Придаточные предложения условия и времени. Типы условных предложений

Тест 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons_____dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having c) had been having

b) had d) was having

2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched d) read, was watching

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______deli­cious.

a) is smelling c) smelt

b) smells d) will smell

4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan c) plan

b) were planning d) have planned

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______Nick.

a) is c) was

b) does d) were

6.1 feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will c) am going

b) go d) will be going

7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills

week they______five days.

a) work, work c) are working, are working

b) are working, work d) work, are working

8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains c) is raining

b) is rain d) is rained

9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

a) will have c) have

b) am having d) would have

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______a delegation in the office.

a) will receive c) will be receiving

b) is receiving d) would receive

11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining c) had rained

b) was raining d) is raining

12. She______at the parcel long enough, before she______that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood c) was looking, understood

b) had been looking, understood d) was looking, had understood

13.1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going c) did not go

b) was going d) had been going

14. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known c) were knowing

b) had knowing d) know

15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled c) had been travelling

b) were travelling d) travel

16. How long______this book? How many pages of this book______?

a) have you been reading, have you been reading b) have you read, have you read

c) have you read, you read d) have you been reading, have you read

17. We always go to Saint Petersburg for our holidays. We ______there for years.

a) have been going c) go

b) are going d) were going

18. I have lost my key again. I______things. I lose things too often.

a) always lose c) have always lost

b) am always losing d) was always losing

19. The economic situation is already very bad and it______ worse.

a) is getting c) got

b) gets d) would be getting

20. What time______your friend______tomorrow?

a) will arrive c) will be arriving

b) is arrived d) will arriving

Тест 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We______to the top of Holborn Hill before I______ that he was not smiling at all.

a) had got, knew c) were getting, knew

b) got, knew d) have got, have known

2. Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______ to Covent Garden.

a) was reading, made, drove b) have read, made, drove

c) had read, made, drove d) read, made, drove

3. Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by Agatha Christie______into every major language, and her sales______in tens of millions.

a) are translated, are calculated b) were translated, were calculated

c) have been translated, are calculated d) had been translated, were calculated

4. In recent years, scientific and technological developments ______human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

a) have drastically changed c) are drastically changing

b) drastically changed d) change drastically

5. Before we______from swimming in the river near the camp, someone______our clothes, and we had to walk back with our towels around us.

a) returned, stole c) were returning, stole

b) had returned, had stolen d) returned, had stolen

6. Our new neighbours______in Arizona for ten years be­fore moving to their present house.

a) had been living c) have been living

b) lived d) were living

7. We went into the house by a side door and the first thing 1______was that the passages ______all dark, and that she______a candle burning there.

a) noticed, were, left b) had noticed, had been, had left

c) noticed, were, had left d) have noticed, were, had left

8. The sun______brightly all day on the roof of my attic, and the room was warm.

a) was shining c) has shone

b) shone d) had been shining

9. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ______in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of re­birth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.

a) begins c) began

b) had begun d) will begin

10. Egyptians left no written accounts as to the execution of mummification, so the scientists ______to examine mummies and establish their own theories.

a) had c) are having

b) have d) have had

11. In spite of the fact that it______all day long, the match ______and the stands were full of spectators.

a) had been raining, was not cancelled

b) rained, was not cancelled

c) was raining, has not cancelled

d) had rained, had not been cancelled

12. Many football fans claimed that after "Real FC"______ that important game it______no chance to win the championship.

a) lost, had c) had lost, had

b) lose, has d) will lose, will have

13. I wish he______last Friday but his flight______be­cause of bad weather. If he______the next day I would have brought him by car.

a) arrived, was cancelled, called b) had arrived, was cancelled, had called

c) had arrived, had been cancelled, called d) arrived, have cancelled, had called

14. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor______able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

a) was c) had been

b) has been d) were

15. At the first stages of the Industrial Revolution advertising ______a relatively straightforward means of announce­ment and communication and was used mainly to pro­mote novelties and fringe products which______un­known to the public.

a) had been, were c) was, were

b) had been, had been d) was being, were

16. Towards the end of the 19th century the larger companies ______more and more on mass advertising to promote their new range of products. The market during this pe­riod ______by a small number of giant, conglomerate enterprises.

a) relied, has been controlled b) relied, had been controlled

c) were relying, has been controlled d) relied, were controlled

17. To cater for the fitness boom of the 80s and provide the up-to-date facilities people want, over 1,500 private health and fitness clubs______during the past 15 years.

a) were built c) have been built

b) had been built d) will be built

18. In 1936 the British Broadcasting Corporation______to provide a public radio service. Since then the BBC ______by the establishment of independent and com­mercial radio and television, which______the BBC's broadcasting monopoly.

a) was established, was influenced, removed

b) was established, has been influenced, removed

c) was established, has been influenced, had removed

d) was established, had been influenced, removed

19. The Neolithic Age was a period of history which______

in approximately 6000 B.C. and______until 3000 B.C.

a) began, lasted c) began, was lasting

b) had begun, lasted d) had begun, had been lasting

20. A major problem in the construction of new buildings is that windows______while air conditioning systems

a) have been eliminated, have not been perfected b) were eliminated, were not perfected

c) had been eliminated, had not been perfected d) eliminate, are not perfected

Тест 3

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. - How long______you______?— Since I was 17.

a) have been driving c) did drive

b) have driven d) do drive

2. She______always______in Moscow.

a) —, lives c) has been living

b) has lived d) has live

3. How long______you______Kate?

a) did know c) have known

b) have been knowing d) do known

4.1______here all my life.

a) have lived c) am living

b) have living d) live

5. Kate has lost her passport again, it is the second time this

a) happens c) happened

b) has happened d) is happening

6. Kate has been working here______.

a) since two years c) for two years

b) two years ago d) two years

7. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous be­cause he______before.

a) has not flown c) had not flown

b) did not fly d) has not been flying

8.1______a lot but I don't any more.

