B) Explain the words in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you

7 Give the English equivalents to the following and use 5 of them in small situations:

застывать; дробленный; искусственный пуццолан; добавки; размельченный; промытый; просеянный; до обязательных размеров; известковая глина; аргиллитовый сланец; второстепенные компоненты; спекание (агломерация); начальное плавление; включение (добавление) стали; щебень; восприимчивый к разрушению от мороза.

8 Read and translate the text and make 5 questions to it:

Portland cement is produced from a slurried mixture of limestone and clay, burned at a high temperature in a kiln and the resulting clinker is then ground up, with ground calcium sulphate added to regulate its set. It is highly processed partly to ensure no variation in product.

The essential feature of a lime mortar or plaster is that it needs to carbonate in order to cure. A transformation takes place within it as calcium hydroxide changes to calcium carbonate, a process that requires moisture, as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has to be carried into the lime plaster in solution. A hydraulic lime has the extra feature of also having a chemical set, so that it can feel hard to the touch within a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the strength of the hydraulic lime. It can remain workable for several hours or days, but it still needs to carbonate after it has set. Lime strengths vary greatly depending on the type of lime used, but it takes about 28 days to reach full strength.

Cement does not carbonate. It hardens because of a chemical reaction with water, usually setting within half an hour to an hour, after which time it cannot be re-worked. It takes about 28 days to reach its full strength, and is generally very much stronger than lime.


9 Use the words below to complete the sentences:

Cement is a bonding agent used in conjunction with sand, water, and 1) _____ (crushed stone) to create mortar and/or concrete. You need cement for a variety of projects – to set 2) _____ for decking or fences, to fill a sidewalk, or to patch a blemish in your house's foundation. If you are doing a project that requires concrete or 3) _____ application, you will need to know how 4) _____ the cement that bonds the materials together. It's a good idea to take a look at the Decorate Concrete Overlay Guide - you'll learn 5) _____ that can improve the look of everything from concrete steps to sidewalks and more! Here is how you mix cement.

Materials: Portland Cement. This is pure cement mix. You will need to buy enough sand and aggregate to match the amount of cement you are buying (in the correct 6) _____) to mix in. Read the back of the manufacturer's label to find the cement sand mix ratio and match the amounts needed for the project at hand. This is the cheapest option for creating a concrete or mortar, but it involves more physical work and 7) _____. The basic formula for a cement mix ratio is1 part Portland cement, 1 part 8) _____, and 1 part crushed stone; the amount of water to add is not so clear cut – add 9) _____ water so that the mix is not too wet and not too dry - a little like cake mix. Some cement products 10) _____ how much water to use per bag.

mortar, specify, sand, aggregate, enough, time, proportions, techniques, footings, to mix

10 Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals:

MASONRY CEMENTS Portland cement mortar is 1) _____ strong and concentrates any differential movement within brickwork or blockwork into a few large cracks, which are unsightly and may increase the risk of rain 2) _____. Masonry cement produces a weaker mortar, which accommodates some differential movement and ensures a 3) _____ of hairline cracks within joints, thus 4) _____ the integrity of the bricks and blocks. Masonry cements contain water-retaining mineral fillers, usually ground limestone, and air-entraining agents to give a 5) _____ workability than unblended Portland cement. They should not normally be blended with further admixtures but 6) _____ with building sand in ratios between 1:4 and 1:6½ depending upon the degree of 7) _____ of the brick or blockwork. The air entrained during mixing increases the durability and frost resistance of the 8) _____ mortar. Masonry cement is also appropriate for use in renderings but not for floor screeds or concreting. It is therefore 9) _____ used as an alternative to Portland cement with hydrated lime or plasticiser. 10) _____ pigments, except those containing carbon black, may be incorporated for visual effect. (From “Materials for Architects and Builders”) UNNECESSARY PENETRATE DISTRIBUTE PRESERVE HIGH MIX EXPOSE HARDEN GENERAL ORGANIC

11 Fill in the gaps in the following passage with a suitable preposition given below:


· Not permeable. Creates a sealed surface that does not allow vapour passage.

· Rigid. Requires expansion joints to allow 1) _____ natural earth movement without cracking.

· Hard. A great property 2) _____ the right place but often cement is too strong for the materials it is used with.

· Waterproof. Completely seals mortar joints or walls.

· Susceptible 3)_____ frost. Will crack in very cold conditions and therefore if used in foundations, needs to be in deep trenches that make contact with the warmth 4) _____ the earth to avoid problems associated with frost heave.

