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Environmental protection policies must be raised to the state level in all countries. The achievements of the scientific and technological revolution must be used in the solution of ecological problems. Environmental protection must be regarded as an important element of the social policy of all the countries. Capital
1. Steam is changed ____ mechanical energy and drives the engine. 2. The scientists are looking____new sources of energy. 3. In the nearest future we’ll obtain hydrogen ____ thermochemical decomposition of water. 4. Albert Einstein compared the discovery ____ atomic energy with the discovery ____ fire. 5. The lecture ____ environment protection was very interesting. 6. The sound possesses kinetic energy due ____ the motion of molecules.   UNIT 8 Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. ELECTRICITY SERVES MAN All around us – in the factory shop, or laboratory and at home – we find an obedient force ready to serve us in some way. It is electricity. Electricity (electric power) has become so much a part of our daily life that we seldom think of its importance. Electric motors operate washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, electric razors and many other electric appliances. The range of household electric appliances is growing. Today an increasingly greater number of people are using TV-sets, refrigerators, washing machines, electric cookers, and kitchen units. Electricity made possible the engineering progress of today. Electricity serves as the basis of modernizing industry, increasing equipment efficiency, automating processes and concentrating

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Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.


The story of man’s civilization is the story of his cognition of nature and the application of his knowledge in his life.

Primitive man was born, lived, and died with little change in his mode of from generation to generation. Little by little man learned to make and use tools, first of stones and later of metals and other materials. Still later the development of writing and counting were put into use. The progress was slow since rapid advances were possible until man began to gather data and think through theories.

Only after man adopted the scientific method of studying his environment the development of civilization has become increasingly rapid in various fields of knowledge and technology.

Science and technique have change human life unrecognizably. Never before in history have there been such rapid changes in our way of life as at the present period. Scientists are making new discoveries overnight. Our homes, our food and clothing, our sources of power, our means of travel and communication, our health facilities, are being affected by these discoveries.

Using the discoveries of science man created thousands upon thousands of plants, factories and other industrial facilities for his “conquer” of nature.

Human “achievements” in conquering nature have become so
production. Electricity not only tremendously increases man's power but it becomes an inseparable part of technology. Not long ago, electricity affected the objects of labour mainly indirectly. It was a motive force, provided favourable conditions for processing or machining. For instance, the service life of bearings made by electroslag remelting method extends almost three times as compared with the same bearings made of conventional steel. And think of the role of electricity for communication or automation! It is used to transmit and process information. It is the basis of the comprehensive automation of all production process – technology, management, regulation, control and evaluation. Electricity does not merely make work easier: it changes it completely. Electricity is the basis of electronics which is doing much of the routine brain work. Little could be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity. Nearly all the measuring devices used in developing nuclear power are electrically operated. Geiger counters which detect the presence of uranium ores in the earth are run with batteries. X-ray ma­chines, which depend upon electricity, are used in industry to detect flaws in metal. Much of today's scientific research depends on the solution of difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require days and months to solve by the usual methods. Electrically operated computers now make the answer to these problems available in seconds.   Vocabulary notes 1. obedient – слухняний 2. amalgamate – об’єднувати 3. electroslag – електроокалення 4. service life of bearing – термін роботи підшипника 5. Geiger counter – лічильник Гейгера 6. flaw – тріщина, брак

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4.produced by the reactor d. started a new era in the peaceful use of atomic power.
5. There is hydrogen e. is used to make steam.
6. One gram of nuclear fuel f. are being drained rapidly.
7. The solar panel produces electricity g. in the ocean water and in the earth atmosphere  

Завдання 9. Оберіть правильне тлумачення до кожного слова.

1. fuel a. careful study of a subject in order to discover facts, theories, etc.
2. on the contrary b. a rate of movement, speed.
3.age c. to send or pass from one person or place to another.
4. environment d. the length of time during which a being or thing has existed.
5. pace e. matter that can be burned to create heat or power.
6. transmit f. the external factors and forces surrounding and affecting an organism, person or population.
7. research g. in opposition to what has been stated.
  Завдання 2.Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення українською мовою. 1. household electric appliances – 2. capacity – 3. an inseparable part – 4. to provide – 5. to extend – 6. service life of bearings – 7. to solve – 8. comprehensive automation – 9. to depend upon – 10. favourable conditions –   Завдання 3. Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення англійською мовою. 1. повсякденне життя – 2. електробритва – 3. обладнання – 4. впливати – 5. обробляти інформацію – 6. сучасна дослідна лабораторія – 7. виявляти тріщини – 8. звичайна сталь – 9. вимірювальні пристрої – 10. наявність –   Завдання 4. Доповніть наступні речення: 1. Electricity is an obedient force ready _____. 2. Geiger counters detect _____. 3. Electricity is used to transmit _____. 4. _____ are electrically operated. 5. _____ without the aid of electricity.

