get used……..on the left.

A driving

B to driving

C to drive

D drive

E drove

34 Т I’m thinking ……… a house. Do you think that’s a good idea?

A to buy

B of to buy

C of buying

D buy

E bought

35 Т I’m sure you’ll have no…………the exam.

A Difficulty to pass

B Difficulties to pass

C Difficulties passing

D Difficulty passing

E Difficulty passed

36 Т Always be ready to make small talk _____ visitors to your stand.

A with

B at

C for

D of

E on

37 Т Jim doesn’t speak very clearly…………

A It is difficult to understand him.

B He is difficult to understand.

C He is difficult understand.

D It is difficult to understand.

E It is difficult understanding

38 Т The path was icy, so we walked very carefully.We were afraid…….

A of falling

B from falling

C to fall

D falling

E fell

39 Т How does she generate interest _____ the company’s product?

A At

B In

C With

D On

E from

40 Т How ____ she generate interest in the company’s product?

A is

B Do

C Does

D Are

E if

41 Т Call an ambulance.There’s been…………

A Accident

B An accident

C Some accident

D No accident

E accidents

42 Т ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to buy…………’

A A bread

B Some breads

C A loaf of bread

D Any bread

E breads

43 Т Sandra works at a big hospital.She’s……….

A Nurse

B A nurse

C The nurse

D nurses

E An nurse

44 Т She works six days….week.

A on

B for

C a

D the

E at

45 Т There are millions of stars in………

A Space

B A space

C The space

D Spaces

E A spaces

46 Т Our sales ______ is very effective. They sell a lot of products.

A force

B pitch

C premium

D goods

E service

47 Т I am a sales _______ . I work for an insurance company.

A agent

B buyers

C insurance

D goods

E service

48 Т Decide how likely someone is to buy a product/service

A Make small talk

B Qualify potential sales leads

C Gather customer data

D Get a firm commitment to buy

E Overcome objections

49 Т Product ____

A development

B market

C niche

D time

E period

50 Т ____ market

A idea

B improvement

C niche

D innovation

E modification

51 Т Product __

A improvement

B market

C time

D period

E launch

52 Т The graph intentions to buy over a five-year period

A changes

B represents

C damages

D launches

E resources

53 Т Marketing ___ how an organization intends to achieve its marketing objectives .

A plan

B strategy

C document

D objective

E stage

54 Т Marketing ___ a written document that details the actions an organization must take in order to achieve its marketing objectives.

A plan

B strategy

C document

D objectives

E stage

55 Т The pound is currently ____weaker against the dollar.

A get

B got

C getting

D have get

E has get


A Political,Economic,Sociological,Technological,Environmental,Legal

B Political,Technological,Environment,Economic,Legal

C Technological,Environment,Legal,Economic,Political

D Environment,Legal,Economic,Political,Sociological

E Environment,Legal,Economy,Policy,Social

57 Т Bargaining power of buyers

A How easy it is for customers to reduce the price of goods / services they buy

B How easy it is for suppliers to increase the prices they charge

C How a company wants the consumer to see the brand

D The beliefs and opinions that consumers hold

E Sales and promotion of a company’s product

58 Т Bargaining power of suppliers

A How easy it is for customers to reduce the price of goods / services they buy

B How easy it is for suppliers to increase the prices they charge

C How a company wants the consumer to see the brand

D The beliefs and opinions that consumers hold

E Sales and promotion of a company’s product

59 Т data

A A reduction in the selling price of a product or service

B Description of the main characteristics of the potential customer

C Information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be used to help decision making, or information that can be stored or processed by a computer

D Writing test used for promotional purposes

E The commitment that existing customer show towards a particular organization

60 Т Customer loyalty

A A reduction in the selling price of a product or service

B A question or request for information from a potential customer

C The impression consumers have of an organization

D Writing test used for promotional purposes

E The commitment that existing customer show towards a particular organization

61 Т Direct mail

A Mail which is sent directly to identified customers through the postal system

B The impression consumers have of an organization

C Writing test used for promotional purposes

D A question or request for information from a potential customer

E How easy it is for suppliers to increase the prices they charge

62 Т brand

A A name,design, feature or symbol used to identify a seller’s goods

B A word or sentence that defines a brand‘s core characteristics

C The beliefs and opinions that consumers hold

D Sales and promotion of a company’s product

E How a company wants the consumer to see the brand

63 Т Brand name

A Sales and promotion of a company’s product

B The commitment of existing customers to a particular brand

C The impression consumers have of a brand and its qualities

D Trademark or name given to a product by a company

E Sales and promotion of a company’s product

64 Т Brand image

A Sales and promotion of a company’s product

B The commitment of existing customers to a particular brand

C The impression consumers have of a brand and its qualities

D Trademark or name given to a product by a company

E Sales and promotion of a company’s product

65 Т Brand loyalty

A Sales and promotion of a company’s product

B The commitment of existing customers to a particular brand

C The impression consumers have of a brand and its qualities

D Trademark or name given to a product by a company

E Sales and promotion of a company’s product

66 Т Brand objectives

A What you want the brand to achieve

B The plan for developing a brand to achieve

C The services that the agency offers

D The plan for developing the brand to meet its objectives

E Extent to which the customers recognize the existence and availability of a company’s product or sevice

