Put each sentence into the Past

Each of these sentences contains at least one error. Underline the errors and correct them.

1 May (CAN) you tell me where I may (CAN/COULD) catch a bus into town?

2 I checked the timetable so I mustn´t (CAN’T) be wrong about the departure


3 You needn´t to (DON’T NEED TO/ NEEDN’T) worry if I miss the last bus because I can get a taxi.

4 Do I ought to (SHOULD I) phone for a taxi, or may (CAN) I pick one up in the street?

5 I could get a taxi but I must waiting (WOULD HAVE TO WAIT) for five minutes for one to arrive.

6 Don´t be silly, you ought not to (DON´T NEED TO/ NEEDN’T) show your passport if you will (WANT TO) buy a rail ticket!

7 You mustn´t (DON’T HAVE TO/ NEEDN’T) write anything down unless you want to.

8 You need (OUGHT TO/ SHOULD/ NEED TO) spend as much time as you can on your homework.

3 Rewrite each sentence without changing the meaning, beginning with the words given, and using must, can, might, may, could where necessary.

1 He can't have told her the truth. I don't think he told her the truth.

2 I'm sure you were a beautiful baby! You must have been a beautiful boy.

3 I wish you had bought an ice cream for me! You could/might have bought me an ice cream.

4 She may have taken your umbrella by mistake. Perhaps she took your umbrella by mistake.

5 He won the prize? That's impossible! He can‘t have won the prize.

6 Perhaps you dropped your wallet on the stairs. You could/may/might have dropped your wallet on the stairs.

7 It's very unlikely that she agreed to that. She can‘t/couldn‘t have agreed to that.

Make sentences from the words in brackets.

1 Don't phone Ann now. (she might / have / lunch)

She might be having lunch.

2 I ate too much. Now I feel sick. (I shouldn't / eat / so much)

I shouldn´t have eaten so much.

3 I wonder why Tom didn't phone me. (he must / forget)

He must have forgotten.

4 Why did you go home so early? (you needn't / go / home so early)

You needn’t have gone home so early.

5 You've signed the contract. (it / can't / change / now)

It can’t be changed now.

6 'What's Linda doing?' 'I'm not sure.' (she may / watch / television)

She may be watching television.

7 Ann was standing outside the cinema. (she must / wait / for somebody)

She must have been waiting for somebody.

8 He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed, so (he couldn't / do / it).

He couldn‘t have done it.

9 Why weren't you here earlier? (you ought / be / here, earlier)

You ought to have been here ealier.

10 Why didn't you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you)

I would have helped you.

11 I'm surprised nobody told you that the road was very dangerous. (you should / warn)

You should have been warned.

12 George was in a strange mood yesterday. (he might not / feel / very well)

He might not have been feeling very well./He might not have felt very well.

Rewrite each sentence using the word given in brackets.

1 I don't think we left the keys at home. (can't)

We can’t have left the keys at home.

2 Perhaps they sold their house. (might)

They might have sold their house.

3 Perhaps she caught a later train. (may)

She may have caught a later train.

4 I suppose it's possible that he took the wrong turning. (could)

He could have taken a wrong turning.

5 I reckon he stole it. (must)

He must have stolen it.

6 Perhaps she has told him by now. (may)

She may have told him by now.

7 Knowing him, he probably broke it. (bound to)

He is bound to have broken it.

8 It was possible for it to explode. (could)

It could have exploded.

9 Why didn't you invite me to your party! (might)

You might have invited me to your party!

10 I don't think he was a very good driver, in that case. (couldn't)

He couldn´t have been a very good driver.

11 I'm fairly sure that they threw it away. (must)

They must have thrown it away.

12 It's possible they had already done it. (may)

They may have already done it.

13 You were lucky they didn't kill you! (might)

They might have killed you./You might have been killed.

14 Perhaps she didn't know about it. (may not)

She may not have known about it.

15 I think he was drunk. (must)

He must have been drunk.

Put each sentence into the Past.

1 Sorry, but I have to leave early.

I had to leave early.

2 But I'm sure you must know the answer.

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