II. Study the application form carefully and fill it in.
1. NAME (as written on official documents):____________________________ (Family Name)
(First Name) (Middle/Patronymic)
2. COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP:_____________________________________
3. COUNTRY OF LEGAL Residence:______________________________
4. PLACE OF BIRTH: ______________________________________________
(City or Town) (Country)
5. DATE OF BIRTH:_______________________________________________
(Month) (Day) (Year)
6. GENDER:Male: ____________________ Female: ____________________
7. MARITAL STATUS:SingleMarried
CITIZENSHIP OF SPOUSE(if applicable):___________________________
8. CURRENT HOME ADDRESS: Is this a dormitory address? Yes No
Street/Building Number: ____________________________________________
Apartment: ____________________
City: _________________________ Postal Index: _______________________
Region or Oblast: _________________________________________________
Country: ________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________ Fax: _____________Email: _________________
Cell phone (if applicable): __________________________________________
Street/Building Number: ____________________________________________
Apartment: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________ Postal Index: ______________________
Region or Oblast __________________________________________________
Country: _________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________ Fax: _____________Email: _________________
Cell phone (if applicable): ___________________________________________
9. CURRENT ACADEMIC INSTITUTION: ____________________________
FACULTY/DEPARTMENT: ________________________________________
Street: ___________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ Postal Index: ______________________
Country: ________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________ Fax: _____________
10. PRESENT COURSE YEAR: First Second Third* (*only for students enrolled in 5-year university programs)
11. EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE (month/year):____________________
Signature of applicant ______________________________ Date _____________
Part II. Character
Word List
absent-minded | рассеянный |
reserved | скрытный, необщительный |
bossy | любящий командовать, распоряжаться; |
rude | грубый, невоспитанный |
sensible | благоразумный, здравомыслящий |
sensitive | впечатлительный, чуткий; ранимый |
generous | великодушный, благородный, добрый |
impatient | нетерпеливый, раздражающийся |
helpful | услужливый, любезный, |
persistent | настойчивый, упорный |
trustworthy | надёжный |
reliable | надёжный; верный, |
stubborn | а) упрямый б) непреклонный, твёрдый |
spoilt | избалованный |
hypocritical | лицемерный |
easy-going | беспечный, добродушно-весёлый, беззаботный |
indecisive | нерешительный |
jealous | 1) ревнивый; 2) завистливый |
determined | решительный |
artless | простодушный, бесхитростный |
mean | скупой |
flexible | покладистый; сговорчивый |
III. Which of them are positive (negative) traits of character?Which of them are more attractive (less attractive) traits?
honest | jealous | brave | nervy | sympathetic |
imaginative | sociable | funny | suspicious | competitive |
quiet | lazy | flexible | cheerful | clever |
purposeful | persistent | bad-tempered | naughty | stubborn |
selfish | determined | open-minded | reliable | creative |
generous | polite | miserable | reserved | sensible |
ambitious | conservative | shameless | kind | careless |
depressive | artless | caring | sensitive | responsible |
cruel | gloomy | aggressive | inventive | obedient |
trustworthy | trustful | romantic | punctual | tolerant |
careful | mean | shy | loyal | intelligent |
communicative | talkative | energetic | calm | changeable |
hypocritical | diplomatic | serious | warm-hearted | friendly |
IV. Match the words with similar meaning.
clever | a | reliable | |
cunning | b | courageous | |
forgetful | c | bright | |
self-confident | d | idle | |
lazy | e | active | |
brave | f | foxy | |
energetic | g | self-assured | |
trustworthy | h | absent-minded |
V. Match the unfavourable adjectives on the left with the corresponding favourable adjectives on the right.
even-tempered | a | reserved | |
hard-working | b | open-minded | |
humorous | c | cruel | |
witty | d | nervous | |
outgoing | e | ill-bred | |
generous | f | dull | |
kind | g | quick-tempered | |
well-bred | h | boring | |
narrow-minded | i | mean | |
depressive | j | idle | |
relaxed | k | cheerful |
VI. Form the opposite using a suitable prefix or suffix.
IN- | IM- | UN- | DIS- | -LESS | IL- |
competent | mature | imaginative | obedient | tactful | logical |
efficient | patient | enthusiastic | respectful | helpful | responsible |
flexible | practical | reliable | organized | thoughtful | |
sensitive | polite | predictable | honest | ||
considerate | intelligent | loyal | |||
decisive | tidy | ||||
dependent | sociable | ||||
tolerant | friendly | ||||
kind |
VII. Which qualities do you think:
a) are needed in a good friend?
b) are required in a dangerous situation?
c) are hoped for in a good parent?
e.g.A good friend should be loyal, never betray other people.
VIII. The following adjectives describe people’s character. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective.