UNIT 4 Key Management Skills
Management is tasks. Management is discipline.
But management is also people.
Peter Drucker, Austrian-American management guru
A. Which of these statements do you agree with? Explain your reasons.
A manager should:
· know when your birthday is.
· know where you are and what you're doing at all times during working hours.
· not criticize or praise.
· not interfere in disagreements between members of staff.
· not ask people to do things they're not prepared to do themselves.
· be available at all times to give staff advice and support.
· use polite language at all times.
· work longer hours than their staff.
USEFUL TIPS A skill is the ability to engage in a set of behaviours that are functionally related to one another and that lead to a desired performance level in a given area. | What is management? What are the major functions of a manager? What does a manager need to fulfil these functions? |
B. Discuss with your partner the following characteristics of what makes a good manager. Rank them in order of importance:
q ability to get on well with colleagues
q technical knowledge
q experience of management in different industrial sectors
q ability to make people laugh
q willingness to work up to 60 hours a week
q confidence in making decisions
q concern for well-being of every employee from the top to the bottom of an organization
q ability to understand details of company activity
q ability to plan and understand corporate objectives
q knowledge of the world
q highly educated and cultured individual with wide range of personal interests
q commitment to making money
q stable health and psychological make-up
q supportive family
q ability to motivate
q ability to delegate
Can you prove that besides management skills a manager needs a knowledge base? What does a knowledge base include? | USEFUL TIPS A knowledge base is information about an industry and its technology, company policies and practices, company goals, company culture, the personalities of key organization members, important suppliers and customers. |
A. Complete column 2 of the table with opposite meanings. Use the prefixes in-, ir-, un-, il- or dis-. Then complete column 3 with the noun forms.
1. Adjective | 2. Opposite adjective | 3. Noun form |
Considerate Creative Decisive Diplomatic Efficient Flexible Inspiring Interested Logical Organised Rational Responsible Sociable Supportive | Inconsiderate | consideration |
B. Choose the four best qualities of a manager from the list above. Then choose the four worst qualities and rank them (1 = worst).
C. Discuss your answers to Exercise B. What other management qualities or weaknesses can you add?
D. Match these pairs of contrasting management styles.
1 Autocratic 2 centralising 3 directive 4 empowering 5 hands on 6 task-orientated | a) collaborative b) controlling c) delegating d) democratic e) people-orientated f) laissez-faire |
E. It is difficult to find universal agreement on the specific personality and professional characteristics which make a good manager.
Do you think that the words “a manager” and “a leader” imply the same?
Answer the following questions (usually, sometimes, rarely) to find out if you are a natural leader.
q When you know a subordinate is having difficulties with a task, can you resist the temptation to take over immediately?
q Can you stay calm at times of crisis?
q Are you comfortable with change?
q Can you create an atmosphere of enthusiasm among a group of people?
q In the middle of day-to-day problems can you concentrate on future needs?
q Can you discard your own ideas and accept other people's in their place?
q Do you give credit to people for their contributions?
q Can you 'put yourself in someone else's shoes': understand their motivations when they are different from your own?
q Do you have a consistent approach to problems?
q Do you praise other people whenever you can?
q Can you keep a secret?
q Do you set high standards and clear objectives?
q Do you take an interest in other people's lives?
q Can you accept that a subordinate may understand the technical aspects of the job better than you?
q Can you act decisively when time is short?
Score 2 points for each “usually” and 1 point for each “sometimes”.
25-30: a natural leader or a natural liar.
15-24: a safe pair of hands.
0-14: no comment.