Problems facing teenagers and youth



1. first name, n = given name, n = forename, n /'fɔːˌneɪm/ We knew him only by his first name. a name that precedes the family name or surname ім’я
2. be on first name terms (with somebody), v phr (BrE) =be on a first name basis, v phr(AE) She was on first-name terms with many of the board directors. friendly and familiar enough with someone to call that person by their first name бути на ти
3. call somebody by one’s first name, v phr They have always called him by his first name. to address someone by their first name   звертатися до кого-небудь на ім’я; називати на ім’я
4. Christian name, n /'krɪstʃənˌneɪm/        
1) Her Christian name is Elizabeth. 1) someone’s first name, or other name they have been given that is different from their family name 1) ім’я  
= baptismal name, n 2) She used to call us by our Christian names. 2) a personal name formally given to Christians at christening 2) ім’я, отримане під час хрещення  
5. middle name, n    
1) Nobody here knows his middle name. 1) a name between a person’s first name and surname   1) друге (або середнє) ім’я (у американців, англійців тощо)
2) Caution is my middle name. 2) a characteristic quality for which a person is known 2) характерна риса
6. patronymic, n /ˌpætrə'nɪmɪk/    
1) The man knows all his colleagues by their names and patronymics. 1) a name derived from the first name of its bearer’s father and used after a person’s first name 1) ім’я по-батькові  
2) The patronymic Williamson originated from “son of William”, while Macdonald meant “son of Donald”. 2) a family name derived from the name of its bearer’s father or paternal ancestor, especially be adding a suffix or prefix indication descent 2) прізвище, утворене від імені предка або батька
7. maiden name, n The woman decided to keep her maiden name after her marriage. a woman’s surname before her marriage   дівоче прізвище  
8. last name, n = second name, n = family name, n = surname, n /'sɜː(r)ˌneɪm/ He doesn’t like to be called by his last name. the name that a person has in common with other family members   прізвище  
9. full name, n The clerk asked Linda to give her full name. a person’s whole name, including his/ her first name, middle name/ patronymic and last name повне ім’я
10. initials, n /ɪ'nɪʃ(ə)lz/ Finally he wrote his initials at the bottom of the page. the first letters of a person’s name ініціали  
11. name/ call (someone) after (someone/ something), phr v Albert was named after his grandfather. to give someone or something the same name as someone or something else, especially the same first name as a member of your family називати на честь кого-небудь/ чого-небудь  
12. by the name of something, n phr There he met a soldier by the name of William Bayne. called something на ім’я    
13. by name only, adv phr They know her boyfriend by name only. not personally, by repute не особисто, заочно
14. namesake, n /'neɪmˌseɪk/ The friends turned out to be namesakes. a person or thing with the same name as someone or something else тезко/ тезка  
15. name day, n She has never celebrated her name day.   a special day celebrated each year in honour of the particular saint that a person is named after іменини; день ангела  
16. assumed name, n /əˌsjuːmd'neɪm/ He has been working under an assumed name for six years. a name that a person uses to hide his or her identity and conceal his or her activity вигадане ім’я    
17. alias, n /'eɪlɪəs/ In Paris she lived under the alias Zora Monro. an assumed name   вигадане ім’я  
18. nickname, n /'nɪkˌneɪm/ The classmates gave him a very funny nickname. an informal name for someone or something, especially a name that you are called by your friends or family, usually based on your real name or your character прізвисько  
19. pet name, n Her grandmother always calls her by a pet name. a name or a term of address used to express affection for a person, thing, etc. зменшувально-пестливе ім’я  
20. pen name, n The playwright wrote his numerous plays under a pen name. a name chosen by a writer to use instead of using his or her real name when publishing books письменницький псевдонім  
21. pseudonym, n /'sjuːdənɪm/ A young writer decided to write under a pseudonym. a name someone uses instead of their real name, especially on a written work псевдонім  
22. stage name, n We know this actress only by her stage name. the name different from his or her real name that an actor or performer is publicly known by сценічний псевдонім  
23. call (someone) names, v phr Billy cried when the other kids called him names. to call someone by an abusive or insulting name ображати, обзивати
