Вам одиноко? Вы чувствуете потребность во внимании?

Ø Да, мне одиноко.[R106]

Всем бывает одиноко время от времени. Если вам одиноко, можно попробовать вступить с кем-то в контакт!

Вы можете попробовать поговорить с кем-то у себя дома или позвонить кому-нибудь по телефону. Вы можете также попереписываться с кем-то смсками или в социальных сетях. Вы можете хотеть или не хотеть говорить о своих ощущениях. О чём бы вы ни хотели поговорить, это нормально!

Если это невозможно или кажется невозможным, вы можете написать пост о чём угодно на фейсбуке, тамблере, венте или на другой площадке.[R107]

o Я позаботил_ась о себе и готов_а к следующему шагу.[R108]

Шаг 14

Ø Нет, мне не одиноко. Следующий вопрос![R109]

Шаг 14

Шаг 14

Вам кажется, что вы как в тумане?

Ø Да, я будто в тумане.

Если вы ощущаете себя в тумане, вам могут помочь физические упражнения. У вас есть силы и возможность пойти прогуляться?

o Прогулка – это звучит круто.[R110]

Прогулки хороши как для тела, так и для психики. Гуляйте так долго, как вам хочется! Не пытайтесь сжечь калории или дойти до какого-то определённого места. Просто погуляйте ради удовольствия. Наслаждайтесь![R111]

§ Я вернул_ась с прогулки и готов_а двигаться дальше.[R112]

Шаг 15

o Нет, гулять – это слишком для меня.[R113]

Если вы не можете выйти прогуляться, это нормально!

Вот что ещё вы можете сделать:

- попрыгать со сменой положения рук и ног (упражнение «разножка»)

- попрыгать на кровати

- потанцевать

- отжиматься или покачать пресс, если вам это нравится

- походить вверх-вниз по лестнице

- заняться йогой

- покорчиться, покачаться, покрутиться, поделать какие угодно глупые движения, просто потому что это весело!

Если вам не подходит ни один из этих вариантов, просто посидите на улице, подышите свежим воздухом![R114]

§ Я сделал_а одно из этих упражнений. Я готов_а к следующему вопросу.[R115]

Шаг 15

Ø Нет, я мыслю совершенно ясно.

Шаг 15.

Шаг 15

У вас есть животные?[R116]

Ø Да[R117] , у меня дома животные.

o Можно снять напряжение, поиграв с питомцем, если вы не чувствуете себя хорошо. Неважно, какой у вас питомец, просто пообщайтесь с ним. Погладьте кошку, погуляйте с собакой, покормите рыб, понаблюдайте за ящерицей…[R118]

o Прекрасная идея! Я готов_а к следующему вопросу.[R119]

Шаг 16

Ø Нет, никаких животных![R120]

o Шаг 16

Шаг 16

Засеките 30 минут и займитесь чем угодно, что вам хочется сейчас. Это может быть что угодно: рукоделие, телевизор, может быть, вам просто хочется полежать на диване, погулять, поиграть в видеоигру… Вариантов уйма!

Но, конечно, не делайте того, что для вас плохо, например, не поддавайтесь зависимостям и не вредите себе или другим.[R121]

Я веселил_ась 30 минут и готов_а к следующему шагу. [R122]

Мы подошли к концу гида по самопомощи.

Пришло время оценить достигнутое. Может быть, сейчас вам достаточно заботы о себе и вы чувствуете себя лучше – это прекрасно! А может быть и нет, и это тоже нормально. Но, надеемся, вы немного прояснили свой разум и знаете, что делать дальше, чтобы помочь себе.

Вы заслуживаете заботы о себе, и, даже если это сложно, старайтесь изо всех сил!


[R1]This is meant to be an interactive flow chart for people who struggle with self care, executive dysfunction, and/or who have trouble reading internal signals. It's designed to take as much of the weight off of you as possible, so each decision is very easy and doesn't require much judgment.

[R2]Set aside some time--maybe an hour total- to allow yourself to work through each step. Don't rush or skip ahead--just follow the directions. Self care is important, and you deserve to devote some time to it.

