A programming language is an artificial language that can be used to control the behaviour of a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages, like human languages, are defined through the use of syntactic and semantic rules, to determine structure and meaning respectively. Programming languages are used to facilitate communication about the task of organizing and manipulating information, and to express
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УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕАнглийский язык «Информационные технологии и коммуникации» Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом Астраханского государственного технического университета в качестве учебного пособия для студентов
О.В. ФЁДОРОВА Е.В.ХАМИС Е.В.МЕЗИНААНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКВ сфере компьютерных и телекоммуникационных технологийУЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕАнглийский язык «Информационные технологии и коммуникации» Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским
Lomonosov Moscow State University is the oldest and the most prestigious university of Russia. Moscow University was founded in 1755 on Saint Tatiana’s Day at the Decree of the Empress Elizaveta and on the initiative of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. The day of Moscow University’s foundation is celebrated as the Student’s Day in Russia. Started with three faculties in 1755, Moscow State
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering is a newly structured department operating from 1st January 2013. Research fields in the Department are Advanced Electronics Systems, Electronic and Biomaterials and Manufacturing, and Communication and Positioning Circuits and Systems. The department has a modern, forward-looking research agenda that is both scientifically ambitious and industrially relevant
Most people are familiar with older, more traditional engineering fields such as mechanical, civil, or electrical. Software Engineering is a relatively new discipline, but in today’s increasingly interconnected world, it is becoming more and more important. Engineering differs from Computer Science or Web Design in that you are formulating how the overall software system functions, and how it works within its
Russia’s higher education system started with the foundation of the universities in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. The system was constructed similar to that of Germany. In Soviet times all of the population in Russia had at least a school education. The pursuit of higher education was and still is considered to be very prestigious. More than 50% of people have a higher education.
Пользовательский формат Всем известно, что данные в ячейке могут представлять собой число, текст или значение ошибки. Как отображаются те или иные данные в ячейке, зависит от примененного формата. В Excel существует множество
-"Собери модель по ориентирам". Педагог диктует ребятам, куда выставить деталь определённой формы и цвета. Используются следующие ориентиры положения: "левый верхний угол", "левый нижний угол", "правый верхний
Задачи: 1.Закрепить навыки анализа объекта по иллюстрации, выделения его основных частей. 2.Обучить использованию подвижных и крутящихся деталей. 3.Обучить детей моделированию ковша. Материал: - раздаточный - минимальный набор
Подготовила:Педагог МБОУ СОШ №37Ляшенко И.С.Г.Белгород -2015г.СОДЕРЖАНИЕ1. LEGO- технология в учебно-воспитательном процессе дошкольного учреждения………………………………………3 2. Проект « Страна Лего»…………………………………………5 3.
Использование конструктора «ЛЕГО» в работе с дошкольниками иПервым классом (внеурочная деятельность)Подготовила:Педагог МБОУ СОШ №37Ляшенко И.С.Г.Белгород -2015г.СОДЕРЖАНИЕ1. LEGO- технология в учебно-воспитательном процессе
You can't carry a computer as easily as you can a newspaper, but you'll find a lot of other things to like about online newspapers. More than 100 daily papers in the United States and Canada publish electronic editions. You can connect with them using your computer, a modem and Internet browser. Online newspapers have the most up-to-date news. Both USA Today and The San Jose (Calif). Mercury News add stories to
STRADFORD 1. Stradford, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, is a very interesting town, right in the centre of England .Stradford – upon – Avon possesses a peculiar English character, derived from it, unique heritage of natural setting history and literary associations. Year by year the fame of its long established Shakespeare Festivals spreads as increasing number of visitors from all parts of the world come
NORTHERN IRELAND. Northern Ireland is the smallest component of the United Kingdom. It occupies Northeast of the island of Ireland, only one-sixth of its territory. Northern Ireland contains six of the nine counties of the historic province of Ulster and that is why the name “Ulster“ is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland. Its capital city is Belfast. For seven centuries Ireland was a colony of
V. Найдите в тексте предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.VI. Сделайте письменный перевод 4 и 5 абзацев текста. SCOTLAND. Although Scotland takes up one third of the territory of the British Isles, its population is not very big. It is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain and is not far away from
//arb2014_binary_read_write_2 #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; void main() { const int n=80; ifstream in("arb.txt"); ofstream out("out.bin", ios::binary); if(!in) { cout<<"can't open file!"; exit(1); } char mch; in.getline(mch,80); int k=strlen(mch); in.close(); out.write((char*) mch, k*sizeof(char)); out.close();
Функции add, subtr,mult – возвращают указатель на массив, можно использовать выражения d=mult(add(a,b,n),a,n); //arb2014_array_3_function #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int** create(ifstream &f , int n ) { int i,j; int **x=new int*; for(i=0;i<n;i++) x=new int; for(i=0;i<n;i++)