a) was used to eat c) was eating

b) used to eat d) used to eating

9.______next week, so we can go somewhere.

a) I'm not working c) I don't work

b) I won't work d) I shall not work

10. We are late. The film______by the time we get to the cinema.

a) will be already started c) will already have started

b) will already start d) already will start

11. Don't worry______late tonight.

a) if I'll be c) when I'll be

b) if I am d) if I be

12. At first I thought I______the right thing, but I soon re­alized that I______a serious mistake.

a) did, made c) have done, have made

b) had done, had made d) did, had made

13.1 hope Kate is coming soon. I______for two hours.

a) am waiting c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting d) waited

14. At last Kate came. I______for two hours.

a) am waiting c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting d) was waiting

15. She is going on holiday. This time next week she______ on a beach or______in the sea.

a) is going to lay, swim b) will be lying, swimming

c) will lie, swim d) is lying, swimming

16. —______you______the post office when you're out? - Probably. Why? - I need to mail the letter. Could you do it for me?

a) are passing c) will be passing

b) are going to pass d) will pass

17. We______for a walk when it______raining.

a) will go, will stop c) are going, will stop

b) will go, stops d) go, stops

18. When you______in Moscow again, you must come and see us.

a) will go c) are

b) will be d) are going

19. I'm going to read a lot of books while I______on holi­day.

a) am c) would be

b) will be d) am going to be

20. -______you______your car this evening? — No. Do you want to borrow it?

a) will be using c) are used

b) will use d) do use

Тест 4

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Water______at 100 degrees.

a) boils с) will boil

b) is boiling d) will have been boiling

2. The weather hotter and hotter.

a) gets c) is getting

b) has been getting d) get

3. The first modern Olympics______in Athens more than a hundred years ago.

a) were taking place c) have taken

b) took d) had taken

4. We______20 new buildings this year.

a) built c) had built

b) were building d) have built

5.1______always______if the service is bad in restaurants.

a) -, complain c) will be complaining

b) am complaining d) will complain

6. I______to the news on television at nine o'clock last night.

a) was listening c) have been listening

b) listened d) had been listening

7. After they______they cleared the table.

a) ate c) have eaten

b) had eaten d) were eating

8.1______for a whole hour!

a) am waiting c) have been waiting

b) was waiting d) had been waiting

9 I______John's mobile phone because I left mine at home.

a) use c) used

b) was using d) have been using

10. This juice______good.

a) is tasting c) has been tasting

b) tastes d) is being tasted

11. Long ago they______most houses out of wood.

a) built c) were building

b) have built d) had built

12. We still______life on other planets.

a) didn't discover c) won't discover

b) hadn't discovered d) haven't discovered

13.1______when my friend______.

a) slept, called b) was sleeping, was calling

c) was sleeping, called d) slept, was calling

14. Those potatoes______for an hour.

a) have been boiling c) are boiling

b) were boiling d) had been boiling

15. You______always______money!

a) —, borrow c) will borrow

b) has been borrowing d) are borrowing

16. They______for four hours before they______the top of the mountain.

a) climbed, reached b) had been climbing, reached

c) was climbing, reached d) climbed, has been reaching

17.1 think it______a difficult game.

a) is going to be c) have been

b) will be d) had been

18.1______ to you ever again.

a) don't speak c) hasn't spoken

b) am not going to speak d) will have been spoken

19.1______him tomorrow, he is expecting my call.

a) phone c) am going to phone

b) am phoning d) will have phoned

20. The boat______the island on Friday.

a) is leaving c) is going to leave

b)leave d)leaves

Тест 5

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. His grandfather______from his job a year ago.

a) has retired c) retires

b) was retiring d) retired

2. The backpacker knew there was a lake because they ______ it earlier in the day.

a) have seen c) had seen

b) saw d) hadn't seen

3.______he______about the opera before?

a) had spoken c) has spoken

b) was speaking d) did speak

4. What time______it______?

a) did happen c) had happened

b) has happened d) was happening

5. Tomorrow at five he______football.

a) '11 play c) plays

b) '11 be playing d) play

6. This time last year he______in London.

a) lived c) '11 live

b) was living d) has lived

7 I______for you for more than one hour.

a) has waited c) was waiting

b) have been waiting d) was waited

8. He______it for an hour before I came.

a) have been doing c) had been doing

b) had been done d) did

9- —_____he already______the doctor by that time?

a) has seen c) was seeing

b) did see d) had seen

10. She______her work already.

a) hasn't finished c) finished

b) has finished d) is finished

11. When I______it______yesterday.

a) wake up, was raining c) woke up, was raining

b) woke up, rained d) 've woken up, was raining

12. Will you______the bank when you go out?

a) be passing c) have passed

b) pass d) to pass

13. Last night I______home at 11. I______supper and then______to bed.

a) have come, had. went c) came, have had, went

b) came, had, went d) came, had, have gone

14. ______ you ______ many cities when you were in France.

a) did visit c) are visiting

b) have visited d) do visit

15. They______for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

a) talked c) have talked

b) were talking d) had been talking

16. The room looks very clean.______you______it?

a) Did, clean c) Have, cleaned

c) Do, clean d) Are, cleaning

17. Next year is my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. They ______married for 10 years.

a) have c) '11 have

b) are d) '11 have been

18. Next week he______to Paris on business.

a) is going c) goes

b) is going to go d) go

19. They______this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

a) have translated c) had translated

b) translated d) had been translated

20. While he______tennis, he______his arm.

a) played, was hurting c) was playing, hurted

b) was playing, hurt d) played, hurt

21. This time next week he______in the Black Sea.

a) swim c) '11 swim

b) '11 be swimming d) swims

22. Last night I______in bed when suddenly the phone rang.

a) read c) have read

b) were reading d) was reading

23. He______for Moscow by yesterday night.

a) had left c) has left

b) left d) was leaving

24. He______very fast when the accident______.

a) drove, happened b) was driving, has happened

c) is driving, happened d) was driving, happened

25. We______from her since June.

a) have heard c) had heard

b) haven't heard d) weren't hearing

Тест 6

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She______her exam by two o'clock.

