Make 10 sentences with the words given above. 3. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

3. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

(Parents, service, teenager, security, war, worry, confidence, military)

1. Our __________________ grows up in the world where man has the power to destroy himself.

2. There are few grounds for ____________that man has enough self-control not to do so.

3. Our teenager probably does not express openly his/her _________ about the world but the danger is feared.

4. More and more, he finds his life affected by _______________ considerations.

5. In all probability he will be drafted into a period of military ______________.

6. And yet he knows that a big ______________ will very likely destroy him.

7. With this threat to his external, physical__________, he/she must search for inner security.

8. But his resources for inner security are not as rich as they were for his ______________.

4. Complete the sentences below with the words from the brackets:

(Daily, essential, principal, prosperous, unfortunately, automatically, established, frequently, loosely, goodly)

1. The __________ resource, the family, should supply the bases for inner security-love, freedom and guidance.

2. ____________, the family as the principal resource is today greatly weakened.

3. Families trend to be small and there is no longer the sense of strength that comes from a ______ number.

4. Further, the family is no longer a producing family, actually making together the ________bread.

5. Rather is it is a consuming family, eating ready-cooked meals, __________ heated and entertained by TV.

6. The family has become less _________ to existence: restaurants can provide food, laundries can wash.

7. The attraction of modern life pulls the family apart, so that its members more ________ knit together.

8. And the family no longer has the strength of an _______________ tradition.

9. It is isolated; it moves _____________, it is not surrounded by relatives and old and trusted neighbors.

10. In the most beautifully ___________ suburb, there is often much loneliness.

5. Ideal family. Complete the sentences with the word from the brackets:

(Insured, temples, advertising, glowing, separate, coiffed)

1. Very often many of us get our family ideals from __________, from the Madison Avenue picture.

2. The picture of American family is with its _____ house, its green lawn, its new car and its shining kitchen.

3. The father is young with the touch of gray at the ________________.

4. The slim and smiling mother/attractively ______ and cosmeticked/ looks like a teenager herself.

5. Their two or three children are _________, healthy, loving and loved.

6. If this family buys the right food, if all are ______ and air-conditioned, they are an ideal American family.

6. Read and translate the text. Find out and explain the differences among American and Ukrainian families:

American families are ‘on the move’ more than ever. It’s not uncommon for families to move two or three times within the same city or to other cities. Children generally move out of their parents’ house at 18 years of age and attend university in another city or state.

The extended family (aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins) is often scattered all over the country and meets together only at big holidays such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. American families also get together at family reunions which are usually held in the summer and can be very large gatherings with 3 or 4 generations of family members in attendance.

Often at a family reunion you meet with many different types of relatives. Your in-laws are related to you by your own marriage (mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law).

Someone related to you by your parents’ marriage to another person is distinguished with the prefix ‘step’. Your father’s new wife and children are therefore referred to as ‘stepmother’ and ‘stepbrothers and sisters’.

Americans consider the family to be an important institution but often careers, education and money are placed in ahead of the family, possibly contributing to the social problems that face America today.

7. Continue the discussion voicing your opinions on the following problems:

1. Before sending their children to school parents should provide them with preliminary preparation in reading, writing, counting.

2. Children’s attitude to school depends on what their parents say and feel about school, teachers, school administration.

3. Cooperation is the key to constructive relations between school and parents.

8. Group work. In group of three or four consider the following statements, decide whether you agree with them or not and write your arguments or against:

1. Children should only leave home after they are married.

2. Children should always obey their parents.

3. Young people should not get married without their parent’s consent.

4. Families should not have more than two children nowadays.

5. Family life is less important in the present-day world than it used to be in the past.

9. Prove or disapprove the following. Give your examples. The most important qualities for parents are:

Being able to discipline.

Can keep the family together no matter what.

Help the children in times of trouble.

Set good example.

Be able to understand the child’s problem.


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