[R3]You may want to go through this routine as soon as you wake up, as a preventative measure.

[R4]I'm ready for the first question.

[R5]Have you eaten in the last four hours?

[R6]Yes. Next question!

[R7]I could use a snack.

[R8]When you need a snack, just pop some easy food in your mouth.

[R9]If there's a specific food you want, it's okay to eat it! You don't have to eat perfectly healthy all the time-- no one does! Just also use your brain a little, and notice the quantity you're eating, and how healthy it is for you. You're probably just fine at trusting your gut and knowing what your body needs.

[R10]Okay, I finished my snack.

[R11]No, I need a meal.

[R12]You haven't eaten in a little while, and your body needs fuel. It's time for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

[R13]If there's a specific food you want, it's okay to eat it! You don't have to eat perfectly healthy all the time-- no one does! Just also use your brain a little, and notice the quantity you're eating, and how healthy it is for you. You're probably just fine at trusting your gut and knowing what your body needs.

[R14]I finished my meal, and I'm ready for the next step.

[R15]I need some help!

[R16]Making a meal is hard for you right now, and that's okay! Everybody struggles with cooking sometimes.

You have some options:
-You can cook a meal for yourself.
-You might have ready-made meals in the fridge.
-You can get take-out or delivery.
-You can go to a restaurant.

[R17]Take-out, delivery, and restaurants are a little more expensive than cooking on your own, but how you spend your money is your decision. It's okay to treat yourself!

[R18]If you're going to cook on your own, you have to decide what to make. A friend, partner, or family member can help with this. Here are some ideas for easy foods you can eat right now:
-Pasta with butter, sauce, cheese, vegetables, and/or meat
-Ramen noodles
-Grilled cheese (This can have meat on it, if you want!)
-A smoothie or milkshake
-Baked or fried potatoes
-Eggs, pancakes, and/or bacon
-Macaroni and cheese
-Canned soup
-Boxed mashed potatoes

[R19]Okay, I have some food in my stomach. Time for the next question!

[R20]Have you taken any medication you need to take?

[R21]Yes, I'm all caught up on any medication I need to take.

[R22]Drink a glass of whatever liquid you like best. Water is ideal, but don't beat yourself up if you'd rather have tea, soda, juice, or milk. Soda will actually make you feel thirstier, but if it's easier for you, then that's okay!

[R23]Drink a glass of whatever liquid you like best. Water is ideal, but don't beat yourself up if you'd rather have tea, soda, juice, or milk. Soda will actually make you feel thirstier, but if it's easier for you, then that's okay!

[R24]Okay, I did it.

[R25]Drink a glass of whatever liquid you like best. Water is ideal, but don't beat yourself up if you'd rather have tea, soda, juice, or milk. Soda will actually make you feel thirstier, but if it's easier for you, then that's okay!

[R26]No, I need to take my pill.

[R27]Medication needs to be taken on schedule, or your body might react negatively.

[R28]Take some time now to take any pills, do any tests or injections, or apply any ointments prescribed by your doctor.

[R29]If this is a persistent problem for you, you may want to set a smart phone alarm so you remember to take it at the same time every day.

[R30]Okay, I took my medication. Next question!

[R31]Drink a glass of whatever liquid you like best. Water is ideal, but don't beat yourself up if you'd rather have tea, soda, juice, or milk. Soda will actually make you feel thirstier, but if it's easier for you, then that's okay!

[R32]Can you take a guess at how many hours you've slept out of the last 24?

[R33]Everyone is an individual with different sleep schedules, but most people need 8 hours of relatively uninterrupted sleep. If you had less than that, and/or woke up frequently, and/or had nightmares, it might help you to take a nap.

[R34]I am well-rested. Next question!

[R35]Are you in pain?

[R36]No, my body feels fine.

[R37]Yes, something hurts.

[R38]If there is something your doctor has prescribed you for pain, you should take it or do it.
For aches and pains, take an aspirin. You may also want to apply a heating pad or a cold pack on whatever hurts.
If you have a stomach ache, there are medications for that, like Pepto Bismol, and hot tea may also help.
Be nice to your body, and try to do "replace" the unpleasant pain with some pleasant alternative sensations, like good smells and pleasurable textures.