24. under the name of, n phr The critics praised the detective stories written under the name of Kramer. using the false name of під іменем
25. in the name of, n phr    
1) In the name of mercy, stop that screaming! 1) with appeal to 1) в ім’я
2) Open, in the name of the law! 2) by the authority of 2) іменем
3) Here you can’t purchase anything in the name of another. 3) on behalf of 3) від імені  
4) It was the money deposited in the name of his son. 4) under the name or possession of 4) від імені; під іменем
26. in name only, adv phr Theirs was a marriage in name only. something that exists in name only has an official name, but has none of the qualities that you think of when you hear that name лише номінально
27. in all but name, n phr This young man was the vice-president in all but name. existing as a fact but not officially described that way фактично, де факто, на ділі
28.   drop names, v phr The boss was in the habit of dropping names. to mention a name or the names of important or famous people (often as if they were personal friends) in order to impress the listener “козиряти” відомими іменами; фамільярно згадувати славетні імена  
29.   good name, n Her friends did their utmost to protect her good name. the good opinion that people have of someone or something [= reputation] гарна репутація; добре ім’я (особи)


1. nuclear family, n /'njuːklɪəˌfæm(ə)lɪ/ They were a nuclear family of three. a social unit composed of two parents and one or more children; a core of an extended family мала родина; нуклеарна родина; родина, що складається з батьків і дітей
2. immediate family, n /ɪ'miːdɪət ˌfæm(ə)lɪ/ The rest of her immediate family lived in Madrid. the members of the family who are most closely related to somebody, for example one’s parents, children, brothers and sisters найближчі родичі
3. extended family, n /ɪk'stendɪd ˌfæm(ə)lɪ/ Yesterday our new groupmate told about the structure of his extended family. a type of family in which relatives in addition to parents and children (such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) live in a single household велика родина; розширена родина (яка включає, крім батьків, дітей, також найближчих родичів)
4. one-parent family, n (BrE) = single-parent family, n (AE) The film star grew up in a one-parent family. a family in which only one parent lives in the home and looks after the children неповна сім’я
5. two-parent family, n The tutor dwelled on the advantages of two-parent families. a family consisting of a mother, a father and at least one dependent child повна сім’я
6. close-knit family, n The girl was very proud of her close-knit family. a family, members of which have strong relationships with each other and take a close, friendly interest in each other’s activities and problems міцна родина, згуртована родина
7. tight-knit family, n Theodore was born to a tight-knit family. a family, members of which are bound together by strong relationships and common interests згуртована родина, дружна родина
8. large family, n He loves being a member of a large family. a group of people linked by blood, adoptive, or marital ties, or the common-law equivalent, that is of a greater than average quantity велика родина
9. huge family, n All these noisy people made up a huge family. a group of people linked by blood, adoptive, or marital ties, or the common-law equivalent, that is of exceedingly great quantity величезна родина
10. childless family, n Childless families have no child-related expenses. a family that does not have any children бездітна сім’я
11. adoptive family, n /ə'dɒptɪvˌfæm(ə)lɪ/ He was brought up by adoptive family in London. a family that adopts a child of other parents as its own child   прийомна сім’я
12. foster family, n The man was brought up in a foster family. a family, members of which are not the child’s/ children’s legal parents, but who take care of a child/ children, usually for a limited time названа сім’я, прийомна сім'я
13. well-off family, n The singer grew up in a well-off family. a family that has a lot of money, or enough money to have a good standard of living заможна сім’я
14. low-income family, n phr They offer rental vouchers to those low-income families who are struggling with their housing expenses. a family that does not have or earn much money малозабезпечена сім’я
15. hard-up family, n phr Some of the pupils are from hard-up families. a family greatly in need of something, especially money бідна сім’я; сім’я у скрутному становищі
16. family ties, n pl Their family ties are rather weak. a bond or connection between family members сімейні узи