a) passed c) has passed

b) have passed d) had passed

2. A plate slipped out of my hands when I______the wash­ing up.

a) was doing c) had done

b) did d) was done

3. It's nine o'clock. The pupils______a lesson.

a) will be having c) have

b) are having d) have had

4. He______ill twice so far this year.

a) is c) was

b) has been d) is being

5. By summer you______English for two years.

a) '11 study c) '11 have been studying

b) have studied d) are studying

6. What______you______at this time yesterday?

a) was doing c) did do

b) have done d) were doing

7. We're late. The film______finished by the time we______ to the centre.

a) is finished, get b) will be finished, '11 get

c) will have finished, get d) finished, '11 get

8. The documents______by the time I come.

a) '11 have been typed c) '11 be typed

b) '11 have typed d) will be typing

9. Last year 1______ill only twice.

a) was c) am

b) have been d) has been

10. By the 8th of April my mother_______at school for twenty years.

a) '11 work c) has worked

b) '11 be working d) '11 have been working

11.1______these sentences for one hour.

a) am writing c) have written

b) 've been writing d) was writing

12. We______it for half an hour when the teacher entered.

a) have discussed c) discussed

b) were discussing d) had been discussing

13. It______for three hours.

a) was snowing c) is snowing

b) snowed d) has been snowing

14. My sister learns French and she______very well.

a) does c) is doing

b) do d) did

15. My nephew is at college now, and my son______to col­lege next year.

a) is going c) '11 go

b) is going to go d) goes

16. His friend______two English articles into Russian.

a) translated c) has translated

b) have translated d) translates

17. They______us several telegrams lately.

a) send c) sent

b) 've sent d) are sending

18. Don't worry! The child______better.

a) get c) have got

b) gets d) is getting

19. He______under treatment for two months but there are no signs of improvement.

a) 's been c) was

b) is d) is being

20. Doctor Ivanov______people for heart trouble.

a) is treating c) treats

b) has treated d) treat

21. This dictionary______much and is very valuable to me.

a) costed c) cost

b) is costing d) had cost

22.1 wonder why John______a job yet.

a) finds c) didn't find

b) hasn't found d) found

23. The company______now for building workers.

a) advertised c) was advertised

b) has advertised d) is advertising

24. The hard work______on his health.

a) tells c) is telling

b) is told d) was telling

25. Peter______up photography as a hobby.

a) took c) has taken

b) was taken d) takes

Тест 7

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Jack______down on his sofa and______about the day. What a busy day it______ .

a) sat, thought, had been b) was sitting, thought, had been

c) sat, thought, was d) sat, was thinking, had been

2. This was his first night in his own flat. He______his en­tire life in his parents' home.

a) lived c) has lived

b) was living d) had lived

3. No wonder he was tired. He _______ up since six o'clock in the morning.

a) is c) had been

b) has been d) was

4.1 was furious because I______and missed the train.

a) had overslept c) have overslept

b) overslept d) haven't overslept

5. She was nervous because she______never______before.

a) has flown c) had flown

b) hasn't flown d) hadn't flown

6. Mary is disappointed because her son______exams.

a) failed c) fails

b) has failed d) had failed

7.1 didn't know his name. But I was sure I______him be­fore.

a) saw c) haven't seen

b) have seen d) had seen

8. Mike is a beggar now but he______always______poor.

a) was not c) hasn't been

b) hadn't been d) has been

9. When I got home I was hungry. I______anything to eat all day.

a) haven't had c) have had

b) hadn't had d) had had

10. Jack wants a new job. He______in the same job for three years.

a) has been c) is

b) was d) is being

11. He is broke. He______all his money on entertainment.

a) spent c) had spent

b) has spent d)spend

12. How much money______you______for your retire­ment?

a) do save c) have saved

b) are saving d) had saved

13. How long______he______his friend?

a) has known c) do know

b) had known d) is knowing

14. This is the first time I______bread with honey.

a) ate c) am eating

b) eat d) have eaten

15. What______. you______last night?

a) have done c) were doing

b) did do d) had done

16. He______his hair. He looks nice.

a) has cut c) is cutting

b) cut d) had cut

17. When______he______his hair cut?

a) has got c) did get

b) had got d) does get

18._____. you______Peter? - I______him yesterday.

a) did see, saw c) have seen, have seen

b) were seen, saw d) have seen, saw

19. He______at me and______into silence.

a) had looked, fell c) was looking, fell

b) looked, fell d) looked, had fallen

20. The train______just now.

a) leaves c) left

b) had left d) was leaving

21. We had many difficulties but we______them.

a) have overcome c) had overcome

b) overcame d) '11 overcome

22. We______their family for long.

a) knew c) have known

b) are knowing d) had known

23. She left for the South and I______her since.

a) didn't see c) hadn't seen

b) haven't seen d) don't see

24.1______the title of the book.

a) 've forgotten c) forgot

b) 'd forgotten d) am forgetting

25. Mary______French before she came to France.

a) learned c) has learned

b) was learning d) had learned

Модальные глаголы

Выберите правильный вариант.

