А.Бине и Т.Симон (1905 г.).

Бине-Симона тест (англ. Binet-Simon Scale) - тест для измерения развития интеллекта, предложенный в 1905 г. фр. психологами А. Бине и Т. Симоном с целью отсева детей (от 3 до 13 лет), недостаточно развитых для обучения в обычной школе. Первоначально тест состоял из 30 вербальных, перцептивных и манипулятивных задач, которые располагались по возрастающей трудности. Задачи подбирались т. о., чтобы их могли решить 75% детей детей этого возраста с нормальным интеллектуальным развитием. По количеству правильно решенных ребенком задач определялся его умственный возраст.

При личном участии Бине тест дорабатывался и публиковался в новых версиях (1908, 1911). Б.-С. т. переводился, адаптировался и модифицировался в разных странах мира. Из всех модификаций наибольшей популярностью пользовался тест Станфорд - Бине, сконструированный американским психологом Л.Терменом в Станфордском университете. На его основе вычисляется коэффициент интеллекта.

Однако практическое использование данного теста, как и большинства подобных методик, позволяет дать количественную оценку индивидуальных различий в умственных способностях, не вскрывая их природы и перспектив развития. Это затрудняет использование результатов теста в постановке психологического диагноза и прогнозировании развития интеллекта.

Льюис Мэдисон Термен (Terman)

(15.01.1877 — 21.12.1956) — американский психолог, специалист в области психологии развития, психологии образования, методов оценки и измерения. Почетный доктор ряда американских университетов. Декан психологического факультета Стэндфордского университета (1922), президент АРА (1923), член Американской академии наук (1932). Образование получил в университете шт. Индиана (бакалавр искусств, 1902, магистр, 1903) и университете Кларка, под руководством С. Холла (1903—1905, доктор философии).

С 1906 по 1910 г. работал профессором психологии и педагогики в государственной средней школе Лос-Анджелеса. С 1910 г. — ассистент профессора на факультете воспитания Стэнфордского университета, в 1912—1916 гг. — ассоциативный профессор; в 1916—1922 г. — профессор образования, а с 1922 г.и до конца своих дней — профессор психологии и исполнительный декан факультета психологии Стэнфордского университета.

В 1916 г., в связи с подготовкой Америки к вступлению в первую мировую войну и необходимостью отбора солдат, военные власти обратились к Р.М. Йерксу с заказом разработать соответствующие тесты, и тот поручил это Термену. Работая на базе Стэнфордского университета, Термен переработал шкалу Бинэ-Симона, фактически создав новый тест, получивший название "шкалы Стэнфорд-Бине" ("The measurement of intelligence: an explation of and complete guide for the use of the Stanford revision and extention of the Binet-Simon Intelligence scale". Boston, 1916). После получения многочисленных данных применения шкалы Стэнфорд-Бине, прежде всего при профотборе новобранцев службами вооруженных сил США, тест был еще раз переработан. Вместе с К. Майлсом Термен проводил изучение особенностей знаменитых и гениальных людей ("Genetic Studies of Genius". V. 1—4, Stanford, 1926—1948), в частности проработал около 300 биографий известных исторических личностей и на основе их произведений, писем, высказываний и реальных действий приписал им вероятный уровень интеллекта (IQ) и расположил их по порядку (например, Гете получил 210 баллов, Декарт —180, Наполеон — 145).

В дальнейшем была исследована возрастная динамика творческих способностей, для чего было отобрано около тысячи высокоодаренных детей (с IQ выше 140), развитие которых до взрослого возраста (до 45 лет) наблюдалось в лонгитюдном исследовании. В итоге был сделан вывод, что в повседневной жизни такие индивиды более активны и эффективны и что эти свойства сохраняются на протяжении жизни. В целом же Термен понимал под основным фактором одаренности — наследственность. По ходу своих исследований Термен пришел к обоснованию своей теории первичных умственных способностей, к которым он относил: словесное понимание, беглость речи, числовые вычисления, пространственные отношения, ассоциативная память, скорость восприятия, логическое (индуктивное) мышление ("Primary mental abilities" / Psychometric Monographs. 1938, 1; "Factorial studies of intelligence" / Psychom. Monogr. 1941, 2).

Для задач подробного лонгитюдного изучения одаренных детей им был создан тест владения понятием ("Concept mastery test") ("The gifted child grows up: twenty-five years follow-up of a superior group". Stanford, Calif, 1947, совм. с Oden M.H.), который включал в себя задания на аналогии, синонимы и антонимы. Занимался исследованиями выраженности свойства маскулинности-феминности в зависимости от пола, возраста, принадлежности к определенным профессиональным группам ("Sex and personality" / совм. с Miles C.C. N.Y., 1936), а также предпосылок переживания семейного счастья ("Psychological factors in marital happiness", 1938). Развивал математический метод факторного анализа. Автор трудов: "A preliminary study of the psychology and pedagogy of leadership" / Pedag. Sem., 1904, 11; "Stanford-Binet intelligence scale: manual for the third revision, Form L-M", Boston, (совм. с Merrill M.A.), 1960.

И. М. Кондаков

Источник: История психологии в лицах. Персоналии / Под ред. Л.А. Карпенко // Психологический лексикон. Энциклопедический словарь в шести томах / Ред.-сост. Л. А. Карпенко. Под общ. ред. А. В. Петровского. – М.: ПЕР СЭ, 2005.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)


PURPOSE: An individually administered assessment of intelligence and cognitive abilities

AUTHORS: Gale Roid, 2003, 5th Edition

RANGE: Age 2 to 85+ years

ADMINISTRATION TIME: varies, approximately 5 minutes per subtest


Early SB5 kits are available for younger subjects, to age 7-0 (more information below)

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition (SB5) is a contemporary assessment with a rich tradition, which began in 1916 when Lewis Terman completed his American revision of the Binet-Simon Scales (1908). Through various editions, this assessment has become widely known and is acknowledged as the standard for intelligence measurement. The SB5 is a valuable update to this well-established assessment.

The SB5 blends many of the important features of earlier editions with significant improvements in psychometric design. It incorporates the use of two routing subtests in the point-scale format of the 1986 edition with the functional-level design of the 1916 to 1960 editions for the remaining subtests. Modern item response theory provides a strong psychometric foundation for the routing, subtests, and functional-level design. By adapting the test to the functional level of the examinee, the routing procedure of the SB5 increases the precision of measurement by tailoring the difficulty of the items to his or her level of cognitive functioning. The use of a hierarchical model of intelligence with a global g factor and several broad factors at a second level is repeated in this edition.


A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the SB5 is available in an Adobe PDF file.

SB5 Assessment Service Bulletin #1 - History of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Content and Psychometrics (PDF file)

SB5 Assessment Service Bulletin #2 - Accommodations on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (PDF file)

SB5 Assessment Service Bulletin #3 - Use of the SB5 in the Assessment of High Abilities (PDF file)

SB5 Assessment Service Bulletin #4 - Special Composite Scores for the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (PDF file)

Technical Report - Quality of Performance and Change-Sensitive Assessment of Cognitive Ability, Gale H. Roid, 2004 (PDF file)

Technical Brief - Interpretation of SB5/Early SB5 Factor Index Scores, Gale H. Roid, 2005 (PDF file)



The SB5 is appropriate for a broad range of 2 to 85+ years, providing one assessment for all ages. It provides comprehensive coverage of five factors of cognitive ability (познавательных способностей):

1. Fluid Reasoning (гибкость рассуждения)

2. Knowledge (знания)

3. Quantitative Processing (количественные рассуждения)

4. Visual-Spatial Processing (визуально-пространственная обработка)

5. Working Memory (рабочая память)

Psychologists will appreciate the new features of the SB5:

Wide variety of items requiring nonverbal performance by examinee - ideal for assessing subjects with limited English, deafness, or communication disorders

Ability to compare verbal and nonverbal performance – useful in evaluating learning disabilities

Greater diagnostic and clinical relevance of tasks, such as verbal and nonverbal assessment of working memory

Includes Full Scale IQ, Verbal and Nonverbal IQ, and Composite Indices spanning 5 dimensions with a standard score mean of 100, SD 15

Includes subtest scores with a mean of 10, SD 3

Extensive high-end items, many adapted from previous Stanford-Binet editions and designed to measure the highest level of gifted performance

