B) Explain the words in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you
7 Give the English equivalents to the following and use 5 of them in small situations:
кирпич ручного формования; высушенный на солнце; превращать (из одного состояния в другое); безусадочный; прочный; добыча глины; загрязняющие вещества; зумпф для глинистого бурового раствора; раствор портландцемента; дробленый продукт; спроектированный кем-либо; как изнутри, так и снаружи; быть увенчанным; выступающая/ ступенчатая структура.
8 Read and translate the text and make 5 questions to it:
Mortar colour has a profound effect on the overall appearance of the brickwork as, with stretcher bond and a standard 10 mm joint, the mortar accounts for 17% of the brickwork surface area. A wide range of light-fast coloured mortars is available which can be used to match or contrast with the bricks, thus highlighting the bricks as units or creating a unity within the brickwork. The coloured mortars contain inert pigments, which are factory-blended to a tight specification to ensure close colour matching between batches. Occasionally, black mortars may bloom due to lime migration to the surface. Coloured mortars can be used creatively to enhance the visual impact of the brickwork and even create designs on sections of otherwise monochromatic brickwork. The quantity of pigment should not exceed10% by weight of the cement. Mortar colours may also be modified by the use of stains after curing; however, such applications only penetrate 2 mm into the surface, and therefore tend to be used more for remedial work. Through-body colours are generally more durable than surface applications.
(From “Materials for Architects and Builders”)
9 Use the words below to complete the sentences:
Part I
The main constituents of brick-making clays are silica (sand) and 1) _____, but with varying quantities of chalk, 2) _____, iron oxide and other minor constituents such as fireclay, according to their source.
There are five main processes in the manufacture of 3) _____ bricks: a) extraction of the raw material; b) forming processes; c) drying; d) firing; e) packaging and distribution.
The process begins with the 4) _____ of the raw material from the quarry and its transportation to the works, by conveyor belt or road transport. Topsoil and 5) _____ overburden are removed first and used for site reclamation after the 6) _____ clay is removed.
The handmade process involves the throwing of a suit ably sized clot of wet clay into a wooden 7) _____ on a bench. The surplus clay is struck off with a framed wire and the green brick removed. The bricks produced are 8) _____ in shape with soft arises and interestingly folded surfaces. Two variations of the process are 9) _____ moulding and slop moulding.
clay, irregular, lime, unsuitable, mould, extraction, pallet, alumina, usable |
10 Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals:
Part II
Figure 3.2.Moulds for handmade bricks In pallet moulding, a stock board, the size of the bed face of the brick, is 1) _____ to the bench. The mould fits loosely over the stock board, and is adjusted in 2) _____ to give appropriate thickness to the green brick. The mould and board are sanded to ease removal of the green brick which, is produced with a frog or 3) _____ on one face. In the case of slop moulding, the stock mould is placed directly on the bench, and is usually wetted rather than sanded to allow removal of the green brick which, 4) _____ the pallet moulded brick, is smooth on both bed faces (Fig. 3.2). To prevent cracking and distortion during the firing process, green bricks produced from wet clays must be allowed to dry out and shrink. 5) _____ is typically 10% on each dimension depending upon the moisture content. Drying temperatures and 6) _____ levels are carefully controlled to ensure shrinkage without distortion. Both intermittent and continuous kilns are 7) _____ for firing bricks. The former is a batch process in which the single kiln is loaded, fired, 8) _____ and unloaded. In continuous kilns, the 9) _____ process is always active; either the green bricks are moved through a fixed firing zone, or the fire is gradually moved around a series of 10) _____ chambers to the unfired bricks. Both continuous systems are more energy efficient than the intermittent processes. | FIX HIGH DEPRESS LIKE SHRINK HUMID USE COOL FIRE CONNECT |
11 Fill in the gaps in the following passage with a suitable preposition given below:
Part III
Damaged or cracked bricks are removed prior 1) _____ packing. Most bricks are now banded and shrink-wrapped 2) _____ packs of between 300 and 500, 3) _____ easy transportation by forklift truck and specialist road vehicles. Special shapes are frequently shrink-wrapped 4) _____ wooden pallets.
To meet the consistent standards 5) _____ quality required 6) _____ clients, many brick manufacturers are now operating quality assurance systems. These require manufacturers to document all their operational procedures and set 7) _____ standards to which products must adhere. Quality is controlled 8) _____ a combination 9) _____ an internal self-monitoring system and two 10) _____ four independent spot-check reviews per year.
by (x2) for into of (x2) onto out to (x2) |
12 Look at the text, separate the words to make sense:
1) Manyclaybrickmanufacturersproducearangeofplainandchamferedpavingbricks.
2) Bricksforflexiblepavingareusuallynibbedtosetthespacingcorrectly.
3) Typicalpatternsincludeherringbonerunningbondstackbondbasket-weaveand theuseofbordersandbands(Figure3.3).
4) Profiledbrickdesignsincludedecorativediamondandchocolate-barpatternsandpedestrian-managementtexturing.
5) Thepavingbricksmaybelaidonahardbasewithmortarjointsoralternativelyonaflexiblebase withfinesandbrushedbetweenthepavers.
6) Edgerestraintisnecessarytopreventlateralspreadoftheunits.
(From “Materials for Architects and Builders”)
Figure 3.3 Typical range of clay pavers.
Photographs: Courtesy of Baggeridge Brick plc
13 Listen to “A Method of Brick Construction” and do the assignments given below:
Before listening
a) Match the words and their definitions:
1. multistory | a) a right-angled support attached to a wall for holding a shelf, lamp, or other object |
2. cladding | b) a gap in steel or concrete to allow for thermal expansion |
3. bracket | c) (of a building) having several stories |
4. shelf angle | d) a steel angle which supports the weight of brick or stone veneer and transfers that weight onto the main structure of the building |
5. expansion joint | e) a covering or coating on a structure or material |
While listening