Тест 1

-______(1) you retell this text in English right now?- Unfortunately I______(2).______(3) to do this I______(4) to repeat some words which I______(5).

a) b) c) d)

1can 1can 1. must 1. shall

2. can't 2. can't 2. can't 2. can't

3. to be able 3. be able 3. to be able 3. to be able

4. have 4. have 4. must 4. can

5. need- 5. need 5. can 5. need

Тест 2

He______(1) write in German, but he______(2) to speak the language fluently. He______(3) to listen to many tapes ______(4) to understand native speakers when he ______(5) to work in Germany.

a) b) c) d)

1. can 1. can 1. can 1. is able

2. isn't able 2. can't 2. isn't able 2. isn't able

3. '11 have 3. '11 have 3. '11 have 3. '11 have

4. to be able 4. to be able 4. to be able 4. to be able

5.'11 have 5. has 5. has 5. has

Тест 3

-______(1) I come in? — No, you______(2) because the bell has already rung. - Oh, I'm sorry.______(3) I go to the dean's office for permission? - No, you______(4). You______(5) join us after the break.

a) b) c) d)

1. shall l.may l.may 1. may

2. mustn't 2. must 2. mustn't 2. mustn't

3. shall 3. shall 3. shall 3. shall

4. needn't 4. needn't 4. need 4. needn't

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 4

If you______(1) to work much, you______(2) to go in for sports. If you______(3) to go in for sports, you______(4) become unfit. So, you______(5) decide what is better.

a) c)

1.'11 have 1. have

2. won't be able 2. won't be able

3. aren't able 3. aren't able

4. may 4. may

5. must 5. must

b) d) l.have l.have

2. aren't able 2. won't be able

3. aren't able 3. won't be able

4. may 4. may

5. must 5. must

Тест 5

My friend and I______(1) to do a part-time job______(2) to make a trip to the Far East. But yesterday my friend said he______(3) go there because he______(4) to look after

his sister who______(5) be seriously ill.

a) b)

1 must l.had

2. to be able 2. to be able

3. couldn't 3. couldn't

4. would have 4. would have

5. might 5. might

Тест 10

- The plane to Boston______(I) to take off in 15 min­utes. ______(2) you do me a favour? ______(3) I pass

through the Customs without checking my suitcase?

- I'm sorry you______(4). .Ml passengers______(5)

open their suitcases.

a) b) c) d)

l.is l.will l.is l.is

2. could 2. can 2. could 2. could

3. may З.тау 3. shall 3. may

4. may not 4. may not 4. may not 4. may

5. must 5. must 5. must 5. must

Тест 1 1

—______(1) you______(1) to go to work earlier yester­day?

- Yes, I did. But I was late because I______(2) get up on


- What about tomorrow?______(3) you______(3) to

wake up early again? I think I ______(4) because it

______(5) be a day off.

a) c)

1. do, have 1. did, have

2. couldn't 2. couldn't

3. will, have 3. do, have

4. must not 4. mustn't

5. may 5. may

b) d)

1. did, have 1. did, have

2. couldn't 2. couldn't

3. will, have 3. will, have

4. mustn't 4. must

5. may 5. has

Тест 1 2

- (1) I help you?

- Please, do. 1 ______(2) shut the door. The lock

______(3) be out of order. Yesterday I______(4) lock the

door either and I______(5) to ask for help.

a) b) c) d)

Lean Lean Lean Lean

2. can't 2. must 2. can't 2. am not able

3. must 3. must 3. should 3. should

4. couldn't 4. couldn't 4. could 4. couldn't

5. had 5. had 5. had 5. had

Тест 1 3

—______(1) you like some drink?

— Yes, please. I______(2) take a cup of coffee without

sugar. Doctors say I______(3) eat too much sugar. What is

worse I______(4) give up eating salty food. It is difficult be­cause I______(5) do without salt.

a) b) c) d)

1. would 1. would 1. would 1. would

2. have 2. will 2. will 2. will

3. mustn't З.сап 3. mustn't 3. mustn't

4. must 4. must 4. can 4. must

5. can't 5. can't 5. can't 5. can't

Тест 1 4

Dick (1) sing very well but he______(2) read

music. I think he ______(3) take the lessons of music

____(4) to read it. This______(5) help him to become a

Professional singer.

a) b) с) d)

1. is able 1 can 1. can 1. can

2. can't 2. can't 2. can't 2. need

3. should 3. ought 3. should 3. should

4. to be able 4. to be able 4. to be able 4. to be able

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 1 5

-______(1) I borrow your newspaper for a minute?

- Yes, you______(2). But you______(3) give it back to

me since 1______(4) it to wrap the bunch of flowers which

______(5) fade.

a) b) c) d)

l.may 1. shall l.may l.may

2. may . 2. may 2. should 2. may

3. must 3. must 3. need 3. must

4. need 4. need 4. must 4. '11 have

5. mustn't 5. mustn't 5. mustn't 5. mustn't

Тест 16

You (1)______to be respectful when you______(2) to

make a trip in Afganistan. And namely you______(3) greet

someone with the left hand. Besides you______(4) praise

any thing in your host's house because according to the old

custom they______(5) to give what you liked to you.

a) b) c) d)

l.must 1. ought bought 1. ought

2. have 2. have 2. must 2. have

3. mustn't 3. mustn't 3. shouldn't 3. needn't

4. shouldn't 4. shouldn't 4. mustn't 4. oughtn't

5. ought 5. ought 5. ought 5. ought

Тест 17

— I______(1) your help. Tomorrow I______(2) to go

away for a fortnight. My dog______(3) be fed twice a day.

- I'm sorry I______(4), but you______(5) ask some­body else to take care of your pet.

a) b) c) d)

l.need l.need l.need l.need

2. must 2. '11 have 2. '11 have 2. '11 have

3. must 3. must 3. needs 3. must

4. can't 4. can't 4. can't 4. couldn't

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 1 8

-______(1) you______(1) to study hard last week?

- Yes, I did. I______(2) to write the composition which

I______(3) to give my teacher today.