Improved low-end items for better measurement of young children, low functioning older children, or adults with Mental Retardation

Enhanced memory tasks provide a comprehensive assessment for adults and the elderly

Co-normed with measures of visual-motor perception and test-taking behaviour

Scoreable by hand or with computer software

Enhanced artwork and manipulatives that are both colourful and child-friendly


The SB5 may be used to diagnose a wide variety of developmental disabilities and exceptionalities and may also be useful in:

Clinical and neuropsychological assessment

Early childhood assessment

Psycho-educational evaluations for special education placements

Adult workers compensation evaluations

Providing information for interventions such as IFPs, IEPs, career assessment, industrial selection, and adult neuropsychological treatment

A variety of forensic contexts

Research on abilities and aptitudes


Testing begins in Item Book 1 with the routing subtests. The start points for two routing subtests in Item Book 1 are determined by age or estimated ability level; Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning routes to the appropriate difficulty level in Item Book 2 (Nonverbal), while Verbal Knowledge does so for Item Book 3 (Nonverbal). The remaining eight subtests (four nonverbal and four verbal) are then measured in Item Books 2 and 3.

Fluid Reasoning (FR) Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning Activities: Object Series/Matrices (Routing) ряд объектов Verbal Fluid Reasoning Activities: Early Reasoning (2-3), Verbal Absurdities – вербальные нелепости (4), Verbal Analogies (5-6)
Knowledge (KN) Nonverbal Knowledge Activities: Procedural Knowledge (2-3), Picture Absurdities (4-6) Verbal Knowledge Activities: Vocabulary (Routing)
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Nonverbal Quantitative Reasoning Activities: Quantitative Reasoning (2-6) Verbal Quantitative Reasoning Activities: Quantitative Reasoning (2-6)
Visual-Spatial Processing (VS) Nonverbal Visual-Spatial Processing Activities: Form Board (1-2), Form Patterns (3-6) Verbal Visual-Spatial Processing Activities: Position and Direction (2-6)
Working Memory (WM) Nonverbal Working Memory Activities: Delayed Response (1), Block Span (2-6) Verbal Working Memory Activities: Memory for Sentences (2-3), Last Word (4-6)


The SB5 can be hand-scored or scored with optional scoring software. At the most granular level of the norm-referenced scores are the ten subtest scores (scaled scores have a mean of 10, SD=3, score range 1-19). These subtest scores combine to form four types of composite scores: factor index, domain, abbreviated, and full scale (each with scaled score means of 100, SD=15, score range 40-160). Two subtests (one verbal, the other its nonverbal complement) combine to form each factor index. There are two domain scales: Nonverbal IQ (combines the five nonverbal subtests) and Verbal IQ (combines the five verbal subtests). Two routing subtests combine to form the Abbreviated Battery IQ. Finally, the Full Scale IQ combines all ten subtests.

The Change-Sensitive Scores (CSSs) use item response theory scaling to convert the raw score totals on the composite scales described above into criterion-referenced levels of ability. These scales, as with the norm-referenced scores, have excellent measurement properties. Because the CSSs reference absolute levels of ability, they provide a means to compare changes in an individual's scores over time. Scores range from the 2-year-old level (about 430) to the adult level (about 520). All of the SB5 items have been calibrated to this scale, and the difficulty of each item has a location along that scale. The scores will be particularly useful for the evaluation of extreme performance levels. The SB5 also offers age-equivalent scores derived from CSSs, along with a CSS-based abbreviated battery score making use of raw scores from the Nonverbal Reasoning and Verbal Knowledge subtests. Finally, the Interpretive Manual describes a hand-scoring procedure for deriving an extended Full Scale IQ score that allows for scores below 40 and above 160.

A variety of intepretive frameworks can be applied to the results of this test. Refer to the Examiner's Manual, Interpretive Manul, or the SB5 Scoring Pro software for guidance on interpretation.


Normative data for the SB5 were gathered from 4,800 individuals between the ages of 2.0 and 85+ years. The normative sample closely matches the 2000 U.S. Census (education level based on 1999 data). Bias reviews were conducted on all items for the following variables: gender, ethnicity, cultural, religion, region, and socio-economic status. Additionally, the SB5 was co-normed with the Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, 2nd Edition.