17. family structure, n phr They decided to study their family structure. the composition and membership of the family and the organization and patterning of relationships among individual family members склад родини
18. parent, n /'pɛərənt/ Her parents have always shared the household duties. a father or a mother   батько/ мати
19. stepfather, n /'stepˌfɑːðə/ / stepmother, n /'stepˌmʌðə/ The boys live with their mother and stepfather. the man/ woman who is married to someone’s mother/ father but who is not their biological father/ mother вітчим/ мачуха    
20. stepchild, n    
1) The girl is a stepchild to a celebrity. 1) a child of one’s husband or wife by a previous marriage 1) нерідна дитина; пасинок; пасербиця
2) The longest time, children’s books were considered the stepchild of publishing. 2) any person, project etc, that is not properly treated, supported, or appreciated 2) нелюба дитина
21.   stepbrother, n/ stepsister, n The police decided to contact her stepsister first. one’s stepfather’s son/ daughter or stepmother’s son/ daughter by a previous marriage зведений брат/ зведена сестра
22. half brother, n/ half sister, n He is half brother to my neighbour. a brother/ sister to whom one is biologically related through one parent only зведений брат/ сестра; неповнорідний брат/ неповнорідна сестра
23.   foster-child, n Her five year old foster-child burst into tears. a child raised by someone who is not its natural or adoptive parent вихованець, годованець
24. foster-mother, n/ foster-father, n The man was a foster-father to three cute children. a woman/ man who acts as a mother/ father and guardian for a child in place of the child’s natural mother/ father but without legally adopting a child названа мати, годувальниця/ названий батько    
25. orphan, n /'ɔːf(ə)n/ 1) He died at the age of 39 and left his two children orphans. 1) a child who has lost both parents or, less commonly, one parent through death, 1) сирота  
2) The committee is an orphan of the previous administration. 2) a person or thing that is without protective affiliation, sponsorship, etc 2) хтось (щось) позбавлений підтримки
26. adopted child, n They have raised an adopted child. a child who has been legally taken by another family to be taken care of as their own child прийомна дитина
27. adopt a child, v phr The family adopted a three year old child from Cambodia. to legally take another person’s child into one’s own family and take care of him or her as one’s own child усиновляти/ удочеряти  
28.   only child, n Being an only child has its pros and cons. a person who has no sisters or brothers, either biological or adopted єдина дитина в сім’ї  
29. sibling, n Her elder sibling was an architect. a person’s brother or sister рідний брат або рідна сестра; суро́дженик, суро́дженець
30. twins, n The woman was expecting twins. two children born at the same birth to the same mother близнята  
31. twin, n (also adj) They heard a lot about his curious twin. either of two children born at the same birth to the same mother один із близнят  
32. triplets, n /'trɪpləts/ The young woman gave birth to triplets. three children born at the same birth to the same mother трійня  
33. triplet, n (also adj) Nobody in the town has seen the third triple. The parents were proud of their triplet sons. either of three children born at the same birth to the same mother один із трійні  
34. quadruplets, n /'kwɒdrʊpləts/, /kwɒ'druːpləts/ = quads, n (infml) /'kwɒdz/ The man turned out to be the father of quadruplets. four children born at the same birth to the same mother четверня  
35. quadruplet, n /'kwɒdrʊplət/, /kwɒ'druːplət/ = quad, n /'kwɒd/ (also adj) The tiniest quad was blue-eyed. either of four children born at the same birth to the same mother   один із четверні  
36. blood brother/sister,n=full brother/sister, n    
1) I didn’t know you had a blood sister. 1) a brother/ sister by birth   рідний брат/ рідна сестра, повнорідний брат/ повнорідна сестра
2) The men vowed mutual fidelity and become blood brothers. 2) a male person bound to another by ties of great friendship; a female bound to another one in commitment and friendship by a ceremonial mingling of blood побратим, відданий друг/ подруга
37. blood relative, n The celebrity has a few blood relatives. a person who is related to another through a common ancestor, and not merely by marriage or adoption кровний родич
38. near relative/ relation, n =close relative, n We invited all our near relatives to the party. a member of your family who has a very close relationship to you, such as a parent or sister близький родич