— I suppose you______(4) be in a hurry because the

teacher______(5) be ill.

a) b) c) d)

1. do, have 1. did, have 1. did, have 1. did, have

2. had 2. had 2. had 2. had

3. am 3. must 3. am 3. am

4. need not 4. need not 4. needed 4. need not

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 1 9

Yesterday I______(1) to do my homework late at night

because before I______(2) to go to the library to look

through some necessary material. Only then I______(3)

proceed to home assignments. I______(4) to do all of them,

since I was tired. But the other day I______(5) do every­thing early in the morning.

a) b) с) d)

l.must l.had l.had l.had

2. needed 2. need 2. needed 2. needed

3. could 3. could 3. could 3. couldn't

4. wasn't able 4. wasn't able 4. wasn't able 4. was able

5. could 5. could 5. could 5. could

Тест 2Oi

Today my elder brother______(1) to do a lot of things. I i

______(2) help him if I______(3) take his car. But he re-'

fused to give it to me. He thought he______(4) do on his

own instead of______(5) to pay fines for my bad driving

a) b) c) d)

l.has l.has l.has l.has

2. could 2. can 2. could 2. could

3. might 3. might 3. may 3. might

4. could 4. can 4.can 4. can

5. having 5. having 5. having 5. having

Тест 21

My friend______(1) understand that she______(2) read

a lot of books to pass her Literature exam, that she

______(3) to take in three days. I am sure she______(4) to

reread all the books she______(5).

a) b) c) d)

1. can't 1. can't 1. can't 1. can't

2. ought 2. must 2. must 2. must

3. '11 have 3. '11 have 3. has 3. '11 have

4. isn't able 4. isn't able 4. isn't able 4. isn't able

5. needs 5. needs 5. needs 5. need

Тест 22

If Dick______(1) start the revision period much earlier

he______(2) hope for better results. He______(3) to worry

about the shortage of time______(4) for thorough prepara­tions. I believe he______(5) take a more serious approach to

his studies.

a) c) 1can 1. could

2. might 2. might

3. didn't have 3. didn't have

4. needed 4. needed

5. should 5. should

b) d)

1. could 1. could

2. might 2. may

3. didn't have 3. didn't have

4. needed 4. needed

5. ought 5. should

Тест 23

-______(1) you explain this rule once again?

- No, I______(2) because I______(3) a lot of time to

introduce new grammar material. You all______(4) to be

very attentive. But at the end of the lesson I______(5) re­serve some time to clarify this rule.

a) b) c) d)

1. could 1can 1. could 1. could

2. can't 2. can't 2. mustn't 2. can't

3. need 3. need 3. need 3. need

4. ought 4. ought 4. ought 4. must

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 24

______(1) it be true that Mary______(2) to translate

into English such a difficult text? Besides she claimed that

she______(3) cope with it easily and______(4) like to

show her translation to me. But I put off our meeting because

I thought she______(5) have some time for correcting.

a) b) c) d)

l.can 1 can 1can 1can

2. can 2. was able 2. was able 2. was able

3. could 3. can 3. could 3. could

4. would 4. would 4. would 4. would

5. might 5. might 5. may 5. might

Тест 25

- I would like to know if he______(1) do what I wanted

him to do.

— I'm afraid he______(2) because he______(3) be very


— It is rather strange! So, if he______(4) my help I think

I______(5) to help him.

a) b) c) d)

1. could 1. is able 1. could 1. could

2. couldn't 2. couldn't 2. could 2. couldn't

3. might 3. might 3. might 3. might

4. needs 4. needs 4. needs 4. need

5. oughtn't 5. oughtn't 5. oughtn't 5. oughtn't

Тест 26

- I wonder if my son______(1) to stay after classes to­morrow in case he gets a bad mark?

- I'm sure he______(2) to do this because he______(3)

extra classes.

— I am of the same opinion. He______(4) to study more

______(5) to pass final exams.

a) b) c) d)

1. will have 1. will have 1. will have 1. has

2. has 2. has 2. must 2. has

3. needs 3. needs 3. needs 3. needs

4. ought 4. ought 4. ought 4. ought

5. can 5. to be able 5. to be able 5. to be able

Тест 27

— You______(1) rewrite this essay.

— Why______(2) I do it? I gave my essay to you last

week. You said it______(3) receive a good rating. So, I

______(4) repeat the same task and you______(5) make me

rewrite this essay.

a) b) c) d)

l.have 1. must l.must l.must

2. should 2. should 2. should 2. should

3. could 3. can 3. could 3. could

4. mustn't 4. mustn't 4. mustn't 4. don't have

5. shouldn't 5. shouldn't 5. shouldn't 5. shouldn't

Тест 28

- You ______(1) go in for sports, otherwise you

.______(2) produce a lot of weight. You______(3) start do­ing aerobics, for example.

- For the time being I______(4) to take up any sport

since I______(5) to work very much.

a) b) c) d)

1. should 1. ought 1. should 1. should

2. may 2. may 2. may 2. may

3. could 3. could 3. have 3. could

4. cannot 4. am not able 4. am not able 4. am not able

5. have 5. have 5. have 5. have

Тест 29

I______(1) understand why my girlfriend______(2) be

angry with me. I always do all I______(3) not to have a row

with her. She______(4) treat me like this because one day I

______(5) be offended.

a) b) c) d)

1. can't 1. can't 1can 1can

2. should 2. should 2. should 2. should

3. can 3. can 3. could 3. can

4. mustn't 4. doesn't have 4. mustn't 4. mustn't

5. may 5. may 5. may 5. may

Тест 3D

-______(1) I read the text?

- Please, do. You______(2) read it very attentively and

you_____(3) make a lot of mistakes. If you______(4) to

read it well, you______(5) to reread it tomorrow.

a) c)

1. shall 1. shall

2. have 2. must

3. shouldn't 3. shouldn't

4. aren't able 4, won't be able 5.'11 have 5.'11 have

b) d)

1. shall 1. shall

2. must 2. must

3. shouldn't 3. shouldn't

4. aren't able 4. aren't able 5.'11 have 5. have

Тест 31

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 We______see the lake from our bedroom window.

a) are able c) must

b) can d) might

2-______ you speak any foreign languages?

