B. Give a description of any pilot-boat you saw in the port.

VII. Ask questions about:

1. when a pilot will arrive

2. if a pilot (tug) is available

3. for what reason pilotage is suspended

4. if a pilot is available in rough weather

5. where to proceed for a pilot

6. if pilotage is compulsory to enter the harbour

7. what signal you will sound in poor visibility

8. if pilot boarding point is shown on the chart

9. in what way the pilot cutter will identify herself

10. if you should confirm your ETA.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English. Do it in writing:

1. Лоцманская проводка обязательна для всех судов перевозящих опасные грузы.

2. Лоцман поднимается на борт в 2-х милях от входа в гавань.

3. Буксиры можно заказать, подав предварительно заявку за один час.

4. Лоцманская проводка обязательна для судов, ограниченных в возможности маневрировать.

5. Место посадки лоцмана указано на карте.

6. Лоцманский катер может оказывать помощь судну при швартовке.

7. Плохая погода не дает возможности (to prevent from) лоцману подойти к судну.

8. В плохую погоду суда должны оставаться (to remain) в районе внешнего рейда и ждать дальнейших указаний.

9. Ни в коем случае (on no account) не пытайтесь войти /выйти без лоцмана.

10. Лоцманская проводка необязательна и осуществляется только по требованию капитана.

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. Is pilotage always compulsory?

2. Why should a vessel give ETA notice to Port Control?

3. Is a vessel required to amend her ETA to the Pilot Station? If yes – why?

4. In what guidance can the information on pilotage and towage be found?

5. What signals are used between a vessel and a pilot boat?

6. Is a pilot responsible for the safety of the vessel?

7. What are the pilot’s duties on board ship?

X. Find the Pilot Boarding Points, given on chart:

B. Give a description of any pilot-boat you saw in the port. - student2.ru

XI. Translate the text. Do it in writing.

Pilot embarkation by helicopter.

Vessels with a draught over 17 m are informed by telegram of the departure of the helicopter. This telegram must be acknowledged1. Once the helicopter has taken off vessels should keep watch on 5645 kHz RT until VHF contact is established with the helicopter, when the vessel’s position, course, speed, true and relative wind and pitch and roll should be passed to the helicopter. The helicopter pilot will confirm2 whether the conditions are acceptable and may ask for an alteration of course and speed.

Weather. Helicopters will operate:

In winds up to force 10 (55 kn).

When the visibility is in excess of 7½ cables by night and 5 cables by day at height of 50 m.

Severe turbulence or icing below 50 m may also cause the service to be withdrawn3.

Other vessels may embark their pilots by helicopter. The procedure is entirely4 handled on VHF. Transfer positions, shown on chart are to the N of Maas West TSS5 and either side of Maas West Inner TSS.


1 – to be acknowledged – иметь подтверждение

2 – confirm - подтверждать

3 – withdraw [wiθ'drɔ:] – зд. отменить

4 – entirely - полностью

5 - TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) – схема разделения движения





repair [ri'peə] ремонт; ремонтировать

major repairs ['meidƷə ri'peəz] капитальный ремонт

minor repairs ['mainə ri'peəz] мелкий ремонт

dock [dɔk] док

dry dock [drai 'dɔk] сухой док

floating dock ['floutiŋ dɔk] плавучий док

gridiron ['gridaiən] доковая клетка

lifting capacity ['liftiŋ kə'pæsiti] грузоподъемность; подъемная сила (дока)

slipway ['slipwei] слип, судоподъемный эллинг

patent slip ['peitnt 'slip] стапель, слип

repair yard [ri'peə ja:d] судоремонтный завод

cradle ['kreidl] спусковые салазки

carriage ['kæridƷ] шасси


compass adjustment ['k⋀mpəs ə'dƷ⋀stmənt] коррекция девиации компаса

diving service [daiviŋ 'sə:vis] водолазная служба

helicopter landing site ['helikɔptə 'lændiŋ sait] место посадки вертолета

medical facilities ['medikl fə'silitiz] медицинские учреждения

reception of oil wastes [ri'sep∫n əv 'ɔil weists] приемник нефтяных отходов

salvage service ['sælvidƷ'sə:vis] услуги по спасению


supply [sə'plai] снабжение; поставка, запас; снабжать; доставлять

fresh provision [fre∫ pr ə'viƷn] свежее продовольствие

fresh water пресная вода

store [ stɔ:] запас; запасать

chandlery ['t∫a:ndləri] мелочный товар


tug [t⋀g] буксир

fire-fighting tug [faiə 'faitiŋ t⋀g] пожарный буксир

anti-pollution tug [' ænti pə'lu:∫n t⋀g] буксир для сбора нефти

depot tug ['depəu t⋀g] портовый буксир

push-and-tow tug [pu∫ ənd 'tou t⋀g] буксир для толкания и буксировки

salvage tug ['s ælvidƷt⋀g] спасательный буксир

Other words

carry out ['kæri aut] выполнять; проводить

execute ['eksikju:t] выполнять, осуществлять

handle ['hændl] обращаться с чем-л.; управлять

issue ['isju:] выдавать; издавать

undertake [⋀nd ə 'teik] предпринимать; брать на себя обязательства

Memorize the translation of the following expressions:

1. major (minor) repairs can be undertaken капитальный (мелкий) ремонт

может быть произведен

2. repairs of all types can be undertaken любой ремонт может быть


3. repairs afloat can be undertaken ремонт судна на плаву может

быть произведен

4. deratting exemption certificate issued выдается свидетельство об

освобождении от мероприятий по



1. Repairs. There is a dry dock, close N of Prince George Lock, length 51 m, width 8,5 m and depth on sill 4,9 m (MHWS). Minor ship and engineering repairs can be undertaken.

Other facilities: de-ratting and exemption certificates issued; hospitals at Brighton (10 km) and Worthing (10 km).

Supplies: all fuel oils; water; coal; provisions and other supplies.

2. Services: marine diesel and petrol at the fuelling pontoon; water, electricity and telephone connections at the berthing pontoons; provisions; chandlery; other usual marine facilities. Boatyard available for repairs; boats up to 50 tons can be lifted out.

3. Facilities are only available for the ferries; helicopter landing sites at the Royal Victoria Hospital and St Martin’s Plain Camp; deratting and exemption certificates issued.

Supplies: marine diesel at The Stade; water; fresh provisions.

4. Major repairs afloat can be undertaken. There is a patent slip in Wellington Dock capable of taking vessels up to 40 m in length and deadweight 400 tonnes.

5. Repairs to small craft only. There is a slip for craft up to 4 tonnes.

Supplies: water at the quays; marine diesel by road tanker.

6. Repairs of all types can be carried out. There is a dry dock on the W side of Arrier-port, which can accept vessels up to 120 m in length, beam 17 m and draught 6 m. There is also a ship lift, capacity 310 tonnes including cradles.

7. There are several repair yards specializing in the repair of fishing vessels and coasters. There are two gridirons and three slipways. The largest slipway has a lifting capacity of 2500 tonnes, and can handle vessels of length 96 m and beam 15 m.

8. There are four slipways and a patent slip. The patent slip can accept vessels up to 118 m in length and beam14 m. There are four floating docks, the largest 31 m in length used for repairs to propeller and rudder.

9. Supplies: marine diesel by road tanker; water at the quays; fresh provisions.

Communications. There is a helicopter landing site 1¼ miles NW of Arbroath and an emergency only site at Arbroath Hospital.

Rescue. There is an all-weather lifeboat permanently on station and in the summer months an inshore lifeboat is stationed at Arbroath.

10. Facilities: hospitals; helicopter landing site at Ninewells Hospital, 2 miles WNW of the NW end of Tay Road Bridge; reception of oily wastes; de-ratting carried out and certificates issued.

Supplies: furnace fuel oil; marine diesel (heavy and light) water; provisions of all kinds.

11. Repairs. Limited hull and engineering repairs can be executed.

Other services: hospital.

Supplies: Furnace fuel oil and marine diesel by lighter or by road and rail tanker; water at the quays; provisions and stores.

12. Supplies: all types of fuel from the Oil berth in the NW corner of Imperial Dock or by road tanker or small coastal tanker; fresh water at working berths; stores and provisions.

13. Four tugs are available including a fire-fighting tug and an anti-pollution tug, which is normally moored at a buoy 1½ cables SW of the terminal. There are facilities for receiving oily wastes.

No other facilities or supplies available.

14. Supplies: limited marine gas oil stocks are held at Rosyth; fresh water, steam, and

electrical power (440 volts AC) at most berths.

15. Repairs to fishing craft can be undertaken. There is a slipway but no carriage.

Supplies: marine diesel; lubricating oil; 10 ton per day ice plant; limited fresh water; provisions.

16. Communications. There are ferry services to the Orkneys and to Norwegian ports. There are regular shipping services to Scandinavia, Western Europe and the United States. Dyce airport is 5 miles from Aberdeen.


noun adjective   adjective verb
  wind rock sand fog mud sun stone   windy rocky sandy foggy muddy sunny stony       dry clean clear round secure   to dry to clean to clear to round to secure


I. Translate the following questions into English and give your answers:

1. Можете ли вы предоставить водолаза для осмотра корпуса судна?

2. Когда мое судно будет поставлено в док?

3. Может ли судоверфь произвести ремонт главного двигателя?

4. Сколько времени потребуется для проведения дератизации судна?

5. Имеются ли средства для сбора нефтяных отходов в этом порту?

6. Может ли ремонт быть произведен без постановки в док?

II. Say it in English:

1. Пресная вода подается на причал и может доставляться баржой к борту судна.

2. В порту имеется судоверфь с двумя сухими доками.

3. Самый крупный сухой док может принимать суда до 175 метров длиной и 22 метра шириной.

4. Дератизация судна производится с последующей выдачей сертификата.

5. Продовольствие и запасы могут быть получены в этом порту.

6. В порту имеется хороший госпиталь для моряков.

7. Ремонт может быть произведен в ограниченном объеме.

8. Верфи в порту оборудованы конвейерами.





add [æd] добавлять

alter ['ɔ:ltə] изменять

alteration [ɔ:ltə'rei∫n] изменение

amend [ə'mend] исправлять, поправлять

amendment [ə'mendmənt] исправление, поправка

cancel ['kænsəl] аннулировать

delete [di 'li:t] вычеркивать, исключать

discontinued ['diskən'tinjud] прекращенный, прерванный

expunge [iks'p⋀ndƷ] вычеркивать

include [in'klu:d] включать, содержать в себе

insert [in'sə:t] включать, вносить

move [mu:v] передвигать

notice ['noutis] извещение

remove [ri'mu:v] перемещать, убирать

reposition [ripə'si∫n] изменять положение

substitute ['s⋀bstitju:t] заменять

withdraw [wið'drɔ:] убирать, снимать

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