39. next of kin, n We cannot release the names of the soldiers who were killed until we have informed their next of kin. a person’s nearest relative or relatives найближчий родич
40. distant relative, n A distant relative of hers became the winner of the national lottery. a member of a family who is not closely related далекий родич  
41. single, adj /'sɪŋɡ(ə)l/ Her brother remained single until the age of 30. unmarried or not in a romantic relationship неодружений, неодружена
42. bachelor, n /'bætʃələ/ Brandon was considered to be a confirmed bachelor. a man who has never been married; an unmarried man холостяк
43. old maid, n= spinster, n These two were followed by their spinster friends. an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage стара діва; незаміжня жінка, дівиця
44. betrothed, adj /bɪ'trəʊðd/ (also n) = engaged,adj /ɪn'geɪʤd/ She was betrothed to his brother. engaged to be married to someone заручений; засватаний
45. bride, n He made her his bride. a woman who is getting married, or who has recently married наречена, молода  
46. groom, n They were looking forward to meeting the mother of the groom. a man who is about to get married or has just got married наречений, молодий  
47. fiancé, n /fɪ'ɒnseɪ/ (BrE), /fɪ'ɑːn(t)seɪ/ (AE) Her daughter’s fiancé is a doctor. a man engaged to be married   наречений
48. fiancée, n /fɪ'ɒnseɪ/ (BrE), /fɪ'ɑːn(t)seɪ/ (AE) His fiancée’s parents have been living in Italy since 2000. a woman engaged to be married наречена
49.     spouse-to be, n /'spaʊs tə ˈbiː/ The friends shared their ideas of their spouses-to be. a person’s future husband or wife майбутній чоловік/ майбутня дружина
50. hen night/party, n (BrE)= bachelorette party, n /ˌbæʧələ'ret/ (AE) I was the only one of her college friends to attend the hen party, which I enjoyed. a party for a woman who is going to get married, to which only her female friends are invited дівич-вечір
51. stag night/party, n (BrE)=bachelor party, n (AE) Her husband to be, Graham, had opted not to have a stag night and we were onto the relative pros and cons of this. a party for a man who is going to get married, to which only his male friends are invited парубоцька вечірка
52. prenuptial agreement, n /priːˌnʌpʃ(ə)l əˈɡriːmənt/ (infl prenup) He asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement when they got engaged. an official document signed by two people before they get married that says what will happen to their possessions and/or children if they divorce шлюбний контракт
53. dowry, n /'daʊrɪ/ The dowry of his wife amounted to fifty thousand dollars. money and property that, in some cultures, a woman’s family gives to her husband when they get married придане, посаг
54. married, adj They have been married for 25 years. joined in marriage; having a husband or a wife одружений, одружена
55. marriage, n /'mærɪdʒ/ In an arranged marriage, the bride and the groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together, or the official ceremony that results in this шлюб, заміжжя, одруження, шлюбна церемонія, весілля
56. get married, v phr Her neighbours got married in their twenties. to enter into marriage одружитися
57. marry, v /'mærɪ/    
1) They married a month after they met. 1) to enter into marriage   1) одружитися  
2) She married him two years ago. 2) to take as a spouse 2) одружитися з кимось
3) They married their daughter to a nobleman. 3) to give in marriage   3) віддати заміж; оженити
4) The rabbi married the couple. 4) to perform a marriage ceremony for 4) здійснити для когось церемонію одруження
5) She has always wanted to marry money. 5) to obtain by marriage   5) отримати шляхом одруження
58. newlywed, n The couple were given a special discount for newlyweds. a recently married person молодий/ молода
59. spouse, n /'spaʊs/ Both spouses stayed at home at the weekend. a person’s partner in marriage; a person’s husband or wife чоловік/ дружина
60. husband, n /'hʌzbənd/ Her jealous husband wondered where she had been. a woman’s partner in marriage; a married man чоловік
61. wife, n He married his wife Jane sixteen years ago. a man’s partner in marriage; a married woman дружина  
62. in-law, n She was not in the habit of spending her holiday with her in-laws. a relative by marriage родич чоловіка/ родич дружини
63. parent-in-law, n He had complete faith that what his parent-in-law did was right. the father or mother of one’s wife or husband батько або мати дружини або чоловіка
64. mother-in-law, n She has already, through her future mother-in-law, heard of a place that will suit her. the mother of one’s wife or husband свекруха; теща
