Give the description of register of emissions and transfer of pollutants (RETP).

Rules for maintaining the State Register of Emissions and Transfer


1. These Regulations for the Maintenance of the State Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

(Hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") have been developed in accordance with sub-item 29) of Article 17 of the Environmental Code

Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 9, 2007 and determine the procedure for conducting

State Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer.

RETP contains information on the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants,

Their impact on health and the environment, as well as other scientifically sound information on

Emissions and transfers of pollutants and information on nature users.

4. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 160 of the Code, information on nature users


1) name, legal address, type of activity of the nature user;

2) an electronic version of the issued environmental permit;

3) information on the volume of actual emissions to the environment;

4) electronic version of the production environmental control and reporting program

Environmental monitoring, an action plan for environmental protection;

5) the results of state environmental control;

6) information on mandatory payments to the budget for emissions to the environment, including

The procedure for maintaining the State Register of Emissions and

Transfer of pollutants

6. Nature users who have Category I facilities (hereinafter Nature Users), annually

Before April 1, they are provided to the territorial body of the authorized body for environmental protection

(Hereinafter referred to as the territorial body) at the location of each production site,

The following information for the previous year:

1) general information about the Nature User in the form, according to Appendix 1 to the present


2) an electronic version of the issued environmental permit;

3) information:

By the volume of actual emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air in form,

In accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation;

By the volume of actual emissions of pollutants into water bodies according to the form, according to

Annex 3 to this Regulation;

On production and consumption wastes generated at the production site, according to Form in accordance with Annex 4 to this Regulation;

On the location of sulfur formed at the production site, in accordance with the form

Annex 5 to this Regulation;

4) electronic version of the production environmental control and reporting program

Environmental monitoring;

5) plan of measures for environmental protection and report on the implementation of this plan, on

Form approved by the authorized body in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 99 of the Code;

6) the results of state environmental control;

7) information on mandatory payments to the budget for emissions to the environment, including

28.Organization of observations of the level of atmospheric pollution in cities and settlements is carried out in accordance with GOST 86 Nature Conservation. Atmosphere. Air quality control rules for settlements. Observations of the level of atmospheric pollution are carried out at the post, which is a place chosen in advance for this purpose (terrain point), on which a pavilion or a car equipped with appropriate instruments is located. Observation posts are established in three categories: stationary, route and mobile (sub-flare).

The stationary post is designed to ensure continuous registration of pollutant content or regular sampling of air for later analysis. Among the stationary posts are allocated stationary stationary posts, which are designed to identify long-term measurements of the content of the main and most common specific pollutants.

The route station is designed for regular air sampling in cases where it is not possible (inexpedient) to establish a post or it is necessary to study in more detail the state of air pollution in certain areas, for example, in new residential areas.

The mobile (sub-flare) post serves for sampling under a smoke (gas) torch in order to identify the zone of influence of this source of industrial emissions. Stationary posts are equipped with special pavilions, which are installed in pre-selected locations. Observations on route stations are conducted using a mobile laboratory equipped with the necessary equipment and instruments. Route posts are also installed at pre-selected points. One car per working day travels 4 ... 5 points. The procedure for detouring the selected route pestle should be the same, so that the determination of impurity concentrations is carried out on a regular basis. Observations under the torch of the enterprise are also conducted with the help of a specially equipped car. Subfilter stations are points located at fixed distances from the source. They move in accordance with the direction of the torch of the surveyed source of emissions.

Each post, irrespective of the category, is placed on an open, ventilated area from all sides (on asphalt, solid ground, lawn).

Stationary and route stations are organized in the places selected with due consideration for the preliminary study of urban air pollution by industrial emissions, vehicle emissions, domestic and other sources, and also taking into account the study of meteorological conditions for dispersion of impurities by occasional observations and calculations of the fields of maximum concentrations of impurities. It should be taken into account the frequency of the direction of the wind over the city. In certain areas, emissions from numerous enterprises can create a common torch commensurate with the torch of a large source. If the frequency of such wind directions is high, then the zone of the greatest average pollution level will be formed at a distance of 2 ... 4 km from the main group of enterprises, and sometimes it can be located on the outskirts of the city. In order to characterize the distribution of impurity concentration in the city, the posts should be installed primarily in those residential areas where the highest average pollution levels are possible, then in the administrative center of the settlement and in residential areas with different types of development, as well as in parks and recreation areas. Among the most polluted areas are the zones of maximum maximum single and average daily concentrations. These concentrations are created by the emissions of industrial enterprises. Such zones are located at a distance of 0.5 ... 2 km from low emission sources and 2 ... 3 km from high. Such concentrations can also create highways of heavy traffic, because the impact of the highway is only found in the immediate vicinity of it (at a distance of 50 ... 100 m).

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