· Attracts moisture. Other materials around cement need to be protected 5) _____ it as it holds water and can cause rot to develop.

· Does not deal 6) _____ moisture. Can cause condensation problems in bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms as it does not regulate moisture.

· Does not have a long history. It was invented in the mid 19th century and began to be used extensively 7) _____ 1930 onwards. We are seeing some major damp and durability problems now, caused 8) _____ the inappropriate use of cement from 50 or so years ago e.g. collapse of cob walls re-plastered with cement, the need to re-inforce some motorway bridges, excessive cracking in town houses leading 9) _____ difficulty in re-selling.

· Causes green house gas effect. The manufacture of cement is one of the major causes of the green house gas effect globally as it releases tonnes of carbon dioxide 10) _____ the atmosphere, none of which is re-absorbed by cement plaster.

by of from (x2) for in(x2) into with to

12 Find and correct 10 mistakes:

Hydraulic Lime can be made in two ways:

1. Fat lime or puty lime, maded from quicklime, with a pozzolan aded to it, to make the lime hidraulicby artificial means. The Romans used pumice or others volcanic rock but ground up brik dust can also bee used.

2. Naturally occurring hydraulic lime, that is producing from limestone that is high in silika (clay) and alluminum, is slaked and used straight away.

13 Translate into Russian without a dictionary:


Limes may be divided into three distinct classes:

1. Rich limes that contain no more than 6 percent of impurities, slake very rapidly, and entirely dependent on external agents for setting power (от внешнего фактора для застывания). These are widely used for interior plasterer’s works.

2. Poor limes that contain from 15% to 30% of useless impurities and possess the general properties of rich limes, only to a lesser degree.

3. Hydraulic limes that contain certain proportions of impurities, which when calcinated, combine with the lime and endow it with the valuable property of setting under water or without external agents.

Lime is one of the basic building materials extensively used all over the world.


14 Listen to Rick Bohan who speaks about cement and concrete.

Answer the questions below (1-6):

1. What does Rick Bohan do?

2. What are the elements of making cement?

3. Can you describe the process of making cement?

4. What is the difference between cement and concrete?

5. What is the primary ingredient in concrete?

6. Why is cement called Portland cement?


15 Watch the video and present the main idea of each episode in 4-5 sentences using the expressions from Appendix 2.


16 Render the text in English using the expressions from Appendix 2:


Свойства агрессивных сред и условия их воздействия на строительные конструкции весьма разнообразны. Не менее разнообразны свойства бетона и железобетонных конструкций. Поэтому нет возможности перечислить все коррозионные процессы, которые могут протекать при взаимодействии внешней среды с бетоном и железобетоном. Для оценки характера коррозионного процесса и степени агрессивного действия различных веществ, содержащихся во внешней среде на бетоны, необходима классификация таких воздействий по общим признакам.

Анализ большого экспериментального материала и результатов исследований сооружений, подвергавшихся действию различных агрессивных сред, позволил В.М. Москвину выделить три основных вида коррозии бетона.Первый вид коррозии включает процессы, возникающие в бетоне при действии жидких сред, способных растворять компоненты цементного камня. Составные части цементного камня растворяются и выносятся из структуры бетона. Особенно интенсивно эти процессы происходят при фильтрации воды через толщу бетона.

Второй вид коррозии включает процессы, при которых происходят химические взаимодействия – обменные реакции – между компонентами цементного камня и агрессивной среды, образующиеся продукты реакции или легко растворимы и выносятся из структуры в результате диффузии влаги, или отлагаются в виде аморфной массы.

Третий вид коррозии включает процессы, при развитии которых происходит накопление и кристаллизация малорастворимых продуктов реакции с увеличением объема твердой фазы в порах бетона. Кристаллизация этих продуктов создает внутренние напряжения, которые приводят к повреждению структуры бетона.

When rendering use these words and word combinations:

агрессивная среда – corrosive medium; железобетонная конструкция – reinforced concrete structure; воздействие – effect; коррозионно устойчивый – corrosion-proof/corrosion-resistant; растворяться – dissolve; диффузии влаги – moisture diffusion; малорастворимый – poorly soluble; внутреннее напряжение – internal stress.

17 Your company is ready to place an order with the cement plant. Write the letter of order in which you should:

· thank for the catalogue and price-list you got 2 days ago;

· specify description, minimum and maximum quantity of goods;

· specify terms of payment;

· ask to send you a letter confirming your order .

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