65. father-in-law, n Your father-in-law called me last night, by the way, to tell me that he was coming to the ceremony. the father of one’s wife or husband свекор; тесть
66. daughter-in-law, n The woman had three daughters-in-law. the wife of one’s son невістка
67. son-in-law, n Nick will soon become the CEO’s son-in-law. the husband of one’s daughter зять
68. sister-in-law, n She presented her sister-in-law with a necklace. the sister of one’s spouse; the wife of one’s sibling; the wife of the sibling of one’s spouse невістка (братова), зовиця, своячка
69. brother-in-law, n Her adventurous brother-in-law is fond of surfing. the brother of one’s spouse; the husband of one’s sibling; the husband of the sibling of one’s spouse   зять (чоловік сестри), шурин, дівер, свояк
70. widow, n /'wɪdəʊ/ His property had been left to his widow. a woman whose spouse has died and who has not remarried вдова  
71. widower, n /'wɪdəʊə/ Ten years later her widower remarried. a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried вдівець  
72. separate, v 1) Her parents separated when she was very young.     1) to stop living together as a couple     1) розлучатися, розходитися, жити нарізно
2) She was separated from her husband last year. 2) to cause (one person) to stop living with another, or to cause (a couple) to stop living together, often by decree 2) розлучити
73. separation, n    
1) The couple could hardly bear so long a separation. 1) the condition of being apart, especially the condition of two people, who had lived together or been married, living in different places 1) окреме проживання (про подружжя)    
2) Her only regret was for a partial separation from friends. 2) the act of separation or state of being separated 2) розлука  
74. split up, prh v The couple split up after a year of marriage. to part or separate, as through disagreement розійтися, розлучитися
75. divorced, adj /dɪ'vɔːst/ The politician was twice divorced. having had one’s marriage legally dissolved розлучений, розлучена
76. divorcé, n /dɪˌvɔː'siː/ Romano plays recent divorcé Joe Tranelli, a former pro golfer. a man who has been divorced and who has not married again розлучений  
77. divorcee, n /dɪˌvɔː'siː/ (BrE) =divorcée, n /dɪˌvɔː'siː/ (AE) In 2007, the couple divorced, making Solange a 20-year-old divorcée with a 3-year-old son. a divorced person, especially a woman who has been divorced and who has not married again розлучена особа, розлучена жінка  
78. divorce, v    
1) Can a police officer legally divorce a couple? 1) to separate by divorce 1) розлучити
2) Tom is going to divorce his abusive wife.   2) to break the marriage contract between oneself and one’s spouse by divorce 2) розлучитися з  
divorce, n 3) The actress was happy to get a divorce from her husband. 3) the dissolution of a marriage by a judgment of a court or by an accepted custom 3) розлучення
79. ex-husband, n The woman didn’t keep in touch with her second ex-husband. a man to whom a woman was formerly married but from whom she has now been divorced колишній чоловік
80. ex-wife, n He hasn’t heard from his ex-wife since they divorced. a woman to whom a man was formerly married but from whom he has now been divorced колишня дружина
81. paternal, adj    
1) He has always taken a paternal interest in her. 1) relating to or characteristic of a father or a fatherhood, fatherly 1) батьківський  
2) Kelly spent her holidays at her paternal aunt’s. 2) related through one’s father 2) родинний по батькові
3) The shape of his nose is paternal – looks just like his father’s. 3) received or inherited from one’s father 3) успадкований від батька
82. on father’s side, n phr She has many cousins on her father’s side of the family. in the line of descent through the father по батьковій лінії
83. maternal, adj    
1) Her feelings towards him were maternal. 1) relating to or characteristic of a mother or a motherhood, motherly 1) материнський  
2) Her maternal grandmother is still alive. 2) related through one’s mother 2) родинний по матері
3) Maternal genes dominate in developing brains, while paternal ones lead in adulthood. 3) received or inherited from one’s mother 3) успадкований від матері
84. on mother’s side, n phr Now she’s staying at her grandparents on her mother’s side. in the line of descent through the mother по материній лінії
85. grandparent, n /'ɡræn(d)ˌpɛərənt/ (grandfather, n / grandmother, n) The children are going to spend a weekend with their grandparents in the countryside. the father or mother of a person’s father or mother дідусь або бабуся