67 Т Brand strategy

A What you want the brand to achieve

B The plan for developing a brand to achieve

C The services that the agency offers

D A marketing message that encourages consumers to take action

E What you want the brand to achieve

68 Т Customer segmentation

A Dividing customers into groups which share similar characteristics e.g. :age, gender, race and income

B The process of making a brand or product stand out from the competition through unique product features or benefits

C Description of the main characteristics of a potential customer

D The plan for developing a brand to achieve

E The impression consumers have of a brand and its qualities

69 Т discount

A A reduction in the selling price of a product or service

B Description of the main characteristics of the potential customer

C Information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be used to help decision making, or information that can be stored or processed by a computer

D Writing test used for promotional purposes

E The commitment that existing customer show towards a particular organization

70 Т distributor

A People who contribute regularly to blogs

B Someone who pretending to be a customer to secretly report on quality or service

C Individual or organization which sells goods on behalf of a manufacturer or supplier

D Sales and promotion of a company’s product

E The commitment of existing customers to a particular brand

71 Т Mission statement

A A short, written description of a organization’s value

B Someone who pretending to be a customer to secretly report on quality or service

C Sales and promotion of a company’s product

D The commitment of existing customers to a particular brand

E Description of the main characteristics of a potential customer

72 Т Niche market

A Description of the main characteristics of a potential customer

B To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

C The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

D Small area of trade within the economy

E Group of people who have some level of interest in the same product or service

73 Т Potential market

A Description of the main characteristics of a potential customer

B To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

C The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

D Group of people who have some level of interest in the same product or service

E Someone who pretending to be a customer to secretly report on quality or service

74 Т investment

A A marketing activity encourages customers to commit to a brand or company e.g. loyalty card in supermarkets

B An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

C Money placed into a financial institution , a company , shares etc in order to make a profit

D To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

E To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

75 Т Marketing tactics

A The specific marketing actions that the organization will take in order to implement its strategy

B A marketing activity encourages customers to commit to a brand or company e.g. loyalty card in supermarkets

C An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

D To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

E The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

76 Т Marketing budget

A A marketing activity encourages customers to commit to a brand or company e.g. loyalty card in supermarkets

B An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

C To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

D The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

E To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

77 Т Luxury goods

A Products for which consumers are prepared to pay premium level (high) prices in the market and are not necessity products

B A marketing activity encourages customers to commit to a brand or company e.g. loyalty card in supermarkets

C Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

D To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

E The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

78 Т Ethical products

A A marketing activity encourages customers to commit to a brand or company e.g. loyalty card in supermarkets

B developed taking into account impact on the environment and ethical issues e.g. organic foods etc

C Products for which consumers are prepared to pay premium level (high) prices in the market and are not necessity products

D An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

E Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

79 Т Outdoor advertising

A To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

B When a salesperson sells directly with a potential customer or organization

C Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

D Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

E Products for which consumers are prepared to pay premium level (high) prices in the market and are not necessity products

80 Т Online sales

A To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

B When a salesperson sells directly with a potential customer or organization

C Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

D Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

E Products for which consumers are prepared to pay premium level (high) prices in the market and are not necessity products

81 Т Personal selling

A To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

B When a salesperson sells directly with a potential customer or organization

C Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

D Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

E Products for which consumers are prepared to pay premium level (high) prices in the market and are not necessity products

82 Т launch

A To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

B Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

C To give a presentation saying why you are the best supplier for the job

D An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

E Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

83 Т Pitch for

A To introduce a new product or service into the marketplace

B Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

C To give a presentation saying why you are the best supplier for the job

D An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

E Sales through a website, not in a shop or by phone

84 Т Over budget

A To spend more than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

B An estimate of how much money is needed to implement the marketing plan

C To have spent less than the budgeted amount for a particular activity

D The key benefits offered by a company or brand to its target audience

E The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

85 Т Physical evidence

A Making contacts with people who might be useful for you professionally

B The tangible evidence of a service, e.g. tickets to a concert

C Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

D To give a presentation saying why you are the best supplier for the job

E Identification of a group of potential customers an organization wants to make to market its products and services to

86 Т standartization

A Selling the same product in the same way in all markets

B The key benefits offered by a company or brand to its target audience

C A tool of evaluating the internal and external factors that the organization faces

D Charging high prices

E Advertising in public spaces such as billboards, posters etc.

