What is the marker used for diagnosis of primary liver cancer?

A. ALT activity.

B. α-fetoprotein.

C. γ-GTP.

D. Alkaline phosphatase activity.

E. Paraproteins.

MTX (methotrexate) - antitumor agent assigned to the patient. However, by the time the tumor cells lost sensitivity to it. What gene amplification led to this?

A. Thioredoxin reductase.

B. Metallothionein.

C. Dihydrofolate reductase.

D. Ribonucleotide reductase.

E. Methemoglobin reductase.

Iisolated tumor was detected on the skin of the patient. Fibroma diagnosed. Which nucleotides synthesis will decrease?

A. dAMP.

B. dTMP.




Patients with pigmental xeroderma have an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to the development of skin cancer. The reason is the inability of enzymes to recover the damages of hereditary apparatus of cells. What process violation is the basis of this pathology?

A. Gene conversion.

B. Recombination of DNA.

C. Genetic complementation.

D. DNA repair.

E. Reduplication of DNA.

Renal failure may develop in patients with malignancy. Indicate the possible causes of such changes.

A. Hypercalcemia.

B. Bence-Jones proteinuria.

C. Hyperuricemia.

D. Nephrotoxicity of cytostatics.

E. All answers are correct.

What enzyme is used as a diagnostic test for tumors and metastases of prostate?

A. Alkaline phosphatase.

B. Acid phosphatase.


D. Amylase.

E. Fructose-1-phosphate aldolase.

Determination of the concentration of serotonin in the blood is a informative test in the diagnosis of carcinoma of the stomach, intestines and lungs. Its concentration increases by 5-10 times.Product of serotonin catabolism is excreted in urine. Name it.

A. 5-hydroxy-indole-acetic acid.

B. Seromukoid.

C. Vanillylmandelic acid.

D. Para-hydroxy-phenyllactic acid.

E. Di-hydroxy-phenylalanine.

The cause of pigmental xeroderma is an inherited deficiency of the enzyme UV endonuclease. What process is broken?

A. Translation.

B. DNA replication.

C. Transcription.

D. Reverse transcription.

E. DNA repair.

After a prostate surgery the patient had a course of radiation and chemotherapy. 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine as an irreversible inhibitor tyimidylate synthetase was used. Which from following syntheses this drug will block?

A. Protein.

B. mRNA.

C. rRNA.

D. tRNA.


Cancer patients during chemotherapy was prescribed antibiotics azaserin as a structural analog of glutamine. This drug is an inhibitor of the synthesis of purine nucleotides. What is the mechanism of inhibitory action has azoserin?

A. Irreversible.

B. Noncompetitive.

C. Competition-free.

D. Allosteric.

E. Competitive.

Appointment of anticancer drugs to cancer patients for a long time leads to the development of resistance of target cells to them. What process is the basis of this phenomenon?

A. Amplification of genes.

B. Recombination of genes.

C. Gene expression.

D. Mutation of genes.

E. Modification of genes.

The patient was hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis - myocardial infarction. Biochemical analysis of blood showed high activity of AST and ALT, the coefficient of de Ritis equal to 3.85. What enzyme activity will also be increased?

A. Alkaline phosphatase.


C. CE.

D. Acid phosphatase.


The patient was hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis - myocardial infarction. What changes in LDH activity detected by laboratory examination?

A. A significant increase in activity in the first 2 days of onset of illness and normalization on day 4.

B. Increased activity of the enzyme in the first 2 days of onset of illness and the preservation of its high activity for 2 weeks.

C. Reduction in enzyme activity after 12-24 hours of onset of illness.

D. The maximum increase in the activity of the enzyme for 12-24 hour from the onset of illness.

E. Start increasing the enzyme activity after 2-4 hours of onset of illness.

The patient had an acute uncomplicated myocardial infarction. Determination of AST activity in blood is used for monitoring treatment. What is the time when the enzyme activity should be normal?

A. Until the end of the first day.

B. After 2 days.

C. After 3-5 days.

D. After 10-12 days.

E. On the third week.

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