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

3.1 am afraid I______come to the party next week.

a) could not c) must not

b) cannot . d) might not

4. When we went to the forest, we______smell burning.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

5. She spoke in a very low voice, but I______understand

what she said.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

6.1 do not know when they will be here. They______arrive

at any time.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

7.1 was so tired. I______sleep for a week.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

8 We______have gone away if we had enough money.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

9. You have been travelling all day. You______be tired.

a) could c) must

b) must to d) might

10. They have not lived here for very long. They______,

know many people.

a) could c) must not

b) should d) might

11. The phone rang but I did not hear it. I______have been


a) could c) must

b) may d) might

12. She passed me without speaking. She______have seen


a) could not c) should

b) cannot d) might not

13. - Why did not your sister answer the phone?

- She______have been asleep.

a) can c) must

b) should d) might'nt

14. - Why did Sarah miss meeting?

- She______have known about it.

a) should not c) must

b) should d) might not

15. Do not phone me at eight o'clock. I______be watching

the football match on TV.

a) could not c) should

b) can d) might

16. What time are you going? - Well, I am ready, so I______

go now.

a) could as well c) must as well

b) can as well d) might as well

17. She is a very nice person. You______meet her.

a) can c) must

b) are able d) have

18.1 have not phoned Ann for ages. I______phone her to­night.

a) could c) must

b) can d) have

19. He cannot come out with us this evening. He______to


a) could c) must

b) has d) might

20.1______get up early tomorrow, because my train leaves

at 7:30.

a) need c) must

b) have to d) might

21. We do not have much time. We______hurry.

a) should to c) must

b) have d) might to

22. When we are in the library, we______not make any noise.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

23. You can come with me if you like but you______come if

you do not want.

a) could not c) must not

b) do not have d) might

24. She has been studying hard for the exam, so she______

pass it.

a) could b) should c) must d) might

25. It was a great party last night. You______have come.

a) could c) must

b) should d) might

Тест 32

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. John______speak three foreign languages.

a) can c) must

b) may d) has to

2. You______work hard at your English, if you want to

know it.

a) may c) should

b) must d) are to

3. Mary______be in this room. It is her voice.

a) must c) have to

b) should d) need

4. Everyone______obey the law.

a) should c) must

b) may d) can

5. Mary______have gone to bed earlier last night. She is

very tired today.

a) should c) have to

b) could d) must

6. You______worry about the party any more. I'll take care

of it.

a) don't need to c) needn't to

b) do need to d) need to

7. You______see a doctor.

a) need c) have

b) should d) may to

8. She has passed the exam. She______all last night.

a) can study c) must have studied

b) may have studied d) could have studied

9. The boss said that I______be at work at nine o'clock.

a) had to c) can

b) ought d) will be able to

10. Mary______close the window; it is getting cold.

a) had better to c) had better

b) would better d) should to

11. Children______play football in the streets.

a) can't c) don't need

b) have to d) are to

12.______use the phone, please?

a) Must I c) May I

b) Have I to d) Am I to

13. Kate missed the film last night, because she______work


a) had to c) could

b) can d) may

14. Michael______drive without headlights, it is forbidden.

a) mustn't c) shouldn't

b) have to d) need to

15. It is only ten a.m. She______at school now.

a) must be c) could be

b) should have been d) have be

16. Mary______pass the English exam yesterday, because

she fell ill with the Пи.

a) could c) didn't have to

b) mustn't d) wasn't able to

17. Jenny______go to Egypt this spring.

a) may c) will to

b) might to d) is

18. It is early spring now. Everybody______eat more fruits

and vegetables.

a) should c) can

b) shall d) may

19. This baby______walk in a few weeks.

a) will be able to c) can

b) will can d) need

20. Anna______worry, because this trip isn't risky at all.

a) needn't to c) not need

b) don't need d) needn't

21. You______go to school today, it is Sunday.

a) don't have to c) should

b) have to d) needn't to

22. John______Mary last night, she was sleeping.

a) shouldn't have called c) must to call

b) should have called d) can't to call

23. Everything is white. It______last night.

a) must snow c) must have snowed

b) should have snowed d) must have been snowed

24. Alex didn't do his homework, he______it.

a) can have done c) need have done

b) should have done d) ought have done

25. I'd better go to the cinema,______?

a) hadn't I c) didn't I

b) wouldn't I d) had I

Тест 33

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I am afraid, I______

read without glasses.

a) cannot c) could not

b) may not d) will not be able to

2. Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broad­casters ______work on holiday in the USA.

a) must c) might

b) could d) should

3.______you______get up early to meet the delegation at

the airport?

a) Did, have to c) Have, had to

b) Had, to d) Must, have to

4. Teenagers who commit crimes______be treated as adults

and sentenced to significant punishment.

a) would c) should

b) ought d) have

5. The Senate and the House of Representatives______ap­prove a bill for it to become a law.

a) had to c) was to

b) should d) must

6. When Frank was 13, he______run 100 metres in 15 sec­onds.

a) must c) can

b) could d) could have

7. Janet and Tom did not want to come with us at first time but in the end we______persuade them.

a) were able to c) might

b) should d) could have

8. The baseball match was cancelled last week. Craig______

anyway because he was ill.

a) must not play c) should not play

b) could not have played d) cannot play

9. You have got plenty of time. You______hurry.

a) must not c) need not

b) should not d) may not

10. According to the contract, the goods______at the port

at the end of the week.

a) will arrive c) should arrive

b) are to arrive d) could arrive

11. The dog started to bark loudly, it______traces.

a) can have found c) must find

b) may have found d) may find

12. There is a child sleeping in the next room. You______be

so noisy.

a) ought not c) have not to

b) should not d) do not have

13. Knock again. They______not have heard the first time.

a) was c) need

b) ought d) might

14. My friends______tomorrow in the cafe.

a) are to meet c) ought to meet

b) should meet d) were to meet

15.1 cannot find my umbrella: I have a feeling I______have

left it on the bus.

a) can c) might

b) ought d) may

16. You have been reading for four hours. This book______

very interesting.

a) must have been c) should be

b) can be d) might have been

17. From what you tell me it sounds as if he______to see a

doctor as soon as possible.

