III. Retell the text using the active vocabulary

IV. Write an essay about Omsk as your native city.

V. Make the advertisement prospect of Omsk. Say why people should visit it!

Topic: Great Britain. Sport in Great Britain.

Topical vocabulary

1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

2) to be situated on - быть расположенным на

3) consist of – состоять из

4) the total area – общая площадь

5) population – население

6) urban – городской

7) to be made up of – состоять из

8) to be separated from…..by – отделяться от

9) to be washed by – омываться

10) surface – поверхность

11) to vary – варьироваться, меняться

12) mountainous – гористый

13) a valley – долина

14) a plain – равнина

15) to influence something – оказывать влияние на

16) mild - умеренный

17) a highly developed industrial country – высокоразвитая промышленная страна

18) to produce something – производить что-либо

19) to export something – экспортировать что-либо

20) machinery – станки

21) electronics – электроника

22) textile – текстиль

23) a chief industry – ведущая отрасль промышленности

24) shipbuilding – судостроение

25) a constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия

26) Head of the State – глава государства

27) cricket – крикет (английская национальная спортивная игра; отдаленно напоминает русскую лапту)

28) standard of behaviour – норма поведения

29) to attract attention – привлекать внимание

30) Association football – футбол, разг. soccer (по названию английской футбольной ассоциации, разработавшей правила современного футбола)

31) to support – поддерживать, болеть

32) football field – футбольное поле

33) fan – болельщик

34) professional – профессиональный

35) amateur – любительский

36) spectator sport – «зрительский» вид спорта, собирающий большое количество болельщиков

37) racing – бега (конские, собачьи и пр.)

38) boat-race – гребные гонки

39) tournament – турнир

40) athletics – атлетика

41) to toboggan – кататься на санях, санках

Fill in the gaps

Mild, 2) Head of the State, 3) is washed by, 4) urban, 5) population, 6) football fields, 7) fans, 8) athletics, 9) toboggan, 10) attracts the greatest attention, 11) a constitutional monarchy, 12) professional and amateur, 13) chief industries, 14) tournaments, 15) influence, 16) valleys, 17) plains, 18) mountainous, 19) boat-race, 20) are separated from, 21) is made up of, 22) spectator sport, 23) support, 24) total area, 25) consist of, 26) is situated on

1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland…….the British Isles. 2) The British Isles……two large islands. 3) ………is over 244 000 square kilometers. 4) ……..is over 57 million people. 5) About 80 percent of the population is…… 6) The United Kingdom…….four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 7) The British Isles…….the Continent by the North Sea and the British Channel. 8) The western coast of Great Britain……..the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. 9) The north of Scotland is ………. and is called the Highlands. 10) The South which has beautiful……….and………is called the Lowlands. 11) The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream………the climate of the British Isles. 12) The climate is…….the whole year round. 13) One of the…….of the country is shipbuilding. 14) The United Kingdom is…….with a parliament and the Queen as……… 15) But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which…….is Association football, or soccer. 16) Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May large crowds of people…….their favourite sides in………17) True…….will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. 18) There are plenty of……..soccer clubs all over Britain. 19) The chief……..in British life is horse-racing. 20) ………between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people. 21) Tennis…….at Wimbledon are known all over the world. 22) Various forms of……., such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. 23) Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or…….., but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

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