[R39]I am all taken care of.

[R40]I need a nap.

[R41]Take a nap. You can finish this self-care guide when you wake up.

[R42]Ideally, let yourself sleep naturally, and sleep until you wake up. Obviously, this isn't always possible. Otherwise, set an alarm for yourself, with plenty of time to wake up and get yourself together between your nap and your responsibilities.

[R43]Okay, I'm well-rested now.

[R44]Next we're going to deal with other types of physical discomfort you may be in.

[R45]Is something about your environment distressing or uncomfortable?

[R46]Yes, my surroundings are less than ideal.

[R47]Are your surroundings the right temperature?

[R48]I'm too cold.

[R49]If you're too cold, you can try putting on some warm clothes, using a space heater, turning up the heat in your home, putting on a blanket, and/or snuggling with a pet or another person.

[R50]If you're too cold, you can try putting on some warm clothes, using a space heater, turning up the heat in your home, putting on a blanket, and/or snuggling with a pet or another person.

[R51]I'm not cold anymore.

[R52]I'm too hot.

[R53]If you're too hot, you can try putting on cooler clothes, turning on a fan, or turning up the AC in your house.

[R54]Okay, I fixed it.

[R55]I'm just right.

[R56]No, it seems fine here to me.

[R57]Are your surroundings dirty or smelly?

[R58]Yes, it's gross.

[R59]It's hard to feel okay in an environment that is unfriendly for whatever reason. If your surroundings aren't clean, set a timer for five minutes and take care of the biggest problems, like leftover food, pet messes, or dirty clothes.

[R60]Chores can be scary and exhausting, but that's not what we're doing here. We're just taking a little five-minute clean up to make ourselves and our homes happier!

[R61]Okay, I cleaned up a little!

[R62]No, it's fine.

[R63]Do you feel unsafe because of the people, or lack of people, in your surroundings?

[R64]Yes, there are too many people here, or people I don't feel comfortable with.

[R65]If you can, try to remove yourself from situations that are overwhelming or feel unsafe. If you can't relocate entirely, take frequent breaks, or tune out with headphones.

[R66]I did my best. On to the next step.

[R67]I am alone and I don't like it.

[R68]Being alone can feel really scary and unsafe. In reality, if you take basic precautions, you're almost certainly fine! However, getting a friend, making a phone or Skype call, playing with a pet, and/or turning on the TV or music can help.

[R69]I reached out to someone and I'm feeling better. I'm ready for the next step.

[R70]No, I'm good.

[R71]Does your body feel uncomfortable, sweaty, or dirty?

[R72]Yes, I feel icky, gross, or unclean.

[R73]Do you have the energy and ability to take a shower?

[R74]Yes, I'll take a shower.

[R75]Take a shower and get dressed in new clothes afterwards. You'll feel much better!

[R76]I've done that and I'm ready for the next step.

[R77]No, I need another solution.

[R78]If you are unable to take a shower, here are some things to do instead:
-Wash your face
-Put on lotion
-Change your clothes
-Use dry shampoo
-Whatever physical self-care activity you like best!

[R79]I'm clean and I'm ready for the next step.

[R80]No, I feel fine.

[R81]Now we've taken care of the physical reasons that you're not feeling well. Now we're going to deal with the emotional ones.

[R82]Obviously, this is a general guide, and can't pinpoint your exact problem. But troubleshooting is a good practice, and we're going to do our best together.

[R83]In my experience, most of the people who would need a flow chart like this have a mental health problem of some type, so these questions are geared towards common mental health problems. You, of course, might have different needs, but starting here can't hurt.

[R84]Do you know why you're in a bad mood, or not feeling well emotionally? (Remember, any answer is okay!)

[R85]Yes, there's something on my mind.

[R86]It sounds like there's something on your mind! We're going to do our best to take care of it.

[R87]Set a timer for 15 minutes, and work on a solution. If it's something you can change, then great! If not, do your best to reach out to someone and talk about it.