86. grandchild, n (grandson, n/ granddaughter, n) The elderly couple has the only grandchild. a child of one’s son or daughter онук або онука
87. great-grandparent, n (great-grandfather, n/great-grandmother, n) The couple became great-grandparents at the age of fifty. the parent of a grandparent прадідусь або прабабуся
88. great-aunt, n What does your great-aunt look like? an aunt of one’s father or mother, a sister of one’s grandfather or grandmother двоюрідна бабуся
89. great-uncle, n A great-uncle of mine is a very quiet man. an uncle of one’s father or mother, a brother of one’s grandfather or grandmother двоюрідний дідусь
90. cousin, n /'kʌz(ə)n/ = first cousin, n =full cousin, n She is known to be first cousin to a celebrity. a child of one’s aunt or uncle двоюрідний брат або двоюрідна сестра; кузен або кузина
91. second cousin, n The second cousin of my mother’s has just moved into a new flat. a child of a first cousin of one’s parent троюрідний брат або троюрідна сестра
92. third cousin, n My third cousin is going to spend a week in the USA. a child of a second cousin of one’s parent четвероюрідний брат або четвероюрідна сестра
93. forty-second cousin, n To be honest, I hardly know my forty-second cousins. any relative too distantly placed to be identified exactly далекий родич; “десята (сьома) вода на киселі”
94. aunt, n /'ɑːnt/ Nick’s aged aunt sends him money every year. a sister of one’s father or mother; an uncle’s wife тітка
95. uncle, n /'ʌŋk(ə)l/ They have four uncles on their father’s side. a brother of one’s father or mother; an aunt’s husband дядько
96. nephew, n /'nefjuː/, /'nevjuː/ His two-year-old nephew is playing in the yard now. a son of one’s brother or sister; a son of one’s spouse’s brother or sister племінник
97. niece, n /'niːs/ Her small pretty niece enjoys dancing.   a daughter of one’s brother or sister; a daughter of one’s spouse’s brother or sister племінниця
98. godparent, n (godfather, n/godmother, n) She wants them to become godparents to one of her twins. a person who presents a child at baptism and promises to take responsibility for their religious education хрещений батько або хрещена мати
99. godchild, n (godson, n/goddaughter, n) He is involved in the life of his godchild and they like to have fun together. in the Christian religion, a child whose moral and religious development is partly the responsibility of two or more godparents хрещеник або хрещениця
100. baptise/baptize, v /bæp'taɪz/    
1) I think your mother was baptized a Catholic. 1) to make someone officially a member of the Christian Church in a service of baptism 1) хрестити; здійснювати обряд хрещення
2) He was baptized Joshua. 2) to name a child when it is baptized 2) давати ім’я, нарікати
101. ancestor, n /'ænsestə/ We learnt a lot about our common ancestor. someone who is related to you who lived a long time ago [= forefather] предок, прабатько
102. descendant, n /dɪ'sendənt/ He turned out to be a descendant of Queen Victoria. someone who is related to a person who lived a long time ago, or to a family, group of people etc that existed in the past нащадок
103. offspring, n /'ɒfˌsprɪŋ/ Tom’s sister came over on Saturday with all her offspring. someone’s child or children нащадок, нащадки, потомство
104. pedigree, n /'pedɪɡriː/ 1) He was a gentleman of honourable pedigree.       1) someone’s parents and other family members from the past, especially in families of a high social class   1) родовід  
2) She has long wanted to make up her detailed pedigree. 2) a genealogical table, a chart of ancestors; a family tree to show ancestral history 2) генеалогічне дерево  
105. come from, phr v The twins come from a tight-knit family. to belong to a particular type of family or social group походити з
106. belong to, phr v /bɪ'lɒŋ/ The poet belongs to an ancient family. to come from or be part of a group of similar things or people належати до; походити з
107. to marry into, phr v She wants to marry into a wealthy family. to become a member of a family by marriage стати членом певної сім’ї в результаті шлюбу
108. bring up, phr v The girl was brought up by her grandmother. to look after a child until he or she becomes an adult; to teach a child to behave in a particular way виростити, виховувати
109. raise, v /'reɪz/ The orphans were raised by their grandparent. to take care of child/ children while they are growing up виховувати, ростити, вирощувати
110. spoil, v   балувати
1) They spoilt their children only at the weekend. 1) to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour  
