Степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. Large – larger – the largest

Exercise 4.

1. large – larger – the largest

2. big – bigger – the biggest

3. happy – happier – the happiest

4. pretty – prettier - the prettiest

5. young – younger – the youngest

6. bad – worse – the worst

7. good – better – the best

8. difficult – more difficult – the most difficult

9. serious – more serious – the most serious

10. busy – busier – the busiest

11. careful – more careful – the most careful

12. little – less – the least


1. the happiest

2. the best

3. the most popular

4. the worst

5. the prettiest

6. the most interesting

Exercise 6.

1. as…as 2. so …as 3. so …as 4. as …as 5. as … as 6. so … as

Exercise 7.

1. large 2. most beautiful 3. difficult 4. older 5. better 6. highest

Глагол to be

Exercise 8.

1) is 2) are 3) am 4) are 5) is; are 6)am; is

Exercise 10.

1. We wereat home yesterday evening.

2. I waslate for the lesson last week.

3. The children’s hands weredirty.

4. My son wasat the library last Sunday.

5. It wasa fine day yesterday.

6. The weather was very hot last summer.

Exercise 11.

1. The weather will befine tomorrow morning.

2. My friends will be at the disco in the evening.

3. Nick will beat the university next Monday.

4. My mother and my father will beat home tomorrow evening.

5. I shall/will bebusy next Sunday.

6. We shall/will beso tired after the trip.

Exercise 12.

1. Cats are big animals.

2. I phoned you yesterday evening, but you were not at home. Where were you?

3. Last year we were in Paris.

4. George wasn’t at work last week because he was ill.

5. Diamonds aren’t cheap.

6. Motor-racing is a dangerous sport.

Exercise 13.

1. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it was cold.

2. Where were you last Friday morning?

3. Where are the children? - They are in the garden.

4. Will your friends be at the disco next Sunday? – Yes, they will.

5. Don’t buy these shoes. They are very expensive.

6. I must go now. It isvery late.

Конструкция there be

Exercise 14.

1. is 2. are 3. were 4. wasn’t 5. will be 6. is

Exercise 15.

1. There is 2. There aren’t 3. is there 4. are there 5. are there 6. there isn’t

Exercise 16.

1. There is 2. there was 3. There was 4. There will be 5. there were 6. There are

Глагол to have

Exercise 17.

1. Have you got a passport?

Do you have a passport?

2. Has your father got a car?

Does your father have a car?

3. Have Mr. and Mrs. Smith got any children?

Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith have any children?

4. How much money have you got?

How much money do you have?

5. What kind of car has John got?

What kind of car does John have?

6. Has Carol got many friends?

Does Carol have many friends?

Exercise 18.

1. have got 2. haven’t got 3. has got 4. hasn’t got 5. haven’t got 6. haven’t got

Exercise 19.

1. had / didn’t have 2. did …have 3. didn’t have 4. Did … have 5. had; didn’t have 6. had

Действительный залог

Exercise 20.

1. have 2. teaches 3. go 4. speaks 5. goes 6. like 7. cost 8. closes

Exercise 21.

1. I don’t play football very well.

2. My mother doesn’t work hard.

3. My brother doesn’t watch TV very often.

4. On Sundays we don’t go to the restaurants.

5. Their children don’t live in the center of the town.

6. I don’t drink coffee every morning.

Exercise 22.

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b

Exercise 23.

1. finishes 2. finished 3. goes 4. went 5. has 6. had

Exercise 24.

1. made 2. sold 3. called 4. gave 5. loved 6. bought

Exercise 25.

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a

Exercise 26.

1. Tom got up at 7.30 a.m. yesterday.

2. He didn’t have a shower yesterday.

3. He ate meat yesterday.

4. He bought a camera yesterday.

5. He didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.

6. He went to bed late at night yesterday.

Exercise 27.

1. waited, didn’t come 2. did you buy it 3. saw, didn’t speak 4. Did it rain

5. did you do it 6. didn’t eat

Exercise 28.

1. plays 2. will play 3. doesn’t work 4. will not (won’t) work 5. do you go

6. will you go

Exercise 29.

1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b

Exercise 30.

1. shall/ will go 2. will go 3. will take 4. will listen 5. will take 6. will do

Exercise 31.

1. Will you read 2. will you do 3. will not (won’t) help 4. will not (won’t) go

5. will your brother buy 6. will your sister go

Exercise 32.

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c

Exercise 33.

1. are waiting 2. are playing 3. are talking 4. is answering 5. is reading

6. is coming

Exercise 34.

1. go 2. stay 3. are traveling 4. are going 5. is 6. is looking 7. is laughing

8. is playing 9. likes 10. wants

Exercise 35.

1. is having 2. don’t watch 3. do you read 4. am not listening 5. does she finish 6. is singing 7. are you doing 8. are the children doing

Exercise 36.

1. is sleeping 2. was sleeping 3. were playing 4. are playing 5. are you doing, am drinking 6. Were you having, wasn’t having, was eating 7. is she crying

8. was she doing

Exercise 37.

1. went 2. was going 3. was doing 4. did 5. were washing 6. washed

Exercise 38.

