Raymond is talking to his doctor. Match the half sentences 1 to 5 with the half sentences (a) to (e) to make five correct sentences
1. | If I don’t get better, … | A | It is always too heavy for me. |
2. | Whenever I go up the stairs quickly … | B | I have to stop half-way and have a rest. |
3. | If I went to bed late every night, … | C | I would understand why I’m always tired. |
4. | When I try to lift anything … | D | I feel sick. |
5. | If I eat fried or rich food, … | E | I’ll have to stop going to work. |
35. Complete these sentences about an office using the verbs in brackets and will or would where necessary. More than one answer is sometimes possible.
1. If Mr Bowen _______ (call back), tell him that I _________ (fax) the letter to him.
2. I _________ (buy) a bigger office block if I _________ (own) Mr Bowen’s company. But I don’t own it.
3. The goods are here. If we ___________ (send) them tomorrow, they __________ (arrive) early next week. But if we ____________ (send) them today, they ___________ (get) there on Monday.
4. The sales staff _________ (earn) more, if we ___________ (pay) them a bonus every time they ______________ (make) a large sale, but we don’t do that.
5. When the buyer from Derhams __________ (phone), Mr Prothero _________ (speak) to him.
6. If Mr Rogerson __________ (ask) you, please tell him that I _________ (not/be) there until tomorrow.
7. If you _________ (finish) typing those letters, Jim, please _________ (not/sit) there doing nothing.
8. We ________ (use) the computer more if we ________________ (not/have) such an old one.
36. These sentences are about an old man’s regrets as he looks back on his life. Make sentences of unreal condition.
Model:(1) If I hadn’t been too shy to talk to other children at school, I would have learned to get on with people.
1. At school I was too shy to talk to the other children and so I never learned to get on with people.
2. At primary school I never learned to do maths and so I didn’t take jobs that used numbers.
3. At secondary school I did not work hard and so I did not pass my examinations.
4. I never learned to dance at the youth club and so I was shy with girls.
5. I never learned to speak clearly at job interviews and so I never did well at them.
6. At the office I never worked hard and so I never got promotion.
Adverbial clauses of unreal concession
37. Adverbial clauses of unreal concession. Translate the sentences into English using the forms of Subjunctive II in adverbial clauses of unreal concession and the forms of the conditional mood in the main clauses.
Model: a) Even if (even though) you were right, Dick wouldn’t confess it.
b)Even if (even though)/ you had been right, Dick wouldn’t have confessed it.
1. Навіть якби ви йому нічого не сказали, він би все рівно здогадався, в чому річ. 2. Навіть якби ви мене і попередили, я все рівно не зміг би проводити вас. 3. Навіть якби я знав проблему глибше, я б не відповів зараз на ваше питання. 4. Навіть якби ви мені учора сказали, що ситуація зміниться, я не став би міняти свої плани. 5. Навіть якби я не був запрошений, я все рівно прийшов би до вас. 6. Навіть якби ми знали, що вам потрібна ця книга, ми все рівно не змогли б її роздобути. 7. Навіть якби я не був художником, я обов’язково намалював би ваш портрет. 8. Навіть якби Майкл був із нами зараз, це не допомогло б. 9. Навіть якби зараз йшов дощ, я все рівно туди пішов би. 10. Навіть якби я не знав як вам допомогти, я все рівно знайшов би спосіб зробити це.