a) was able to c) should

b) ought d) must

18. James______take an educational course next Septem­ber. It is a required course.

a) has to c) might

b) may d) need

19. The dog behaves strangely. It______its master.

a) could lose c) should have lost

b) must lost d) must have lost

20.1 do not think you______go out without a raincoat on;

it looks like rain.

a) must c) should

b) ought d) need

21. My friends and I have been waiting for Kostia for a whole hour, and then we decided he______fishing without us.

a) must have gone c) should have gone

b) must go d) would go

22. My friend has a good gift for languages. He______an

excellent translator.

a) could become c) was able to become

b) could have become d) had to become

23. If Ann had called at his office at five o'clock yesterday, she______him there.

a) may have found c) can found

b) might have found d) could have found

24. Louise______have left her credit card behind when she

paid for the petrol.

a) ought c) had

b) should d) must

25. John______find any reason to refuse the invitation to

the party. So he accepted it.

a) could not c) must not

b) cannot d) might not

Тест 34

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. They must______. They have been working all day.

a) be tired c) to be tired

b) tired d) be tiring

2. You can't______after having such a big meal.

a) hunger c) be hungry

b) hungry d) to be hungry

3. She must______Ukrainian with such a surname.

a) to be c) be being

b) be d) -

4. They must______very satisfied after being graded highly.

a) to feel c) felt

b) be feeling d) feel

5. She can't______. It's after ten o'clock.

a) come c) have come

b) be coming d) to come

6. You must______! No one enjoys taking exams!

a) joke c) be joking

b) not joke d) not to joke

7. They can't______married! They are so different.

a) be getting c) to be getting

b) get d) to get

8. He______be ill because I've just spoken to him.

a) can c)should

b) must d) can't

9. His train______be late because it is always on time.

a) can c) shouldn't

b) can't d) ought

10. Не ______ want to miss the exam because he is


a) can't c) must

b) shouldn't d) can

11. - Where is Nick?

— I am not sure. He may______ the piano.

a) play c) be playing

b) have played d) be played

12. Look! She can't______to him. They had a row yester­day.

a) talk c) be talking

b) have talked d) to talk

13. What's that smell! My mother must______dinner.

a) cook c) be cooking

b) to cook d) to be cooking

14. His car is broken down. He______an accident.

a) must have c) should have had

b) must be having d) must have had

15. You look tanned. You______in Africa.

a) must have been c) need have been

b) must be d) can't have been

16. It is eight o'clock. They______soon.

a) can come c) must have come

b) should have come d) must be coming

17.1 am sure she______a holiday. She looks so healthy.

a) must have had c) should have had

b) should have d) can't have had

18.1 am sure he______a new car, because he is unemployed


a) must have bought c) might have bought

b) should have bought d) can't have bought

19. "Do you know where the Petrovs are?" "I think they ______to London."

a) should go c) must be going

b) could have gone d) may be going

20. The baby is looking for his mother. He______lost.

a) can't get c) mustn't have got

b) must get d) must have got

21. She is tired. She______on a long walk.

a) may be c) might have been

b) mightn't d) have been

22. She is wet. She______her umbrella.

a) must have forgotten c) should have forgotten

b) mustn't have forgotten d) must forget

23. He is so untidy. He______the bathroom much.

a) can't have used c) can have used

b) shouldn't have used d) must have used

24. They hate each other. They______in love.

a) can be c) can't be

b) may be d) can't have been

25. He loves her so much! He______her when she is away.

a) must have missed c) may have missed

b) must be missing d) can't have missed

Придаточные предложения условия и времени. Типы условных предложений

Тест 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Before you______, don't forget to lock the door.

a) are leaving c) leave

b) will leave d) shall leave

2. Please do not speak to anyone before the police______.

a) come c) '11 come

b) are coming d) came

3. His parents will be very glad if she______the university.

a) enter c) enters

b) '11 enter d) entered

4. When you______my brother, you______him.

a) '11 see, won't recognize c) saw, recognize

b) see, won't recognize d) '11 see, don't recognize

5. We won't discuss the matter until the headmaster______.

a) '11 arrive c) doesn't arrive

b) won't arrive d) arrives

6. If I______any help I______my friend.

a) need, '11 phone c) '11 need, phone

b) '11 need, '11 phone d) needed, '11 phone

7. Let's______before it______raining.

a) to go out, starts 'c) go out, '11 start

b) go out, starts d) going out, '11 start

8. I want to go shopping but if you______to come, you

a) want, need c) don't want, needn't

b) not want, needn't d) do want, needn't

9. If you______on this tram it'll take you to the downtown.

a) '11 get c) got

b) have got d) get

10. He______to the country tomorrow if the weather is


a) go c) '11 go

b) goes d) 'd go

11. You'll understand nothing unless you______the book


a) read c) don't read

b) won't read d) '11 read

12. You'll understand this rule after your teacher______it to


a) '11 explain c) explains

b) explain d) don't explain

13.1______the room till I see my brother.

a) '11 leave c) leave

b) shan't leave d) don't leave

14.1______at home till you______me up.

a) am, '11 ring c) '11 be, ring

b) is, ring d) '11 be, '11 ring

15. You______English fluently if you______hard.

a) speak, work c) '11 speak, work

b) speak, '11 work d) '11 speak, '11 work

16. He______for Moscow as soon as his father______.

a) '11 leave, arrive c) leave, '11 arrive

b) '11 leave, '11 arrive d) '11 leave, arrives

17. If I______my exams, my mother______me go to a


a) don't pass, won't let c) won't pass, let

b) won't pass, won't let d) won't pass, doesn't let

18. If he______well, he'll always be tired.

a) sleeps c) '11 sleep

b) doesn't sleep d) won't sleep

19. I'll feel really sorry for her if she____-__all the work

without any help.