Reliabilities for the SB5 are very high. For the FSIQ, NVIQ, and VIQ, reliabilities range from .95 to .98 (average internal consistency composite reliability, across all age groups).Reliabilities for the Factor Indexes range from .90 to .92. For the ten subtests, reliabilities range from .84 to .89. Concurrent and criterion validity data was obtained using the:

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition

Stanford-Binet Form L-M

Woodcock-Johnson III

Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test T






Validity and reliability information is described in more dtail in the Technical Manual.

WJ-R and WJ III are registered trademarks of Houghton Mifflin Company. WAIS-R, WISC-III, and WISC-R are registered trademarks of The Psychological Corporation®.


The SB5 Scoring Pro is a Windows-based software program that replicates the process of hand-scoring - users enter background information, age, and raw scores. This program provides consistency in raw score conversion, an extended score report, a graphical report, and a brief, narrative summary report with guidelines and suggestions based on well-established principles of assessment. The report can be exported and then imported to a word processing file for editing as necessary.

Minimum System Requirements: Windows 98 / NT4.0 / ME / 2000 / XP, Pentium 200 MHz processor, 64 MB RAM (96 MB recommended), CD-ROM or DVD drive, SVGA monitor (.NET-compatible video card), 100 MB free hard disk space


The Interpretive Manual provides detailed guidelines for the effective interpretation of the Fifth Edition of the Stanford-Binet for a number of applications, including its use by psychologists active in school, clinical, and counselling settings. Case studies, profile analyses, and SB5 Scoring Pro reports provide concrete examples of interpretation. This manual also introduces an Extended IQ (EXIQ) scale that supports the calculation of Full Scale IQ scores substantially lower than 40 or higher than 160.


The SB5 University Training Resources contains a CD-ROM with a PowerPoint presentation, along with PDF documents for Tips for Examiners, Frequently Asked Questions, selected Assessment Service Bulletins, and other resources. This package is designed for use by university professors and training professionals to help teach others the use of the SB5.


For examiners who specialize in younger subjects, to age 7-0, the Early Stanford-Binet Fifth Edition (Early SB5) is a perfect match. Please refer to the Early SB5 section in the components table below.


The SB5 Complete Kit includes all 3 Item Books, Examiner's Manual, Technical Manual, 25 Test Records, child card, layout card, a carrying case, and all manipulatives (form board, 10 form board pieces, 9 green blocks, 12 counting rods, 30 sorting chips, spoon, pencil, 3 plastic cups, and toys including cat, bird, duck, ball, car, and shoe) in a plastic storage case.

To replace any individual manipulative items, contact Nelson Education for prices and order codes.

SB5 Complete Kit (see above for included items) 14-02271 $1545.00
SB5 Complete Kit (see above) with Scoring Pro Package 14-02168 $1826.00
SB5 Items also sold separately:
Record Booklets (Pkg. 25) 14-02243 $115.00
Examiner's Manual (2005) 14-02241 $192.40
Interpretive Manual 14-02248 $163.75
SB5 Scoring Pro CD-ROM V1.2 14-02171 $345.00
Manipulatives Kit 14-02270 $340.00
Technical Manual (2005) 14-02242 $192.40
University Training Program (CD) 14-02170 $63.75
Item Book 1 (Routing) 14-02245 $288.60
Item Book 2 (Nonverbal Levels 1-6) 14-02246 $288.60
Item Book 3 (Verbal Levels 2-6) 14-02247 $288.60
Child Card 9-20543 $23.15
Layout Card 9-20570 $23.15
Early SB5 Complete Kit (no software) 14-02272 $585.00
Early SB5 Scoring Pro Software on CD-ROM 14-02189 $212.75
Early SB5 Complete Kit, with the Early SB5 Scoring Pro CD 14-02190 $820.00
Early SB5 Record Forms (25) 14-02187 $90.00
Early SB5 Examiner Manual 14-02186 $83.25
Early SB5 Item Book 1 14-02184 $277.50
Early SB5 Item Book 2 14-02185 $277.50

Prices are in effect January 2, 2009.

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