Unit iii. Making thingsand selling them on-line
Задание 1. Произнесите слова, обращая внимание на произношение ударных гласных:
a. stock, store, wages, launch, labour, craft, shop, fault, waste, type
b. warehouse, wholesale, retail, output, shortage, knowledge, service, quantity, industry, specialized, salary, customer, excess, input
c. produce, capacity, finance, design, sophisticated, negotiate, equipment
d. employee, machinery,transformation, sophistication
Задание2. Используя словарь, изучите слова и их производные. Заполните таблицу, подразделяя слова на части речи, например:
Глагол (v) | Cуществитель-ное (n) | Прилагательное (adj) | Наречие(adv) |
exceed | excess | excessive | excessively |
1. stock (v) – stockholder(n) – stock (n)
2. store (v) – storage (n) – store (n)
3. produce (v) – produce (n) – production (n) – productive (adj) – productivity (n)
4. handle (v) – handled (adj)
5. effect(v) – effect (n) – effective (adj) – effectively (adv)
Припомощисловарясоставьтеаналогичнуютаблицудлядругихслов: shortage, launch, industry, equip,transform, operate, sophisticate, specialize
Задание 3.Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.
at full capacity, product launch, excess capacity, manufacturing company, British-manufactured goods, lean production, assembly plant, goods in stock, finished goods, skilled workers, negotiate the order, storage payment, handling charges, assembly line, labour-intensive production
Задание 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.
1. Produce refers to agricultural products such as crops or fruit.
2. If I the plant is producing the maximum amount of goods t, it is working at full capacity.
3. If the organization is producing more than what is needed, there is overproduction or: excess capacity, spare capacity, overcapacity, surplus capacity.
4. Products that are being made are work-in-progress.
5. The workers are normally paid wages for working a certain number of hours each week.
6. If a worker works more than his required number of hours, he works overtime, and he is paid at overtime rates.
7. If there is a labour problem or industrial unrest, the union shop steward might enter into negotiations with the management on behalf of the workers.
Задание 5. Вставьте слова(даны ниже), необходимые по смыслу.
a. Steve is head of car production at a… . At his plant on the assembly line skilled workers mass-produce cars. The plant is highly automated: they use a lot of machinery. This … is expensive to buy but very cost-effective. They use industrial robots. These robots are part of the CADCAM (system of computer-assisted design and …).
b. Luke has a little workshop where he … furniture ordered by individual … .We don’t use machinery; the furniture is hand-made. Producing furniture like this is a …industry. It’s very labour-intensive: it takes a lot of work to produce each piece. Many people dislike the furniture that big companies churn out in large numbers on their …lines, so we have a lot of customers’.
(customers, assembly line , craft, manufacturing plant, produces, production, manufacturing, equipment)
Задание 6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Making things efficiently, cheaply and without waste is called lean production.
2.The men working on the shop floor in the factory operate the machinery.
Задание 8. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:
а. Найдите в тексте слова, о значении которых можно догадаться (интернациональные слова). b. Выпишитеих и вспомните, какие производные (или словосочетания) от этих слов вы знаете.
Something which is made or served to be sold is known as product. Products are produced or manufactured. A company or a country that produces something is a producer of it. A company that manufactures something is a maker or manufacturer of manufactured goods.
Production is the transformation of raw materials into goods and services that are sold to other businesses or to the consumer. Making things efficiently and as cheaply and quickly as possible and without waste is called lean production. In a wholesale or retail business, the purchase of articles for resale takes the place of production.
Productivity is a measure of how much is produced in relation to the number of employees. Output is the number or type of things that a plant, a company, industry or country produces. The maximum amount that a particular plant, company or industry can produce is its capacity. If far too many things are produced, there is a glut of these things. If not enough goods are being produced, there is a shortage.
Product launch is the moment when the product is officially made available for sale. This is the ‘big moment’. If a design effect or design fault is found in a product after it has been launched, the company may have to recall it, asking those who have bought it to return it, perhaps so that the defect can be corrected.
Materials and parts are just some of the inputs. The others are labour (workers and managers) and capital (money). Knowledge is also important if manufactures want to be leaders in technology. At any one time, manufactures have goods worth millions of dollars in their factories and warehouses: the products that have been made – the finished goods and materials and components. Quantities of raw materials, components, work-in-progress and finished goods in a particular place are stocks. Of course, it costs money to keep components and goods in stock: stocks have to be financed (paid for), stored (perhaps in special buildings: warehouses) and handled (moved from one place to another).
The men who actually produce the goods in the assembly plant (or factory) are known as the workers (or labour force). The men working on the shop floor in the factory operate the machinery (or equipment). Workers who have specialized skills or who are trained to operate sophisticated equipment are called skilled workers.
Задание 9. Расположите утверждения данные ниже в той последовательности, в какой они даны в тексте.
1. There are three important components of production.
2. To keep things in stock needs money.
3. The transformation of raw materials into goods and services is called production.
4. The maximum capacity to be produced is the capacity of the plant.
5. Workers are specially trained to operate sophisticated equipment.
Задание 10. Подберите определения к словам в левой колонке.