2) She spoilt herself with a weekend in a top hotel. 2) to make somebody/ yourself happy by doing something special  
111. relationship, n    
1) Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship. 1) a connection between people; the way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other 1) відносини  
2) Yesterday they ended their year-long relationship. 2) an emotional or romantic affair 2) стосунки  
3) She claims relationship to a famous politician. 3) a connection between people by blood or marriage 3) родинний зв’язок  
112. establish a relationship with somebody, v phr Annie has established a very close relationship with her mother. to set up a connection with somebody встановити стосунки з
113. be in touch with, v phr = keep in touch with, v phr Bob keeps in touch with his distant relatives. to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them підтримувати стосунки з
114. lose touch with someone, v phr They lost touch with their cousins over the years. to stop communicating with someone, usually because they do not live near a person now втратити зв’язок з


1. childhood, n The man spent his childhood in a little town. the time or state of being a child дитинство
2. newborn, adj The newborn boys were often noisy. recently or just born новонароджений
3. baby, n His wife has just had a baby. a very young child, especially one that has not yet begun to walk and talk дитина
4. infant, n The old woman seemed to be as helpless as an infant. a child during the earliest period of its life, especially before he or she can walk немовля
5. toddler, n /'tɒdlə/ The woman had a toddler with her. a young child, usually one between the ages of one and two and a half; a young child learning to walk дитина, що починає ходити
6. child, n = kid, n (infml)   дитина, дитя
1) He was thinking about a present for his friend’s child. 1) a person between birth and full growth  
2) Her youngest child is five years old. 2) a son or daughter  
7. at one’s mother’s (orfather’s) knee, n phr She learned to knit at her mother’s knee. at an early age у ранньому віці
8. preschooler, n /'priːˌskuːlə/ Today’s average preschooler has been exposed to electronic media since birth. a child below the official school starting age, usually a child up to age five дитина дошкільного віку
9. adolescent, n /ˌædə'les(ə)nt/ Adolescents often quarrel with their parents. a young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity; being of the age 13 through 19 підліток, юнак або дівчина підліткового віку
10. youth, n /'juːθ/    
1) He was rebellious in his youth. 1) the time of being young; early life 1) молодість
2) Gangs of youths broke the windows and looted the shops. 2) a young person, especially a young man or male adolescent 2) юнак, дівчина
3) Youth everywhere is rising in revolt. 3) young people collectively 3) молодь
11. teenager, n = teen, n The TV program is aimed at teenagers. a person between the ages of 13 and 19 підліток
12. teenage, adj = teen, adj None of the attempts to explain why teenage cults happen have been entirely convincing. of or relating to the time in a person’s life between the ages of 13 and 19 inclusive підлітковий, юнацький, юний
13. in one’s teens, n phr He was in his teens when he first went abroad. a person 13 through 19 years of age у підлітковому віці
14. youngster, n Pop stars are role models for many youngsters. a young person, usually an older child молода людина, молодий юнак, молода дівчина
15. minor, n /'maɪnə/ He was happy to be no longer a minor. a person under the legal age of full responsibility неповнолітній
16. underage, adj Preventive measures to halt the sale of alcohol to those underage has been a success in the country. being not old enough for full legal rights and responsibilities неповнолітній
17. of age, n phr The money was held in trust until he came of age. being old enough for full legal rights and responsibilities повнолітній
18. come of age, v phr Of all the kids who come of age this year, how many will actually vote? reach adult status (in UK law at 18, formerly 21) досягати повноліття
19. call-up age, n Four young men of call-up age entered the room. the age at which men get an order to go to military service призовний вік
20. adult, n /'ædʌlt/ (BrE), /ə'dʌlt/ (AE) There were five of them, two being adults and three young ones. one who has attained maturity or legal age дорослий, повнолітній, зріла людина
21. grown-up, n Being a grown-up is harder than it looks. a fully-grown person; an adult дорослий, доросла людина
22. middle-aged, adj The middle-aged handsome man was her neighbour. being roughly between 45 and 65 years old середнього віку