1. will do 2. will be doing 3. shall/ will be writing 4. shall/ will be reading

5. will you be doing 6. will you do 7. Will you play 8. shan’t/ won’t go, shall/ will be watching

Exercise 39.

1. have lost 2. haven’t bought 3. has gone 4. has broken 5. has taken

6. have read 7. has she gone 8. have finished

Exercise 40.

1. Have they ever been to Australia? 2. Have you ever lost your key? 3. Has Ann ever eaten Chinese food? 4. Has Pete ever visited New York? 5. Have you ever won a lottery? 6. Have you ever been to Japan?

Exercise 41.

1. went 2. have lived 3. Did you go 4. was 5. have just arrived 6. has written

Exercise 42.

1. Have ... been 2. got 3. haven’t finished 4. have visited 5. left 6. hasn’t found 7. was 8. have written 9. has worked 10. have tried

Exercise 43.

1.Have … been 2. visited 3. enjoyed 4. spent 5. have never been

Exercise 44.

1. have just bought 2. has been examining / has examined 3. has been teaching / has taught 4. has been crying 5. has just cut 6. have known 7. has broken 8. has typed 9. have seen 10. has been studying

Exercise 45.

1. had arrived 2. had already left 3. had cleaned 4. had already gone 5. had lost 6. had saved

Exercise 46.

a) 1. found 2. had broken – 1 действие

b) 3. had eaten – 1 действие 4. arrived

c) 5. had cooked – 1 действие 6. came

d) 7. had locked – 1 действие 8. left

e) 9. passed 10. had studied – 1 действие

Exercise 47.

1. returned 2. had returned 3. finished 4. had finished 5. came, had cooked

6. woke, had gone 7. found, had lost 8. came, had already left 9. had you worked, entered 10. had studied, entered 11. had left, hurried 12. entered, had already begun 13. hadn’t done 14. hadn’t come 15. had got.

Страдательный залог

Exercise 48.

1. is served 2. are sold 3. are cleaned 4. is supplied 5. are showed 6. are made

Exercise 49.

2. were called 3. was caught 4. was found 5. were taken 6. were questioned

7. were charged

Exercise 50.

1. is eaten 2. was received 3. will be sent 4. was asked 5. are built 6. will be done 7. were translated 8. were invited 9. is played 10. will be finished

11. were burnt 12. are gathered

Exercise 51.

1. looked 2. are looked 3. be painted 4. showed 5. wasn’t invited 6. are discussing 7. be met 8. take 9. leave 10. be left

Exercise 52.

1. was received 6. was founded
2. will be sent 7. was won
3. are built 8. be divided
4. are being constructed 9. are attended
5. have already been done 10. will be posted

Exercise 53.

1. This book can be found in any library.

2. The river can be crossed on a raft.

3. The building of the house can be finished very soon.

4. This mistake can be easily forgiven.

5. The doctor says she must be taken to the hospital.

6. This crop can be grown anywhere in Rostov region.

Exercise 54.

1. The branch of the tree was broken by the elephant.

2. I think, all the exercises should be done (by you).

3. That letter has just been sent (by them).

4. Coffee is grown in Brazil.

5. The picture by Van Gogh wasn’t stolen by thieves yesterday.

6. Are any skyscrapers built in your city?

Exercise 55.

1. The secretary has just typed the letters.

2. Tom met Betty at the station.

3. Postmen deliver newspapers.

4. The students will translate this article at the lesson on Tuesday.

5. The speaker must answer all the questions.

6. The children have not (haven’t) closed the door.

Exercise 56.

1. Where are the coats left? 2. When are the books returned to the library? 3. Why aren’t the flowers watered every day? 4. Who was told the truth? 5. When will a written text given? 6. What was much spoken about?

Exercise 57.

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. c

Exercise 58.

1. A cure for cancer has not been found yet. 2. Love stories are always sold well.

3. A lot of new cars will be made next year. 4. Four people were arrested during yesterday’s football match. 5. The table is being laid now. 6. The meeting cannot be held.

Модальные глаголы

Exercise 59.

1. Can 2. may 3. may 4. can 5. can 6. can

Exercise 60.

1. could 2. can 3. may 4. might 5. Could 6. might

Exercise 61.

1.must 2. May 3. can 4. must 5. can 6. May

Exercise 62.

1. Он должен прийти сюда в пять часов.

2. Поезд должен был отправиться в 3.15.

3. Я не могу пойти куда-либо сегодня вечером. мне придется готовиться к экзамену.

4. Кому предстоит присмотреть за детьми?

5. Вчера было очень холодно и поэтому мне пришлось надеть тёплое пальто.

6. Завтра не нужно идти в школу и поэтому детям не придется ложиться спать рано.

Exercise 63.

1. had to 2. has to 3. will have to 4. have to 5. will have to 6. had to

Exercise 64.

1. can’t 2. can 3. will be able to 4. could 5. couldn’t 6. will be able to

Exercise 65.

1. didn’t have to 2. won’t have to 3. doesn’t have to 4. don’t have to 5. didn’t have to 6. don’t have to.

Exercise 66.

2. needn’t 3. mustn’t 4. mustn’t 5. needn’t 6. needn’t 7. mustn’t

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