TOEFL — международный экзамен / TOEFL is an international exam

Today many people study English language. They learn it for a lot of reasons. For instance, ifsomeone wants to work or study aboard, they need to take the TOEFL test. Of cause you have aquestion: “What is the TOEFL test?” The TOEFL test is a test to measure the level of Englishlanguage skills of nonnative speakers. The TOEFL test is a brand which currently exists in threeversions such as paper based test, computer based test and the internet based test. Thoseversions of this test have common sections such as: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.Each of sections is used to check your level of English proficiency. For example, Listeningdemonstrates your ability to understand spoken English. If you want to take the TOEFL test, youshould start to prepare for it. You have three choices how to do it. Firstly, you may go to courses insome language center where you study in group of 4-6 people. The atmosphere will be competitiveand stimulate you to do your best. Secondly, you may have a tutor who will direct you on the rightway. Thirdly, you can prepare on your own if you have enough level of English. It will be cheaperthan everything else. You need only to buy a good book of the TOEFL test preparation and useyour organizing skills. You can choose one of the methods which you like the most. To be ready forthe TOEFL test is to have a desire to study and practice. And my favorite quotation is “Practicemakes perfect”.

Жизненные ценности человека / Vital values of the person

TOEFL — международный экзамен / TOEFL is an international exam -

What is the vital value of the person? Certainly it what values to what aspiresand of what he thinks. Different people think differently, will condemn, argue orimpose therefore the point of view wrong and even to the inappropriate. Onecan appreciate work, career, a place in a society; another on the first place putsa family, love and friendship.

To begin with we will mention such theme as a career. What does career for any person in generalmean? I think, many would like, that it would be successful, all dream to live enough обеспеченно, wish to afford everything but very few people wish to achieve it. Certainly, if the person is able to«turn» in a society even without special abilities it can make the way on high enough lath in careergrowth. But it is not TOEFL — международный экзамен / TOEFL is an international exam - always fair. Right after open-cast mines it would bedesirable to talk about a family. A family is the important vital value for themajority of people. Girls since the childhood start to reflect on the future life,playing «Daughters — mothers». Already there from there is an anxiety onpeople with which you wish to live together till the end of a life. Many greatpeople push us to appreciate the family, after all to return love or to gain trustvery difficult. Close people necessarily will help, will support and will present warm dialogue. Peopleare helpless creations without dialogue, friends and their support. The friendship plays theimportant role in the life of any person. It is not important, as it will open that nobody is necessary toit, not important, how much bad it will seem the person, an essence one — it isdependent on asociety. In the childhood we were excited with only pleasant pastime with the friends in a court yard.We liked to jump, run, have fun and bathe in the mutual understanding sea. Growing up, we start few помалу to neglect friendship and to quarrel on trifles, but it only strengthens connection between us. Many people value and are proud of it. When you feel bad, that will share misfortune— you will come to you friend, when feel good to tell about the pleasure — you will come to thefriend when the help is necessary to you — you will come to the friend, in the same way you aredisinterested and absolutely sincere in all help and accompany it.

Study and career are different vital values as someone can study only for the future trade, that inthe future in what not to refuse, and someone to study and learn new to itself, expanding theoutlook. What is the rest? A relaxation? Temporary leaving from problems? Or simple pastime witha family and friends? Some opinions on thisconcept are erroneous. Rest … Such soft, quiet wordfull of hopes. There is an association with wood, carefree laughter or a cosy sofa. But at someonethis rescue from eternal problems. The purpose. Word such firm, responsible and full of hopes. Yes-yes hopes, after all we assign execution of our dream to end of the purpose. The one who liveswithout the purpose as if does not live in general. The life seems grey, boring and monotonous butif the purpose is, even the small and insignificant always it would be desirable it to reach and youwill make all probably that it happens. In this case starts to live more interestingly as in gambling — it is constant ставив the purposes and it is successful finishing to stop already difficultly them. Ateveryone the sights how to live — second or in the afternoon, past or to count on many forward, butthe purpose remains the purpose, it should be at everyone.

Vital values … And unless the life is not this value? Nobody reflected that actually it has. Thosethings to which we did not pay attention till now, seem us absolutely elementary, but all it on true isfine.

Men — Мужчины

Fat, slick, round-faced men, of the sort who haunt barber shops and a~ always having their shoesshined. Tall, gloomy, Gothic men, with eyebrow that meet over their noses and bunches of black,curly hair in their ear

Men wearing diamond solitaires, fraternal order watch chains, golden elks’ heads with rubies foreyes. Men with thick, loose lips and shifty eye-Men smoking pale, spotted cigars. Men who do notknow what to do with their hands when they talk to women. Honourable, upright, successful nr whoseduce their stenographers and are kind to their dear old mothers.

Men who allow their wives to dress like chorus girls. White-faced, scared-looking, yellow-eyed menwho belong to societies for the suppression of vice

Men who boast that they neither drink nor smoke. Men who mop their bal heads with perfumedhandkerchiefs. Men with drawn, mottled faces, in the last stages of arteriosclerosis. Silent, stupid-looking men in thick tweed who tramp up and down the decks of ocean steamers. Men who peep out о hotel rooms at Swedish chambermaids. Men who go to church on Sunday morning, carryingOxford Bibles under their arms.

Men in dress coats too tight under the arms. Tea-drinking men. Loud, back-slapping men, gabblingendlessly about baseball players. Men who have never heard of Mozart. Tired businessmen withfat, glittering wives. Men who know what to do when children are sick.

Men who believe that any woman who smokes is a prostitute. Yellow, diabetic men. Men whoseveins are on the outside of their noses. Now and then a clean, clear-eyed, upstanding man. Once aweek or so a man with good shoulders, straight legs and a hard, resolute mouth….


Толстые, ловкие, круглолицые мужчины, те, кто часто посещают парикмахерские и их ботинки всегда блестят. Высокие, мрачные, грубые мужчины, с бровями, которые встречаются над переносицей, и пучками черных вьющихся волос в ушах.

Мужчины, которые носят алмазы, цепочки часов тайного общества, золотые головы лосей с рубинами вместо глаз. Мужчины с толстыми, обвислыми губами и бегающими глазами. Мужчины, курящие некрепкие запачканные сигары. Мужчины, которые не знают, что делать с руками, когда они говорят с женщинами. Благородные, честные, успешные мужчины, которые совращают своих стенографисток и добры к их дорогим старым матерям.

Мужчины, которые позволяют своим женам одеваться подобно девочкам-хористкам. Белолицые испуганные мужчины с желтыми глазами, являющиеся членами обществ по борьбе с пороком.

Мужчины, которые хвастаются, что они ни пьют, ни курят. Мужчины, которые вытирают свои лысые головы надушенными носовыми платками. Мужчины с вытянутыми лицами в пятнах, на последних стадиях атеросклероза. Тихие, глупые мужчины в толстых костюмах из твида, которые громко топают туда-сюда по палубам океанских пароходов. Мужчины, которые следят украдкой из гостиничных номеров за шведскими горничными. Мужчины, которые ходят в церковь воскресным утром, неся Оксфордские Библии под мышкой.

Мужчины во фраке, слишком тесном под мышками. Мужчины, пьющие чай. Громкие, покровительственно похлопывающие по спине мужчины, бесконечно бормочущие об игроках в бейсбол. Мужчины, которые никогда не слышали о Моцарте. Утомленные бизнесмены с толстыми сверкающими женами. Мужчины, которые знают, что делать, когда дети больны.

Мужчины, которые считают, что любая женщина, которая курит, — проститутка. Желтые, диабетические мужчины. Мужчины, чьи вены находятся на внешней стороне их носов. Время от времени чистые, проницательные, честные мужчины. Приблизительно раз в неделю мужчина со здоровыми плечами, прямыми ногами и твердым, решительным ртом…


1. Can you give the description of a standard man?
2. What can the men wear?
3. What is the men s usual behaviour?
4. Describe the appearance of the man of your dream.
5. Can you describe the appearance of your favourite actor, sportsman or any famous person?


slick — ловкий, быстрый; гладкий
gloomy — мрачный
solitaire — бриллиант
fraternal order — общество (часто тайное)
loose lips — обвислые губы
shifty eyes — бегающие глаза
to seduce — совращать
scared-looking — испуганный
mottled face — лицо в пятнах
upstanding — с прямой осанкой; честный и прямой

Appearance: Parts of the Face — Внешность:

People who can’t hear often learn to understand a spoken language with their eyes. They watch themouth of the person talking and follow the movement of his lips. This is called lip-reading.

Some people think the distance between your hair and your eyebrow is a sign of how intelligent youare. The bigger your forehead is, the more intelligent you are supposed to be.

Nowadays, a person who doesn’t like his or her nose can have it changed with plastic surgery.Plastic surgeons can change your face in many other ways too. They can make your cheeks a littlerounder. If you don’t like your chin, a plastic surgeon can break your jaw and re-make the wholelower half of your face. If you think your skin looks too old and wrinkled, he can take: the wrinklesaway and make you look twenty years younger.

Women often disagree about men having beards and moustache. Bu some women think that hairon a man’s chin makes him look more attractive.

Usually, only women wear make-up. They are lucky. They can put a little black mascara on theireyelashes and some eyeshadow on their eyelids, an look fresh and attractive, even when they are really tired.

Внешность: части лица

Люди, которые не слышат, часто учатся понимать устную речь глазами. Они наблюдают за ртом говорящего и следят за движением его губ. Это называется читать по губам.

Некоторые люди считают, что расстояние между волосами и бровями -— это признак того, насколько человек умен. Чем больше лоб, тем, предполагается, умнее человек.

В наши дни человек, которому не нравится его нос, может изменить его с помощью пластической операции. Пластические хирурги могут также совершенно изменить ваше лицо. Они в состоянии сделать ваши щеки немного круглее. Если вам не нравится ваш подбородок, хирург может сломать вашу челюсть и переделать всю нижнюю половину вашего лица. Если вам кажется, что ваша кожа выглядит слишком старой и морщинистой, он может убрать морщины и сделать вас на 20 лет моложе.

Женщины часто не согласны, чтобы у мужчин были борода и усы. А некоторые женщины считают, что волосы на подбородке у мужчины делают его внешность более привлекательной.

Обычно только женщины пользуются гримом. Им везет. Они могут накрасить тушью ресницы, положить немного теней на веки и выглядеть свежим и привлекательными даже тогда, когда они действительно устали.


1. Describe the face of someone you know well.
2. Would you ever have plastic surgery? Why? Why not?
3. Do you like when a man wears a beard or a moustache? Why do you think men grow them?


eye — глаз
eyebrow — бровь
forehead — лоб
nose — нос
cheek — щека
chin — подбородок
jaw — челюсть
skin — кожа
wrinkled — морщинистый
wrinkles — морщины
beard — борода
moustache — усы
eyelash — ресница
eyelid — веко

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