23. ripe age, n = old age, n His grandfather lived to a ripe age. advanced in years зрілий вік; глибока старість
24. retired, adj /rɪ'taɪəd/ Her father is retired now, a retired banker. withdrawn from office, occupation, or career людина, яка вийшла на пенсію
25. pensioner, n /'penʃ(ə)nə/ It was a light vocation for elderly gentlemen and pensioners. a person who receives or lives on a pension пенсіонер
26. OAP (old age pensioner) OAPs get cheaper bus tickets. a person who receives an old age pension from the state on retiring from regular employment пенсіонер за віком
27. elderly, n (also adj) The elderly face social issues around retirement, loneliness, and ageism. an elderly person   літня людина, людина похилого віку
28. senile, adj /'siːnaɪl/ Charles was a senile old man who sincerely believed in the abiding of a buried treasure somewhere in the South Sea. relating to, or characteristic of old age; having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties   старечий
29. age, n Perhaps he has grown wiser with age. the length of time that a person or thing has existed вік
30. lifespan, n The average human lifespan in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred years. the length of time that a person lives or is expected to live тривалість життя
31. same age, n The friends’ children are the same age. the similar length of time that a person or thing has existed однаковий вік
32. peer, n /'pɪə/ Some children are easily influenced by their peers. a person who is equal to another in age, abilities, qualifications, background, and social status ровесник, рівня
33. twice as old, adj phr Her cousin is twice as old as she is. two times older вдвічі старший/ старша
34. junior, adj /'dʒuːnɪə/ My mother is five years my father’s junior younger in years молодший
35. senior, adj /'siːnɪə/ My father is five years my mother’s senior. older in years старший
36. prime of life, n phr He is in the prime of life. the best years of one’s life, when one is at the peak of one’s powers розквіт сил
37. look one’s age, v phr The man was fifty and looked his age. to appear to be as old as one really is виглядати на свій вік
38. look young for one’s age, v phr She was sixty but looked young for her age. to look younger than a person really is виглядати молодим для свого віку
39. look old for one’s age, v phr The worker looks old for his age. to look older than a person really is виглядати старим для свого віку
40. not look a day over, v phr My granny is seventy, but she doesn’t look a day over sixty. to appear to be no older than a certain age виглядати не старше певного віку
41. be taken for twenty, v phr My aunt is thirty-five, but she’s taken for twenty. to be believed or supposed to be twenty бути, на чиюсь думку, у віці 20 років
42. be in one’s early twenties, v phr Bill is in his early twenties. to be 21-23 years old бути у віці 21-23 років
43. be in one’s mid twenties, v phr She is in her mid twenties. to be 24-26 years old бути у віці 24-26 років
44. be in one’s late twenties, v phr They are in their late twenties. to be 27-29 years old бути у віці 27-29 років
45. be (on) the right side of thirty, v phr He is on the right side of thirty. to be younger than thirty бути у віці до 30 років
46. be (on) the wrong side of thirty, v phr Emily is on the wrong side of thirty. to be older than thirty бути у віці за 30 років
47. be about forty, v phr The nurse is about forty. to be approximately, nearly forty бути у віці біля 40 років
48. be fiftyish, v phr The dentist was fiftyish. to be approximately fifty бути у віці десь 50 років
49. She must be fifty if she was a day. It is probable that she is fifty or not less than fifty. Їй не менше 50 років.
50. be long past fifty, v phr The farmer is long past fifty. to be much older than fifty бути у віці далеко за 50
51. be sixty odd, v phr The software executive is sixty odd. to be older than sixty бути у віці 60 років з гаком
52. turn sixty, v phr She has already turned sixty. to reach and pass a specified age виповнитися 60
53. live to be seventy, v phr The poet lived to be seventy. to continue to be alive to the age of seventy дожити до 70 років
54. be famed for longevity, v phr /lɒn'dʒevətɪ/ His relatives are famed for their longevity. to be famous for a long life бути відомим довгим віком
55. outlive, v He outlived his wife by five years. to live longer than somebody пережити
56. approach, v = come up to, phr v My grandfather is approaching eighty. to come near or nearer in age незабаром виповнитися; наближатися до певного віку


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