a) has done c) does

b) did d) has to do

20. He'll be fired if he______improve his work.

a) doesn't c) won't

b) will d) has to

21. When I______short of money I ask my parents for help.

a) was c) is

b) are d) am

22. Don't trouble trouble until trouble______you.

a) '11 trouble c) troubles

b) won't trouble d) trouble

23. You'll have to make a speech in case the chairman ______late.

a) '11 be c) isn't

b) is d) won't be

24. We'll make a good progress in English provided we ______hard.

a) '11 study c) study

b) are studying d) won't study

25.1 don't know when they______.

a) '11 come c) came

b) come d) are coming

Тест 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 • If I _______ a million pounds, 1______it to the charity


a) won, would give c) had won, would give

b) won, would have given d) had won, would have given

2. Would you mind if I______your pen?

a) use c) have used

b) had used d) am using

3 . They looked at me as I______crazy.

a) were c) had been

b) was d) am

4. If I______that you were busy, I______interrupted you.

a) knew, wouldn't have

b) had known, wouldn't have

c) know, wouldn't have

d) has known, wouldn't have

5.1 have just had a quarrel with my parents. What would you do if you______me?

a) are c) were

b) had been d) would be

6. If it is sunny and warm tomorrow, we_______go to the


a) can c) would

b) could d) will

7.1 wish I______so rude to her yesterday.

a) wasn't c) hasn't been

b) weren't d) hadn't been

8. She sounded as if she______tired

a) was c) is

b) were d) had been

9. He talked to me as if nothing______happened.

a) has c) didn't

b) - d) had

10.1 wish I______to work.

a) hadn't have c) didn't have

b) don't have d) hadn't had

11. If you______provoked the dog, it______attacked you.

a) hadn't, wouldn't have c) hadn't, wouldn't

b) didn't, wouldn't d) didn't, won't

12. If it had been warmer, we______swimming.

a) might go c) could have gone

b) could go d) might have gone

13. I am going to look for another job, unless the company ______me more money.

a) offers c) didn't offer

b) doesn't offer d) offered

14. You______achieve anything unless you______hard.

a) wouldn't, tried c) wouldn't, try

b) won't, try d) won't, tried

15. Going to restaurants every day is convenient______you

______a lot of money.

a) providing, have c) providing, had

b) as long as, has d) as long as, had

16. If he______looking where he was going, he______

walked into the wall.

a) has been, wouldn't have c) had been, wouldn't had

b) were, wouldn't have d) had been, wouldn't have

17. I am feeling good. If I______tired, I would have gone


a) had been c) were

b) has been d) am

18. I wasn't tired last night. If I______tired, I would have

gone home.

a) has been c) had been

b) were d) am

19.1 wish you______with me at the sea.

a) had been c) has been

b) were d) would be

20.1 wish she______me last night.

a) called c) has called

b) calls d) had called

Тест 3

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. If it rains, we______at home.

a) would stay c) stay

b) would have stayed d) will stay

2. If you _____ harder, you will fail the exam.

a) would not try c) do not try

b) would not have tried d) will not try

3. If you behave yourself, you _____ with us to the concert.

a) would come c) can come

b) would have come d) will come

4. If you do not work, you______holidays next week.

a) would not have c) do not have

b) would not have had d) will not have

5. If you______anything, ask me.

a) would need c) need

b) would have need d) will need

6. If we are leaving soon, I______my coat.

a) would get c) get

b) would have got d) will get

7. If I______the work by ten o'clock, I will be able to come.

a) would finished c) have finished

b) would have finished d) will finish

8. If you have finished your homework, you______.

a) would be able to go out c) can go out

b) would have gone out d) will go out

9. Eat less or you______fat.

a) would get c) get

b) would have got d) will get

10. If I______enough money, I would retire.

a) would have c) had

b) would have had d) will have

11. If 1 lost my job, I______abroad for a while.

a) would go c) will go

b) would have gone d) might go

12. If I lose my job, I______life very difficult.

a) would find c) find

b) would have found d) will find

13. If he were careful, he______things.

a) would not break c) did not break

b) would not have broken d) will not break

14. If she were slimmer, she _____ much more attractive.

a) would be c) was

b) would have been d) will be

15. If you ______ me more information, I will not be able to

help you.

a) would not give c) do not give

b) would not have given d) will not give

16. They______their plane if they had not woken up late.

a) would not missed c) did not missed

b) would not have missed d) will not miss

17.1______to the party if I______about it.

a) might have gone, knew c) might have gone, had known

b) went, had known d) might go, had known

18.1 wish I______taller, because I am not very tall.

a) were c) would be

b) would have been d) will be

19. I wish I______on holiday with you, but I am busy to­morrow.

a) would go c) went

b) would have gone d) could go

20.1 wish that the car______faster.

a) would go c) went

b) would have gone d) will go

21.1 wish I______your advice that day.

a) would not taken c) took

b) would not have taken d) had not taken

22.1 wish she______to the theatre with us last Friday.

a) would come c) came

b) could have come d) will come

23.1 wish I______everything to you yesterday.

a) could explain c) explained

b) could have explained d) have explained

24.1 wish you______talking now.

a) to stop c) will stop

b) stopped d) would stop

25. I wish they______arguing because they make me ner­vous.

a) will stop c) would stop

b) would have stopped d) stop

Тест 4

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Jane is certain that if you______the truth, everyone


a) will tell, believe c) tell, believe

b) tell, will believe d) told, believe

2. If Mary______the work by six o'clock, she will come to

the party.

a) finishes c) has finished

b) finished d) is finishing

3. If Susan______to school yesterday, she______us.

a) had come, would have seen

b) has come, would have seen

c) came, would see

d) had come, would see

4. The manager wishes he______more enthusiastic with the


a) has been c) were being

b) had been d) were

5.1 am late for my lesson. If only I______on time!

a) can come c) could come

b) was to come d) was coming

6. Mary went to the theatre last night. She wishes she .______there. She didn't enjoy it.

a) didn't go c) hasn't gone

b) hadn't gone d) wasn't going

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