[R88]Remember, 15 minutes and only 15! You can go back to whatever it is after we're done working through this together. We're just taking baby steps in the right direction.

[R89]Okay, I did my best.

[R90]No, I don't know the reason.

[R91]Sometimes, we don't know the source of our bad feelings, and that's okay. We're gonna work through this together!


[R93]Do you feel triggered? Are you having flashbacks? Is something traumatic or upsetting from the past weighing on your mind? Did you have a vivid nightmare?

[R94]Yes, I feel triggered.

[R95]If you're feeling triggered, see if there's a practical action you can take to lessen your distress. Can you block that unsafe person from your Facebook, for example?

If not, reach out and tell someone safe how you're feeling. Just express yourself! Human contact works wonders when you're not feeling well emotionally.

Remember that you're here in the present, and nothing from your past can hurt you. If you like, you may want to try some grounding exercises to reinforce that idea.

[R96]Okay, I'm ready for the next question.

[R97]I'd like to try some grounding exercises.

[R98]No, I'm not feeling triggered.

[R99]I was feeling triggered, but I did my best to take care of myself. I'm ready for the next question.

[R100]Are you feeling dissociated, depersonalized, or derealized? Do you feel far away, foggy, or unreal? Are you not sure who you are?

[R101]Yes, I'm dissociated.

[R102]Are you feeling depressed, sad, or upset?

[R103]Yes, I'm feeling depressed.

[R104]Feeling depressed isn't fun, but it doesn't last forever! Don't be mad or disappointed with yourself for feeling depressed.

Take 15 minutes and accomplish something small, like loading the dishwasher or making a friendship bracelet. You are not a failure, and your situation is not hopeless! You are a superhero, even if it doesn't feel like it.

[R105]Okay, I've done my best to take care of myself and I'm ready for the next question.

[R106]Yes, I'm feeling lonely.

[R107]Everybody feels lonely sometimes. If you're feeling lonely, there's ways to reach out to people!

You can talk to someone in your house, or call someone on the phone. You can also use texting or Facebook messenger to speak to someone. You may want to talk about how you're feeling, or you may not. Anything you want to talk about is okay!

If that isn't or doesn't seem possible, you can post a general message on Facebook, Tumblr, Vent, or another internet service, about whatever you want!

[R108]Okay, I did my best to take care of myself and I'm ready for the next question.

[R109]No, I'm not very lonely. Next question!

[R110]Yes, a walk sounds great.

[R111]Walks are really good for both our bodies and our minds. Take a walk of whatever length you choose! You're not trying to burn calories or get to a particular destination; you're just taking a pleasant stroll. Enjoy it!

[R112]Okay, I am back from my walk and I'm ready for the next question.

[R113]No, a walk would be too much for me.

[R114]If you can't take a walk, that's okay!

Here are some alternatives:
-Jumping jacks
-Bouncing on the bed
-Push ups or sit ups, if you like doing them
-Walking up and down the stairs
-Wiggling, squirming, jiggling around; being silly and active and having fun!

If none of those are or seem possible, just sit outside for some fresh air!

[R115]Okay, I did some exercise to the best of my ability. I'm ready for the next question.

[R116]Do you have pets?

[R117]Yes, I've got animals in my house.

o [R118]Playing with pets can be a great way to take the edge off when you're not feeling well. It doesn't matter what kind of pet you have, just take some time to interact with them. Pet your cat, take your dog outside, feed your fish, hug your lizard...

[R119]Good idea! I'm ready for the next question.

[R120]No, no pets for me!

[R121]Take half an hour and do whatever you want to do right now. This can be anything: crafts, watching TV, laying on the couch, taking a walk, playing Farmville... your choices are literally endless!

Obviously, don't do anything that's bad for you, like feeding addictions or harming yourself or others.

[R122]I did 30 minutes of fun and now I'm ready to move on to the next step.

[R123]We've reached the end of this self care guide.

It's time to reassess. Maybe now that you've done all this self care, you feel better-- great! Maybe you don't, and that's okay too. But hopefully you've cleared things up and you know what to do next to take care of yourself.

You deserve self care, so even if it's hard, do your best!

Good luck!

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