Translate the sentences using one of the definitions. 1. усыновлять, удочерять 2
1. усыновлять, удочерять 2. принимать, усваивать 3. перенимать 4. заимствовать 5. принимать на вооружение 6. применять, использовать 7. модифицировать 8. выбирать
Many logic systems were found to have great sped, so they were widely adopted
There is a considerable probability that the values adopted are near the truth.
1. чередующийся, поочередный 2. переменный (о токе) 3. переслаивающийся 4. каждый второй 5. запасной 6. взаимный 7. другой
Alternate design approaches are being studied.
An alternate form is obtained using this formula.
1. честолюбивый 2. стремящийся (к чему-либо) 3. претенциозный, изысканный 4. перспективный 5. совершенный 6. важный 7. сложный 8. смелый 9. крупный 10. серьезный 11. впечатляющий, далеко идущий
… for future, more ambitious versions of the IPC.
More recently, we have found systems designers who want to tackle and solve particularly more ambitious tasks.
Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. is soon to embark on an ambitious program.
Unit 9
Read and translate the text:
When considered dynamically, the biosphere appears an arena of complex interactions among the essential natural cycles of its major consituents, with continuous fluxes of these constituents entering the biosphere, or being released by it. Once brought into being by evolution from an inorganic environment the living matter has profoundly altered the primitive lifeless earth, gradually changing the compositions of the atmosphere, the sea and the top layers of the solid crust both on land and under o the ocean. Since then, if one were to ascribe a single objective to evolution, it would be the perpetuation of life. This is the single end which the entire strategy of evolution is focused on, with evolution dividing the resources of any location, including its input of energy, among an ever increasing number of different kinds of users, which we recognize as plant and animal species.
Grammar Review
Expressions followed by V-ing
It is no good, it is no use ...
It is worth (while) …
One cannot help …
I. Translate the sentences:
- Every new idea is immediately taken up and developed further, forming the initial point of the process. 2. What is worth doing is worth doing well. 3. At this stage innovation becomes a group and not an individual activity, involving both a sophisticated body of information and a sophisticated technology. 4. It is no good stressing a paradox if you wish to excite curiosity of the audience unprepared for the lecture. 5. Some people have been so scared reading about harmful effects of smoking that they gave up reading. 6. The editor could not help detecting many errors both of fact and of thinking. 7. Are these prognoses really worth making? 8. Nobody can avoid making occasional mistakes.
II. Give Russian equivalnets:
1. What is done cannot be undone. 2. I would here prefer to what I have already said about these substances. 3. This article will review what has been achieved in this field since 1951. 4. From what has been said one concludes that the results obtained depend principally on the technique employed. 5. What we want to stress is indivisibility and complexity of the environment. 6. In what may seem too precise a form, the answer is as follows. 7. What follows is extremely significant in its bearing on the problem of the relationship of physics with other sciences. 8. Much of what we do in space, much of what is expected of us strains our technology to the breaking point. 9. In this article Dyson states what may be considered three rules of managing a research laboratory. 10. What goes into a system must eventually come out.
III. Translate into English:
1. Трудно найти человека, который бы не задумывался над этим. 2. Это вопрос, который касался всех. 3. Трудно сказать, какая из этих проблем сложнее. 4. Необходимо решить, кто из них возглавит эту работу. 5. Трудно сказать, какие вопросы будут нас волновать через два десятка лет. 6. Никто не знает, кто первым применил это устройство. 7. Лектор сказал, какую литературу надо прочитать по данному предмету. 8. Трудно было решить, кто из них был прав.
Unit 10
Read and translate the text: