Look at the example of the letter of inquiry and use expressions from Appendix 3


17 a) Study the table, match the words and use them in your own sentences or situations:

1. pane a) камин
2. airtight b) шпаклевка
3. double-glazing c) оконное стекло
4. putty d) дуб
5. groove e) герметичный
6. hinge f) прорез, вырез
7. handle g) эскиз
8. draft h) ручка
9. mantelpiece (fireplace) i) ипотека
10. oak j) шпингалет
11. mortgage k) двойное остекление

b) Put the following words into the certain gaps (___): oak (2), handles, panes, drafts, mortgage, walls, mantelpiece, grooves, garage.

c) Read and translate the dialogue:

Customer: I would like to order a countryside house. Here is the project.

Foreman: Let’s see. A two-storey house with a 1)____. Ten rooms and two staircases. What will the foundation be made of? Concrete?

C.: Yes, ferro-concrete.

F.: And what about the 2)____?

C.: I want red brick walls. The windows are large. By the way, the 3)_____should be airtight. I want them to be double-glazing.

F.: We’ll make them hermetic with putty. We put it in the 4)_____, and then fix the panes.

C.: Excellent. The hinges and 5)_____should be bronze.

F.: Ok. What type of roof would you like?

C.: I want the roof to be flat, with a small garden.

F.: Do you have an interior designer?

C.: Yes, but the 6)_____aren’t ready.

F.: What idea does he have?

C.: There will be a 7)_____in the hall and the walls will be decorated with panels.

F.: Plastic panels?

C.: Oh, no. Panels must be made of wood.

F.: What wood do you prefer?

C.: I think, 8)____is the best.

F.: How do you pay the construction?

C.: I’ve got a 9)____for 25 years from the bank.

F.: So we’ll make 10)____panels then.

D) Learn the dialogue by heart.

18 Study the Table 3.1 and find information about each property:

Table 3.1 Physical Properties of Brick

Compressive strength Water absorption and suction Moisture and thermal movement Thermal conductivity Fire resistance Acoustic properties

19 Work in pairs. Student A will talk about the following question for about two minutes. Student B will comment briefly on what has been said and add something new. Use the linking words/phrases from Appendix 2.

The questions for discussion:

1. Brick fence: pros and cons.

2. Environmental problems as a result of brick manufacture process.

3. Types of bricks.

4. Why do people like brick houses?

20 Read the text and say what category of bricks is preferable in the territory you live in according to the climate conditions in and why:


Bricks are classified into one of the three categories, F2, F1 and F0 according to their frost resistance within a standardized freezing test (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 Designation of freeze/thaw resistance and active soluble salts content for clay bricks

Durability designation Freeze/thaw resistance
F2 masonry subjected to severe exposure
F1 masonry subjected to moderate exposure
F0 masonry subjected to passive exposure
Active soluble salts content
S2 sodium/potassium 0.06%, magnesium 0.03
S1 sodium/potassium 0.17%, magnesium 0.08
S0 no requirement

Only category F2 bricks are totally resistant to repeated freezing and thawing when in a saturated condition. Category F1bricks are durable, except when subjected to repeated freezing and thawing under saturated conditions. Therefore, category F1 bricks should not be used in highly exposed situations such as below damp-proof courses, for parapets or brick-on-edge copings, but they are suitable for external walls which are protected from saturation by appropriate detailing. Category F0 bricks must only be used where they are subject to passive exposure, as when protected by cladding or used internally.

21 Topics for projects and presentations:

1. Optimal dimension, characteristics, and strength.

2. Brick tinting.

3. World masterpieces made of brick.

4. Concrete bricks and concrete brickworks.

5. Calcium silicate bricks.

“Beauty is due more to harmonious relationships among the elements of a composition

than to the elements themselves.”

Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 4

Look at the example of the letter of inquiry and use expressions from Appendix 3 - student2.ru Look at the example of the letter of inquiry and use expressions from Appendix 3 - student2.ru Look at the example of the letter of inquiry and use expressions from Appendix 3 - student2.ru
a) concrete b) cement c) lime

Figure 4.1


1 a) Match the words with the pictures (more than one answer is possible):

Mixture, to harden, calcium oxide, gravel, combination of, composite construction material, Portland, to bind, burnt in kilns, aggregates.

b) Match the terms with definitions:

1. cement a) calcium-containing inorganic materials, in which carbonates, oxides and hydroxides predominate
2. concrete b) a powdery substance made by calcining lime and clay, mixed with water to form mortar or mixed with sand, gravel, and water to turn into a solid
3. lime c) a mixture of cement, water, sand and gravel (stones, crushed rock)

2 Read the following information and offer your ideas of further development and usage of cement:

Современный цемент был изобретен сравнительно недавно. В 1822 году после Отечественной войны 1812 года, Москва стремительно строилась. К вновь возводимым каменным зданиям предъявлялись повышенные требования по прочности и надежности. Деревянных построек после памятного пожара, который устроили отступающие французы, старались не возводить. Русский строитель Егор Челиев (по некоторым данным Делиев), проводя эксперименты с обожженным составом извести и глины, получил сухую строительную смесь способную затвердевать в воде до состояния камня. Так был изобретен современный цемент.

3 Discuss the following:

«Concrete tsunami is wiping out Russian heritage». (From guardian.co.uk)
Clay and lime conceal much evil. (Spanish proverb)

• Write a paraphrase.• Say whether you agree or not, and why.


4 a) Transcribe the following words:

hydraulic cement, carbon dioxide, lime mortar, aqueduct, artificial pozzolanas, argillaceous, calcium carbonate, carboniferous, iron oxide, polypropylene fibres.

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