Степени сравнения прилагательных


cold – холодный

cloudy – облачный

hot – жарко, горячий

rain – дождь

rainy – дождливый

snow – снег

snowy – снежный

sunny – солнечный

warm – тёплый

windy – ветрено

dive – нырять

toboggan – кататься на санях

next week – на следующей недели

next year – в следующем году

tomorrow – завтра


armchair – кресло

bathroom –ванная комната

bed – кровать

bedroom – спальня

carpet – ковёр

chair –стул desk – парта

door – дверь

fireplace – камин

flat – квартира

floor – пол

hall – холл, зал

kitchen – кухня

lamp – лампа

living room –гостиная

pantry – кладовка

picture – картина shelf –полка

sofa – диван

table – стол

toilet – туалет

wall – стена

wardrobe – гардероб, шкаф

window – окно

interesting – интересный

large – большой

own – собственный

sometimes – иногда

go shopping – ходить за покупками

share – делить

Предлоги места

above – над

behind – за

between – между

in the right / left corner – в правом /левом углу

in the middle of – в середине

next to – рядом on – на

under – под

Место, где мы живём

apple tree – яблоня

bridge – мост

capital –столица

country – страна, сельская местность

camel – верблюд

cow – корова

dolphin – дельфин

eagle –орёл

sheep – овца

whale – кит

horse – лошадь

field – поле

garden – сад

hill – холм

mountain –гора

desert – пустыня

ocean – океан

river – река

road – дорога

sea – море

in the country – за городом

become – становиться

useful – полезный

yesterday – вчера

a day ago – день назад

a week ago – неделю назад

last year – в прошлом году

last week – на прошлой неделе

В семье

family – семья

grandson – внук

photo – фотография

phone – звонить; телефон

food – еда, пища

cook – готовить

buy – покупать

do homework –делать дом. задание

lay the table – накрывать на стол

make the bed – заправлять постель

repair the bike – чинить велосипед

take photos (of) – фотографировать

take the pet for a walk – выгуливать питомца

do the washing up – мыть посуду

be polite – быть вежливым

Ходить за покупками

bag – сумка, портфель

blouse – блузка boots – ботинки

bottle – бутылка

clothes – одежда

coat – пальто, шубка

dress – платье

jacket – куртка, жакет

jeans – джинсы

mittens – рукавицы

piece (of cake) –кусок (торта)

raincoat – плащ

scarf – шарф

shoes – туфли

suit – костюм

sweater – свитер

trainers – кроссовки

T-shirt – футболка

shirt – рубашка

umbrella – зонт

any – некоторое количество, любой

some – несколько, некоторое количество

have on –иметь на

suit – подходить(об одежде)


break – ломать; перемена

board – доска( в классе)

mark – оценка

dictionary – словарь

classmate – одноклассник

classroom – классная комната

paints – краски

coloured pencils – цветные карандаши

Maths – математика

PE – физкультура

Art – ИЗО

Music – музыка

Reading – чтение

Russian – русский язык

English – английский язык

learn by heart – учить наизусть

translate from … into … - переводить с … на …

get along with – уживаться с

get a good mark – получать хорошие отметки

during – во время

this / these – этот / эти

that / those – тот, та / те

-What’s the weather like today?

-Today is hot and sunny.

-What’s the weather like in winter?

-It’s cold and snowy.

-Which is your favourite season?

-I think autumn.

-Why autumn?

-Because I like apples very much.

On the phone.

-Hello! This is John Wilson speaking.

Can I speak to Mr. Black.

-I’m sorry, Mr. Wilson. He isn’t in.

-What a pity!

-Mr. Wilson, can you phone back

at 6 o’clock?

-Of course, I can. Thank you. Bye.

- Bye.

In the shop.

-Excuse me, can you show me the trousers?

-Yes, please

-How much are they?

-Ten pounds.

-I’d like to buy them.

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

Can I help you?

-Show me the jacket, please.

-Here you are.

-Great! It’s nice and warm.

-Good, anything else?

-No, thank you. That’s all.

-Could you give me the pen, please?

-Yes. Here you are.

-Thank you.

Our room.

My name is … . I haven’t got my own room. I share it with my brother. It is nice and large. There are desks next to the window. There is a computer on my desk. There are beds in the left cor ner . There is a big warm carpet on the floor.

I like our room very much.

My country.

My name is … . I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s a big city. There are a lot of people, cars and big houses in Moscow. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens. Our country is beautiful.

I have a friend. His name is …. . He goes to school every day. He has different subjects: Maths, Russian, Art, PE, Music. His favourite subject is English. In the lesson he likes to speak English, sing songs, translate from English into Russian. Some-times he learns poems by heart. On Thursday he has PE. He likes to play football and basketball.

Future Simple.

I will swim tomorrow.

I will not (won’t) swim tomorrow.

Will you swim tomorrow?

Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

What willyou do tomorrow?

There is / There are

There isa bed in my flat.

There isn’t a bed in my flat.

Is there a bed in my flat?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

There are two pictures in the house.

There aren’t any pictures in the house.

Are there any pictures in the house?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Степени сравнения прилагательных

cold –colder - the coldest

hot – hotter - the hottest

happy – happier- the happiest

beautiful – morebeautiful –

the most beautiful

good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

many/much – more – the most

little – less – the least

Past Simple

live (жить) – lived(жил)

watch (смотреть) – watched( смотрел )want ( хотеть ) – wanted( хотел)

go – went; have – had; do – did; say – said; fly – flew; give – gave; sit – sat; see – saw; take – took; can – could; make – made; come – came; write – wrote; put – put; run – ran.

I went to the shop yesterday.

I didn’t go to the shop yesterday.

Did you go to the shop yesterday?

Yes, I did. / No, I did not (didn’t).

I am – I was (был)

You are – You were (были)

He/she/it is – He/she/it was (был)

We are – We were (были)

You are – You were (были)

They are – They were (были)

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