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6.thousand kilowatts. 7. Power generated by atomic stations may be cheaper and ecologically cleaner. 8. Modern industry requires materials capable of working in diverse conditions. 9. Mankind’s progress depends on the efficiency of application of electricity in all spheres of the national economy.   Завдання 7. Підставте пропущені прийменники.
over, about, for (2), in, by (2), on

1. Scientists are looking _____new sources of energy.

2. Electricity can be transmitted _____long distances.

3. The problem of using atomic power _____ production of electricity is of great interest.

4. Heat generated _____atomic power stations is twice cheaper than that generated _____ fuel-burning stations.

5. What do you know _____ the Chornobyl catastrophe?

6. Nuclear and later, thermonuclear energy will be decisive _____ energy supply.

7. Atomic power engineering _____ fast neutrons is particularly promising.

Завдання 8. Виберіть правильний варіант закінчення поданих речень.

1. The first experimental atomic power station a. into gigantic capacities.
2. Natural fuels like coal, gas, oil b. is equivalent to several tons of coal or oil.
3. Electricity can be concentrated c. which charges a battery.
4. The heat energy produced by the reactor d. started a new era in the peaceful use of atomic power.
6. X-ray machines are used in industry _____. 7. Electric motors operate a lot of electric appliances such as _____.   Завдання 5. Підберіть антоніми.
1. difficult a.decrease
2. presence b.separable
3. indirectly c.easy
4. obedient d.directly
5. much e.often
6. modern f.unusual
7. inseparable g.little
8. seldom h.ancient
9. increase i.absence
10. usual j.disobedient

Завдання 6. Підставте пропущені слова.

minicomputers, daily, applications, refrigerators, ores, job, communication

1. What industrial _____ of electricity do you know?

2. Electricity has become a part of our _____ life.

3. The electronic industry produces several types of _____ .

4. A great number of people use TV- sets, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, _____ and electric cookers.

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5. fuel-burning e. resources
6. high f. use of atomic power
7. gigantic g. efficiency
8. peaceful h. forces
9. numerous i. reactors
10. nuclear j. atomic power station

Завдання 5.Знайдіть пари слів, що є синонімами.

Tiny – small; to disappear – to appear; to start – to begin; short - long; huge – very large; less – more; advantages – disadvantages; advance – progress; small – large; possible – impossible; true – untrue; major – main; cheap – expensive; limited – unlimited; to report – to announce; nowadays – at present; often – seldom; usually – commonly; different - various.

Завдання 6. Закресліть речення, які не належать до теми «Sources of Power Engineering».

1. The Japanese companies developed the first pocket-size color television set.

2. For a long time man has been using wind and water for producing electric power.

3. Natural fuels like coal, gas, oil are being drained rapidly.

4. Computers control nearly everything we do in the modern world.

5. Nature and environment protection is one of the major functions of the state.

The capacity of the first atomic power station was five
5. Electric devices always do their _____ for us. 6. The role of electricity for _____ and automation is great. 7. Geiger counters detect the presence of uranium _____.   Завдання 7. Виберіть правильний варіант закінчення поданих речень
1. Electricity is the basic of electronics which a. doubles every ten years
2. Our life has been completely transformed b. without the aid of electricity.
3.The consumption of electricity c. is doing much of the routine brain work.
4. Little could be done in modern research laboratory d. has become universal.
5. Electric power e. with the appearance of electricity.
6. Radio uses an electrical energy f. it does not pollute the environment.
7. One of the main advantages of electricity is that g. we do in the modern world.
8. Computers control nearly everything h. to transmit sounds, images, telegraph signals at different distance.

Завдання 8. Оберіть правильне тлумачення до кожного слова.

1.razor a. a room or building for doing scientific experiments.
2.nuclear energy b. hard physical or mental work.
3.X-ray c. a metal-bearing mineral or rock that can be mined.

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1. Does our everyday life depend upon power production? 2. Why has the use of electricity advantages over other types of energy? 3. What sources of power has a man discovered lately? 4. What types of energy will be decisive in energy supply? 5. When was a new stage in the peaceful use of atomic power started? 6. Are atomic power stations reliable and safe? 7. What happened in Chornobyl in 1986? 8. What are the prospects of atomic power generation?   Завдання 3. Перекладіть наведені слова та словосполучення англійською мовою. 1. Споживання електроенергії 2. Великі переваги 3. Ядерне паливо 4. Перевищувати 5. Надійність та безпека 6. Потужність 7. Вводити в дію 8. Досвід 9. Реактор на швидких нейтронах 10. Технологічні вимоги   Завдання 4.Утворіть словосполучення з наданих слів
1. productive a. requirements
2. experimental b. capacities
3. mineral c. consumers
4. technological d. stations
rock that can be mined.
4.laboratory d. help or support; assistance.
5.aid e. energy released by reactions within atomic nuclei.
6.labour f. a sharp-edged instrument used for shaving hair from skin.
7.ore g. radiation capable of passing through solids.

Завдання 9. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст не користуючись словником.

Before Faradays inventions in the field of electricity and magnetism the only source of electricity that was used was the galvanic battery. It made possible some practical applications: the electric light and electric telegraph. The practical use of electricity on a large scale became possible after developing electromagnetic machines, generators and transformers. Is considered that the development of the induction motor has become the most important technical achievement. At first, the induction motor had a constant and unchangeable speed. Some years later a motor with two speed was designed. Since its invention the induction motor has been considerably improved and its power increased. But the principle of operation still remains the same.

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