1. production 2. warehouse 3. lean production 4. assembly plant 5. skilled workers 6. product 7. productivity | a. operate sophisticated machinery b. production line c. special place to keep components and goods d. a measure of how much is produced e. something to be sold or served f. making things quickly, cheaply and without waste g. specially trained workers |
Задание11. Закончитепредложения, используяинформациютекста.
1. Workers who have specialized skills …
2. A company that manufactures something …
3. The type of things that a plant …
4. The company may have to recall …
5. There is a shortage …
6. Stocks have to be …
a. if not enough goods are being produced.
b. a maker of manufactured goods.
c. financed, stored and handled.
d. are called skilled workers.
e. produces is the output.
f. if a design fault is found in a product.
Задание 12. Замените слова, используя лексику текста.
1. Let’s get the materials in only when we need them to keep costs down.
2. It’s difficult to find the right special buildings to put our finished goods in.
3. You will have to decide well in advance how to pay for all this.
4. It’s very important that we keep these components at the right temperature.
5. There must be a quicker and cheaper method than this!
6. They want to introduce a system of making things efficiently.
(warehouses, to finance, just-in-time, lean production, to store, more efficient)
Задание 13. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What is a product?
2. How can you define lean production?
3. What do you call the maximum amount of goods produced?
4. What is necessary for production of goods?
5. Where are manufactured goods stored?
6. Does it cost much money to keep things in stock?
7. Who do call skilled workers?
Задание 14. Составьте рассказ, используя фрагменты высказывания.
1. work. Of course, we still have a lot of assembly.
2. plant producing TVs in Singapore. We have two production.
3. My name is George Chen, and I’m director of a manufacturing.
4. lines working 24 hours a day. We use CAD.
5. line workers, so it’s still quite labour-
6. intensive. But with the help of computer –
7. CAM, and robots do some assembly.
8. assisted design and automation, productivity is increasing.
Задание 15. Прочитайтефрагментдиалога. Дайте оценку характеру производства выпускаемых изделий.
A.‘I’m Steve and I’m head of car production at a manufacturing plant. ‘Plant’ sounds more modern than factory or works. On the assembly line we mass-produce cars. The plant is highly automated: we use a lot of machinery. These machines are expensive to buy but very cost-effective – we don’t have to pay them wages! We use industrial robots. These robots are part of the CADCAM system of computer-assisted design and manufacturing.’
B.‘My name is Luke. I have a little workshop where I produce furniture ordered by individual customers. We don’t use machinery; the furniture is hand-made. Producing furniture like this is a craft industry. It’s very labour-intensive: it takes a lot of work to produce each piece. Many people dislike the furniture that big companies churn out in large numbers on their production lines, so we have a lot of customers’.
Задание 16. Прочитайте текст и расскажите об основных направлениях развития промышленности в Южной Корее.
Hereishowindustryhasdeveloped in South Korea. In 1950, South Korea was a poor country, with most people living and working on the land. The government decided to industrialize, and the new emerging industries were textiles, and heavy industries like steel and shipbuilding. In the 1970s South Korea turned more and more to light industries like electronics, making electrical goods such as television cheaply. It is also producing cars. South Korea moved into specialized electronics in the 80s. This was one of the growth industries of the 1990s: making specialized parts for computers and communications equipment.
Задание 17. Изучитетаблицунекоторыхвидовделовойактивности. В какой отрасли вы хотели бы работать и почему?
Manufacturing sector | Service sector | ||
Cars(BrE) Automobiles(AmE) | cars | Catering | restaurants, bars, etc. |
computer hardware | computers, printers, etc. | computer software | programs for computers |
construction | buildings | financial services | banking, insurance, etc. |
household goods | washing machines, refrigerators, etc. | healthcare | medical care |
steel | a stronger, more useful metal than iron | media | books, newspapers, film, television, etc. |
textiles | cloth and clothes | property (BrE) real estate (AmE) | buying, selling and managing buildings |
food processing | canned and frozen foods | retail | shops |
defence (BrE) defense (AmE) | arms, weapons | telecommunications | phone, Internet services |
aerospace | planes and space vehicles | leisure | sport, theme parks, etc. |
tourism | travel, holidays |
Задание18. Ккакойизперечисленныхнижеситуациймогутотноситьсяопределения:businessprocessreengineering;continuousimprovement;a process of reworking;benchmarking;conformity to specifications. Прокомментируйтекаждуюситуацию.
1.A police service reduces the number of forms to be filled in when a crime is reported, first from fifteen to twelve, then to ten, then to seven, then to three.
2.A travel company closes all its high street shops, lays off middle managers and half of its sales assistants and retrains the others to sell on the phone. It also starts an Internet service.
3.A telephone company looks at other telephone companies to see which one issues bills with fewest mistakes to the customers. It then copies this company’s methods to reduce the mistakes in its own bills.
4.Most parcel companies deliver 70 per cent of parcels by 10am the next day, but one company has an advanced computer system that enables it to achieve an 80 per cent delivery rate.
5.An Internet banking service starts by allowing customers to see how much money they have in their accounts, and the latest transactions in the order they took place. Six months later customers can view the transactions in different orders. Three months later, they can make payments using the Internet service, which they could not before.