87 Т A tool of evaluating the internal and external factors that the organization faces

A SWOT analysis

B PESTEL analysis




88 Т An individual or organization which introduces new product ideas or changes before of its rivals

A innovating

B innovation

C innovator

D innovative

E innovatating

89 Т Innovator

A An individual or group who usually works for the organization to communicate with each other

B An individual or organization which introduces new product ideas or changes before of its rivals

C Group of people who have some level of interest in the same product or service

D An Individual or organization which sells goods on behalf of a manufacturer or supplier

E An individual or company who purchases products or services but is not necessarily the end consumer

90 Т customer

A An individual or group who usually works for the organization to communicate with each other

B An individual or organization which introduces new product ideas or changes before of its rivals

C Group of people who have some level of interest in the same product or service

D An individual or organization which sells goods on behalf of a manufacturer or supplier

E An individual or company who purchases products or services but is not necessarily the end consumer

91 Т Five forces analysis

A A technique used to analyse the competitive environment of an organisation

B Objectives which are specific , measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound

C Promotional activities in public spaces

D A tool of evaluating the internal and external factors that the organization faces

E The plan for developing a brand to achieve

92 Т An individual or company who purchases products or services but is not necessarily the end consumer

A distributor

B customer

C mystery shopper

D sponsorship

E stakeholder

93 Т A technique used to analyse the competitive environment of an organisation

A Five forces analysis

B SWOT analysis

C PESTEL analysis



94 Т Objectives which are specific , measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound

A SMART objectives

B Five forces analysis

C SWOT analysis

D PESTEL analysis


95 Т Unique attribute of or product feature which makes one product stand out from the competition and is the key reason why the consumers will buy that product

A Key proposition

B Unique feature

C Unique value proposition

D Unique Selling Proposition

E Unique Selling Production

96 Т USP

A Key proposition

B Unique feature

C Unique Value proposition

D Unique Selling Proposition

E Unique Selling Production

97 Т Unique Selling Proposition

A A technique used to analyse the competitive environment of an organisation

B Objectives which are specific , measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound

C Unique attribute of or product feature which makes one product stand out from the competition and is the key reason why the consumers will buy that product

D Promotional activities in public spaces

E A tool of evaluating the internal and external factors that the organization faces

98 Т Online -

A Forums

B Days

C Facilities

D emails

E goals

99 Т Training-

A screens

B sessions

C statements

D grow

E increase

100 Т Overseas-

A conference

B screen

C facilities

D days

E discounts

101 Т Mission-

A Training

B discounts

C statements

D overseas

E conference

102 Т Written-

A online

B facilities

C forums

D manifestos

E discount

103 Т Childcare-

A facilities

B days

C forums

D discounts

E statements

104 Т Loyalty-

A facilities

B days

C programs

D screen

E statements

105 Т Union Direct is the UK’s leading internet-only _____ ..

A customer

B bank

C market

D shop

E supermarket

106 Т All Union Direct Ethical customers will also earn a bonus rate of interest on their current _____ .

A account

B help

C company

D customer

E bank

107 Т All Union Direct Ethical customers will also earn _______ on their current account.

A a bonus rate of interest

B fund

C investment

D charity

E people

108 Т All Union Direct Ethical customers will also earn a bonus rate of interest ____their current account.

A from

B in

C at

D on

E of

109 Т Well,our main _____ is our product.

A srtength

B Strong

C strengthning

D strengh

E strenth

110 Т Our customers are happy because it costs them about a tenth of the money to run an electric sports car compared to a ____ one.

A electric

B petrol

C sport

D car

E money

111 Т Our customers are happy because it costs them about a tenth of the money to run an electric sports car compared _______ a petrol one.

A at

B In

C to

D for

E of

112 Т Our customers ____ happy because it costs them about a tenth of the money to run an electric sports car compared to a petrol one.

A Is

B Are

C Was

D were

E am

113 Т Our customers are happy _______ it costs them about a tenth of the money to run an electric sports car compared to a petrol one.

A so

B for instance

C however

D because

E but

114 Т Well I’m going to start _____ presenting our first concept to you.

A by

B at

C for

D in

E of

115 Т And it might also encourage customers from some ______our competitors to join us,too.

A from

B of

C on

D at

E for

116 Т Well, our market _______ showed that people want the bank to represent their core beliefs and values.

A audit

B message

C budget

D strategy

E research

117 Т Well, our market research showed that people want the bank to represent their core _______ and values.

A audit

B budget

C research

D beliefs

E tactics

118 Т A concept ______ is a short description of a new product or service idea.

A statement

B idea

C credit card

D product

E customer

119 Т Liam is responsible ______ the company’s guidebook publishing.

A at

B for

C with

D in

E on

120 Т Marijana is a Web Marketing Executive. She would be responsible for implementing an organisation’s web marketing _______.

A metrics

B objectives

C tactics

D strategy

E share

121 Т Marijana is a Web Marketing Executive. She would be responsible for ________an organisation’s web marketing strategy.

A implementing

B implement

C implemented

D implements

E implementative

122 Т Marijana is a _________. She would be responsible for implementing an organisation’s web marketing strategy.

A Marketing Department

B Publishing Manager

C Web Marketing Executive

D manager

E Management

123 Т Marijana is a Web Marketing Executive. She would be responsible for implementing an organisation’s web _______strategy.

A marketing

B Economic

C research

D external

E product

124 Т Marijana is a Web Marketing Executive. She would be responsible _____ implementing an organisation’s web marketing strategy.

A at

B for

C In

D of

E with

125 Т Union Direct Ethical is ______ people who don’t trust their bank as much as they used to.

A at

B for

C In

D of

E with

126 Т Union Direct Ethical is for people ______ don’t trust their bank as much as they used to.

A when

B what

C who

D which

E why

127 Т Always be ready to make a small talk with visitors to your stand. It’s a great way into a sales conversation.

A Answer questions, requests for information

B have a polite,informal conversation

C convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

D decide how likely someone is to buy a product

E obtain information about customers

128 Т Always qualify potential sales leads.

A Answer questions, requests for information

B have a polite,informal conversation

C convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

D decide how likely someone is to buy a product

E obtain information about customers

129 Т Deal with customer enquiries politely but quickly.

A Make people want to find out more about your product/service

B Answer questions, requests for information

C have a polite,informal conversation

D convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

E decide how likely someone is to buy a product

130 Т Be prepared to overcome objections from potential customers confidently and effectively

A Answer questions, requests for information

B have a polite,informal conversation

C convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

D decide how likely someone is to buy a product

E Obtain a promise or guarantee that a customer will buy your product

131 Т Remember that events are a great opportunity to gather customer data. Decide how you are going to do this before the event.

A Obtain a promise or guarantee that a customer will buy your product

B Make people want to find out more about your product/service

C Answer questions, requests for information

D Obtain information about customers

E convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

132 Т And finally, try to generate interest in your product or service in any way that you can.

A Obtain a promise or guarantee that a customer will buy your product

B Make people want to find out more about your product/service

C Answer questions, requests for information

D Obtain information about customers

E convince a person who has doubts about buying your products

133 Т A ________ research involves finding out attitudes and opinions

A second

B secondary

C desk

D primary

E first

134 Т ______ research involves analyzing existing sources of information which have been collected for a different reason.

A second

B secondary

C field

D primary

E first

135 Т I think we should try to interact directly with our customers.we should find out about a ________ that anyone can go to.

A public trade show

B horizontal trade show

C trade show display

D vertical trade show

E trade

136 Т You mean a __________ that has everything for the house and home decoration?

A public trade show

B horizontal trade show

C trade show display

D vertical trade show

E trade

137 Т Wine Institute organizes wine _______ shows and conducts educational seminars and visitor programs to acquaint media and trade representatives with Colifornia wines

A Trade

B Seminar

C Showcase

D stands

E network

138 Т To make your brand different from other brands

A premium

B differentiate

C range

D outlet

E modern

139 Т This type of brand is produced for and sold in supermarkets: _____ -label.

A own

B generic

C modern

D economy

E co-branding

140 Т A________ brand is also known as a no brand.

A generic

B modern

C economy

D co-branding

E outlet

141 Т A well-known product that best represents the brand.

A generic

B private label brand

C flagship

D premium

E leader

142 Т A set of products grouped under the same brand.

A type

B range

C branding

D premium

E leader

143 Т A type of brand that is less expensive than some similar products.

A economy

B premium

C leader

D generic

E competitive

144 Т Using a name, symbol, logo or design to identify a product.

A branding

B premium

C leader

D generic

E flagship

145 Т This type of brand is luxurious and more expensive than some similar products.

A branding

B premium

C leader

D generic

E economy

146 Т The best selling brand in a product category is the brand ________ .

A branding

B premium

C leader

D generic

E economy

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